MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 243 Interstellar Live (5)

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The live broadcast has been following Lu Yanzhou.

The big golden retriever brought Lu Yanzhou back to the town of Fallen Beasts, and he performed like this... Now he has gathered a wave of passers-by fans.

Although many people are afraid of fallen beasts, they are not afraid of the fallen beasts in the camera, not to mention the big golden retriever wagging his tail as soon as he comes out. Although he is a bit big, he is indescribably cute.

"Ahhhh! So cute!"

"This is really cute, look at the wagging tail!"

"These fallen beasts are so cute!"

"The golden retriever looks great!"

As for Lu Yanzhou's fans and black fans... His fans naturally can't hate the big golden retriever, and they are also very excited at the moment: "Little cutie, take care of my family Zhouzhou!"

"Zhouzhou, people are much heavier than you, and you call them cute, too much!"

"Zhouzhou is the little cutie, and the big golden retriever is clearly the big cutie!"

Black fans... these black fans hate Lu Yanzhou, but it is impossible for them to discredit the hero who became a fallen beast in order to protect the orc empire.

At this moment, they were hoarse and wanted to make the big golden hair sober: "Brother Bing! This Lu Yanzhou is a waste! Don't be so nice to him!"

"Be sober, don't be fooled by Lu Yanzhou's appearance!"

"Lu Yanzhou is going too far, he actually calls a good soldier cutie!"

"Lu Yanzhou is disrespecting soldiers!"

"Insulting a hero, Lu Yanzhou goes too far!"

"Lu Yanzhou is planning to rely on others? Doesn't he know that he has to rely on himself? Why doesn't he die?"

When people watching the live broadcast of the army saw the comments of passers-by, they felt that they had spoken their hearts out. When they saw the comments of Lu Yanzhou's fans, they felt that Xie Chengze should take care of Lu Yanzhou.

Although that Lu Yanzhou was not too young, his awakening failed and he looked like a child. They would definitely protect him when they encountered him.

But when they see the message of Lu Yanzhou's black fan...

What the hell?

Their name, Major General Xie, is very famous in the army, but nothing can be found on the star network, and no one knows about the animal shape of Major General Xie.

Lu Yanzhou obviously doesn't know them, Major General Xie, so calling "Little Cutie" isn't a serious matter, right? Not an insult.

As for Lu Yanzhou relying on their major generals or something... Obviously, their major generals brought Lu Yanzhou back. Judging from the situation, their major generals still liked Lu Yanzhou very much.

How can this be called Lai Shang?

"Some people on the Internet are very malicious towards Lu Yanzhou."

"Yeah, if you open your mouth and shut your mouth, let people die."

"It's a bit too much, this Lu Yanzhou looks very small."

"He's not too young, he's twenty-seven, and he's a few years younger than Major General Xie... But those people attacking him like this is really too much."

"There are black materials about him all over the Internet, but some of them are obviously fake. For example, he always pretends to be sick. He looks like he is obviously not in good health. He even failed to awaken! There is a cleanliness addiction, and the assistant is beaten because the assistant has soiled his clothes... Lao Hou smeared his face with alcohol, and he also thanked him!"

People in the military know Xie Chengze's degenerate golden retriever, and also know the monkey.

That monkey used to be a staff officer beside Marshal Lu, and his surname was Hou.

As a staff officer, Lao Hou is not supposed to go to the battlefield, but once the Zerg came to their headquarters, he put on a mecha and led the people to meet the enemy.

They repelled the Zerg that time, but Laohou's beast beads were also broken. He didn't want to hurt his family, so he went to the mother planet.

Before going, Lao Hou smiled and comforted them, saying that it was good for him to go to the mother star. In the past, as a staff officer, he could not drink. When he went to the mother star, no one would say that he would get drunk every day.

Because of this, they will specially bring wine to Laohou in recent years.

It's just that the team they send supplies can only go in once a month. If the big spaceship can't get in, they can only enter the small spaceship, and they are a bit poor...

The supplies they send are not much, and they can only deliver things in one area at a time.

For Laohou and Xie Chengze, it takes half a year to deliver supplies once, and Laohou doesn't have much wine in his hands.

It's no wonder that after Xie Chengze thought about Laohou's wine, Laohou was angry.

Of course, there is nothing to see in Lao Hou, but the most beautiful ones are Major General Xie.

Major General Xie is notoriously taciturn and cold as ice.

Although his animal type is a golden retriever, he can clearly crush lions and tigers in daily battles.

Now he is wagging his tail at people, this is really a rare sight in a thousand years!

If they didn't know that Major General Xie was chasing stars, they would definitely think that Major General Xie fell in love with Lu Yanzhou at first sight and planned to mate.

These soldiers roared anxiously, took out their contact terminals, and took pictures of this amazing scene.

Xie Chengze was very happy at this time.

Lu Yanzhou wants to live with him, which is really great!

He must give Lu Yanzhou the best of everything, so that Lu Yanzhou can live comfortably!

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze couldn't stop wagging his tail.

Old Hou and the others: "..." Major General Xie is like this, they can't see it!

Quickly return Major General Xie, whom they are familiar with!

Seeing Xie Chengze agreeing to let him stay, Lu Yanzhou smiled and rolled his eyes: "Thank you, my name is Lu Yanzhou, what's your name?"

Fallen beasts cannot speak, but can write.

Of course, after a long time... some fallen beasts have limited brain capacity and will gradually forget everything.

When Xie Chengze heard Lu Yanzhou's words, he finally calmed down, pressed his tail down and came to Lu Yanzhou's side, scratching and writing on the ground with his paws.

When he came to the mother planet, he brought some of his own things, which contained various information about him, as well as military medals and the like.

But he didn't want to show those to Lu Yanzhou.

What if he used to be a major general? Now that he has become a beast, he would rather Lu Yanzhou not know his past.

"Xie Chengze? Your name is so nice... Can I call you Aze in the future?" Lu Yanzhou asked.

This is of course possible, the big golden retriever nodded vigorously, and the depressed tail shook gently.

He was already very close to Lu Yanzhou, Lu Yanzhou laughed and stretched out his hand towards Xie Chengze: "Can you come over a little more?"

Xie Chengze walked towards Lu Yanzhou and came to Lu Yanzhou's side.

Lu Yanzhou hugged him and buried himself in his fur.

The withdrawal reaction was particularly uncomfortable, but when he met Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou felt much better: "Aze...Aze..."

He called out to Xie Chengze and slowly calmed down.

Xie Chengze lay down slowly, lay beside Lu Yanzhou, put his head close to Lu Yanzhou, and wanted to lick Lu Yanzhou.

But that's not good...

In the end, he only sniffed Lu Yanzhou, but after sniffing, he couldn't hold back a big sneeze.

The wine is too strong.

Seeing Xie Chengze like this, Lu Yanzhou couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Xie Chengze in this world is really miserable.

He is a hero, and he has made countless contributions on the battlefield. As a result, the beast beads are broken and degenerated into beasts.

After becoming a beast, he could have lived the rest of his life peacefully here, but after meeting the original owner, he lost his life to protect the original owner.

In my memory, the original owner beat him and scolded him all day long, venting all his pain and suffering on him...

Lu Yanzhou shifted his position and buried his face in the chest of Xie Chengze, who was lying on his side.

This is really comfortable, because of the drug withdrawal, he couldn't help shaking.

Xie Chengze was a little flustered, shouldn't Lu Yanzhou be crying?

People watching the live broadcast also thought so, and Lu Yanzhou's fans were heartbroken: "Is my family Zhouzhou crying?"

"Suddenly falling into such a place, Zhouzhou must be very scared."

"Fortunately, there are golden retrievers, otherwise what would Zhouzhou do?"

Black fans are different: "Lu Yanzhou is a big man crying, it's disgusting."

"What's the use of crying, people are much worse than you, and you still hold them to cry."

"The big golden retriever is also so good-natured that he's used to Lu Yanzhou."

However, no matter how the black fans dance... Because Lu Yanzhou didn't do anything weird in this show, passersby actually had a good impression of him.

"This star is called Lu Yanzhou? It's cute."

"What's wrong with crying? If I were a golden retriever, I'd be happy for this little handsome guy to lie on top of me and cry."

"This star is so handsome!"

In the palace, the emperor looked at this scene, his face darkened.

He wanted to see Lu Yanzhou go crazy, but Lu Yanzhou turned out to be intimate with that Xie Chengze?

However, he felt that Lu Yanzhou would not always be like this.

Now that Lu Yanzhou can't bear to do anything, it must be that the drug addiction has not yet come.

The food he asked the show team to prepare for Lu Yanzhou was filled with medicine, should Lu Yanzhou have eaten it before?

The emperor didn't watch the whole live broadcast, but he felt that it was impossible for Lu Yanzhou not to eat.

And when these foods are finished... Lu Yanzhou will definitely become a lunatic, and the public's impression of him will plummet.

Even if someone sees that Lu Yanzhou is doing this because of drugs... for a long time, the public has always hated people who eat this kind of sex, and this is even illegal.

Those who understand the situation, their disgust for Lu Yanzhou will only get worse.

Lu Yanzhou began to practice next to Xie Chengze, slowly removing the toxic substances in his body, and the trembling of his body finally calmed down.

At this moment, "Ow!" A wolf howl resounded through the sky.

Xie Chengze turned his head abruptly, looking angrily at the wolf who came to his door, just put down a **** beast, and screamed up to the sky with its **** mouth open.

After the wolf howled, it lowered its head and met Xie Chengze's gaze, took a step back immediately, grinned again after retreating, and then pushed the prey on the ground towards Xie Chengze, as if to please.

The wolf even wagged its tail bluntly.

It's hard for him!

Xie Chengze was afraid to disturb Lu Yanzhou, so he didn't dare to move. He glanced at the prey, then looked at the old man sitting next to him drinking, and opened his mouth silently.

The old man screamed a few times, bared his teeth at Xie Chengze, then got up angrily, and dragged the prey away from Xie Chengze's house.

The young man now will squeeze the old man like him!

This is asking him to barbecue again!

But this is also impossible, who makes these guys inconvenient? That is to say, his animal shape has hands and feet, and it is convenient to do anything.

Thinking of this, Lao Hou whistled proudly.

Seeing that Laohou was gone, Xie Chengze continued to look at Lu Yanzhou in his arms.

Lu Yanzhou was a small one, and when he was wrapped in his arms, he felt that his heart was about to melt.

His family boat is so cute!

How can there be such a lovely person in this world!

Xie Chengze's heart beat uncontrollably, especially wanting to get close to Lu Yanzhou.

But he couldn't do that. He was a human being, not a dog. If he licked Lu Yanzhou... that would be taking advantage of Lu Yanzhou.

Thinking of this, Xie Chengze thought of something else, such as... How could Lu Yanzhou appear here.

This is the parent star far away from the capital star. Lu Yanzhou is a big star, how can he appear here alone?

Also, is Lu Yanzhou twenty-seven years old? Three years ago, he had not awakened at the age of twenty-four, and it was already very late. There are basically no people in this world who have awakened after the age of twenty-five. Why has he not awakened?

What has happened to him in the past three years?

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou, and only felt distressed.

Lu Yanzhou actually heard the wolf howling, but he didn't move. First, he was not in good health, and secondly...he was checking Xie Chengze's health.

He wanted Xie Chengze to return to normal.

During this investigation, Lu Yanzhou saw the broken bead in Xie Chengze's body.

This beast bead is equivalent to a demon pill, and it is very troublesome to repair after the demon pill of a demon cultivator in the cultivation world is broken.

But beast beads should not be used.

The orcs in this world do not practice cultivation, and their quality of beast beads is much worse than that of Jindan. As long as he has the cultivation base of Jindan stage, and with his divine sense, he can repair other people's beast beads.

And as long as he cultivates hard and fully activates the power in his beast beads when he awakens, he can reach the Golden Core Stage.

In the realm of self-cultivation, the demon pill itself can only be possessed by the demon cultivator until the golden pill stage. Only the combination of two powerful demon cultivators can give birth to a child who is born with a demon pill.

All the orcs in this world have beast beads when they are born!

That is to say, the orcs in this world are all born from powerful demon cultivators, born with golden elixir!

Even if this golden core is close, it is still a golden core! Not to mention the energy contained in the beast bead in his body is not small!

Lu Yanzhou doubted that he had such a tiny bit of divine dragon blood.

It's a pity that the orcs in this world don't use the energy in the beast beads. If it wasn't for this, the original owner would not be harmed.

Lu Yanzhou calmed down and worked hard to cultivate and strive for an early awakening.

After he has cultivated some spiritual power, he can guide Xie Chengze to practice with him.

In fact, without relying on him, Xie Chengze cultivated with his own heart, and can slowly repair the beast beads, but it will take a long time.

Lu Yanzhou practiced for about an hour, and when he smelled the aroma of barbecue, he didn't have the heart to practice.

He is so hungry.

Lu Yanzhou raised his head from Xie Chengze's hair and sat up straight, looking at Xie Chengze: "Aze, I'm hungry."

The appearance of Lu Yanzhou waiting for the food is truly pitiful!

Xie Chengze stood up, shook his body, and gently touched Lu Yanzhou with his head, motioning Lu Yanzhou to follow him out.

Outside the house, the monkey is barbecuing.

Seeing Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, the monkey called "Squeak" twice, and cut two pieces of meat with a knife, placed them on the leaves, and handed them to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou smiled at the monkey: "Thank you, my name is Lu Yanzhou, what's your name?"

This monkey is very particular. He took out a notebook and wrote on it: "You can just call me 'Old Hou'. We all know that your name is Lu Yanzhou and you sing. Why are you here?"

Lu Yanzhou ate a piece of meat, and a sense of satisfaction surged from his body.

This meat contains spiritual power! He must eat more!

Lu Yanzhou said: "The spaceship I was in crashed. I was sent to this planet by the escape capsule, and now I can't contact the outside world."

Lu Yanzhou is definitely an orc, an orc who has not awakened, and there are no other secrets on the mother planet except for these fallen beasts.

Old Hou and the others thought that Lu Yanzhou would fall here, which was definitely an accident.

But Lu Yanzhou, a big star, will leave sooner or later.

Laohou continued to write: "The military will come to deliver materials every month, but the location of each delivery is different. It will take a few months before it is delivered to our area. If you are in a hurry to go back, we can help You contact someone from the military, and someone will pick you up and take you to another area. But you have to leave this planet and wait there for a month."

There are too many soldiers who have become fallen beasts over the years, and the military has left some people here and gave them their contact information.

They are really about to encounter something, and they can contact the military.

After Lao Hou finished writing, he showed the notebook to Lu Yanzhou.

In the original plot, Xie Chengze once brought a piece of paper to show the original owner, and on that piece of paper, there was similar content.

The original owner was very happy after seeing it, and his spirit improved a little, and then he said he wanted to leave.

It's just that Xie Chengze said that someone would come to pick him up soon, but no one came. The original owner felt that Xie Chengze was lying to him, so he was furious and wanted to kill Xie Chengze.

Lu Yanzhou was thinking about how to answer, but at this time, Xie Chengze was already cold.

Lu Yanzhou is leaving?

Also, Lu Yanzhou must be in a hurry to leave. After all, there is nothing on the mother star, how can there be a capital star?

Many of these fallen beasts on the mother planet also have relatives, friends, and even lovers. Some people have been here before, but most of them have not stayed here for a long time.

Lu Yanzhou has no relatives or friends here, and it is impossible to stay for a long time.

Therefore, the time he spent with Lu Yanzhou was only a month at most.

In the future... Lu Yanzhou will marry someone else when he leaves here, and the experience of this mother star is probably just a more interesting memory for Lu Yanzhou.

When Xie Chengze thought of this, his heart was sore and painful, and he was suffering.

He didn't want Lu Yanzhou to marry someone else.

At this moment, Xie Chengze suddenly realized that he likes Lu Yanzhou.

It's not the previous kind of liking for stars, but another kind of liking.

He didn't want Lu Yanzhou to be with others, he wanted Lu Yanzhou to belong to him alone.

But he is a fallen beast and has completely degenerated into an orc, and his lifespan is not long.

Why is he with Lu Yanzhou?

The huge golden retriever slowly lowered his head.

Of course, people watching the live broadcast also saw this passage, and they were a little surprised after seeing it: "So the military has always sent them supplies?"

"Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"I also think the military is too indifferent, so it's not!"

"Lu Yanzhou will definitely let someone pick him up, so what else is there to see in this show?"

"I want to watch Wilderness Survival!"

Even the emperor who happened to be watching the live broadcast changed his face.

If someone from the military takes Lu Yanzhou away, what's the point of this live broadcast?

He was waiting for Lu Yanzhou to be in great condition in the live broadcast!

It's just... Lu Yanzhou's reaction was really far from what he imagined!

Those people clearly said that Lu Yanzhou was already blown up at one point, why is this happening?

Because of drug addiction?

Fortunately, there are his people on the home planet, and those people can help intercept various signals. After a few days, Lu Yanzhou's drug addiction is committed, and no one comes to pick it up... Lu Yanzhou's reaction at that time must be very interesting!

Everyone thought that Lu Yanzhou would want to leave, but Lu Yanzhou said, "You don't need to help me contact people, I don't want to go back."

All the animals looked at Lu Yanzhou in confusion.

Lu Yanzhou said: "Actually, I'm very happy about this spaceship crash, I can finally get rid of their control... My manager has always controlled me, I have no freedom in his hands, he even poisoned me and hurt me Awakening failed."

Xie Chengze looked at Lu Yanzhou in shock.

Lu Yanzhou originally wanted to talk about the poison, but thought that Xie Chengze might be worried about himself after he found out, so he refrained from talking.

He smiled and touched Xie Chengze's back: "I think it's pretty good here, I don't want to go back at all."

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