MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 551 Promise me, pick me up from the cage (eight thousand words

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  Punishment is not punishable, Qin Chu, who has entered a state of madness under the burning flames in his body, has no time to worry about it.

   In his body, and even in his soul, there was only the urge to vent wildly.

  This is the impact of devouring the male half of the Lord of Joy...Although it is only half, but it is a real god, and the impact on Qin Chu is far more exaggerated than imagined.

  Especially the divinity of desire and evil, which showed an astonishing increase at that moment, and has become the most powerful force in Qin Chu's body at this moment.

  Even gluttony divinity, decomposition divinity, chaotic divinity, and the authority of the water **** should be avoided.

Before that, Qin Chu's performance was quite normal. That's because the dangerous fight had just ended, and he had no time to worry about other things. In addition, Shaye, Antasia, Angelika and others had all been killed by Ou Nibena converged in the trunk of the World Tree.

  Qin Chu didn't have too many existences in front of his eyes to stimulate the desire and divinity in his body.

   But the situation is different now, Qin Chu has become more and more unable to control himself.

Just when Qin Chu's finger landed on the slender waist of Lucia, the Goddess of Holy Light, and was about to continue downward, Lucia's petite body suddenly trembled violently, and her originally confused eyes instantly recovered. Tomb-sweeping day.

   After all, she is still the Goddess of Holy Light.

  Even if she has been immersed in this kind of intimate contact, the Goddess of Holy Light can still regain her will.

  Looking at Qin Chu's scarlet eyes, Lucia knew very clearly that this must not go on like this, and everything would be irreversible.

  A pair of small hands subconsciously pushed Qin Chu's chest, trying to push Qin Chu away, but these small arms were so limp that it didn't take much effort.

   Seeing that her family members and even herself were about to lose control, the Goddess of Holy Light couldn't bear it anymore.

   Bite down the two rows of white teeth.

  The next moment, Qin Chu suddenly let out a strange cry.

  A layer of bright red blood has appeared on the lips, and the tongue was bitten by Lucia.

  It hurt a lot, but the tingling pain on the tip of his tongue made Qin Chu finally regain his reason from that chaotic and out-of-control state.

   Panting heavily in his throat, after a long time, he finally forcibly suppressed the flames in his body and the impulse in his mind. Looking at the angry Lucia opposite, Qin Chu was also full of embarrassment.

  On the Sky Continent, I am afraid that I am the only one who dares to do such blasphemy against the Goddess of Holy Light.

  Lucia's beautiful little face also showed annoyance and anger, not because she was angry with Qin Chu...It was mainly because she was angry with herself, and Lucia never thought that she would be so useless.

It was clearly agreed that it was just a kiss, but who knew that after kissing and kissing, she fell into it. She is a majestic goddess of holy light. If it wasn't because of Qin Chu's more and more excessive actions, she would not have escaped from the inside. Wake up, it's too useless.

  However, the feeling just now is really quite wonderful... Bah, bah, bah, it's not good at all, it's very uncomfortable, it's better to say it's terrible.

   Speaking of which, Qin Chu is his family member, right?

  As a member of the gods, how dare you touch the gods?

  Is this family member a bit too much?

  For a while, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere in the cage seemed extraordinarily awkward and depressing.

  When the four lights touch each other inadvertently, they will immediately move away like an electric shock.

   This almost tormenting atmosphere lasted for a long time, and finally Qin Chu was the first to break the silence: "Ahem, that... lord goddess, how do you feel now? Have you recovered a bit?"

  The little Goddess of Holy Light's eyes were also erratic, but after all, she sensed the condition of her body and nodded.

   He has recovered a little bit, although he is still very weak, but he is not unable to move at all.

   "Then, can you absorb energy normally now?" Qin Chu scratched his head and asked.


  Before, I hugged Lucia's small body by myself to increase the contact area and increase the speed of energy absorption.

   It was just because of what happened just now, Qin Chu was not so cheeky. After thinking for a while, he stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to transfer energy through the contact of his palm.

  Goddess of Holy Light glanced at Qin Chu in surprise. It took a few seconds before she understood Qin Chu's meaning. The thoughts in her heart couldn't help being a little confused. Well, maybe it was just because she accidentally lost control? Now isn't that very gentlemanly?

  Given Qin Chu a cross-eyed look, I don't know if it was Qin Chu's illusion, but I always feel that the eyes of the Goddess of Holy Light are extremely alluring.

In the next second, the Goddess of Holy Light pushed Qin Chu's right hand away, and then sat in Qin Chu's arms with her small body just like before, curled up like a golden silk cat, and her little hand even held Qin Chu's arms. Chu's arm was pulled over and circled his body again.

"How long will it take to be like you? Can you stay in the void for so long? It's just the same as before." The Goddess of Holy Light muttered softly. From the voice and movements, it can be seen that the Goddess of Holy Light has really recovered Quite a few, at least not in the half-dead state before.

  After finishing her sentence, the little goddess of Holy Light couldn't help muttering: "Don't have any bad thoughts."

   Everything is really the same as before.

  Through skin contact, the energy in Qin Chu's body is rapidly transferring to the body of the Goddess of Holy Light.

  The breath of the Goddess of Holy Light has also become more and more stable.

  The only difference is that Qin Chu is now a strong man in the demigod realm, and the energy stored in his body is ten times more than before, and the time it takes to absorb this time seems to have become extraordinarily long.

   Until the end, the energy in Qin Chu's body was completely drained, and this time the journey of the power bank finally came to an end.

  Qin Chu had a premonition that he seemed to have been delayed in the void for too long this time.

Although his body was weak, he still had the strength to struggle to stand up, with a forced smile on his face: "Then Goddess, I will go back first, if there is no accident, I will enter the void next week, for you provide energy."

  Lucia bit her lip lightly with her white teeth, and nodded.

  Watching Qin Chu walking towards the whirlpool step by step, Lucia's brows were tightly wrinkled, feeling a strong reluctance in her heart.

  Once Qin Chu leaves, he will be the only one left in this void.

   Obviously, the loneliness of the millennium has been overcome, but the strong sense of loneliness now makes Lucia more and more unbearable.

  She doesn't want to be locked up here forever, no one wants to end up like this...

   Just when Qin Chu had reached the front of the whirlpool and was about to leave, the Goddess of Holy Light couldn't bear it any longer: "Qin Chu..."

   "What's wrong?" Qin Chu subconsciously stopped and turned his head away.

  Just when I was about to ask clearly, I felt a figure rushing towards me accompanied by the fragrant wind.

  The next second, I felt a small figure throwing itself into my arms forcefully, with a pair of arms hugging my waist as hard as I could.

  The actions of the Goddess of Holy Light made Qin Chu a little confused, and was at a loss for a while: "Master Goddess, you are..."

   "After the lower bound, be careful."

"The Lord of Joy can appear in the lower realm this time, and next time it may be the God of Blood, Darkness and Death, the Devourer of Stars, or even multiple evil gods." Lucia's soft voice was in Qin Chu's ears. reverberate.

  Qin Chu's heart trembled slightly, knowing that the goddess was caring about him.

   "Also, promise me that in the near future, you must take me away from this cage."

  After saying a word, Lucia didn't seem to want Qin Chu to see her current appearance, so she pushed **** Qin Chu's chest with her little hand, pushing Qin Chu's body into the whirlpool.

   Lucia is the only one left in the cage.

   Obviously she is the Goddess of Holy Light, but at this moment, she doesn't have the pride and majesty of being a goddess at all. Like an abandoned child, her small body recedes two parts, curled up in the corner of the cage.

  Holding his knees with a pair of small hands, his eyes were slightly hollow, staring at the void like a garbage dump.


   On the other side, Qin Chu's body reappeared on the ice field.

   Just appeared, and all kinds of powers in the body immediately began to operate.

  The ultimate absorption began to take effect, quickly squeezing the remnant of the evil god, digesting the energy in it, and restoring Qin Chu's strength.

  Qin Chu's eyes drifted towards the sky. After recovering some of his own strength for a long time in the past, Qin Chu finally withdrew his eyes and began to devour the last residue of the evil god's remnant.

   After spending nearly a day, Qin Chu finally absorbed all the remaining residue of the evil god.

  The small sapling Onibena has also reaped a lot of benefits from this process. Almost all the leaves that were originally withered and yellow have now turned into a tender green color.

Although it was very dangerous and cost a lot, Onibena was obviously very satisfied with this victory, and even took the initiative to separate from Qin Chu's body without Qin Chu's call, showing the world tree's strength The form swayed the branches and leaves, venting excitement.

  Seeing Onibena's swaying leaves and twisting trunk, that inexplicably funny appearance seemed to dispel the haze in Qin Chu's heart a lot, and his mood became more cheerful.

   "How is the situation over there?" Qin Chu asked.

  Onebena's trunk twisted slightly, and immediately a branch stretched towards Qin Chu, a wide leaf gradually unfolded, and a woman was wrapped inside the leaf.

   Currently, the only great sage in Sage Mountain is Natia.

   Natia seems to be sleeping.

  Before, Natia's body was carrying too much force, which caused cracks everywhere on her body. At this moment, those cracks have completely disappeared.

  Qin Chu did not expect that this girl would be the one who was the least injured and the first to recover, but because of the previous battle, the long skirt on her body was largely damaged, and her fair skin and figure were almost all exposed in front of Qin Chu.

  After the leaves spread out, the cold wind blew over the ice field, and Natia's body trembled violently. It seemed that she was also affected by the cold wind, and her eyelashes flickered slightly, and finally opened her eyes.

  She was still a little dazed, as if she didn't quite know what happened to her.

  She only knew that she was engulfed by the sea of ​​desire before, her spirit was tortured by the erosion of desire, and then she lost consciousness.

   The erosion left by the Lord of Pleasure has not disappeared. Onebena can heal the damage Natia suffered, but cannot clean up the filth of the evil god.

  At this moment, Natia still feels her body is very sensitive, as if she is in a state of electric shock, numb.

   There was still some confusion in her eyes.

  After a long time passed, Natia finally seemed to wake up a little bit. She lowered her head and saw the tattered long skirt on her body. She subconsciously pulled the tattered dress to cover her fair skin.

  It's a pity that the clothes have turned into cloth strips, blocking one side but not the other.

   "Natia, how are you feeling?" A familiar voice came from ahead.

  Natia's eyes suddenly brightened, and she looked up subconsciously, but when she saw Qin Chu, she felt that her breathing was uncontrollably slightly stagnant, and her heartbeat was speeding up.

  The residual influence of the Lord of Pleasure seemed to become more intense at this time, a strong impulse emerged from the depths of his heart, and a layer of mist filled his beautiful eyes.

  Face, still that face.

   person, or that person.

  But why did it give Natia a completely different feeling?

  I always feel that the man in front of me seems to be much more attractive than the previous Qin Chu. If she is not very familiar with Qin Chu, Natia even seriously suspects that these are two completely different people.

  Qin Chu didn't know that after devouring half of the Lord of Joy, not only the power of desire and evil became stronger, but even his own charm value also increased.

  The impact of charm is still very exaggerated.

   What's more, it's a woman like Natia who already has a crush on Qin Chu.

  Qin Chu is also working hard to suppress the rising desire and divinity in his body, not daring to peek at Natia's body too much. The white and tender skin exposed under the torn clothes seems to make Natia more attractive.

  How should I put it, if Natia was petite and cute before, with the beauty of a literary girl, but now she has a messy charm.

  Natia's eyelids drooped slightly: "It's okay."

   "Why are you here? What was the situation before you, those forces..." Qin Chu asked, considering his words.

   "It's my master."


  Qin Chu was stunned for a moment before realizing: "Zimmerman?"

  Natia nodded.

  The chief of the Sage Mountain, Zimmerman, is the chief of the thirteen great sages of the Sage Mountain, and to a certain extent, he is even an existence that can sit on an equal footing with the Pope and the Emperor.

However, Zimmerman had long since disappeared. Just when Qin Chu absorbed the heart of the evil **** and triggered a series of earthquakes in the Tianqiong Continent, Zimmerman, together with the eleven sages in Sage Mountain except Natia, had already thought of a way Into the starry sky.

   Never appeared again after that.

  Who would have thought that this name would be heard again from Natia now.

  Chapter 2 has 8,000 words, and there are 4,000 words left tonight. Thank you for the reason that makes me cruel, six hundred coins reward!

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