MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2179 It’s time to get back your strength.

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(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘Mingzhi Six Road’, ‘Please call me 6666’, ‘Please plant the grass under the sea!’)


When Noah opened his eyes again, a tremor of tremors that would be produced by the intense friction of the air immediately penetrated into his ears, making Denoya's eardrums a pain.

This abnormal shape made Noah's heart suddenly tighten, and quickly opened his eyes, and even he was shocked.

I saw that in the pure white world, the feathers with soft white light seemed to be suffering from serious stimuli, flying around in a hurry.

On the outside of the pure white world, outside the barriers of the shackles, the red shadows of the gods are like riots. They are gathered together, densely packed, and constantly bombarded.

"Booming and banging!"

In the thunderous roar, the barriers of the shackles have been subjected to impact and swayed violently.

That scene is like a huge red wave that is striking the fascinating beaches, as if you want to break through the beaches, and rush to the barriers.

In this scene, Noah's face changed directly.

However, before Noah made any action, the two small and delicate palms were held down on his shoulders.

"Don't be impulsive, Little Noah, now it's not when you shoot." Gaia looked over the sky, and the tender little face was tight.

"In addition, with your current strength, even if you rush up, it is just a dead end."

"You don't need to worry." Alaya also looked at the scene above, saying so.

"They just feel that the barrier is about to fail, so they concentrate their strength and plan to fight for time and break through the only line of defense. In the current situation, it should be able to support it for a while."

"Is it?" Noah was a little relaxed and apologetic.

"Sorry, it’s all because of me..."

If it wasn't for Noah who wanted to go back to the fairy's tail (fairy_tai1) and see his friends and family again, then the current form will definitely not be so bad?

In this regard, Gaia and Alaya shook his head at Noah at the same time.

"You don't need to apologize, Little Noah." Gaia smiled.

"It will allow you to eliminate your last worries and fight for it, then everything is worth it."

"Not to mention, this war is still imposed on you by thousands of worlds." Alaya also shook his head.

"We can only rely on you, but you can't rely on any existence. The apology should be that we are right."

"This is not right." Noah immediately retorted.

"Before this, I really didn't think that I actually carried such a mission, but I have no rejection of this mission."

"Because, in that world, there are relatives, friends and lovers that I am familiar with." Noah smiled calmly.

"If I fight to protect them, then I am very happy."

Wen Yan, Gaia and Alaya both laughed.

However, the situation has not allowed everyone to talk so leisurely.


With a louder roaring sound, the whole pure white world trembled fiercely, as the sky shook, and it was very embarrassing.

Noah was almost knocked down to the ground, and it was hard to stabilize his figure. The smile on his face disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that the offensive is more violent than we thought." Gaia's voice did not feel as calm as before.

"We should not have much time to waste."

"It's best to start now." Alaya looked directly at Noah.

"are you ready?"

"No problem." Noah slammed his head down.

"let's start."

Gaia and Araye looked at each other and looked at each other, pointing to the front and pointing a finger.

The next moment, a mysterious text surrounded by pure white, surrounded by a pure white stone plate, floated in front of Noah.

Looking at the pure white stone plate suspended in front of himself, Noah’s heart rose and stirred up.

The instigation was the connection between Noah and the pure white stone plate in front of him.

World power.

World sovereignty.

World grace.

The three forces, before they have changed, are what belonged to Noah.

Nowadays, the three forces appear in front of Noah, even though it is as far away as it was sensed before, but the connection still exists.

"Okay, Little Noah." Gaia looked serious.

"Incorporate your strength into the body."

"I don't need to worry that I can't hold these powers." Alaya's voice also brought a sense of solemnity.

"You are the reincarnation of the world's debris, born with three major physiques, and absolutely able to absorb any power that no life can have."

The words of Alaya, let Noah suddenly wake up.

Noah has three major physiques since its birth.

One: A body that can immunize all negative forces.

Second: the ability to absorb all the strength of the body into the body.

Three: A body that can restore all energy autonomously.

Makarov called these three physiques, respectively, to have strong rejection, inclusiveness and independence.

Exclusion excludes all negative forces.

Inclusiveness embraces all strengths.

Independence restores all energy independently.

These three characteristics, Noah is as natural as it is.

It can be said that, to a large extent, Noah can go to the point of today, saying that it is by virtue of these three constitutions, it is not an exaggeration.

Now, Noah understands why he has these three qualities.

Because he is the reincarnation of the world's debris.

Is there any negative force that can affect the world?


Is there any power that the world cannot tolerate?


Is there any energy that the world cannot recover on its own?

Also no!

Cursed, weak, poisoned and decayed, all negative forces, Noah has never heard of anything that can be applied to the world.

Magic, magic, spells and spells, all mysterious powers, Noah has never heard of which ones are not allowed to be owned by the world. Even if Noah brings the power of the sacred gods into the rest of the world, there is no such thing in the beginning. Any rejection, until the world is turbulent, only appears to be able to adapt within a month, but only needs an adaptation period.

Of course, whether it is magic, divine power, or spiritual power, all the energy that is filled with nature, the world can always respond spontaneously, and the source is endless.

In view of this, Noah has three major physiques.

With these three physiques, the power that others can't integrate, Noah can have it.

"It turned out to be the case." Noah suddenly murmured.

"Is this the three major physiques?"

In this case, the world power, world sovereignty and world grace are definitely not out of reach for Noah.

As long as they can integrate into the body, they are the things of Noah.

"It's time to get back your strength, Little Noah." Gaia smiled at Noah's show.


"That is the power you should have." Alaya also looked to Noah.


Even the pure white stone plate seemed to be urging something, and it shook a little, letting a pure white mysterious text and a pure white mysterious pattern flash through the stream.

Noah glanced at Gaia and glanced at Alaya. Then, under the watchful eyes of Gaia and Alaya, she closed her eyes and immediately opened it.

In the next second, Noah resolutely held out his hand against the pure white stone plate in front of him.


When Noah's hand came into contact with the pure white stone plate, the glare of the light shone from the pure white stone plate.

It is the same soft white light as the pieces of feathers that represent the world itself.

Under the soft white light, Noah clearly felt it.

In my own heart, the instigation that has been in constant contact with his own power has suddenly expanded.


The sound like a heartbeat resounded from Noah's body.

The next moment, even Noah's body flashed white light, illuminating the entire pure white world.


Around, a piece of feathers like a flustered bird swelled in turn, and like Noah, it flashed white.

That white light is like the joy of the child's growth.

That white light is as welcome as the birth of the same kind.

Under the white light, Noah closed his eyes again.

Immediately, the pure white stone plate turned into a stream of light, and did not enter Noah's body. (To be continued.) 8


Read The Duke's Passion