MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2127 Let them all speak without words

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(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘Wings in the Sky’, ‘David H. Smith’, ‘Ha喽 Toolbox’!)

In the corner of the lounge, the wood sits there, his head is lowered, his face is covered by the long bangs, he can't see it at all, but the whole body exudes a self-defeating atmosphere.

"That..." Liantaro seems to be somewhat unbearable, and cautiously asks Noah, who is next to him.

"I really don't want to comfort Ms. Mujie?"

"How do you comfort me?" Noah was extremely helpless.

"Now, when Wood sees my face, I will remember the anecdote just happened. I used to comfort myself. It was just a stone."

"What should I do?" Lian Tailang said nothing.

"Is it just like this?"

"Is it good or not?" said the unsmiling smile.

"A district is more wooden, let her go, and I will let Xiao Noah go back later."

"What awkward..." Noah was speechless.

"Wood is not my pet..."

"Is it?" Unwoven and said with amazement.

"If wood is not your pet, how can she mix into the present position?"

Noah and Ryotaro both laughed out loud.

This Miss Sima family is really a very sinister guy...

"That said, you don't have to go to work?" Lian Tailang quickly transferred the topic.

"You are responsible for all kinds of chores, there should be a lot of things that you need to do?"

"Basic work has been arranged. The rest of my work is to cope with unexpected situations and keep in touch with my men."

"In the original words, at this time, I should accompany the Emperor of Heaven to visit the representatives of various countries, and give a little greeting, but the saints of the emperor left me, and I went alone with those representatives to ask for help, but I will instead It’s down.”

"Is this okay?" Lian Tailang frowned.

"Since it is the representative of the world's countries to attend this important meeting, then surely each is not a simple role, so that the Holy Man alone to deal with those awkward guys, will it be too risky?"

"Now is just a stage of mutual temptation. What really matters is the meeting. If even this level cannot be passed, the noon meeting will only be eaten by the representatives of various countries." Noah shrugged.

"That gimmick must have such an idea, so it is completely different to go to the lounge of the representatives of the countries. It was completely different from the time when it was only three years ago that it could only rely on the scorpion."

"If this is not the case, our Sima family has already had a supporter of the Holy Son, replacing the position of the scorpio of the past."

"The current saints are not the same as they were three years ago. Although they are still very young and too kind, but the purity and purity of the saints has always attracted everyone, even the sacred daisy The inner service of the adult, never thought about the position."

Indeed, although the past Tianzhijuzhi represents the dark side of the Tokyo area, it has never thought of taking the seat of the Holy Son.

Even, the celestial scorpion is still very fond of the Holy Son. Even if his crime was revealed by the Holy Son, the Tiantong family was stepped down because of the help of the Holy Son, but the man did not resent the Holy Son until he died, but also because of the Holy Son. Grateful for the growth.

In this turbid age, the Son of God can maintain this kindness and purity, which is very precious for the entire human race.

Unfortunately, this most holy flower in the world was picked by someone inadvertently.

Thinking of this, Noah once again realized that he was indeed a person who was taken care of by the world.

Without this level of protection, it is really not that easy to remove this flower.

When Noah was squatting, Lentaro said to Noah.

"In other words, since the saints have visited the representatives of the world, you are the master of the fairy town, don't you go through the game a little?"

"No." Noah picked up the black tea on the table and sipped it without hesitation.

"If it is a talk that is carried out for the purpose of communication and communication, then I don't mind going through the game and establishing friendly relations with the countries of the world. Unfortunately, people are not coming to hello with us. I am good, everyone is good, but To target us, in this case, what do we need to ask people to ask for help?"

"Hey..." Lian Tailang thought about it carefully, but it is also the truth.

"However, isn't it possible to test the tone of the representatives of various countries?"

"That doesn't need it either." Noah grinned.

"Because, in the afternoon meeting, no matter what they prepared, I will let them all say nothing!"

The extremely confident and strong speech made Lian Tailang’s heart flow slightly.

Even the unwoven pair of eyes flashed a small star, and looked at Noah with a look of worship.

"I really want to be a man I am fancy. I can't be a man who can compete for world hegemony in just less than five years. I really didn't cover it. I knew this. I should have shot it earlier and took it away, lest it be taken. Wood is even cheaper."

The slyness of Ryotaro’s heart disappeared completely and was replaced by an indescribable mood.

Even Noah almost rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Even if I don't do anything, just sit here, that doesn't mean that temptation will not happen?"

This sentence, let the unwoven and Liantaro have a slight glimpse.

"My preparation is very good, but the preparation of others is different." Noah has a deep smile.

"So, even if I don't look for someone else, others don't necessarily come to me."

It is like to prove that Noah is not empty.

The next second, the sound of knocking on the door sounded up.

Unwoven and Lian Tailang reacted instantly, and their eyes gathered on Noah's body.

Noah was still drinking tea and nodded to Lian Tailang.

Lian Tailang immediately stood up, went up, opened the door and went out.

After a while, Ryotaro re-entered and looked at Noah with a serious look.

See you, Noah just asked.


Lentaro was silent for a while and then spoke.

"Qi Wu Zong Xuan."

Noah browed and picked up, then smiled.

"I didn't expect that he would still want to come into contact with me. I thought he didn't want to see me again in his life."

After all, at the beginning, Noah had made this dictator fall heavily, and certainly left a small shadow in his heart.

"However, the guy's guts are indeed qualified." Noah put a handful of teacups in his hand, saying so.

"Let him come in."

Lian Tailang immediately turned his head and turned around, and went out again.

"Noah..." Wood finally recovered from the blow and came to Noah's side.

"Reassured." Noah faintly said.

"Three years ago, I was able to eat him, and after three years, I could do the same."

The wood was even more sloppy, nodded and stood behind Noah.

Not long after, Lantaro opened the door directly, took a person and walked in.

That person, naturally, Qi Wuzong Xuan.

After a lapse of three years, Qi Wuzong Xuan still feels like no anger at the beginning, just like a lion, always ready to swallow the belly.

However, three years ago, when I first met, Qi Wuzong Xuan only regarded Noah as the head of a somewhat capable police organization, and he showed extraordinary pride in his words.

Today, Qi Wuzong Xuan is not the original pride, and the moment when he meets Noah's line of sight sitting on the sofa, the expression immediately becomes a solemn rise.

"Long time no see, President Qi Wu." Noah smiled and smiled.

"I haven't seen you for three years. It seems that your body is as strong as it was at the beginning."

"... After all, I managed to survive from your hands." Qi Wuzong Xuan did not know whether he was self-deprecating or ironic.

"If you die casually, isn't that rude to you?"

"I don't think so?" Noah spread his hands.

"There is a distance between the fairy town and the Osaka area. The emperor is far away. It is not so easy to do something. On the contrary, there should be a lot of people who hate the president of Qiwu in the Osaka area. Even if anyone succeeds in venting anger, I will not I will be surprised."

"Unfortunately, I have never been planted in anyone's hands except you." Qi Wuzong Xuan Zang opened his eyes.

"I am sorry to let you down."

"I can't talk about disappointment." Noah smashed Qi Wuzong's eyes.

"For me, you are dead or alive, and the impact is really small." (To be continued.)
