MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 228 Blind ancestors (11)

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After receiving the summons from Xie Chengze, the three leaders quickly appeared in front of Xie Chengze.

"Master, is your injury healed?" The head looked excited and asked when he saw Xie Chengze.

All the killing formations in this valley have been removed, and the person who did this was Xie Chengze, unsurprisingly.

What does this mean? This shows that Xie Chengze can already use his spiritual power!

"I'm fine now," Xie Chengze didn't have time to say more, and immediately asked, "Do you have any medicinal pills on your body?"

Xie Chengze had already investigated Lu Yanzhou's situation. Lu Yanzhou was in a coma because his body could not bear the excessively powerful spiritual power.

If there is a genius Earth Treasure to heal and temper his body, he should feel much better.

"Yes." The three of them immediately took out some medicinal pills.

Xie Chengze waved his hand, took all the medicinal pills, and walked into the room.

"Master..." The head was a little worried, he followed up, and he saw Lu Yanzhou lying on the bed inside, and a powerful force was still rolling in Lu Yanzhou's body.

How is this going? What happened to Lu Yanzhou? The three leaders were not sure why, and then they saw Xie Chengze coming to Lu Yanzhou's side, took out the medicinal pill, grabbed Lu Yanzhou and fed some to Lu Yanzhou.

The headmaster looked at this scene in shock.

Xie Chengze has always been aloof and arrogant. In addition to cultivation, he rarely cares about people.

After his injury, he has been living alone in the valley.

It was unexpected that Xie Chengze left Lu Yanzhou in the valley before, but now he treats Lu Yanzhou like this... like this...

The head pondered for a moment, and finally only came up with the word "gentle".

Her patriarch is actually gentle?

and many more! The Sect Master suddenly noticed something was wrong!

Lu Yanzhou was covered with a quilt, and under the quilt... he didn't seem to have any clothes on?

Lu Yanzhou's clothes were scattered beside him!

And their ancestors, at this time, their necks are covered with ambiguous marks!

The three leaders are all Jindan stage cultivators. They have lived for hundreds of years, so they naturally know what is going on in the scene in front of them.

The head asked again: "Master, you and Lu Yanzhou..."

Xie Chengze sat beside Lu Yanzhou and said silently for a moment, "I used the method of double cultivation to transfer the spiritual power belonging to that demon in my body to Lu Yanzhou."

This method was conceived by Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou still used the method of supplementing, but this should not be known to the head and others.

If they knew that Lu Yanzhou had practiced the Mining and Replenishing Technique, they would definitely have an opinion on Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze didn't know how to explain it, so he simply took the blame for himself.

The head froze for a moment: ""

The expressions of the other two Jindan stage cultivators also changed and changed, which was extraordinarily wonderful.

Their ancestors used this method to heal wounds... No wonder they were allowed to guard outside the valley, but Lu Yanzhou was left behind.

It's just... Now that the magic cultivator's spiritual power has entered Lu Yanzhou's body, can Lu Yanzhou still survive?

For their Qingyun Sect, it would be more cost-effective to sacrifice a monk like Lu Yanzhou, who had lost his spiritual roots, to save Xie Chengze.

But this matter... what Shizu did was really unkind.

This is no different from picking up Lu Yanzhou!

Their master, Jiyue scenery, how could they do such a thing!

The Sect Master didn't know what to do for a while, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Xie Chengze hugging Lu Yanzhou. His expressionless face was full of daze and worry.

Master, what the **** is going on? He doesn't seem to want something wrong with Lu Yanzhou?

Then why do it?

"Master, how is Lu Yanzhou?" the head asked.

"He'll be fine," Xie Chengze said. "Go find some medicinal herbs for the wound."

In the 100 years before, Xie Chengze was seriously injured and difficult to recover, and he couldn't help Qingyunzong, so he was unwilling to take Qingyunzong's resources, and only occasionally received some things that were suitable for him but not used by others.

But now that his injury has recovered and he can afford it, it is nothing to ask Zongmen for some medicine pills.

The headmaster responded and immediately went out to get it.

The remaining two Jindan cultivators stood there, looking at Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

In their hearts, the master, who is like a clear breeze and a bright moon, even with a disciple and grandson Shuangxiu, also sent the spiritual power of the demon in the body to the disciple and grandson. This...

Not only these Jindan monks were speechless, but also Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou's bones and skin kept collapsing and repeating, so that he couldn't move or speak.

But he could hear the sounds around him.

Xie Chengze suddenly took the initiative to take such a **** pot, and he was speechless.

His family Azer is too simple! This will lead to misunderstanding and say it out!

He must get well soon, lest others treat his family as a bastard.

Xie Chengze didn't know what Lu Yanzhou was thinking.

He stayed by Lu Yanzhou's side, but his mood still did not calm down.

Because he found out that Lu Yanzhou practiced the magic repairing technique, he felt that Lu Yanzhou must have ulterior motives for himself, which he really shouldn't.

Lu Yanzhou repaired that exercise, perhaps just to keep his strength from falling!

No matter what... Now that Lu Yanzhou has achieved this step, he must be sincere to him.

Holding Lu Yanzhou's hand tightly, Xie Chengze leaned down and kissed Lu Yanzhou.

In the past, he would suppress his feelings, but not in the future.

Two gold core masters: "..." I didn't expect you to be such a master!

The head who came back with the medicine pill: "..." Why did the master do such a thing? Shouldn't he go crazy?

Xie Chengze didn't care about them, he took the medicine for the wound and fed it to Lu Yanzhou again.

Spiritual power can also heal wounds, but Lu Yanzhou has too much spiritual power in his body. If he uses spiritual power to heal Lu Yanzhou's injuries, it will only hurt Lu Yanzhou.

Xie Chengze could only wait quietly, feeding Lu Yanzhou medicinal pills from time to time.

The three of them stood beside them, always feeling that they were a little redundant, but Xie Chengze didn't speak, and it was difficult for them to leave.

"Is there any medicine pill?" Xie Chengze asked again.

"I'm going to look for it." After the sect master said, he left again.

All the medicinal pills around her to treat her injuries have been given to Xie Chengze, but there should be medicinal pills on the other side of the Jindan cultivator.

No matter what, you can't watch Lu Yanzhou die.

The Sect Master walked around and asked someone for a medicinal pill to heal his wounds.

"Senior Sect Master, why do you suddenly want so many medicinal pills for wounds?" Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

The head said: "It's not what I want, it's what the master wants."

"Master's injury is serious?"

"'ll know in a few days." The Sect Master said.

Can you talk about Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze? Obviously not!

The sect master could only vaguely go over, and then returned to the valley with a pile of medicinal pills.

Although what Shizu did to Lu Yanzhou was immoral, he should not be completely ruthless towards Lu Yanzhou.

I just hope that Lu Yanzhou is all right.

Of course Lu Yanzhou was fine. If he was on his own, his recovery would be slower, but with the medicinal pill that Xie Chengze had been feeding him, his body began to recover at a very fast speed.

Of course, it would take several days to fully recover.

At the same time, on the periphery of Qingyunzong.

The Qingyun Sect covers a large area, and the hilltops in the middle area are full of spiritual energy. They are for the cultivators of the Jindan period, and the inner disciples of the Qingyun Sect also live there.

The mountains in the middle are places like the Yanwu Hall. Most of the outer disciples live here and practice here.

The outermost mountain is for ordinary people who are attached to the Qingyun Sect. Of course, some outer disciples in the Qi training period know that they have no hope of promotion, and will also settle here.

There are large fields, mountains and forests, as well as villages and towns.

Wei Yuzheng sat on a tree in a mountain forest and communicated with the birds on the branches standing in front of him.

He originally chose Qingyunzong to join because he had left some treasures in the place where Qingyunzong was.

As a result, after coming to Qingyunzong, he found that Xie Chengze's consciousness was very strong, reaching the late Nascent Soul!

Fortunately, he later investigated in various ways and learned that Xie Chengze was seriously injured, so he was relieved.

From time to time, Xie Chengze would use his divine sense to investigate the situation of Qingyunzong, but his divine sense could not cover the entire Qingyunzong, at least the periphery of Qingyunzong was where Xie Chengze could not see it.

After fighting with the mysterious man who suddenly appeared that day, Wei Yuzheng hid in a place where Xie Chengze's consciousness could not observe.

He thought of various ways to check the identity of the mysterious man, but unfortunately he couldn't find it, but he learned some other news.

For example, Xie Chengze... He seems to have suffered an old injury and is about to die.

The head of Qingyunzong guarded Xie Chengze for half a month, and now he is looking for medicinal pills everywhere, Xie Chengze must have an accident!

Wei Yuzheng looked at the direction of the valley where Xie Chengze was, and it was a pity.

He can't get close to Xie Chengze now, if he can get close to Xie Chengze and get Xie Chengze's cultivation base...

After Wei Yuzheng reincarnated and rehabilitated, he wanted to concentrate on cultivating the right way, so as not to provoke further punishment.

But his physical talent is not good. If he only cultivates the right way, he is afraid that he will stop at building foundations until he dies. He can only think of other methods.

Wei Yuzheng's origin is not simple. He was a famous Demon Venerable a thousand years ago, a legendary amorous Demon Venerable.

With just one person, he turned the entire cultivation world upside down. After that, the spiritual power of the cultivation world became much thinner and the overall strength also dropped a lot.

Everyone thought that he was smashed to pieces by the thunder, but they didn't know that he used a secret technique to let his lovers bear the punishment for him, but he kept his primordial spirit. After being dormant for thousands of years, he was reborn.

Now the strongest in the cultivation world is in the Yuan Ying period. Wei Yuzheng doesn't take these people seriously at all, but recently...

Thinking of the person who suddenly came to attack him a few days ago, Wei Yuzheng frowned and recalled again.

That person is very powerful, and when he is facing him, he is full of killing moves, and most of them are his enemies in his previous life.

I don't know which guy it is!

Lu Yanzhou didn't know that Wei Yuzheng had misunderstood.

Xie Chengze unremittingly fed him medicinal pills, which accelerated his recovery. His body gradually improved and his breath became stable.

Then they found out that something was wrong: "Master, Lu Yanzhou, he... he..."

Xie Chengze had already discovered Lu Yanzhou's situation, and immediately said, "He has been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage."

The head and others: "!!"

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