MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 131 I see

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Inside the Temple of Earth, there are many secrets, and it is also one of the places that Zhao Zhu has not really explored before and in the future;

In fact, after returning from time travel, Zhao Zhu went to a few places that he hadn't been to before or had not been thoroughly investigated. He lost the motivation and necessity to continue exploring.

The Temple of Earth, Zhao Zhu had come here with Xiong Zhiqi and Zhu Jianping, and Zhao Zhu had discovered the deep mystery of the Temple of Earth at that time, and activated it and walked in. Inside, there was a pile of corpses. Mountain, there, Zhao Zhu found a note left by Yuxin, and then realized that Zhao Zhu, who was dangerous inside, chose to withdraw with his two brothers. At that time, Zhao Zhu's idea was that he could take whatever risks he wanted. But I can't let my two brothers go on adventures with me, even if they will accompany me unconditionally.

At that time, Zhao Zhu was still in love with Yuxin, and he felt so guilty that he was almost in a trance, but Zhao Zhu still knew clearly that he couldn't take his two brothers to take risks together for his "deep love".

At first, Zhao Zhu thought that this place should be some old immortal hidden dojo, but now, when he passively went deep into it, he finally saw the true colors inside.

Here... is a dragon vein!

It's just that this is a half-dead dragon vein, or the relic of the dragon vein, but the space crack formed or called the space mezzanine also contains a very deep power of luck.

Those who are immortal can never choose to use this place as a hidden lair. If they choose this place, it will be like a fugitive hiding in the toilet of a police station. Dragon veins, even if they are abandoned dragon veins that are about to die out, in this world , is also a big light bulb in the dark night, the attention of the group owner will definitely pay more attention to here.

Zhao Zhu now only has a mass of consciousness left, but this consciousness is immortal. For him, it is immortal and immortal. Even the current Gou mud has no way to kill the current Zhao Zhu in a short period of time. You can choose this way of trading time for the ending.

While the dead dragon veins are still alive, they still carry more death energy, and the dragon veins are different from the rest. The rise and fall of a dragon vein is often accompanied by the rise and fall of a dynasty. This is a kind of The trend is unstoppable.

Gou Dirt directly suppressed Zhao Zhu at the node where the dragon veins spread out. As long as Zhao Zhu was not annihilated, as long as there was still consciousness, then he would be acting as a chariot in the mantis arm, blocking the rise and fall of the dragon veins, and relying on changes in the world. The moving gear crushed Zhao Zhu to death.

Layers of seals, shackles one after another, Gou Zui looked hideous at this time, with the pain of losing his wife, even if his wife is not dead yet, even if Huo Huo is still waiting outside for him to go back, but he knows that he If you fail and you fail to succeed, then after entering the door, between yourself and your wife, it is absolutely impossible to continue living the life before; Like a mouse, he made himself a ghost and a ghost, and in the end, he could not escape the cleaning of the rules.

All this is thanks to Zhao Zhu!

Hate and anger, endless layers of seals covered Zhao Zhu's consciousness, pinning Zhao Zhu to the dragon vein.

Zhao Zhu did not resist, because resistance was ineffective, and he seemed to have chosen to accept his fate, agreeing with such an ending. Death was an ending, and Zhao Zhu needed this ending.

Whether it is in the past, in the future, or in the present, you can finally let go of everything and rest.

Originally, Zhao Zhu's soul consciousness was a ball of azure light. As time passed, the light began to dim day by day, and began to become sluggish a little bit. It seems that it is not too far from that kind of end. too far.


Two years later————

"Okay, here we are."


"I'll pick you up after you and your friends get together."

"No, it's very late after the party. I guess I'll sleep with my friend and squeeze a bed with that little girl. Tonight, you'll sleep alone, okay?"

Wang Hong gently kissed the man beside him on the face.

The man nodded, "Then pay attention to your own safety and drink less alcohol."

"Don't worry, we're all friends."

"OK, bye."


Wang Hong pushed open the car door and got out of the car. In front of him was the entrance of a community.

Instead of letting her boyfriend drive her in, she chose to walk forward with her arms crossed.

Even in winter in other parts of China, Shenzhen may still be lying on a mat, and even the evening wind has a touch of anxiety, but Wang Hong feels a little cold, a kind of cold from the inside out.

Walking in the garden of the community, Wang Hong knew that she was about to see Gou Dirt. The last time she saw Gou Die was two years ago. It is considered to have faded out of this circle, but the task continues to be done, but the people seem to be very low-key.

Other friends at the same level thought that Wang Hong knew that the time to enter the door was coming, so she wanted to spend more time with her lover, which was also human.

There are many perversions in the group, and even perversion is a normal state, but even among perversions, there are many who attach great importance to their family life and also care about their life relationships.

However, only Wang Hong knows that she is so low-key just because she is afraid of a person, that person, which makes her feel chilled and makes her feel afraid. In the past, when facing him, Wang Hong took the lead with a look I looked up to him with a mentality, but the image of the big brother who took the lead was torn apart that night.

Wang Hong clearly remembered that night when the crazy young man pointed his finger at him and his soul consciousness almost completely collapsed. At that moment, Wang Hong knew and was convinced that if the other party wanted him to die, then he would definitely immediately. Death, the reason why I didn't die, the reason why I didn't fall, and the reason why I can continue to stand here is because the other party showed mercy and left a ray of life for me.

However, the trembling of the soul and the subversion of mental consciousness were almost equivalent to putting a carpet in the washing machine and stirring it thoroughly. Then, many things that were usually invisible were revealed. Wang Hong was shocked to find that in his subconscious Among them, in the depths of his soul, in his most private place, someone had placed a ban there, leaving traces of the layout there.

That person is the big brother who takes the lead, that person is very honest and loyal, that person is supported by almost everyone in the circle.

If it weren't for that crazy young man, he wouldn't be able to discover these things at all, even if he was on the front line of life and death in the mission world, he wouldn't be able to discover these secrets hidden in the depths of his soul.

Wang Hong felt very tired and confused. The original lighthouse, the bright light in the circle, turned out to be a hidden beast. He opened his mouth, but the others happily took the initiative to put themselves into his mouth. Here, let it taste, let it chew.

However, for today's party, people have already taken the initiative to invite it, and it is impossible not to go by myself.

With such an uneasy mind, Wang Hong walked up the stairs and came to that floor.

The door was not closed, Wang Hong pushed it open and walked in.

In the kitchen, the sound of pots and pans banging was heard, and every now and then a seductive fragrance was emitted.

Huo Huohu and Gou Tui were still greeting her, Wang Hong coping with it, sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV. She wasn't watching TV, she was just trying to resolve an embarrassment.

Yes, an embarrassment.

After a while, the guy nicknamed "Purple Clothes" also came. This is a guy who relies on devouring to improve his own strength. He is a gentle and kind man to his wife and parents.

After waiting for a while, there was a knock on the door.

"The door is open, come in by yourself."

Gou Muddy just washed his hands and walked out of the kitchen, the door was pushed open, and two young people who looked very immature stood outside the door.

Wang Hong noticed that a person has a strange aura on his body, as if there is something possessed, but the possessed thing will not have any effect on the main body. This is a very strange possession. It seems like a kind of selfless dedication, while the other young man exudes a clear and transparent breath, which is infinitely close to an ethereal spirit.

These two people are people in the circle, and they are the type with a promising future. After my group of people enter and leave, maybe the Eastern Circle will be the stage for their group of young people.

Just thinking about Wang Hong couldn't help but feel a little sigh.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner!" Gou Dizi greeted everyone to take their seats.

When she was just seated, the door was pushed open again. The owner of the house came back. Chen Yuxin was carrying her schoolbag and had a cold look on her face. Huo Huohu greeted her to take a seat. She also sat down, but only had a few bites of rice. He said he was full and went back to his bedroom.

The rest of the people at the table didn't care, and continued to eat and drink. The two young people invited by Gou Dizi seemed very flattered, and they seemed a little restrained when eating.

Wang Hong also got up and left her seat at this time, walked to the bedroom, gently opened the door, she did not go in, because she saw the girl sitting in front of the desk, stupidly looking at the picture on the desk The copybook, this is the copybook Yu Xin took out from the exhibition room of the museum.

After Shennongjia, Yuxin seemed to be a little more thoughtful.

Silently, Wang Hong let out a sigh and did not go in to disturb her. (To be continued.) () "Terrorist Web Articles" only represents the author's views of pure Di Xiaolong. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing healthy and green reading. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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