MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2122 That is the real world war.

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(Thank you very much for the ‘Great Love Second Yuanmei Paper’, ‘Azha 520’, ‘Light Click’, ‘yyyu’, ‘Long Pity Snow’!”

Seeing the shy expression of the holy Tokyo ruler, Noah’s heart was hot, and he wanted to hold back, but he reacted.

What do you endure?

Usually I can't bear to others, where do I have to endure something for lovers who have already confirmed the relationship?

Thinking so, Noah was very close to the girl's blown face in the arms.

"Ah..." The Holy Son suddenly exclaimed again, and the shyness in his eyes turned into a shameful anger. He smacked Noah with a red face and protested.

"I'm working."

"Yes, yes, I know that our saints are the most loved for work." Noah smiled uncomfortably, picking up the conference process on the desktop and not knowing how many times he simulated.

"However, our saints do not seem to know that their work is completely redundant. How do you need to memorize so many times of the conference process?"

Although the talks were held by countries all over the world, since the location was chosen in the Tokyo area, the process of the meeting naturally had to be drawn up by the rulers of the Tokyo area.

However, the meeting process of the Holy Son simulation, which is already detailed can not be detailed, the result of this gimmick has been simulated over and over again, really a bit clumsy.

"If you say that, even if the location is chosen in the Tokyo area, the talks are still things that the world has proposed. If you simulate it again, if you don't get to the point, then you just have to do nothing." Noah Yang Yang’s draft meeting was told to the Son of Heaven.

"This time, the countries around the world are obviously coming to the fairy tail (fairy_tail), but you don't mention this aspect of the whole meeting process. Do you think the countries of the world will follow your ideas?"

It was said that the blush on the face of Shengtianzi slowly subsided, and some consciously sighed.

"I also know that this is just doing useless work, but if I can, I really don't want to see the only human country in the world at this juncture, and still fight against the so-called hegemony."

Compared with the appearance of the gut animals, today's humans can almost be called stagnation.

Even the small Japanese island nation was occupied by the threat of the gut animals, and the remaining human beings were completely divided into five areas. They survived on the megaliths and were completely imaginable. The disasters that the great powers have suffered will only be greater.

Under such circumstances, human beings should go hand in hand to deal with the gut animals that threaten the survival of the entire human race.

However, even the intestines of the guts are not instinct to kill each other, but humans have not understood them at all.

Even if this situation has already arrived, there are still various competitions, and it really makes the Son of Heaven feel a little sad.

"You are too kind." Noah naturally knows what kind of virtue her little girlfriend is, and the tone is soft.

"But too much is not a good thing. Sometimes, when it is decisive, you have to be decisive. You are the ruler of the Tokyo area. You don't even understand this point?"

"...I know what you want to say." The Holy Son was silent for a moment, then he looked at Noah.

“I just worried that there would be a worst situation tomorrow.”

Under the gaze of the Holy Son, Noah was also silent.

After a while, Noah made a faint voice.

"Do you mean war?"

St. Tianzi’s heavy point was lowered.

The reason why the countries of the world will focus on the fairy tail (fairy_tail) is because the fairy tail (fairy_tail) has taken over the sons of the countries of the world and gained enormous strength, so that even the ability to compete for the hegemony of the world threatens the countries. .

That being the case, tomorrow’s international conference, where the world’s countries will ask questions, is something that you don’t have to know.

"In order to weaken the power of the goblin's tail (fairy_tail), and in order to recapture the weapons that belonged to the country of the past, the countries of the world will certainly raise the question of the whereabouts of the sons of the beggars."

"As the chief culprit in the illegal removal of citizens in various countries, tomorrow, all countries in the world will be righteous and resentful to your guild to condemn, and demand that the sons of their beggars be returned, so that the demon township will be compensated. That is not impossible."

This is the so-called politics.

Even if the fairy tail (fairy_tail) is to accommodate children from all over the world for the future of the son of the beggar, it is indeed illegal to take away the people of a country without consent.

Even if the countries of the world hate the sons of the beggars, they can all use this as an article. From the perspective of righteousness, as the Holy Son said, the righteous words condemn the fairy tail (fairy_tail) and demand compensation. .

"And if the gossip's tail (fairy_tail) does not accept, the countries of the world will certainly use the justice of recollection as a pretext to launch a war against the fairy town." Holy Son looks directly at Noah.

"When did that happen, what would you do?"

What will Noah do?

With the eyes of the Holy Son as if to see through his heart, Noah spoke indifferently.

"You don't already know the answer?"

Hearing this sentence, the Holy Son could not help but reveal a worried expression.


Holy Son has already known the answer.

Because, just three years ago, Noah made a choice.

One side is a hopeless human.

One side is an innocent child.

On which side will you stand, with the understanding of your own sweetheart by the Holy Son, no matter what you think, there is only one answer.

Moreover, this answer is not only the answer that Noah will make, but also the answer that all the people in the fairy town will make.

"Our fairy tail (fairy_tail) will only fight for family and companions." Noah said without any hesitation.

"If someone wants to hurt our family and companions, then the whole fairy town will not be afraid of any challenges and battles."

That's right.

This answer has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the fairy towns and even the rest of the region and the country.

Moreover, there will be no shakes.

"But, the countries of the world will certainly not give up." Shengtianzi smiled bitterly.

"Ultimately, tomorrow's international conference will definitely develop into a prelude to war."

Just because of this, St. Tianzi will always be doing nothing, and over and over again simulate the meeting process, in an attempt to make the meeting not go in the direction of the breakdown of negotiations.

For the holy Son who longs for peace, in any case, war alone must be avoided.

"When the war unfolds, there will be innocent people involved in it. Some countries will even be defeated by the victorious countries after the defeat. As a result, they will go to the end of the destruction of the gut animals. This time, the severity is even more serious. On that, once a war breaks out, it is a real world war."

St. Tianzi bit his lip and stared at Noah tightly.

“Is there really no way to avoid the war?”

Noah closed his mouth under the helpless eyes of the Son of Heaven and hopelessness.

Upon seeing it, Shengtianzi’s eyes lit up and he quickly opened his mouth.

"You... can you avoid the war?"

Who is this man in front of you?

When you are still the president of a small civil organization, you can fight with the help of a country like Tian Tongju, who does not fall into the wind, and eventually even ousts the other party.

Even the dictator Qiwu Xuanzong took the man in front of him, and the countries of the world also fell to the point where they were subject to humanity because of the development plan they had left three years ago.

If we say that in this situation, who can find a way to avoid the war, then the Son of Heaven believes that it is definitely the man who has fascinated himself.

The key is to see Noah's willingness.

After all, Noah's guys who are going to hurt the people around them don't have a trace of mercy.

Thinking of this, St. Tianzi was a little shy, and wrapped his hands around Noah’s neck, with a little bit of tenderness.

"I know that you hate those who are selfish, but the people are innocent. For those who are innocent, please, help me."

In the pleading tone of the Son of Heaven, Noah finally began to smile.

At the moment, Noah bowed to the Son of God.

"Standing you as a loyal head of state, I am unlucky."

Shengtianzi smiled happily.

(Seeking a subscription! Seeking a monthly ticket!) (To be continued.)


Read The Duke's Passion