MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 005 Persons determined by Makarov

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"This mission, Noah, it's up to you to complete it!"

When such a sentence reverberated throughout the "Fairytail" guild, the scene was quiet, and everyone's gaze was concentrated on Noah's body. In the eyes and face, they all appeared. Amazing look.

Not to mention the wizards in the guild, that is, Noah himself stayed for a moment and screamed.


"Dad, aren't you kidding?!" Even Gray almost jumped up.

"Noah can't even use a magic. This kind of task that requires dozens of wizards to complete, how can Noah finish it?!"

"Since I said it, it would not be a joke!" Makarov closed his eyes as he looked at Noah's still gaze.

"The main problem of this task is that the magic that needs to be injected in the lake of the ceremony is too large, so it will lead to a large team of wizards every time. It is possible to complete the journey together, remove the magic factor, the task. There is no difficulty in itself, and there is no danger!"

"Noah!" Makarov opened his eyes sharply and looked at Noah with a serious face.

"Although you haven't started to learn magic, you don't use magic, but your own magic is extremely large. Even if your age is still small, your body's magic power is enough to match dozens or even hundreds of excellent magic guides. Shishi, this task, done by you, is a good fit!"

Upon hearing Makarov's explanation, the members of the guild were surprised that Noah had the magical power of Makarov, and he understood why Makarov made this decision.

Indeed, the most difficult and convenient task of the task itself is that the magic of the requested object is too large. If this is solved, the task itself will be no more difficult.

Now, Noah can solve the biggest magic problem alone, and this task does not require dozens of wizards to be dispatched at the same time. The reward does not need to be divided into so many copies. Then, this is the most unpopular. The task suddenly became a toon.

After all, the reward for this mission is three million J!

If you have three million J, it will be pitiful if you divide it into dozens of copies, but if you don't need to divide it, the reward will be so high that people have to be tempted.

In addition, the task itself is not difficult, and there is no danger. If the reward is high, how can this task not become a toon?

At the moment, members of the guild have voiced out.

"Thank you very much! Noah!"

“The first job in life can get such a high reward, it’s really enviable!”

"I thought that my first task was paid only 70,000 J, so I don't want to cry when I think about it now!"

"What is that? I had only 50,000 J at the beginning!"

"Wait and so on! Give me all the time!" Gray couldn't help but yell and scream like a thunder.

"Even if this is the case, Noah will not use magic or a fact, just ran out of a beast can kill him, there is no danger in your opinion, but for Noah, it is a big danger, isn't it? !"

"This..." The members of the guild were all dumb.

"Grandpa..." Noah shook his head after hesitating for a while.

"Although I also want to officially start the task, but Gray is right, even if my magic is not weak, I still won't use magic. If I go to perform the task, it is not impossible to fail, so forget it... ”

"Reassured, how can I watch my grandson go out to work alone at such a young age?" Makarov suddenly smiled.

"This time the mission, Laxus will go with you!"

The members of the guild were stunned.

"Laxus? Will he go together?"

"If he goes, it should be fine."

"What a pity, I originally wanted to go with Noah..."

While the members of the guild screamed, Noah and Gray were silent.

Laxus Dole, the grandson of Makarov, the president of Fairytail, the nominee of Noah’s name, is an excellent wizard who has been alone at the age of fifteen. Shishi!

Although he was only fifteen years old, the strength of Laxus as a magician was able to rank higher in the entire "Fairytail", and even pressed many older members of the guild. Quite outstanding, now I have been alone and have performed many difficult tasks.

With such a good magician carrying out the task together, this task with no difficulty, he calculated what accident, and the strength of Laxus is absolutely enough to cope.

However, Noah's face is somewhat complicated.

Only Noah knew that Laxus had a very nervous relationship with Makarov because of certain things. The relationship with himself is not good. It is because of this that Noah will live in the fairy. The tail of the Fairytail is not the home of Makarov.

In order to convince Laxus to walk with himself, Grandpa should have no less effort.

At the thought of this, there was still some hesitation, and Noah, who was afraid that his ability was not enough to get out of the task, took a deep breath and bowed his head.

"Grandpa, I will finish this mission!"

It seems that I heard the feelings contained in Noah's words. The people around me suddenly calmed down, and Makarov was a gratified smile.

"In addition, in addition to Laxus, Noah, you have to bring another person!"

After that, Makarov turned his head and looked at the direction of a wooden table in the corner of the guild.

"Ai Lusha, let's go together too!"

When this sentence came out, everyone was silent, and the surrounding atmosphere began to turn down.

Sitting in the corner of the guild corner, Ai Lusha did not realize that this suppression, stood up, nodded, and then walked out of the guild directly.

Looking at this scene, the members of the guild still couldn't speak, only Gray, whispered a whisper.

"What, it’s all companions, is it necessary to be so cold?"

This sentence also tells the voice of everyone in the guild.

Makarov looked at Ai Lusha until the back of Ai Lusha disappeared in the direction of the gate, and he whispered to Noah, who was on the side.

"If you can, I hope that you can save the child, she is also very poor..."

Noah turned his head and looked at the direction of the gate, that is, no nod, no shaking his head, and his face was calm.

As for what Noah thought in his heart, he knew that Makarov also seemed to know that his face had a funny smile and continued to drink.


Going back to my room, I only packed up some clothes and some of the cost of the trip. Noah sipped a small bag. In Gray's why I used magic, I couldn’t get out of the task’s complaints and guild members. In the farewell of the farewell, I walked out of the gate.

There, there wasn't even a carry on the body. Only Elsa, wearing a cold armor, waited quietly for Noah's arrival, without saying a word, and Noah did not pay attention to Ai Lusha.

Because his gaze has long been taken away by a figure on the wall of a building not far away.

It was a short hair with a golden color, wearing a very modern style, a magical prop that can play music, and a teenager about 15 or 6 years old.

The teenager held his arm, leaned against the wall, closed his eyes, and seemed to be listening to music. It was only after Noah’s arrival that he seemed to have opened his eyes, and his sharp eyes cast directly on Noah’s body.

Facing the other's sharp eyes, Noah didn't even have a pause in his footsteps. His face didn't even change in a single direction. He walked straight and stopped until he came less than two meters away from the other party. With the sharp eyes on it.

The two men looked at each other quietly. On the side, Ai Lusa stood there without saying a word, and the air became heavy.