MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 111 Memory changes!

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Where there is falsehood there is reality, where there is reality there is falsehood;

A door blocks the virtual and the real, but makes the people living in the virtual and the real do not notice the slightest;

If you believe it exists, if you don't believe it doesn't exist;

Zhao Zhu remembered that when he first entered this mission world, Meixi, when he arrived at this hut, really revealed a terrible method, and he was almost killed, but when he entered the hut. Before this hut, Meixi only used some psychological hints to constantly show her existence, so as to make Zhao Zhu believe that she was powerful.

Here, there is a node, that is space.

Perhaps, there may not be many clues in time, but at least in space, there are obvious key points.

This hut is where the virtual and reality transition.

People who have never entered the door do not know the feeling, the feeling of switching from virtual to reality, and Zhao Zhu, who has entered and exited the door, has a particularly deep understanding of this feeling.

He came to the back door of the hut, behind the stove, which was clean, hay, but not dusty.

Zhao Zhu reached out and grabbed the handle of the back door. It was a wooden hook, which looked very small. Then, Zhao Zhu pushed the wooden door open. In front of him was not the field and the backyard, but a light.

Familiar light, very familiar light;

This kind of light was used when the group owner and group members entered and exited the mission world.

Zhao Zhu took a step and walked into the aperture.


After leaving the apartment, Zhu Jianping walked alone on the concrete road with a slightly cold touch. At this time, he had gradually freed himself from the previous anger. Some, only loss and hesitation remained.

Being calculated by Saint Xi'an, Zhu Jianping actually didn't have any problems in his heart. After all, Saint Xi'an was half his own teacher. Although he was very disgusted with his calculation several times, the result was good. It is true that he has benefited from it. Taking advantage of short hands and eating short mouths is exactly what he means.

but. As for Gou Muddy, that guy was playing with his three brothers as if they were monkeys.

He must have his own purpose, and no matter what the purpose is, in such a way, there is indeed a point. It is unforgivable. Even, I only think about this matter because of the identity and position of Zhao Dashao's brother. You can imagine how angry and hysterical Zhao Dashao would be if he knew the truth of the matter.

This world has been broken.

This point, Zhu Jianping is clear, when the group owner asked the administrators to tinker everywhere to maintain the balance and stability of the world. And now, with the fall of Japan, it also marks that the world is undergoing drastic changes. It is as if a piece of dirty paper has been torn off, and it looks so dazzling.

Wrapping his clothes and blowing in front of him, Zhu Jianping's eyebrows flickered under the street light, but then, a picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

is a memory,

It's a memory from a long time ago,

It's a very familiar memory.

but now. The memory has actually changed,

Yes, that is changing.

How does it feel to realize that your memory of a scene from the past is distorting and changing?

Zhu Jianping didn't know how to describe it in words. He frowned, leaning on the telephone pole by the roadside, and kept taking deep breaths.

immediately. An incredible brilliance appeared on his face:

"That is, Zhao Zhu, how could he be there at that time?"



The Royal Palace of the North Courtyard;

Xinyu's other courtyard was destroyed by Si Que's slap. The housekeeper in the palace arranged another courtyard for Xinyu. It was not as delicate as the previous courtyard, but it was almost the same. This kind of thing is also not in the mood to get acquainted with the new environment.

After the servant had dealt with the matter, he voluntarily retire, and Xin Yu stood alone beside a water pavilion.

Some things, she doesn't know if what she's doing is right or wrong, and some questions, she used to think it was simple and straightforward, but it started to become more and more complicated, or, like before, without the slightest emotion, just pure to do things, it is better.

A mighty wind blows, bringing scattered petals and a feeling of dampness and heat.

Xin Yu suddenly felt a little dizzy in her head. She seemed to be too tired recently. After sending Zhao Zhu back, her mind was always in a state of high tension. Every day, she was questioning herself. , they are all doubting themselves, and they are all torturing themselves.

However, when Xinyu was about to go back to rest, she stopped, and both hands began to lightly rub her eyebrows, her eyes showing a puzzled look.

"What's going on, memory, is changing...

Middle school, middle school, that middle school...

I, I Mingming, I Mingming, why, why did I see him? "


"If someone beats you like this, I won't care about you. Anyway, the adult rate of your kind is low, and I don't dream of making a fortune and just raise one to become an adult, but if the little girl beats you, I will I have to treat you, my brother, Lao Tzu, has no chance to help him, and it will be difficult to help him, but I can no longer watch that little girl hurt the people around me, um, including you as a beast."

Si Que wiped the medicinal wine with both hands, soothing the tendons and activating blood circulation for Taotie, and was using his own strength to help this guy heal.

The little guy was lying in the tub, looking very comfortable, shaking his nose from time to time and snorting lightly.

However, gradually, the little guy felt that the frequency of those two hands slowed down, and finally he put them on himself and didn't move.

"Hey, no, no, the first time I saw him, I remembered that I was in a hurry to eat, why is it at my door now?" Si Que put a hand on his neck and twisted, "How come It's still changing, what's going on, what happened in the past..."


The second floor of the flower shop is a boutique apartment. Qin Tiantian usually lives here. She has long since lost contact with her family in Beijing. She lives alone in Shenzhen. She doesn't know why she still stays here. But in my heart, for this place and this city, there is a plot that is hard to let go. It seems that there is a very important thing for me that happened here, but I forgot.

However, the feeling, can not deceive people.

After taking a bath, Qin Tiantian wrapped a bath towel and sat back on the bed, with lyrical songs playing on the stereo.

It seems that his great years are destined to continue like this, but Qin Tiantian feels that since he chose the road by himself, there is nothing to regret.

It's just that tonight, when she was about to go to bed, she suddenly felt as if there was something more in her mind. More clearly, there was an extra figure, and that person made herself feel that she could rely on her for the rest of her life.


The moon has been captured, and Bowen, covered in blood, has returned to the flagship. As a human being, walking in the Zerg flagship, all the other noble bugs have also avoided it. Obviously, Bowen's reputation in the Zerg army , really very high.

Bowen did not wash his body first, but first came to a conference hall. In the hall, there was a crystal ball. Inside the crystal ball was a brain. It's still alive, but it looks so disgusting.

"You look for me."

When Bowen said this, his tone was not very good, because the other party actually sent a message to him at the most intense moment of the battle. Although he did not distract himself and caused any accident, it destroyed his ability to fight on the battlefield. To sharpen one's own Dao heart, in short, the pleasure of killing oneself has weakened a lot.

"Yes, I'm looking for you." The brain made a low voice, which was made by special equipment.

"What's the matter?" Bowen asked impatiently.

"About Zhao Zhu."

"Didn't that guy go back to the door with his tail tucked in?"

"You didn't kill him, it was your fault."

"Don't talk to me about fateful confrontation, and don't engage in such boring things as a lifelong opponent. I didn't kill him last time because of my own mistakes. I wrongly estimated his strength recovery level at that time. Now Well, I have absolute confidence that I can kill him within three swords."

"Unfortunately, you don't have this chance."

"Because he came in?"

"No, in fact, for you, treating him as a fateful duel or a lifelong opponent should actually be your glory and a place to be proud."

"What do you mean by that?"

"This, you have to ask yourself, ask your own memory..."

Bowen's pupils shrank slightly, and then, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said in exasperation: "How can this happen, how can this happen!"

"This is and you didn't seize the opportunity to become fate's opponent."

After the brain finished saying this, it slowly sank, and the organization began to shatter and corrupt. In the end, the crystal ball completely turned into a pool of pus, it left, it left, because of the meaning of staying, doesn't exist anymore.


On a death star, a fat man in flip-flops knelt in front of a large stone, reaching out and stroking the stone wall.

"Daughter-in-law, it's me who's sorry for you. You were blind at first, so you fell in love with me, a dead fat man. I didn't keep my promise, and cherish you..."

The cry came to an abrupt end, and Fatty suddenly burst out laughing:

"But it doesn't matter, daughter-in-law, we still have a chance, yes, there is still a chance, next time, I will love you well, and I won't leave you alone again, really, daughter-in-law, I believe Me, you believe me again, okay?" (To be continued.)() "Terrorist Web Articles" only represents the author's point of view, if you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it Handling, the stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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