MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2188 has the ability to eliminate everything

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(Thank you very much for the reward of ‘Q Yongjiang Yihao Q’ and ‘Book Friends 160708173114995’!)

After burning the red space of that side, the flame of the sky is like the sky, and it has been burning quietly above, covering the entire sky.

At this time, Noah turned around and slowly drifted down and landed on the ground.

"Little Noah!"


Gaia and Alaya came to Noah in a row and looked at Noah's eyes full of joy.

Obviously, the two major restraints are also happy with the growth of Noah.

More than Gaia and Alaya, even the only pieces of feathers that flew like a bird flew to Noah's body, hovering, and constantly releasing happy emotional fluctuations.

However, Noah is not happy.

Looking at the endless pure white space, there are only a few dozen feathers left around, and Noah’s mood is really complicated.

Although he did not see the whole process with his own eyes, Noah was able to guess what happened.

After all, Noah has just completed the transformation of the body world, opened his eyes, and the worlds themselves blew themselves in front of their own eyes. The scene of turning into a block of obstacles against the incoming "shadow" was directly printed. Noah's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Noah can be stupid enough to guess what happened.

"In order to delay the time?" Noah's mood is very complicated.

If you don't ask for it yourself, let Gaia and Alaya allow him to go back home and meet his family. In the end, he certainly does not need to fall to let the world spurt himself, so that he can get time to complete the transformation of the body world. Right?

With such a thought, Noah’s heart could not help but show some embarrassment.

I don't know if the worlds of the same one can sense the emotional fluctuations of Noah. I noticed the shackles in Noah's heart. The feathers that radiated soft white light suddenly felt like comfort, gently in the body of Noah. Rotated up.

Looking at this scene, Gaia and Alaya seem to have guessed something, and they look at each other. Then, Qi Qi’s eyes are cast on Noah’s body.

"Little Noah, you can't think too much." Gaia shouted.

"In the two things of "letting you worry and confused" and "sacrificing for the sake of time", if you talk about which side is more important, then neither I nor Alaya will hesitate. The choice of the former. ”

"If you are worried and fighting with the confusion, and eventually lead to defeat, then it is the real mass extinction." Alaya said so.

"And to sacrifice for time, but only for the time being, as long as you can finally win, then sooner or later you will be able to repair the self-sacrificing world, and I believe you must understand."

"I know." Noah took a deep breath and suppressed the emotions in her heart, laughing out loud.

"I just feel a little bit distressed."

"We are as distressed as you are." Gaia's tender face also showed a bitter bitterness.

"After all, the person who made this decision is me."

"And me." Alaya is a calm face.

"So, you don't need to feel embarrassed about it. If this is necessary, then all the pain, we can help you share."

"I know." The bitterness of Noah's face turned into a smile.

"So, I have always been very grateful to you."

"That is our privilege." The bitterness of Gaia's face is also a playful expression.

"It is possible to let the reincarnation of the starting world treat us like this. As a restraining force, it is a good thing."

"From the beginning of thousands of worlds to choose us to act as your guide, we are already a community of destiny." Alaya looked at Noah and said such a sentence.

"Although we can only help with this level of effort, no matter what the outcome, your battle, we will see the last."

Noah’s heavy point was lowered.

At this time, Gaia and Alaya had a leisurely look at Noah.

Take a closer look, Noah has been very different from before.

This difference refers not to the change in Noah's appearance, nor to the change in Noah's temperament.

Noah, that is Noah.

However, looking at Noah, who seems to have no change in front of him, the two major inhibitors have produced a wonderful feeling.

That feeling, just before Noah’s transformation, is the same as the feeling of completing the transformed world power, world sovereignty and world grace.

————Not far away.

It is this feeling.

It is clear that Noah is standing in front of him, but both Gaia and Alaya have a feeling of being out of reach.

Gaia and Alaya are very clear about the reasons for this feeling.

There is only one reason.

That is, Noah’s own personality has been raised to a state where restraint cannot be touched.

Facing Noah, for the two major restraints, it is equivalent to facing a world.

Even though the form of existence of this world is currently active in human ways, in essence, Noah is no longer a human being.

At least, Noah's soul has become a world.

The beginning world that has been reborn.

Therefore, both Gaia and Alaya can be found.

In Noah's body, which looks completely different from ordinary people, there is a feather in the heart.

In the world of "Sword Dance" of the Elf, the heart of Lotus-Ashbel also has a feather.

However, the feathers are incomplete, only half.

The feathers that are in the heart of Noah are full of feathers.

Moreover, this piece of feather is somewhat different from the general feather.

Where is it different?

"Golden?" Gaia and Alaya were a little surprised.

That's right.

The feathers that are boarding in the heart of Noah are awesome gold.

"How can it be golden?" Gaia wondered.

"The body of the world is clearly white feathers?"

"It's not just the world. Even the "world between the world" that accommodates the world is pure white. The "magic power" as the source of the world is also white. Even the power, sovereignty and grace after the transformation are white. "Alaiye frowned.

"White is the color of the world. How can your body become golden?"

When he heard the words of Gaia and Alaya, Noah smiled and said such a sentence.

"Since the color representing the world is white, how can the disaster of destroying thousands of worlds be red?"

When this sentence came out, Gaia and Alaya immediately stopped.

"So, I have never noticed this problem." Gaia stunned.

“Why is the danger of the world going to be red?”

"Because that is no longer a pure world, is it more like a disaster between the worlds?" Alaya thought thoughtfully.

"That means..."

"That is to say, the essence of my inner world is the same, no longer a world that is used to breed life and miracles." Noah said with a smile.

"The beginning world is no longer there. Now it is reborn in the form of my soul. The birth of life and miracles no longer obeys the laws of nature, but is determined by my will. Therefore, this world has infected me. The color is naturally not a scaleless white."

"It turned out to be the case." Gaia and Alaya also expressed understanding.

Giving birth to life and miracles is almost the instinct of the world.

However, Noah's in-vivo world no longer follows this instinct, but decides everything according to Noah's will. Although it is still the world in nature, it is essentially different.

Therefore, Noah's in-vivo world will become a golden color.

Similarly, the bright red world on the other side tends to be more catastrophic in nature. It is the kind of death that is equivalent to the tentacle. It has only simple consciousness and is manipulated. Even life is not counted. Naturally, it is called no. It is pure and non-scaling, and it becomes an unknown blood color.

And from these colors, it is also possible to see the difference.

Therefore, the white fantasy world is the most basic way of existence, and the golden beginning world and the red disaster world have different essences from the outside world, so they all have the power to interfere with the rest of the world.

"I can eliminate the tentacles of the red **** of death is proof." Noah raised a hand, looked at it, slowly clenched into a fist.

"The feeling of powerlessness like the last time no longer exists. Now my words have the ability to destroy everything."

With that said, Noah turned around, looked up, and looked at the burning fire above the sea, whispering.

"Now, I am ready to go."


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