MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 103 Ziyue, Beiyue, Wang?

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The soul, after being disintegrated into innumerable pieces, began to condense again after a certain period of time, becoming Zhao Zhu's appearance, not Wang Lang's appearance. To be honest, Zhao Zhu is already very unfamiliar with his original appearance. When a person lives wearing a mask for a long time, he will naturally have a sense of substitution, and he will not be able to tell whether the mask is himself or the person under the mask is himself. From a psychological point of view, it is a kind of Split personality.

But fortunately, Zhao Zhu is not an ordinary human. He has experienced too many things, and his personality is split, but it is not enough, but that little sense of sigh and melancholy is inevitable.

All around, there are yellow halos galloping past, with an indescribably familiar feeling;

Yes, at the beginning, I went out from here, and then passed through a diaphragm and entered the door. I became a stowaways, and now, I can finally go back.

It took about two years from entering the door to returning, and Zhao Zhu suddenly felt very fortunate that it was not the vicissitudes of life.

Zhao Zhu is unwilling to distinguish between the illusory and the real, and does not want to pay too much attention to it. He only knows that he should go back, and wherever he is concerned, it should be where he is, just like a person walking in the dark The wanderer, where there is light, where is the direction you should go.

There is a lot of resistance ahead, but after entering here, Zhao Zhu's soul began to grow rapidly, began to recover quickly, and returned to the peak state when he entered the door at an amazing speed!

This is your home ground!

Even, this is a kind of superposition, because with the addition of his previous practice in the real world, his soul power has been improved to a higher level than before. Feel. It's just that the body doesn't exist now, and the soul has no physical sustenance. It is too difficult to break through, and the risk is too great. However, Zhao Zhu believes that after he really returns to the original world, he will regain his strength and rebuild. The flesh is not a difficult thing. Much simpler than in the real world.

Perceiving the feeling of being at his peak, Zhao Zhu couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Once, now, and in the future, Zhao Zhu has been a little stupid and unclear. Entering the door and going out seem to be just two very simple words, but what they contain is a subversion of his own world view and life view, and it can even be used. Said to be. Smash!

Life was supposed to be a predetermined trajectory, but Zhao Zhu was already a little uncertain about this line, and he was very confused. Outside, in reality, he is a lonely wanderer, so. He wanted to come back, at least come back and be able to see those people.

front. There is a door, a door that has no entity, but is just an aperture of a door, and below the door, there are actually three people, they are bombarding the door.

But the door seems to be blocked by a very powerful force and cannot be shaken!

When Zhao Zhu came, the three stopped banging the door and turned to look at Zhao Zhu behind him.

"You guys, are you back too?"

Zhao Zhu asked, but after asking, Zhao Zhu felt a bit of a toothache.

In front of him are Ziyue, Wang Jing, and Beiyue. These three people, Zhao Zhu is too familiar with each other. He has had a deep intersection with each of them. Beiyue has known each other since the beginning. He also gave him the moon wheel seeds, and he also helped himself a little, and the friendship was indeed good; Ziyue had planned to hand over the position of the director of the gn general bureau to Zhao Zhu, and he and Zhao Zhu could still be close to each other. Let's take a look, Wang Jing had gone through a mission together, this stubborn little loli gave Zhao Zhu some headaches at the beginning.

However, at this time, in the eyes of these three people, Zhao Zhu saw sluggishness, confusion and chaos.

This is different from Zhao Zhu's own mood at this time. He knows who he is and what he should do. However, Zhao Zhu has some negativity from the bottom of his heart about the future and the future. He is like a small farmer, just thinking about it. A small life that belongs to oneself, let's just pass by, I hope to pass by, but these three people have completely forgotten themselves.

Zhao Zhu had seen the gazes of these three people on the face of Xiong Zhiqi, or Si Que.

Identical eyes.

Beiyue pointed to herself, and then pointed to Zhao Zhu, "You, know me?"

When Beiyue was talking, Ziyue and Wang Jing quickly separated and formed a triangular double-team formation, which directly covered the space where Zhao Zhu escaped. The efficiency of these three people's actions was really fast.

The three plus Zhao Zhu are actually soul bodies, and after returning here, they have all returned to their peak state!

It means that what Zhao Zhu is facing now is not Ziyue, Beiyue and Wang Jing, whose strength has been severely weakened in the real world, but three... the soul bodies of the top existences!

Top existence, what a terrible title!

"Yo, I went through the wrong door, didn't I, I'm sorry three, I don't know you, I have to go."

Zhao Zhu started to retreat subconsciously. He suddenly felt like he was being tricked. In the real world, being chased and killed by the three top beings would be a very desperate thing, but for Zhao Zhu, it was not There is no way to deal with it and delay, the worst, it's okay to be able to avoid it, but here, at this time, it's a bit embarrassing, do you think you can go back again? Come in again? But where is the way back? There is no way out for me at all. The door is not something that I want to go in and go out. Xinyu told Zhao Zhu about this before, and Zhao Zhu knew it from the bottom of his heart.

However, Beiyue, Ziyue and Wang Jing have no intention of letting Zhao Zhu leave, and they have already moved their murderous intentions. The three of them are now very violent. I don't know how long it was like killing.

Wang Jing approached directly, and his soul force was affected, and the terrifying spatial countercurrent directly pressed against Zhao Zhu. Wang Jing didn't look petite, and he was not very old. He looked like a primary school girl, steadily. The appearance of an older loli, but in terms of acting style and fighting mode, she seems very tough and domineering, which is very different from her own image.

Even if Zhao Zhu has recovered his previous strength, and coupled with his practice in the real world, his strength has improved to a higher level, but he has not yet reached the point where he can compete with the top, facing Wang Jing's menacing attack. With a single blow, Zhao Zhu was quite a bachelor, so he gave up all resistance and let his body retreat directly along the existing resistance. At the same time, his mind power was blessed at this speed, so that he could retreat faster. Anyway, It is a soul body, and I don't care what the body is under pressure. After all, compared to the body, the soul seems to be very fragile, but its toughness is also extremely strong, especially for people like Zhao Zhu, who cultivate the soul far better than the body. , In the duel battle in the state of the soul, Zhao Zhu still has a little natural advantage, anyway, everyone has no physical body.

Kankan dodged Wang Jing's blow, and Ziyue came. With purple hair, she looked extraordinarily bizarre at this time, like an angry queen. Under the wave of her hand, a purple leather whip shone out. , directly to Zhao Zhu, the Queen is here, inviolable!

In the whip, there is the power of destruction!

Ziyue at her peak was one of the three giants who carried the eastern circle at the beginning, and she was indeed extraordinary!

"Yu Ling!"

The spirit fire spurted out from Zhao Zhu's palm, turned into a dragon, and wrapped around the whip. The two sides fell into a stalemate for a while. It was also because Zhao Zhu's spirit fire had a relatively large killing property to the soul, which made Zizi Yue is also a bit instinctive. She just lost herself, but she has not completely become a killing machine. She also has the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm. She is not willing to let her soul suffer heavy damage in order to kill Zhao Zhu.


Beiyue rose up into the air, and behind him, a round of moon shone, bursting with condensed light, covering Zhao Zhu directly. The moonlight had a terrifying purifying power. This was to wipe Zhao Zhu like a lump of dirt. clean.

Between Zhao Zhu's eyebrows, a full moon appeared, and the whole body and Beiyue's Yuehua merged into one, so that he completely avoided being hurt. In fact, Beiyue's ability to damage Zhao Zhu should be the smallest among the three. One, after all, to a certain extent, Zhao Zhu and Beiyue are of the same origin.

However, after the first wave, Wang Jing and Ziyue quickly approached.

Beiyue quickly contracted Yuehua after discovering that her Yuehua had no substantial effect on Zhao Zhu. Since she couldn't hurt Zhao Zhu, she could just restrain him.

The three top existences shot together, Zhao Zhu only resisted a little, and then fell into the Jedi again, looking at despair, began to haunt Zhao Zhu's heart, not long before returning home, at the door of his home, The moment before he saw his wife, he was about to fall here completely?

Who the **** put these three guys in here and wait for him?

If you can't see that this is a game against then Zhao Zhu has been in the circle for so long, but this game, with Zhao Zhu's strength, is really impossible to crack.

Wang Jing's whole body turned into a huge hurricane, crushing Zhao Zhu, Zhao Zhu's soul actually had a feeling that it was about to collapse before the gang wind approached, it was extremely painful, and Ziyue It was the whip that rolled and formed thirteen chains, which helped Beiyue to lock Zhao Zhu together, so that Zhao Zhu could not move around.




Zhao Zhu's eyes began to turn red, he was negative, he had no goals, his worldview had been subverted and shattered, but he really didn't want to die!


The next chapter is in the early morning, so it shouldn't be too late.

Thanks for the rewards and encouragement from Longzhan Zanzhi, det7 and other relatives! Xiaolong is stumbling around here begging for a monthly pass for a reward. (To be continued.)

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