MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 524 Qin Chu, the only hope (4,000 words)

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  Chapter 524 Qin Chu, the only hope (4,000 words)

   Only Ireta, the daughter of death, knows how much horror lies beneath the ice.

  The remnant of the evil **** is part of it.

  However, in addition to the remnant body of the evil god, there are also a large number of other strange existences hidden.

   Deep in the glacier, inaccessible.

   Just like the endless sea, there are rumors that it can be entered but cannot be exited... However, at any time, in the human world, there is no shortage of adventure-loving existences. They regard it as an honor to set foot in places that others dare not set foot in.

   The spirit of daring to explore, there is no right or wrong.

  The progress of human civilization also happens through adventure after adventure.

   It’s just this kind of adventure, how many deaths it will cause is another matter.

  For thousands of years, the bone-chilling cold and the blizzard all over the sky could not stop those people who really had the spirit of exploration, and countless creatures died here.

  The existence that can set foot in this area, without exception, is extremely powerful...

  Strong strength often requires a strong soul and will as support.

  The already powerful soul has been eroded by the breath of evil gods for so many years, and no one can predict to what extent it will be distorted.

   It's just that before, these evil spirits have been in a state of silence.

  But after the ice layer was smashed through, the breath of living people poured into it along with the air.

  The frozen evil spirits were all activated at this time.

  Eletta's complexion is serious. This evil spirit that has grown up after being eroded by evil gods is quite troublesome even for her, the Daughter of Death, to deal with.


These tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters thick ice layer, after thousands of years of freezing weather, is even harder than a boulder. It is definitely not something that can be broken easily. The high-level magic meteorite technique shattered?

   Could it be that this was also a deliberate arrangement by that mysterious existence?

   That guy, what exactly do you want to do?

A lot of thoughts popped up in Ireta's mind instantly, but at this moment, Ireta didn't have the time to think about them at all. Her jet-black eyes had clearly peeped through the thick layer of ice. A wisp of black trace has begun to squirm.

  The evil spirit is about to be released.

  Obviously, the body has long since died, and the breath no longer exists. But at this moment, Yileita could feel that her breathing had become extremely short.

   Looking back at Inas and Florence, her pale lips parted: "Flee!"

  The voice was not loud, but it penetrated into the ears of the two women clearly.


  Invisible oppression The oppressed two women couldn't even breathe.

  What did the dignified daughter of death discover that she wanted to let the two of them escape?

Before they even had time to think too much, Inas and Florence glanced at each other. They wanted to stay here to help... But before, the two of them joined forces to hold back an enemy and provide some support for Iretta. .

  But now that the situation has changed suddenly, the existence of the two of them has completely become a burden. You can tell by the expression on Ireta's face that this is no longer a conflict that I can participate in.

  However, these two women are smart.

  Although he sensed that the situation was wrong, he immediately began to seek hope in his mind.

  The only hope is... Qin Chu.

  Perhaps, only the brave man who has mastered the power of the Holy Light and obtained the inheritance of the Goddess of Holy Light can prevent the impending disaster.

  Florence immediately pressed her finger to her ear, trying to contact Qin Chu with message magic.

   Just, failed.

   I don’t know if it’s because the seal of the glacier was broken, the breath of evil gods permeated, and the evil spirits came out of the cage, which caused the energy to be seriously disturbed, and Qin Chu could not be contacted through message magic.

"Inas, go to the Principality of Ice with the shortest distance and the fastest speed." After all, Florence is the pastor of the Mother Earth Sect. Showed far more excellent experience than Inas.

   "If you encounter any situation in the middle, you can contact with message magic at any time."

  Inas also understood the current situation, so he couldn't help delaying it.

  At that moment, Inas nodded vigorously without any hesitation, supported the shield on his body with all his strength, and roared in the direction of the Ice Principality.

  During this process, the shield on Inas' body was directly and severely attacked. In less than a few seconds, large cracks appeared on the shield.

  As for Florence, she retreated at a slightly slower speed.

  While retreating, he kept trying to contact Qin Chu with message magic, hoping to get out of this area where the energy had become extremely chaotic as soon as possible.

   There are six clones left in the air.

   They are without wisdom, like mad dogs.

  But it is also this kind of mad dog-like personality that prevents them from allowing any prey to escape in front of them. Immediately, two clones tried to chase them down.

   "The field of death."

  Iretta's face was icy cold, and a cold light appeared in her dark eyes, she spoke in a low voice, and uttered a mysterious word.


   The wind is blowing.

  Another sense of coldness that is completely different from the glacier spreads in the void, and the whole world seems to be shrouded in a layer of light gray traces.

   It is not a rich pitch black, but a gloomy gray black.

   There seemed to be countless fine particles floating in the air, and even the snowstorm turned into burnt ashes, slowly falling down.

   Strips of black traces, dancing like a chain ribbon, entangled towards the six clones, trying to intercept the six clones.

   Dealing with six enemies at the same time, Iretta is under a lot of pressure.

  She knew that these avatars were extremely powerful.

The original plan was to kill one first under a surprise attack. Inas and Florence were entangled with one, and faced the remaining five at the same time. After a long battle that might take several days, Should be able to gain the upper hand gradually.

   After gaining the upper hand, once you seize the opportunity and kill one of them, you will be able to completely stabilize the victory.

   But now that the situation has changed, Yileita has to take risks.

  The worst thing is that for Yileita, the crisis is not only these avatars, but also the evil spirits that are about to surge out from below.

   This time it is really troublesome, but at least let those two women escape.

   Just under the ice layer, the unlucky guy who was hit directly on the forehead by a huge meteorite finally woke up gradually.

   I don’t know how many bones in my body were broken by the shock.

  However, with no soul, no consciousness, and pure instinctive madness, he couldn't feel any pain at all. On the contrary, the enemy's attack and physical damage made him even more furious.

   Roar... Roar... Roar...

   From the man's throat, there were continuous bursts of low and suppressed roars.

  His body was twisting in a weird way.

  Like a huge bug.

   Click, click, click...

   Every time he twisted, there would be bursts of strange sounds coming from his body, and all the broken sounds in his body would be reconnected at this time.

   Even the cracked skull on the top of the head, which was hit by the meteorite, is healing at an extremely fast speed.

  This astonishing recovery speed is even more exaggerated than the Holy Healing Power.

   This is also a super power, extreme healing.

  The Holy Healing power gave Qin Chu super resilience. As long as Qin Chu is still alive and not dead, no matter how serious the injury on his body is, he can fully recover.

   At most, it is because the injury is too exaggerated, missing arms and legs, and falling apart. The recovery speed is a little slower.

   Just like when the demon king Nag cut Qin Chu in two, under the blessing of the Holy Healing Power, it took more than a minute for Qin Chu's body to fully recover.

  If it wasn't for this period of time, the demon king Nag was also affected by the reverse prophecy and hadn't recovered. If he gave Qin Chu a few more blows, maybe Qin Chu wouldn't even have a chance to recover.

  But another advantage of the Holy Healing Power is that there is no time interval at all in the recovery process, as long as the injury starts to recover immediately, there is no need to enter the cooldown period.

   Ultimate healing is another way.

  This ultra-level power and holy healing have a common premise, that is, the host is not dead, whether it is still beating or breathing, or even the brain is still thinking, it can be activated if any of the conditions is met.

Compared with Holy Healing, the recovery efficiency of Ultimate Healing is even more exaggerated. Even if the limbs are cut off, the body is cut in two, and the bones of the whole body are ground into powder, as long as you are still alive, you can recover within a few seconds. .

   But there are places that are not as good as Shenghe, for example... this super-level power has a cooling time, and it can be activated once a day at most.

  This man who looks tall, strong, rude and violent can become a clone of Kentaro Sanchi, so he is naturally a brave man.

  Kentaro Sanchi named this person the brave man of power.

His talent is not too exaggerated, only limit healing is a super-level power, but he has three high-level powers, and these three high-level omnipotent powers are all related to strength without exception, and each power is constantly enhancing his strength. Physical strength and power.

He doesn't know magic, but he has special talent in fighting spirit, coupled with the blessing of three high-level powers, he can completely turn into a steamroller on the battlefield, tearing all the enemies in front of him to pieces .

   The exaggeration of strength is the strongest among all brave men.

  Super physique also brings amazing battery life. If it is coupled with extreme healing, it will definitely be a nightmare for enemies on the battlefield.

   It is precisely because of the horror of this power, so if Sanchi Kentaro's consciousness is manipulating it, it will definitely not activate this power until he is on the verge of death.

   But now, Sanchi Kentaro has lost control of the clone.

  In this case, the avatar was naturally injured a little, and immediately started the ultimate healing, which caused great waste.

  The injury was fully recovered within a few seconds, and the man howled and wanted to rush up again, facing the **** who smashed himself down.

  Suddenly, his hairs stood up one by one.

  Although he had no intelligence, the pure instinct still told this man that a terrible danger was coming.

  He wanted to dodge, but a scream exploded in his mind, slowing his movements by half a beat.

  Almost at the same time, a translucent white arm was torn from nowhere, and there was some strange beauty in the danger.

   Its speed is so fast, even with this man's strength, it is difficult to dodge if caught off guard.


  There was a sound like leather being torn from the skin on his chest.

  His clothes were torn, the skin of his chest cavity was split in half, and several ribs under the skin were severed.

   Drops of bright red blood seeped out along the wound.

   Right in front of the man, a human silhouette emerged.

  Through the figure, it can be seen that this is a woman...or in other words, it was a woman when she was alive.

  Her hair and the magician's robe on her body have all been burned, and her body, swaying gently like an amorphous jelly, still maintains the appearance before death.

  The skin on the face and body were all burnt into a scorched state, and they were peeling off from the body piece by piece, exposing the blood-soaked internal organs.

   Especially that face, the nose has disappeared, the eyes have disappeared, and there are only twisted holes left.

  There seemed to be red flames jumping on her body.

   She was burned to death.

  I can almost imagine everything that this evil spirit encountered at that time... The evil spirit in her lifetime was a powerful and exploratory magician. She knew how dangerous the depths of the glacier were, but she couldn't suppress her desire for adventure.

   She stepped into a glacier.

   Finally came to the deepest part.

  The erosion of the evil spirit's breath made her consciousness become chaotic and crazy.

  The cold also made it difficult for this woman to support.

  In this situation, she released the most terrifying flame, then laughed wildly and threw herself into the flame, allowing the magic she released to burn her body, and died laughing wildly.

  The tip of the man's tongue swept his lips, and his mouth was split open, revealing two rows of white teeth like a beast.

  Holding two battle axes with both hands, the danger from all around even suppressed the man's madness. From the corner of his eyes, he could see a large number of strange and distorted figures appearing around him at some point.

   And shriveled again, like the body of a skeleton.

  There is a distended abdomen, as if she is pregnant, so that the shadow of the belly is cracked.

   There was a mouth covered in dark red blood, chewing a piece of meat, and staring at his own weirdness with a kind of benign gaze.

   Rao is irrational, but the beast's instinct still makes a layer of fine pimples appear on the man's skin.

   That’s not counting, just farther away, a large number of gray and black traces, hugging together like a raging tornado, roared out along the broken ice layer.

  Because the already gloomy sky in the Death Realm released by Iletta is like purgatory at this moment.

  Iretta, who was being supported by the siege of six powerful enemies, peeped at the movement below, her face was extremely pale.

  The evil spirit is finally out of the cage.

   The four thousand words of the first chapter are here. Thank you for not having Mu Su Su Chuan Seeing that I’m going to die for a reward of 3,000 dots, thank you oh no, 1,866 dots for a reward, thank you Dongfang Wufei, let me forget everything 1,000 dots Thank you for your support.



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion