MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 237 Blind ancestors (end)

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Lu Yanzhou put Wei Yuzheng, who was stunned, on the ground, and began to search for things on Wei Yuzheng's body.

The last time he fought against Wei Yuzheng, he had already discovered that Wei Yuzheng had a lot of good things on him. At that time, he only grabbed one of Wei Yuzheng's storage bags, this time he must find all the other storage items on Wei Yuzheng's body!

Not long after, Lu Yanzhou found a storage ring and a storage jade pendant from Wei Yuzheng.

Relying on the fact that his consciousness was stronger than Wei Yuzheng, Lu Yanzhou directly erased the mark belonging to Wei Yuzheng, and his own consciousness also penetrated into it.

Among these two storage utensils, there are indeed many good things, some of which are obviously not belonging to Wei Yuzheng...

The head of Wanxiangmen glanced at Wei Yuzheng, who vomited blood because he was robbed of the storage utensils that recognized the master, and looked at Lu Yanzhou: "Lu Zhenren, someone in our Wanxiangmen died at the hands of the passionate demon, there are them in there. What is left? We are willing to exchange spirit stones."

"You don't need the spirit stone, you can just take it back." After Lu Yanzhou finished speaking, he moved all the things in the storage utensils to the outside. "There are a lot of things, you can find them yourself."

Wei Yuzheng killed all the monks below Nascent Soul, and the relics of these people were of no use to him.

"Many thanks to Lu Zhenren." The head of the Vientiane Sect thanked him and led people to find the things left by the people of his sect.

People from other sects asked Lu Yanzhou, and they all went up to find them.

In that pile of things, they found the relics of many relatives and friends.

When Lu Yanzhou saw this scene, even though he found a lot of good things from Wei Yuzheng, his mood was still not good.

He will show Xie Chengze the magic weapon he found from Wei Yuzheng that is suitable for the monks in the Yuan Ying period: "Aze, look, is there anything you can use here?"

Xie Chengze took a piece of armor from it, which used to belong to the Qingyun Sect, but was snatched away by the Amorous Demon Venerable a thousand years ago.

After giving the armor to the sect master, Xie Chengze asked Lu Yanzhou, "Did you grab the flying sword you used before from Wei Yuzheng?"

"Yes, but my cultivation base was low at the time, so I failed to catch him and let him run away." Lu Yanzhou said.

Xie Chengze: "..." So the person who suddenly appeared in Qingyunzong and attacked Wei Yuzheng was Lu Yanzhou?

At first, Lu Yanzhou simply went to Wei Yuzheng to seek revenge, but he thought about it a lot and agreed to double repair with Lu Yanzhou.

Forget it, Lu Yanzhou grabbed a flying sword and came back, and he started thinking again...

Wei Yuzheng's master, Yuan Zhanzhen, was beside him, and when he heard this, he suddenly realized.

No wonder he couldn't find out who attacked Wei Yuzheng, it turned out to be Lu Yanzhou's hand!

Yuan Zhanzhen tried his best to minimize his sense of existence, and resolutely refused to let others associate him with Wei Yuzheng.

The master of the amorous Demon Venerable, he doesn't want to be at all.

The real Yuan Zhan was even a little panicked at the moment. He didn't know why he admired Wei Yuzheng so much... Did Wei Yuzheng act on him?

Good guy, if Lu Yanzhou hadn't driven Wei Yuzheng away, would Wei Yuzheng confuse him and pick him up?

The more real Yuan Zhan thought about it, the more terrifying he felt, his burly body shrank, and his bearded face also showed a little panic.

He is a big man with strong bones, and he must not be picked up!

At this time, the ancestor of Wanxiang asked Lu Yanzhou: "Lu Zhenren, I wonder if you can hand over the Passionate Demon Venerable to me? My master died at his hands, and he has a death hatred with him."

"Of course." Lu Yanzhou directly handed Wei Yuzheng to the ancestor of Wanxiang.

He also has a grudge against Wei Yuzheng, but he thinks... Giving Wei Yuzheng to the ancestor of Vientiane might be more revengeful.

Lu Yanzhou was right, the ancestor of Vientiane used all means on Wei Yuzheng, and the scene was very **** at one time.

But the people present only felt happy, no one felt uncomfortable.

After all, the Amorous Demon Venerable is really full of crimes. The few monks who don't know the past of the Amorous Demon Venerable, after hearing about what the Amorous Demon Venerable had done, also hated Wei Yuzheng.

"If it weren't for the Passionate Demon Venerable, it would be much easier for me to advance to Jindan Nascent Soul now!"

"Beiyuan County originally had several spiritual veins, all of which were destroyed by the Passionate Demon Venerable!"

"A lot of Jindan cultivators have been killed during this period. They should all be the ghosts of Wei Yuzheng, just to improve their cultivation to Jindan Great Perfection!"

"Fortunately, Zhenren Lu caught him, otherwise who knows what else he will do!"

"Wei Yuzheng is from the Three Spiritual Roots, but his strength has improved very quickly, so I would say it's not normal... It turns out that he is an amorous Demon Venerable!"

"I heard that Amorous Demon Venerable is very capable, and can make his lover stick with him... No wonder Liu Ruoxian and others are so committed to him."

In addition to what Wei Yuzheng had done, other news also spread in the crowd.

"The Daoist Companion contract concluded between Zhenren Lu and Zhenren Xie is a soul contract!"

"It is said that from ancient times to the present, only those who are extremely valuable and amazing, and who are deeply in love with the Taoist couple, even willing to sacrifice their lives for each other, can conclude such a contract!"

"I still think that they get what they want...Is that so?"

"Lu Yanzhou's golden light of merit is so dazzling, I don't know how many good things he has done in his previous life!"

"In the previous year, there were two monks who were saving people everywhere in the mortal world. They should be Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze!"

"They rushed back to Qingyunzong so late because they were busy saving people? As expected of someone with such a powerful golden light of merit!"

In fact, there are some doubts about Lu Yanzhou. For example, he has been promoted to Nascent Soul Great Perfection in just one year!

It's almost impossible!

But just because it's so impossible... but everyone has nothing to say.

If the magic cultivator wants to cultivate to the Great Consummation of Nascent Soul, it is estimated that he has to **** up all the Nascent Soul cultivators present, but all the Nascent Soul cultivators are fine...

Lu Yanzhou can have such strength, it may simply be because Heavenly Dao likes him.

If nothing else, if God pours more rain on him, his strength will rise steadily.

No matter what, Lu Yanzhou signed a soul contract with Xie Chengze again, and he was full of merit and golden light, so he would never be a bad person.

Thinking of this, the members of the Qingyun Sect all looked at Liu Ruoxian with sympathy.

Originally, Liu Ruoxian would have a powerful Taoist companion, but now... she has become an insignificant member of the harem of the Amorous Demon Venerable.

Liu Ruoxian also regretted that she couldn't add more, but for a while, she hated Wei Yuzheng.

Wei Yuzheng was able to make so many people love him deeply. In fact, he relied on some special means, but after his rebirth, his strength was low, and this means was greatly reduced.

In the previous year, he was not in the Qingyun Sect and had no contact with Liu Ruoxian. The effect of this method was getting weaker and weaker, and now Liu Ruoxian naturally didn't have much affection for him.

Wei Yuzheng was quickly stripped of his skin and cramped by the ancestors of Vientiane, and even his soul was obliterated.

When it was over, the ancestor of Wanxiang asked Lu Yanzhou, "Zhenzhen Lu, can his soul escape?"

Lu Yanzhou shook his head: "No, he is absolutely dead this time!"

"It's good to be dead." The ancestor of Wanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, and the wrinkles on his face were much lighter.

This man's feud with Wei Yuzheng seems to be much deeper than his own feud with Wei Yuzheng... Lu Yanzhou saw that Wei Yuzheng had lost his soul, and another Jindan Demon Xiu was also killed by someone who had a feud with him at the scene, and immediately said: : "Since the matter is over, I will take Aze to rest first."

"Master Lu, just go." Vientiane Patriarch said.

Lu Yanzhou felt that the matter had been resolved, but Ancestor Wanxiang didn't think so. He felt that there were still many things to be dealt with.

He does not allow the henchmen of the Amorous Demon Venerable to be free in this world!

After cleaning up the party members of the Amorous Demon Venerable, the ancestor of Vientiane plans to stay in the Qingyun Sect and ask Lu Yanzhou for training.

Most of Lu Yanzhou is the reincarnation of an immortal. Since it is a reincarnation of an immortal, Lu Yanzhou must know a lot of things that he does not understand.

If he could get Lu Yanzhou's guidance, he might be able to make further progress in his cultivation.

The ancestors of Vientiane were busy, and Lu Yanzhou finally had time to talk to Xie Chengze.

When the two returned to the valley, Lu Yanzhou said, "Aze, is there anything you want to ask me?"

If it was before, Xie Chengze really had a lot of questions to ask Lu Yanzhou, but now... he really felt that there was no need to ask any more.

He could feel that Lu Yanzhou loved him very, very much.

Wait, it's not that he didn't want to ask... Xie Chengze asked, "You have memories from the past... Have you ever liked someone before?"

Xie Chengze had no doubts about Lu Yanzhou's sudden awakening of his previous memories.

He said that Lu Yanzhou is unlikely to succeed in winning the house under his nose... So it is!

Lu Yanzhou immediately said: "I only liked you alone!"

Xie Chengze couldn't help but ask: "Then how can you be so proficient in dual cultivation?"

Lu Yanzhou: "...haven't eaten pork before, haven't you seen a pig run?"

Xie Chengze: "..." Really... For a strong man like them, what can't you see after a swept away?

In the previous year, he had seen no less people in the places where mortals lived.

Lu Yanzhou said, "Aze, are you jealous?"

Xie Chengze didn't want to speak.

Lu Yanzhou laughed: "Don't worry, I only like you, and I will only like you forever."

Xie Chengze felt that Lu Yanzhou's love for him came a little too suddenly, but he was relieved when he thought that he liked Lu Yanzhou and liked it inexplicably.

Maybe... this is love?

Just thinking about it, Xie Chengze was kissed by Lu Yanzhou: "Aze, let's practice!"

Of course Xie Chengze would not object, Lu Yanzhou was sincere to him... Now he desperately wants Lu Yanzhou.

The two embraced.

As time went by, Xie Chengze felt that something was wrong.

How long does Lu Yanzhou want to practice?

It's over, isn't it?

Well, he can't say he hates it, so...

Lu Yanzhou could sense Xie Chengze's emotions. Xie Chengze seemed to like it, so of course he should continue!


The head was very helpless, Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze finally came back, but in the blink of an eye, they disappeared again.

This is to leave all the follow-up matters to her!

After Wei Yuzheng joined Qingyunzong, he won over a lot of people, and the head spent a lot of time dealing with these people. It's hard to deal with them... The group of Nascent Soul cultivators actually depended on Qingyunzong and didn't leave!

That is the Yuanying cultivator. She can't let people live in a bad place, so she can't get her mountain back...

Fortunately, she didn't get nothing—she and her apprentice got a lot of pointers.

The head was helpless, and the ancestors of Vientiane were also helpless.

Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou are resting... Did they rest for a while?

"It's been a year, how come Lu Zhenren and Xie Zhenren still haven't come out?" A Nascent Soul cultivator couldn't help asking.

"They should have come to their senses, so they closed in! It doesn't matter how old the monks are," said the ancestor of Vientiane.

He felt that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze should have gone in retreat. can't do double cultivation for a year, right?

Even if the monks are very strong, they can't stand such "sparing".

Everyone thought it made sense. At this moment, a powerful force came from the valley where Xie Chengze lived...

This is... someone has broken through!

Such a scene... This person should have broken through from the Nascent Soul Great Consummation to the Divine Transformation Stage!

"Transfiguration, this is Deity Transformation! Finally another cultivator of Deity Transformation has appeared!" The ancestor of Wanxiang was very excited.

He said that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze must have concentrated on their cultivation! Look, Lu Yanzhou has made a breakthrough!

He has become the number one expert in the cultivation world!

It’s not even a breakthrough, what’s even more amazing is that this real Lu was not only not struck by lightning, but also rained from the sky…

Heaven is too good for him!

I don't know if he is willing to give them pointers.

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