MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 548 The Goddess of Light is Dangerous (Twelve Thousands)

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  Chapter 548 The Goddess of Holy Light is Dangerous (12,000)

   Wadsworth has fallen.

   This hero who wanted to swallow the Holy See, the Mother Earth Sect, wiped out all the other countries in the Sky Continent, and became the ruler of the entire world, just fell into the glacier, turned into thick water, and penetrated to the ground.

  And this hero, before he died, his last thought was not unwillingness to achieve his goal, but wanting to save his daughter.

   Some said Wadsworth was insolent, rude and unroyal.

  Some people say that Wadsworth is violent and cruel, like a mad dog.

  Some people say that Wadsworth is stupid, incompetent, like an idiot.

   But who can know what the real Wadsworth looks like?

But all of this is indifferent to Wadsworth. At the last moment of his life, the only thing Wadsworth cares about is his daughter... That daughter, in some respects, may also be the most similar to Wadsworth One of Voss' kids, right?

  Qin Chu could see the worry in Wadsworth's heart, and the oath he made to Wadsworth was not false.

  Carol is not Qin Chu's enemy, and Qin Chu will not hurt Carol.

   Rather, as a member of the current brave team, he may not be considered a very close partner, but at least he can definitely be called an acquaintance, and Qin Chu will protect Carol well just for this.

   As for the imperial throne, Qin Chu had no interest.

  Empire, what the Sky Continent will look like in the future, Qin Chu doesn't care at all.

  Standing up, watching the thick water disappearing on the ground, Qin Chu's body was as motionless as an old monk in meditation.

   I don't know how much time has passed, Qin Chu finally let out a long and leisurely sigh, and waved his hand. A large piece of frozen soil floated up in other places beside him, and a tomb was piled up where Wadsworth died.

   It can be considered safe in the ground.

   No longer thinking about these things, Qin Chu walked back to the side of the evil god's remnant body.

  The process of devouring the remains of the evil **** was interrupted, and now there is still a small half of the remains of the evil god.

  When the strength grows, the abilities, powers, and powers of all aspects are greatly increased.

  The dismemberment of the divinity dismembers the body of the evil god, and the devouring of the gluttony divinity, the efficiency is greatly increased.

  Extreme absorption is also rapidly digesting these powers, consolidating Qin Chu's strength and state, and the excess energy is absorbed by the mother goddess of the earth, Onibena.

  The yellow leaves of the small saplings are gradually turning green one by one.


   On the other side, above the ice sheet.

  A tall, graceful and beautiful girl is walking slowly on the broken ice.

  Her body seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of thick fog.

   Shadowy, like a dream, I can't see how beautiful that face is, I can only see the beautiful body, and the long golden hair fluttering behind me like a cloud under the blowing of the storm.

  Just peeking at the figure in the haze, you can really feel the palpitating beauty.

   It has nothing to do with appearance, and you can't see it.

  It is a kind of mysterious beauty, a kind of beauty that makes people want to spy and understand.

  The same golden eyes stared at the surrounding wreckage. The originally beautiful ice field had become dilapidated at this moment.

  The little hand is stretched out gently, as if wanting to touch the sky above the head, to feel something, the golden pupils seem to be able to pass through the cover of the clouds, and peek into the mystery and splendor of the deepest void.

  Looking faintly, it seems that a gloomy and depressing temperament can be felt from the girl.

This is normal.

   No matter who it is, for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, it is likely that the mood will not be too pleasant after peeping into the disaster again and again.

   No matter who it is, it is hard for anyone to relax when they bear such a terrible burden on their shoulders.

   Just as she said.

  Fate is mysterious and treacherous.

   No one can truly control fate.

  She can't, the weaver of fate can't, not even the most powerful evil **** ever.

  What they can see is only a hazy picture scroll with countless overlapping futures.

  Time is mysterious, and the future extended by time is even more complicated and terrifying.

The current time is like a point, and countless threads extend from this point, each thread represents a future, and when these threads extend to the next point, they will breed more traffic. Line to the future.

  These points are more than the sand in the desert.

  These lines are more complicated than the stars in the sky.

  As the goddess of fate, she can only try her best to separate the entangled threads and find the most promising one.

  All she can find is an opportunity.

  All she can do is try to make this opportunity a little bigger, a little bigger.

  As for the path I chose, whether it can really bring hope to Sky Continent, to be honest, I don’t know.

   No one knows what the future will look like.

   But at least, it's a win.

  The Lord of Pleasure is dead.

  The female half of the Lord of Pleasure has also been swallowed by herself.

  That guy might regard himself as a shameless person who plunders the fruits of victory and grabs people's heads, right? It didn't matter, Moiley didn't care.

Under the prying eyes of the emptiness and ugliness, she laid out thousands of years of time. She almost squeezed her own spirit, causing her mental power to be exhausted to increase the chance of killing the Lord of Pleasure. Needless to say, even if it is a small reward, it is completely possible.

   After all, this is the first time in a long time that she has received an award.

  A slight hum seemed to come from Moilei's mouth, and he didn't know if he was laughing.

   What's more, the Lord of Pleasure is a real **** after all.

It is by no means an easy task to swallow the Lord of Joy. If Qin Chu hadn't snatched half of them, Qin Chu would definitely not be able to swallow the two halves together. There must be one Run away in half.

  If the Lord of Pleasure cannot be completely wiped out, the consequences will be unimaginably serious.

  Speaking of which, no matter who it is, Moilai, as the goddess of fate, can see the fate of the other party in a blur.

   Only that Qin Chu is an exception... His future is as vague as a cloud of fog.

  After confirming this point, Mo Yilai already understood that Qin Chu must be an existence beyond the norm, and chose to entrust the fate of the Sky Continent on Qin Chu.

   And Qin Chu's performance never let him down.

  The power of the strongest evil **** and the Goddess of Holy Light can actually form a perfect fusion in Qin Chu's body, which Moilei did not expect at all.

   I don't know how many surprises this man can bring me.

  Although I feel sorry for this man, Moilei has no other choice.

  The body seemed to spin a little playfully on the ice, and Mo Yilai faced the direction where Qin Chu was.

   I don't know if it was because he swallowed the female half of the Lord of Pleasure, which caused some indigestion. Moilai could feel a little bit abnormal in his own existence.

  She could clearly feel the situation on Qin Chu's side.

   It seemed that there seemed to be an invisible thread linking Qin Chu with himself.

   Perhaps it was because she and Qin Chu swallowed half of the existence of the Lord of Pleasure respectively. Mo Yilai is temporarily unable to determine whether this connection is good or bad.

   At least for now, there is no harm for the time being.

  My own existence has not been affected in any way, and it is also convenient for me to control the situation on Qin Chu's side at any time.

   Speaking of which, what exactly is Qin Chu doing?

  He seems to be devouring the remaining torso of the strongest evil god?

   Well, this is indeed a very important thing, but doesn't this guy know that there are more important things to do? Mo Yilai could not go to that place, but Qin Chu could.

  Moilee felt a little annoyed and a little tired. After all, he needed to arrange everything by himself, and that feeling was a little irritating.

  But there is no way, who made this responsibility already fall on his shoulders.

   Mo Yilai chose to remind Qin Chu after all.

  After finishing this matter, Moilei sighed leisurely.

  She is also very tired. Although she is a god, even a **** has limits.

   You will also be tired and exhausted.

  Moilee also really wanted to find a place to lie there and do nothing and have a good rest, but Moilee knew that she still had many, many things to accomplish.

  My responsibilities are far from over.

   His eyes looked into the distance again, which was the direction of God's Abandoned Continent.

   I don’t know how Sanchi Kentaro’s actions are going. I hope everything goes well.

  The reunification of the remnant body of the evil **** was a very crucial part of his plan, and it was as important as Qin Chu.

   In this matter, Moilei will never allow any mistakes.

  In order to save this world, she used almost all the existences available.

  She should be that kind of standard bad woman.


  Accompanied by the sound of chuckling, Moilei's figure gradually turned into the appearance of a female Lord of Pleasure, and disappeared on the ice.

   On the other side, Qin Chu, who was still devouring the remnant body of the evil god, suddenly felt an ethereal voice coming from his ear.

  The voice was like clouds and mist, full of mystery and hazy.

  But Qin Chu could clearly feel the message conveyed by this voice: Void, Goddess of Holy Light.

  Qin Chu, who was devouring the remnant body of the evil god, trembled slightly, and instantly woke up from the devouring, his brows were furrowed, and he stood quietly on the spot without moving.

  Void, Goddess of Holy Light?

   Then who made the voice?

  Ethereal voice, like auditory hallucinations.

  Could it be Moilei, the goddess of fate?

  But what do these words mean?

  Suddenly, Qin Chu's body trembled violently, and a large number of thoughts were quickly entangled in his mind. The goddess of fate, Moilei, isolated the entire world with a sky curtain, and blocked the Lord of Pleasure in the world.

  The Lord of Pleasure longed for the assistance of other companions in the void to tear apart the sky.

   But this thing never happened from beginning to end, why? Is it because the other evil gods in the void have not noticed the movement here? Impossible, the lower realm of the Lord of Pleasure, and other gods in the void must be quite curious about the situation in the lower realm, so they will naturally cast their gazes.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that something happened in the void, which attracted the attention of several other evil gods, causing these evil gods to have no chance to notice the situation in the lower realm, or even if they did, they would not have time to put Moilai away. Tears the sky of manufacture, and saves the Lord of Pleasure.

  So, what exactly is the situation that can attract the attention of other evil gods in the void?

  It must be the Goddess of Holy Light who launched a resistance at the moment when the sky rose and forcibly attracted the eyes of other evil gods in the void. There was no way to support the Lord of Pleasure.

  Damn it, that means Goddess of Fate is in danger now?

   As soon as he thought of this, Qin Chu subconsciously took out the scepter of holy light, which symbolized the authority of the pope, and tried to open the vortex linking the void.

   But at this moment, Qin Chu hesitated for a while.

   Qin Chu had no idea what was going on in the void.

   Maybe the little goddess of holy light is fighting the evil **** in the void.

It was a conflict between evil gods, and it was definitely not something that I, a demigod, could participate in... Even the Lord of Pleasure, who had fallen from the gods, would have difficulty coping with it by himself. With the help of Goddess of Fate and others Only then did he barely kill the Lord of Joy.

  In the void, there are a total of six evil gods whose strength is not inferior to that of the Lord of Pleasure in the full body state. Is that really a strength that I can bear?

  Once you enter the void, you are afraid that the aftermath of the conflict between the evil **** and the Goddess of Holy Light will easily crush you.

  Go into the void now, at the risk of dying.

  Qin Chu didn't want to die.

  Taking a deep breath, subconsciously, some pictures of what he had experienced appeared in Qin Chu's mind.

   When he first came into contact with the scroll hidden by Rossweisse, he was corrupted by evil gods, and it was the power of the holy light that saved him from the icy hell.

   In front of Antasia and Candice, when gazing at the starry sky, it was the Goddess of Holy Light who dispelled the evil from her body.

  During the duel with the First Prince, the phantom of the Goddess of Holy Light appeared and wiped out the clone of the Lord of Pleasure.

   It is also the power of the Holy Light, which enabled Qin Chu to save Andia, Violet, and Phil, clean up the dead energy from Yileita, and remove the evil god's brand from Sylph and Athena.

  The holy healing power left to her by the Goddess of Holy Light has saved her life countless times.

  The first glimpse of the Goddess of Holy Light emerged in my mind, and I was shocked by her tall but graceful body.

  The slight warmth of the little goddess of holy light curled up in her arms like a kitten emerged again.

   Although it is used as a power bank, it will be squeezed out every time, and the strong sense of emptiness is not very comfortable.

  Qin Chu was afraid of death, but there were some things he had to do.

  The momentary hesitation in his heart was forcibly suppressed by Qin Chu.

   There was a mocking smile on his face, and his brain was definitely cramped for his mockery.

   Immediately Qin Chu grasped the scepter of Holy Light again, held it up high, and began to sing a hymn to the Goddess of Holy Light:

   "Praise the Light..."

   The third chapter is delivered at 12,000, and there is another chapter tonight. Thank you for the reward of 600 dots from the Ninth Lotus Immortal, thank you for your support.



  (end of this chapter)