MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 544 negotiation

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The big-tube feather coat was hesitant. He didn't know if he should talk to Hui Yeji, or he didn't sit down with his mother at all, and he didn't know how to talk.

‘The big brother still has some things to say clearly with his mother. Our two brothers have escaped for so many years and should face it. When the big tube feather coat hesitated, the sound of the big tube Muyu village sounded in the mind of Yamanaka.

‘Yumura, do you think the mother will listen to us? ’

‘I don’t know, but if you don’t say it, the mother will definitely not know what we think, let alone listen to us. ’

After the silence of the big tube feather coat, I agreed.

See the big tube feather coat agreed, Dagongmuyu village quickly said: ‘Mountain Zhongyuan, trouble you to stop first! ’

The mountain nodded far and nodded, and the giant, composed of snowflakes, stopped the attack.

Hui Ye Ji Yi, looking at the mountains and asked: "Mountain Zhongyuan, what are you thinking about?"

In the middle of the mountain, he smiled and pointed to the right side of Huihui Jiji. Huimei’s brows were wrinkled, and the guards turned and looked at them, and the two figures that she had in mind looked at.

In order to see Hui Ye Ji, the Yu Yi brothers also changed their image back to a young look. Looking at these two familiar figures, Hui Ye Ji’s emotions were instantly excited.

The mother and the child looked at each other for a long time, and finally the big tube Muyu village first opened: "Mother, long time no see."

Hui Ye Ji Wenyan's look became softer and softer. She slowly drifted to the feather brothers and reached out to touch them.

However, after approaching the two brothers, Hui Ye Ji remembered the scene when they sealed themselves, and the outstretched hand was in the air.

Hui Ye Ji hesitated a moment and opened the distance with the two brothers. He asked coldly, "Do you still want to seal me once?"

Looking at the action of Hui Ye Ji, the two brothers’ hearts were also uncomfortable. The big tube feather coat quickly said: “No, mother! We don’t have this meaning, we just want to talk to you.”

“Talk? What are you talking about?” Hui Yeji was full of warnings.

Yu Yi and Yu Cun said after a glance: "We want to know what you have always thought.

A former generation of Yucun said that we have never understood you and have not expressed our thoughts with you. Today I want to know how you have always treated the world, and how do you think about our two brothers?

Similarly, we will also tell you what we think of you. ”

Hui Ye Ji Wen’s look is a bit dignified. After a long silence, Hui Ye Ji said: “My thoughts have never changed, whether it is for you or for the world.

In my opinion, I have eaten the fruit of the **** tree. This world should be mine. The chakra of this world should also be mine. People in this world should regard me as a god.

Of course, I also have the obligation to protect the world, so I will use the [infinite monthly reading] to turn the people who resist me into white, so that they will punish those people and create an army against the big tree.

As for you, I have always loved you very much. You are my son and the master of this world. ”

The feather brothers sighed at the same time, and then the big tube Muyu village said: "Mother, do you know what we think? We never thought about being the master of this world.

This world does not belong to us alone. She belongs to every creature in this world. Mother is too greedy. ”

The big tube Muyu village just fell, and the big tube feather coat went on to say: "Mother, let us choose to resist you not only your greed.

We were born in this world and grew up with people in this world. They are all our friends. These people are turned into white because of one sentence and one thing. We plead with you, you never care about it. .

Your paranoia and arrogance make me and Yucun feel that you are far away from us, far away, and your image is getting more and more terrible in our eyes, so we will choose to seal you, this is to save the world, but also to give We have an opportunity to help you redeem your sins. ”

"Hey! I am not wrong, and I don't need to redeem. Before I said in the mountains, I still had some unbelief. I didn't expect your two brothers to really feel sympathy for a group of ants. Actually, I thought it was wrong!"

"Isn't it? We have already said that the world is not yours."

Hui Yee Ji did not say anything after listening to the feather brothers. She knew that her thoughts were completely contrary to her sons.

The feather brothers sighed and gave up the idea of ​​persuading Hui Ye Ji.

"Mother, if that's the case, we still have to seal you with the previous method. Sorry."

Hui night Ji Wenyan's face was cold, and Chakra in the body began to boil.

Seeing that the battle was on the verge, the mountain moved to the middle of the three people and said: "That, please wait a moment. I have a few words to say."

The eyes of the three men looked at the mountains and did not express their opposition.

Yamanaka smiled and said: "Hui Yee Ji, just mentioned in your conversation with the two predecessors, this world is yours, so others should respect you, and you have the obligation to protect the world.

Does that mean that as long as the world is not yours, you will not ask all the chakras to be concentrated on you? ”

"There is no point in what you said. I ate the fruit of the **** tree. This world is already mine."

"I don't deny this. But it's just based on the premise that you have eaten the fruit to become the master of this world.

You have just said that you have become the master of the world and have an obligation to protect the world at the same time. If I replace you with the obligation to protect the world? "Mountain Zhongyuan asked."

Hui Yeji understood the meaning of the mountain, and she said coldly: "Hey! Let me go, you mean nothing more than you can protect the world from the hands of the big tree, but my point of view will not change. I don't think you have this ability."

"Can you, don't see how to know? To be honest, the current situation, I am together with Naruto Sasuke enough to seal you, if not in the face of Yu Yi, Yu Cun, the two seniors, I will not talk nonsense with you. so much."

Hui Yee Ji brows a wrinkle. She knows that Yamanaka is right. If I leave this space, Naruto Sasuke and Yamamoto are sure to seal myself.

I thought of this Hui Ye Ji secretly sighed and asked: "What do you want?"

Yamanaka smiled and said: "It's very simple. We temporarily stop fighting. Then you tell me the intelligence of the big-bar family. I will help you solve them. If I do, you will give up your crazy thoughts and leave the world." .

If I can't do it, then I won't be able to come back. How can you endure it? ”

Read The Duke's Passion