MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 117 all wise

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I don't want to go home, and I don't know where to go. Fortunately, Zhao Zhu seems to be used to this feeling of loneliness. Zhao Zhu has already experienced the desolation of being left alone, so mentally speaking, it's not a big deal. , to come here, to the past, and to travel from home to a distant place.

It's just that if you simply go to a distant place, you can always buy a ticket home. Here, Zhao Zhu doesn't know how to get back, and there is nowhere to buy a ticket.

Unless, that guy, treat yourself to another cup of coffee.

Of course, the coffee of the group owner is not so easy to drink.

Zhao Zhu did not strike while the iron was hot and then went to find Fatty. He knew that some people would do a review of his whereabouts and trajectory, especially in this city. I didn't think about playing yin-yang push hands with Gou Tui in the past. This is not the way I am good at. At this time, what I have to do is to temporarily hold my identity and wait for the right opportunity.

Driving aimlessly, but when Zhao Zhu realized where he was driving, he was stunned to find that he had actually driven to the winding road of Qilin Mountain.

Going further, it should be the Qilin Mountain Sanatorium.

It's just that the nursing home has not been acquired by his mother, and it is not his own. The car pulled over and stopped, Zhao Zhu got out of the car, raised his head, and looked at Xinghui, who was full of heads.

A bus drove over, this is not a stop, so the bus did not stop and drove directly past.

Zhao Zhu's eyes chased the taillights of the bus. When the lights gradually blurred, Zhao Zhu suddenly thought of what seemed to be hidden in Qilin Mountain.

That's right, it's the unicorn.

I remember when Zhao Zhu opened a hospital. That guy Zou Mengxuan summoned a buried dead unicorn in the forest, and then he had to use the Tailing Talisman to clean it up.

That dead unicorn was buried here by a strong man before entering the door, now. Gou Mud's group hasn't entered the door yet, so they probably haven't been inside yet.

actually. In the real world, there are still some secret realms, and there are many familiar people or things.

Especially when Zhao Zhu saw the vague outline of the nursing home in the distance, Zhao Zhu thought of Qin Tiantian and his wife.

Suddenly, Zhao Zhu thought of a problem, that is, if Qin Tiantian hadn't met him or had feelings for him. If he didn't become his own wife, would Qin Tiantian's life be better?

At this point, Zhao Zhu smiled, he was laughing at himself.

"When did I actually become like a saint?"

His wife is still his wife, even if the future changes, Qin Tiantian will still be his wife, except for himself. Whoever dares to touch her, Zhao Zhu will solve that person without hesitation.

Some things make people choose. But there are some things, there is no way to choose, because love is inherently selfish, because Zhao Zhu is also a very authentic and selfish person.

It seems that it is time to go to Beijing sometime.

At the Temple of Earth in Beijing, there is a sealed place, and there is an immortal thing hidden there. The original Yuxin fell there, but now Zhao Zhu doesn't know. What is the reason for Yuxin's fall? It's not clear why Yuxin took the initiative to provoke the gang of immortals at that time. Was it Gou Mudi's plan, or was there some other accident?

In the past, the image of Yu Xin being divided and suppressed by the soul has always been a dream in Zhao Zhu's mind, and it is also the reason why he feels that he owes too much to the girl, but now it seems that it is his wishful thinking, then, Gou Muddy What kind of connection and connection do those gangs have with the immortal gang?

Under the premise that most of the Gou mud and the others have entered the door, why did Yu Xin, who stayed behind, have to provoke the group of immortals all by herself in the first place?

I thought I was back, so I could see those things clearly, but I didn't expect that it would make my doubts and confusions further increase. It seems that there is a big net here, Zhao Zhu only saw one before. In a small area, when I tried to struggle after I actually got in, I found that this net was a bit too big...

At this time, a place appeared in Zhao Zhu's mind.

Xu Fu's tomb.

Zhao Zhu pursed his lips.

Other things can be put aside for a while, but there are some things that need to be verified, that is, the coffin that he, Xiong Zhiqi and Zhu Jianping did not dare to open at the beginning, this time, I will open one.

Zhao Zhu has a hunch that Xu Fu seems to be a key. There should be more secrets hidden in his cemetery. The biggest secret is that the coffin did not dare to be opened, which is indeed a big regret.

If you have regrets, you have to make up for it.

Zhao Zhu took out his mobile phone and dialed Yuxin's number:

"Hey, are you resting?" Zhao Zhu asked.

The basic process still has to go through it again.

"No, what's the matter, is something wrong?" Yu Xin asked.

"My mother misses me, let me go to Beijing to see her."

"Auntie misses you, you should go see her."

"And you?"

"Zhao Zhu, I'm not ready yet." Yu Xin said reluctantly.

"Oh, okay, it's fine, I'll go back by myself." Zhao Zhu said with deep loss and regret.

Immediately, hung up the phone.

Gou Di and the others will not monitor themselves seriously. Zhao Zhu has already proved this, but the necessary whereabouts report is still to be done.


What Zhao Zhu didn't know was that the Gou Dirt at this time was no longer in Shenzhen and had already gone to Fuzhou.

In an unnamed mountain in Fuzhou, a huge pit was revealed. A man in ragged clothes was lying on the ground, his face was full of unwillingness and struggle, but the blood in his body was being continuously drawn out.

"You **** fellow, I'm just going to perform the task of the group owner. Your wife and children are accidental injuries, accidental injuries!"

The man kept roaring, the louder the voice, the more it proved his fear and fear at this time, because he felt the breath of death, yes, death, at this time, it was so close to him, as if it was tentative. and.

The group owner all believed that this was just a manslaughter, and he did not intend to do it, but the other party was entangled, and he did not hesitate to directly violate the foot restraint order, and chased them here.

The eastern circles of this period have left too many dreams and shadows on the western circles, because the eastern powerhouses of this period are all too powerful and terrifying. I came to travel, and by the way, I turned the pigeon Morata into a pigeon, and this one, ignoring the rules, directly crossed the line and strangled another administrator!

The man is standing in the air, with an apron around his waist. The apron seems to smell of oil smoke. This is a good man at home, a man who likes to cook and do housework. After struggling in the world of tasks again and again , Going back home, tutoring the child's homework, and cooking an exquisite dinner for his family are the greatest enjoyment in his life.

He doesn't fight or rob, except for the need to survive, he seems so weak.

However, fate still made this joke with him. When his wife took her child back to her parents' house, the bus was on the road, and the person in front of her treated him as a ghost car and killed it directly, but it turned out to be a mistake.

The man didn't listen to the other party's explanation, because he didn't need an explanation at this time. What he wanted was just a result. His wife and child had already died. Even though his strength was very strong, he almost reached the level of a god. , but still can't have the ability to come back to life.

Dead, is dead, can not be saved.

So, all he can do now is pay for his life.

A wave rippled, a flip-flop flew out from it, and then a fat man swayed out, staggered and wiped his sweat.

"Catch up, catch up, Meng Bai, slow down, this is a misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, people can't be resurrected from the dead, and people can't be resurrected from the dead." Gou Tuzhu kept shouting.

A Jiu, who was dying on the ground, looked at Brother Mud in the sky with a look of disbelief. Obviously, this is not what should be said to save people.

Called Meng Bai, the man in the apron still had an indifferent expression on his face. After Gou Zui finished speaking, he stepped on it, and the sky collapsed and the ground sank.

Ah Jiu's body was directly smashed, and his soul was completely annihilated.


An Eastern administrator...dead.

Gou Dirt shrugged, put his hands in his trousers pockets, fell to the ground, turned over the stones with his toes, smashed his mouth, "It's dead."

"The group leader has already announced his death." Meng Bai looked at Gou Di and pointed at him, "Why, do you want him to die?"

"I also have a wife, so I can understand you." Gou Muddy replied.

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple."

" you."

Meng Bai's figure began to slowly dissipate. He was about to leave and continued to finish the unfinished meals. Even he knew that his wife and children would never come back to eat the dishes he cooked.

Gou Tui dug out a stone from his pocket, the stone was bloody, and threw it to Meng Bai.

"This is the memory spar, something I found in the mission world, and give it to you."

Meng Bai caught the stone and continued to disappear, but at the end, he left a sentence:

"You are plotting against me."

"Where, how can I calculate you." Gou Dizi shook his head and said, "You and I are both wise men, aren't they?"

After speaking, Gou Muddy also smiled.


The starting point background has not been logged in until now, and the next chapter is written around 1:30 in the morning (to be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion