MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 536 Seal black

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The mountain looked up and looked at the moon that was emitting white light. It took a deep breath and controlled the water in the air to condense into a thin layer of opaque ice walls covering the entire battlefield between Uchiha and the moon.

As soon as the ice wall appeared, it blocked the moonlight. Without the creeping branches on the moonlight battlefield, the reincarnation in the pupils of the ninjas gradually disappeared, but the consciousness still did not return.

Yu Zhibo saw a brow in the situation below. He did not expect that the ice in the mountains could resist the infinite monthly reading.

The Uchiha wave spot controls the autumn road jade into a black tin can, waving the tin bar to the upper ice wall.

There is no vision in the mountains and it is not so easy to destroy his ice.

"Xiao Lin, help me collect some water, the water in the air is not enough."

Xiaolin nodded, closed his eyes and summoned the surrounding water source.

In the middle of the mountain, the water called by Xiao Lin turned into four ice walls, standing in the four directions of the battlefield, completely blocking the moonlight.

Then he opened the enchantment scroll made by Mei Ming and others and transferred the enchantment to the ice wall.

At the moment when the enchantment transfer was completed, the battlefield was completely separated from the world of forbearance and became an independent space. If you don't break the enchantment, don't say the moonlight, and nothing can enter the battlefield.

The moonlight was completely cut off, the branches of the underground were shrunk back, and the ninja coalition on the battlefield returned to normal.

The coalition forces face each other, they do not know what has just happened, the only impression is that the red moon with the nine jade.

Yu Zhibo saw the face of the normal recovery of the coalition's face changed. He spent so much effort to start an infinite monthly reading, and was actually cracked by a few pieces of ice in the mountains.

Yu Zhi wave spots fell from the sky and slowly walked to the front of the mountain: "Mountain Zhongyuan, you are very good! You succeeded in angering me."

In the middle of the mountain, he smiled and laughed: "What about anger?"

"You **** it!" said Yu Zhibo's control of the beggar behind him.

In the middle of the mountain, he took a kick and asked for a jade to fly. He said with a little sarcasm: "Seeking jade is very powerful, but unfortunately it is useless to me."

"You... can you actually touch the road and ask for jade? How is this possible!"

"Do you think that only one of you has such power?" said that the body of the mountain is turned into ice blue, and the body is still emitting white ice fog.

Uchiha has never seen this state of the mountain, but his instincts tell him that such a mountain is far from dangerous.

"Is this state also the power of six immortals?" Uchiha waved a serious look.

"No, no, this is my own strength, which I got after combining the reincarnation with the ten tails and my own ice."

"Ten tails? Where are you coming from?" Uchiha wave spots caught the key points in the mountains.

Nowadays, there is nothing to hide in the mountains. He took Xiaolin out of the pockets and said to Yu Zhibo: "I can have ten tails thanks to your generosity."

Remember our first sight? At that time, I escaped from Wujiu Village. You let White take me to see you. I got the arm of the Outer Road Golem from you. ”

"You mean...this is impossible. When you didn't have a kaleidoscope, how could you know the secret of the gossip?"

"I naturally have my way, or say back to the end of the ten! After getting the arm of the outer road golem, I use this arm as the carrier, put the tail animal Chakra, which was collected before, and then take it from the fog The three-and-a-half-soul soul that nourishes the ten-tailed soul makes it aware of itself.

After that, I abolished a lot of effort, collecting the chakras one to nine, and finally got their own ten tails.

Compared to the instinctual monster in your body, Xiaolin is ten thousand times stronger than it is in terms of intelligence or appearance.

As for the power, it is also ten tails, and where can it go? ”

After listening to the explanation of Shan Zhongyuan, Uchiha's face was black like a pot bottom. He didn't think of it. When the two met for the first time, Yamamoto was already calculating him, and even got the outside road from him. The arm of the Golem.

It can be said that Shan Zhongyuan can stand here and compete with him today, all of which he caused.

I thought of the incomparable regret of this Uchiha wave spot. I knew that there would be today. I should have killed the mountain in the long run at all costs.

It is a pity that there is no medicine in the world, that is, there is no regret medicine. This bitter fruit Yuzhi wave spot has to be swallowed by itself.

Just as the two confronted each other, the blacks moved from the bottom to the feet of Uchiha.

The black action of the mountain Zhongyuan and Uchibo spots have long been noticed, but neither of them has any action.

Uchiha's spot feels that black is his will, and he will not do anything to hurt him.

In the middle of the mountain, I want to see what method Black uses to temporarily control the Uchiha wave spot.

Black did not move immediately after moving to the foot of Uchiha, and he was waiting, waiting for Chakra, who was in addition to this battlefield, to gather in other people.

At this time, outside, in the light of the moonlight, no matter whether the ninja or the civilians have fallen into the illusion.

A thick branch is shuttled between the various villages and countries. There are also things like cocoons hanging on the branches. The people of the world are doing their own dreams in this endless illusion.

The chakras on their bodies are constantly being passed from the branches to the black ones. The black ones are waiting for the amount of seals that are enough to break the seal of the feather brothers.

A few minutes later, Yamagata felt a strong chakra at the bottom of the ground, but the chakra disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the glare of the moon was scattered.

Then I let the Uchiha wave spot not happen. I suddenly came out of the ground and attached it to his body. Uchiha’s brow was just asking, but he found that he couldn’t move.

Then he found that he was not only unable to move, but there was a chakra in his body that did not belong to him.

This chakra has a strong devourer, and soon his lower body has lost consciousness.

There is no hesitation in the vision of the mountains, forcing the use of force to pull the black to the space of ice.

Going into the world of ice again, there is still no panic, he is quiet there, motionless.

"Far, this guy is 80%. I think there is no way to seal him before Hui Ye Ji wakes up. After Hui Ye Ji wakes up, he will be rescued. It is really underestimated and give him a look."

The mountain nodded far away, and the snow in the world of ice suddenly increased. The blackness stood in the cold wind, and the force of Uchiha's spotted eye was used to resist the erosion of the wind and frost.

Xiao Lin perceives the sturdy tone of Uchiha's plaque with a bit of disdain: "It turns out that there is this courage, no wonder there is no fear."

Read The Duke's Passion