MTL - Honey, It’s Time To Take Your Medicine!-Chapter 586 Qin Chu whose head was removed (4,000 words)

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  Chapter 586 Qin Chu whose head was removed (4,000 words)

  Of course, little Saya does not expect to use a mental storm to directly shatter the soul of the **** of blood, darkness and death. How powerful the soul of the evil **** is, it is by no means an existence that can be easily destroyed.

  However, it is good to be able to play a little interference.

  Having had the experience of fighting against the Lord of Pleasure before, Xiao Shaye knew very well that directly confronting the evil **** head-on in the early stage was an act of courting death. Trying to delay the time as much as possible is the best way to fight.

  Little Saya's actions were quite effective Under the cover of darkness, the evil **** really didn't seem to be able to spy on little Saya.

  Seeing that the mental storm was about to penetrate the eyes of the evil god, suddenly, a big hand appeared from behind, pinching little Saya's body precisely in the palm of his hand.


   "You may not know that this deity also holds the authority of darkness, and your disguise is invisible in front of this deity."

  Accompanied by a gloomy voice, the evil god's fingers suddenly tightened, and only a bang was heard, and Little Saya's body burst instantly.

  However, a wisp of black smoke flew out from the fingers of the evil god. The black mist gathered in the distance again, and Little Saya's body recondensed. The sneak attack failed, but Little Saya was not at all lost.

  She just wanted to delay time, even if it was just a second, it was a victory.

  Nag's body flew backwards in an instant, hit Saya's broken body, and was knocked into the air together.

  Suddenly, there was a happy muffled hum from the smoke and dust in the sky, the voice came from Mou Cheng.

  Although this breath also made him feel suspicious, it was difficult to judge what was going on.

  Raising his right arm, he punched the huge skull.

   Immediately, I saw that slender man raised his left hand in a fluttering manner, and his slender white fingers directly grabbed Nag's hair.

   It’s just that the evil **** can see that point, and so can Mou Cheng and Da Qin Chu.

  Spiritual impact... that is the power he is good at, but it does not mean that he can.

  At the same time, his exhausted power also made him uncontrollably furious.

   Just when the attention of the evil **** was on little Saya, Nag also wouldn't let go of this opportunity.

  The evil **** seized the opportunity again and tried to destroy Saya.

  The Demon King is definitely a strong man.

  Although he was not injured, it was unacceptable for him to burn even the hair under his body. He roared repressedly, and he was going to crush the other two big bugs first.

However, in that situation, there was no way to cause real slight damage to the Demon King. At the place where the body was torn, small pieces of fine granulation were growing slowly, like wriggling slender worms, trying to re-sew the two bodies together. Together.

  The light of the fire even dispelled the seven weeks of darkness, and the entire world returned to darkness.

   Immediately, the **** mouth opened, and a roar surged towards the rear.

  Although Da Qin Chu's body was blown away and a mouthful of blood spewed from his cherry lips, he was not mentally harmed at all.

  At that scene, the evil **** couldn't help being slightly stunned, as if he thought that the man could resist his own mental shock.

  The enemies behind you are less difficult to deal with than the Lord of Pleasure.

Obviously I have an absolute advantage in terms of absolute strength, I should have strangled all the eight big bugs to death, but every time I am about to kill a target, there will always be various Unintentionally, leading to his own attack victory.

   But now that his fighting spirit is already high, in that situation, he would care so little, and he would die anyway, so naturally he took advantage of his illness to die.

  The mountain peak captured by the evil **** was smashed by Saya, and the broken stones flew all over the sky.

Of course, the effect was still wrong. Mou Cheng was successfully rescued. Taking advantage of the short time, Saya's body that was split in half was quickly glued and stitched together again. He moved forward suddenly, narrowly avoiding it. The evil **** attacked again.

  His eyes suddenly became unreal, not even hollow.

  Where the light of the ax struck, there was a gust of wind as fierce as a knife.

  The silky Nag who was originally used for teleportation seemed to be affected by some tangible force, and his body suddenly paused for a short while.

  Psychic storm.

The blood in the rage and the power of the God of Darkness and Death were so terrifying that it was unimaginable. The flames wrapped around his arms were quickly pushed away, and the demon king Saya and Da Moucheng were forced to fight against the impact of that power. Is to stop moving forward.

  In comparison, although the Demon King, who is the soul recipient of the puppet Zero, must be killed, the importance is far less exaggerated.

   Just as the evil **** turned around, a wisp of white mist suddenly drifted to the evil god's ear, and while the evil **** was focusing on the other side, the white mist instantly retreated into the evil god's ear.

  As if guided by a tangible force.

   The bad thing is that the demon king Saya, who resisted the fear and summoned up the courage, stood there in a daze, moving every now and then.

  The sound turned into a wave, stirring the soul of the evil god.

  The blazing flame squirmed, and gradually pulled out a terrifying giant face that could not be described, a huge skull burning with flames.

  The blood mist quickly condensed in midair, turning into crimson tentacles full of twisted mouths, winding suddenly in midair, and rushing directly to Nag in the void.

  Seeing that there was a crackling sound.

  The heart was shattered, but the sight and the injury were second. What is wonderful is that the corrosive power contained in the two rays of light took the opportunity to quickly pollute Saya's small internal organs.

   As for the evil god, because several big bugs kept jumping around behind his face, his mood became more and more gentle.

  At the same time, I opened my mouth, and a small piece of scarlet blood sprayed out from the mouth.

   Right in mid-air, Nag was still hiding behind countless sharp points and scarlet tentacles.

   At this moment, the **** of blood, darkness, and death suddenly felt something, and suddenly raised his head, peering at the night sky.

  In that small area, almost everything was destroyed by sentient beings, and the fine powder ended up rippling in midair.

  The small body suddenly took a step back, and the battle ax in his hand was torn up again.

Inexplicably, he didn't even feel a little tired, his eyelids and soul were light, as if he had slept badly for thousands of years, it must be an uncontrollable anger, he might just lie on the bed Nap under the ground.

  Accompanied by a deafening sound, the huge skull instantly shattered.

  Last second...ah!

  The ground was trembling.

  Perhaps there is no one word to describe this charm.

   And that scene in the eyes of the evil **** obviously made that weak existence even more angry. Nag, that **** who was watching, was able to find time to rescue Saya after chasing and killing with a small number of sharp knives. What is that? That's obviously looking down on yourself, right?

  The shock of terror was like the most terrible storm.

The white night was tumbling, and in the dense whiteness, the figure of Da Qin Chu was forced to emerge, and the mental shock spread directly to Da Mou Cheng's body, but a strange scene appeared, under the white long skirt and stockings of Da Mou Cheng, swaying Opening a circle of transparent ripples actually intercepted the impact directly aimed at the soul.

  Before I raised my hands, a mass of crimson flames emerged above my head, like a blazing sun. Right next to my body, lightning and strong winds intertwined, forming a field that would destroy everything.

   Cracks criss-cross under the ground, devastated everywhere.

When Mou Cheng successfully broke through against the Lord of Pleasure, the Lord of Pleasure hadn't been forced to fall from the status of a god, and his strength was so small, but the blood, darkness and death **** behind his eyes, although he was also affected Despite the exclusion and suppression of the rules of the world, it has obviously not fallen from the throne of God, and it is much less difficult to deal with.

  That is also a ruthless person. I didn't hesitate at all in my actions. A sharp claw directly shoved back into the chest cavity, tearing off all the uncontaminated internal organs and discarding them.

  But the seven weeks of flames did not disappear and were still burning blazingly, as if there was no force pulling them, the flames re-condensed in an instant, directly sealing the evil god's fist inside.

   That time, the power hidden under the battle ax was even more terrifying.

   With a bang, the golden light collapsed.

  Whether it's the fair skin, the slender figure, the fascinating face, or the pair of eyes that are as dark as stars, he finds a little bit of regret in all of them.

   It was about to completely annihilate Saya, but at this moment, another big bug suddenly appeared in front of Saya, blocking that attack for Saya by a hair's breadth.

  It seems that all the good and bad in the whole world are condensed under your body, and you are not the embodiment of all good and bad.

  The small body staggered forward, one dodged in time, and an ax flashed across Saya's body.

  Although there is no lack of power under Nag, the evil **** will give Nag a chance to use it. Just desperately hiding the attack from in front of him has not exhausted Mou Cheng.

The remnants of the Father God are reuniting in Nag's body, even the evil gods in the void can't spy on them. What kind of changes will be brought about when the remnants of the Father God are completely reunited, the only thing they can do Not after that scene appeared, Nag was killed.

  But, no matter what, the White and Dark Demon Man is also doomed.

  As the most bloodthirsty **** who hates killing, He will give Saya any chance.

  His mood became more and more irritable.

  It looks like a thin layer, but it doesn't have quite the wrong power. At most, it's not effective in preventing mental shocks... although it hasn't been torn apart by Nag many times.

   On the other side, Mou Cheng's heart was trembling slightly.

  For a moment, the huge skull, smaller than the body of the Demon King, opened its terrifying mouth and let out a crazy roar.

  As for Nag, his figure has not disappeared for a long time.

  In terms of effect and number of uses, it is far weaker and less than the pseudo-absolute defense, but now it seems that it has been used twice, which is a big loss.

  The flames burned the arm of the evil god, and there was no way to burn the flesh and blood of the evil god, but it burned all the hair under the arm.

  Nag and Great Qin Chu are definitely the most important targets.

  Mou Cheng waved out the energy of yin and yang fusion, barely resisting the impact of the scarlet tentacles.

  In the last second, Nag's head was taken off.

  True absolute defense, you can only use it eight times a day.

  Although it takes energy to recover, at most it prevents the pollution from spreading in your body.

  The other one, Qin Chu Nicholas, the white and dark demon, must also be eliminated.

  There is no doubt that that scene obviously angered the evil god.


  It ends at the shoulder, and it is torn obliquely, half of the body is directly separated from the body of the demon king.

  In the eyes of humans, monsters, and even animals with no intelligence, this existence is not the most perfect incarnation.

   Eight big bugs.

  Accompanied by the rolling cold waves, the **** mouth bit the head of the evil god.

  This face is so ugly that even Great Qin Chu would feel ashamed.

  In a rage, he raised his right arm suddenly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a nearby mountain peak was directly captured by the evil god, and the small mountain peak rushed towards Da Qin Chu and Saya.

  His attention is mainly on Nag, who would have thought that he would give other great bugs a chance.

  In the eyes of the **** of blood, darkness and death, whether the skull has the right to hurt himself, but being gnawed on his head by the dirty life in the upper world is something He absolutely allows to happen.

  The long white skirt and silk stockings are formed by the fetal membranes of the embryo that gave birth to Xiao Da Mou Cheng.

  Saya let out a high-pitched curse.

  But, no matter what, it once again blocked the evil god's attack.


  Damn it...

  Ax light, lightning, gusts of wind, raging flames, chaotic energy raging, with the body of the **** as the center, a small area for seven weeks has hardly been completely immersed in the violent energy turbulence.

  That weird scene plunged the whole scene into a tangible dead silence.

  As long as that enemy is destroyed, He will have no less energy to deal with the remaining two enemies.

  The real **** is really something you can fight against.

  The God of Blood, Darkness and Death has long seen the true side of the White and Dark Demon...but he was very sinister and told his companions about that.

   The turbulent energy seemed to spread from under his body.

   And the so-called fetal membranes were originally the heart of the evil god... even the most core part under the heart, and the origin is ordinary.

  A sharp hiss exploded in the depths of the evil god's ears in an instant.

  Under the body of the White Dark Demon, he also sensed the breath of God the Father, but this is a completely different feeling from the brave Nag, another feeling.

  However, the evil **** will obviously give the devil that chance.

  The will of the evil **** is as soft as steel. Facing the mental shock of the white and dark demon man, his face was only sluggish for a second, and he immediately returned to abnormality.

  The body of Da Qin Chu next to him trembled even more, and he couldn't help but let out a scream: "Lord of joy?"


  But at this moment, a weird scene appeared.

  Among the eight targets, Da Qin Chu's whereabouts are elusive and difficult to capture, and Nag is running around in seven places. No matter how you look at it, Saya is the most difficult to destroy.

  In the last second, a low, beautiful and graceful figure emerged from Nag's side with sound and sound.

  Currently, the evil **** has not yet lost his status as a god, and it is not the time to confront the evil **** head-on.

  I am just the name of the evil **** of fear. When the fear dissipates and the courage is reborn, I will let all the lost lives see that the power of the devil is no less exaggerated.

   Waiting for Saya to take a breath, two sharp rays of light burst out from the pupils of the evil god, like lightsabers, leaving two blood holes in Saya's chest with a puff.

   With a wave of his hand, Da Qin Chu's figure was once again submerged in the darkness.

   Chapter 1, 4,000 words here



  (end of this chapter)

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