MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 540 destiny? who knows! (12,000 words)

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  Chapter 540 Fate? Who knows! (12,000 words)

  Wadsworth's body paused.

   Stay in place without moving.

  He lowered his head and quietly looked at the hole in his chest, the blood was still gurgling out. The mad emperor seemed a little confused about his current situation.

   But soon Wadsworth's face gradually showed a distorted smile.



   A large number of fleshy objects in the chest cavity are wriggling rapidly, and the hole in the chest has been refilled in the blink of an eye. The heart is gone... If it is gone, it will be gone.

   For the current Wadsworth, the heart is not an essential part.

  Accompanied by that distorted smile, Wadsworth's right fist, which was only left with bones, suddenly raised, and smashed directly at the back of the head of the Lord of Pleasure.

  The ultra-short distance, the harassment from Antasia and Little Shaye in front, and the Lord of Pleasure did not regard Wadsworth as an opponent at all.

   Under the blessing of multiple reasons for this negligence and being caught off guard, with a bang, the fist hit the back of the head of the Lord of Pleasure.

   Two punches collapsed the mountain!

   Wadsworth's second punch of the three punches.

   is also Wadsworth's most powerful force.

But this time, the effect was quite subtle. The fist that could crush even a mountain was hit on the head of the Lord of Joy, but there was no effect at all, not even a single hair was interrupted. .

  Only the body of the Lord of Pleasure shook a little, that's all.

The gap in strength is so great that people are desperate. Even if the connection between the Lord of Pleasure and the void has been blocked, and his strength has been reduced under the repulsion and suppression of the world, Wadsworth's most powerful attack still breaks the defense. Can't do it.

   But this attack stunned the Lord of Pleasure.

   His pupils dilated violently.

   His body was even trembling under the influence of certain emotions.

   That wasn't fear, that was pure anger.


  He is the majestic Lord of Joy, a **** in the void, and at this moment, he was hit by a dirty, humble, and weak human being?

  Shame, shame that cannot be vented.


  The Lord of Pleasure is furious like never before.

   This kind of anger even made the Lord of Pleasure ignore the other enemies in front of him, turned around suddenly, and faced Wadsworth.

  The trembling lips suddenly parted.

   There was no sound, but an invisible wave suddenly spread.


  The next moment, Wadsworth's head also exploded.

   Like a watermelon hit by a hammer, the scarlet was mixed with thick white juice and scattered all over the place.

  The heart was removed and crushed, and the head was blown off. At this moment, Wadsworth is left with only a headless body, but this body still hasn't stopped its actions.

  The arm with only bones left was raised again.

  Three punches, breaking the sky.


   This punch hit the face of the Lord of Pleasure.

   I don't know whether it was the Lord of Pleasure's original delicate complexion or because of this fist, that face turned slightly red.

   There are almost no real injuries, but the spiritual impact of this big fight on the Lord of Pleasure is hard to say.

  In a fit of rage, the Lord of Pleasure wanted to completely smash Wadsworth's body, not just the head and heart, but even the entire body, into fine powder.

   It's just that the Lord of Pleasure has forgotten that Wadsworth is not the only enemy of him.

  Behind him, little Saya didn't hesitate, held the scepter with open hands, and her cherry lips moved quickly. The mysterious and indescribable ancient times seemed to be the overlapping of long-lost words, turning them into the weirdest spell.

   Right behind the Lord of Joy, a mass of dense darkness suddenly emerged.

   The moment the darkness just appeared, a gap was torn from the middle and slowly opened.

  The door of darkness.

  Little Saya tried to use the portal of darkness to banish the Lord of Pleasure into the endless void.

Who knows how big the void is, and the exile of the Dark Portal is often in a corner position. Even with the strength of the Lord of Pleasure, it may not be easy to find this world again. The crisis is over.

   This is a very risky move. The strength of the Lord of Joy is too strong. Even after being suppressed, it is difficult for them to fight. Throwing the Lord of Joy into the void is definitely the best choice.

  The moment the door of darkness opened, countless black arms stretched out from behind the door.

  These arms seem to have no bone support, and are extremely flexible. They are like ropes wrapped around the body of the Lord of Pleasure, pulling desperately as if they want to drag the body of the Lord of Pleasure into the portal of darkness.

  In the depths of the Portal of Darkness, I don’t know what kind of place is entangled. There is a thick darkness, like a starry sky, and like an abyss.

  Little Saya is much stronger than Wadsworth.

  The tearing power of the Dark Portal was even more terrifying, and for a while, the body of the Lord of Pleasure even shook uncontrollably.

  He is no longer a god.

   At least…not yet.

  The sky above the head, the rules of the world, and the passage of time have slowly but forcibly pulled the Lord of Pleasure from the throne of God for a while.

However, even so, the Lord of Pleasure still has a combat power far exceeding that of a demigod. The slippery arms wrapped around his body made the Lord of Pleasure extremely irritable. His body shook suddenly, and his arms suddenly collapsed. broken.

   Seeing that Little Saya alone could not restrain the Lord of Joy, Da Saya frowned slightly, and quickly opened his arms.

   Right in the middle of the original dark door, a new dark door opened.

  Double Dark Portal.

  The power was greatly improved immediately.

   More and more arms were densely entangled like poisonous snakes, one group broke, and another group immediately followed.

  On the other side, Natia's body was also floating in the midair, with one hand facing the sky, her tender fingers flexed vigorously, the knuckles were a little pale under excessive force.

   As I said before, this is not Natia's own strength.

  In this war, Natia is more of a transfer station.

  Her power comes from other more mysterious places.

   And this kind of power has obviously exceeded the limit that Natia can bear, and bright red blood is flowing in the eye sockets.

  Finally, with a whoosh, Natia unexpectedly caught a shooting star in midair.

  The next moment, the meteor fell straight towards the direction of the Lord of Pleasure.


  Being impartial, this terrifying meteor just hit the head of the Lord of Pleasure.

  Terrifying energy turned into the most astonishing shock wave and swept across the surroundings. Wadsworth, who had been staying in front of the Lord of Pleasure, was directly blown away.

   Bang Bang.

  The Lord of Pleasure couldn't resist the impact of this scale, and he staggered suddenly.

   These slight instabilities were immediately seized by the dark portal behind, and under the full force of the two dark witches, the Lord of Pleasure took two full steps back.

  Iretta also didn't care about her injuries. A black phantom suddenly flew out of Ireta's subject, and suddenly appeared in the ear of the Lord of Pleasure, making a sharp hiss.

  Death howls.

   A direct attack on the soul.

  If the Lord of Pleasure is still in its prime, it can completely ignore this power.

  In fact, even the Lord of Pleasure in this weakened state can still completely ignore the impact of death wailing...just...the Lord of Pleasure can't do it, another mysterious force is interfering with the Lord of Pleasure.

  The eyes of the Lord of Pleasure, and even his consciousness, are all shrouded in a hazy mist, and that strange mist seems to form a long river with no end in sight, surrounding the perception of the Lord of Pleasure.

  As a result, the Lord of Pleasure became extremely slow to the movement of the outside world.

   All kinds of weird sounds even echoed in my ears from time to time.

  Sometimes holy and ethereal, like a choir singing.

   Sometimes low and depressed, like the whisper of death.

  The Lord of Pleasure never imagined that this evil god's favorite method would actually appear on him today. That feeling is really quite bad.

  He knew that it was that **** Moilay who was behind the scenes.

The goddess in charge of destiny, she is not good at fighting...but she is a real **** after all, and at the same time, on this sky continent, the Lord of Pleasure is affected by the rules of the world, but Moilai has no such aspect at all The problem.

  And this hateful **** has never shown it from the beginning to the end, but it interferes with him all the time.

   Just as the Lord of Pleasure was restless, the sharp scream of death wailing exploded in the ear of the Lord of Pleasure.

  In an instant, the Lord of Pleasure felt as if his soul was being torn apart.

   This is the first time the Lord of Pleasure has tasted pain since the battle.

  Under the shock of the soul, the body was pulled back a step.

  Edelina and Athena did not stop for a moment.

The arrogant witch is using her arrogant authority to continuously issue coercive orders to the Lord of Pleasure. However, for this kind of existence whose strength far exceeds her own, it is extremely difficult for the arrogant authority to order the other party, and the probability is extremely small. Can't last long.

  However, Adelina doesn't care about this. Under such circumstances, even if she can only succeed once, it will be of great help to the battlefield.

  Athena is the same, the magic power on the surface of her body is constantly surging.

  Viruses and curses of doom are alternately spreading towards the Lord of Pleasure.

  This is an unprecedentedly powerful enemy they have faced.

  In this case, no one dares to relax a bit.

  In a short period of time, Adelina and Athena did not know that they used the magic dozens, or even hundreds of times, without any intention of exerting any effect.

   But the two women never stopped from beginning to end.

I don't know how long it has passed. The Lord of Pleasure suddenly felt some inexplicable itching on his skin. His eyes swept over, and he saw a series of small blisters like insect eggs suddenly appearing on his delicate skinned arms. .

   This weird blister is even spreading rapidly.

  Derived from the power of the God of Plague and Calamity, it finally began to take effect.

  After the dense blisters emerged, they quickly began to expand, gradually turning from dense insect eggs into bunches of grapes, and immediately accompanied by crackling sounds, the blisters began to burst.

  The entire body of the Lord of Pleasure was covered with a layer of viscous and foul-smelling liquid.

  This is definitely the worst picture for the Lord of Pleasure who has always enjoyed the supreme elegance, beauty and dignity.

   But before the Lord of Pleasure could clean up the filth on his body, his mind suddenly went blank.

  The erosion of the virus seems to have weakened the resistance of the Lord of Pleasure, and the coercive order of the arrogant witch finally took effect once again.

   Just as Adelina expected, the effect of coercive orders is too small for a powerful existence like the Lord of Pleasure.

  The whole process may have lasted only a short second... No, maybe not even a second, the will of the Lord of Pleasure has returned, breaking away from Adelina's manipulation.

  However, this second is precious enough for the entire battlefield.

  Double Dark Portal A large number of arms took this opportunity to completely drag the body of the Lord of Pleasure into the Dark Portal.

   Immediately afterwards, the two doors quickly began to close, trying to completely exile the Lord of Pleasure in the endless void.

At this moment, it can be said that almost all the masters in the entire human world have gathered in this area... But even if the power of so many people is concentrated, they cannot really kill the weakened Lord of Pleasure, and can only choose to exile , choose to postpone this disaster.

  This is already the limit of what they can do.

  Seeing that the door of darkness is gradually closing.

  The big and small Saya finally showed a slight smile on his face.

  The real gods, they are existences of their level, and they have never faced a powerful opponent.

  It is really not easy to achieve this step.


  Suddenly there was a weird sound like metal rubbing in front of him.

   At the moment of hearing this voice, the smiles on the faces of the big and small Saya were almost drowned out at the same time.

  The door of death... cannot be closed.

  Obviously only a little bit of the gap can be completely closed, and the Lord of Pleasure can be completely thrown into exile... But it is less than an inch away, no matter how desperately the big and small Saya urge their own magic power, the door of darkness remains motionless.

   Immediately afterwards, there was another weird creaking sound.

   On the black gate, even a few cracks gradually appeared.

  In the gap of the portal of darkness, an extremely brilliant purple-red light suddenly burst out, like a blazing sun whose color has been changed, the light even penetrated the portal of darkness into a transparent appearance.

  The next moment, with a bang, the portal of darkness burst completely.

   turned into countless fine black fragments and dissipated in mid-air.

  Sayers big and small were all pale, and a mouthful of bright red blood spewed out from their mouths with a wow.

  The Dark Gate was forcibly broken through, causing the two Dark Witches to suffer considerable damage and shock.

  The two pairs of crimson eyes were filled with gloom, and the strength of the Lord of Joy was almost despairing.

  As if, the figure of the Lord of Pleasure seems to have become taller, his hair has become a little messy, and his extremely indifferent eyes swept over the surrounding humans...

  These humans really brought me a lot of surprises.

  However, people are just people after all.

   His mouth was split open, revealing his white teeth: "Moilei, is this your plan?"

   "Is this the destiny you hold?"

   "It seems that your control over fate seems to be far inferior to the fate weaver... although I also hate him."


   Above the gray sky, suddenly appeared a pair of huge, but exceptionally beautiful golden eyes.

  An ethereal voice came from high in the sky:

   "Who knew!"

  Who knows, even the so-called goddess of fate, what she can see is only a thick layer of fog.

  The so-called destiny is just an opportunity.

   Whether or not they can seize this opportunity depends on these human beings, whom the Lord of Pleasure doesn't even look down upon!

   The third chapter has 12,000 words.



  (end of this chapter)

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