MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 133 Wang! Wang! Wang! Wang!

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"Don't move, this is my dog."

The sound was so abrupt;

Wang Hong turned around abruptly and looked behind him;

There, there was a corpse that was nearly 60-70% decomposed, dragging the minced flesh on his body and limping towards here. The corpse could be seen to be a man, but it was definitely not the young man from two years ago. Moreover, the breath on the other party is full of filth and filth, and it is simply a creature crawling out of the lowest level of sewers.

Wang Hong's pupils shrank slightly. As a top-notch existence, her insight cannot be violated or terrifying, but she couldn't see the origin of this undead creature at all.

It seems that he is really a corpse that suddenly has some kind of intelligence here, which is a low-level corpse.

The man walked up to the dog, squatted down, and stroked the dog's head with his bare bones. The bare bones of the dog rubbed against the bones of the human, making an unusually harsh sound. This is not a human being to pets. The caress is more like a perverted dislocation.

This is a disgusting man, this is a disgusting dog.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost!"

Wang Hong issued a question, and then his figure disappeared on the spot, and appeared directly in front of the man. The invisible force condensed out and directly imprisoned the man to float.

The man's body kept trembling, and the pieces of flesh on his body kept falling.

He's weak, he's unbearable, he's just trash next to a trash can, with a rotten smell.

This low-level undead creature is not even qualified to enter hell. As long as the sun shines, it will instantly turn into blue smoke.

"Who are you, and are you him!"

Wang Hong's voice kept echoing, but the man still didn't speak. The reason for not speaking seemed to be not that he was keeping a secret, but that he didn't know what to say at all.

The memory of undead creatures is very short, longer than that of fish, but it is also a mess. Most undead creatures will not remember what happened in their lives. They are just garbage in the world, curled up in the corner and silently exist. , I don't know when, they will be annihilated by the ash, most of them have no meaning of existence, and their existence seems to be just because they exist.

Wang Hong's spiritual power penetrated into the depths of this undead, but nothing was found. This undead man, whose origins are very clear, is an ordinary one who climbed out of the mountain of corpses.

No past life, no present life, no origin, just a little bit of fate, a wise corpse born in a place where there is a lot of death.

Also, the crazy man from the night two years ago was so proud and reckless, how could he allow himself to be reduced to what he is now? Let's get away with it.

This is a kind of dignity that belongs to the strong, and a kind of pride that belongs to the strong.

Moreover, Wang Hong could actually sense that that night, that crazy young man, that night, was not seeking victory or survival, but a kind of ending, a kind of death.

A person like that would rather his life disappear like fireworks than let himself be contaminated with much dust.

With a sigh, the undead man who had been imprisoned in the air by Wang Hong was thrown into the mountain of corpses on one side. The dog also dragged his bones-only legs and ran over to check the situation. When the man was caught before, the dog wanted to rush to Wang Hong, but it could only keep running in front of Wang Hong. There was a constant distance of one meter between the man and the dog, and the two sides could not get close at all.

Wang Hong took a deep look at this place for the last time, and she knew that this time, she had come for nothing.

I was very lost and disappointed. I thought that I could get some information and know some things, so I could make some preparations for entering the door, and the group owner also helped me a good favor, but now it seems that it is nothing more than useless effort.

That person is dead, really dead!

Immediately, Wang Hong's figure turned into a red light, rushed up, forcibly tore a crack above the mountain of bones and left here, coming and going in a hurry. She may waste her precious time at will, especially since it has not been long since she entered the door, she still has too many things to deal with, including her own feelings.

The dog crouched beside the man and began licking the man's face with its tongue.

The man shook his head, avoiding the dog's passionate tongue, and said angrily:

"There's no more flesh left on the face. It's ugly to be licked off by you."

The dog squatted on the side obediently.

The man struggled to stand up again. He was imprisoned and lifted up by Wang Hong before. His whole body seemed to be falling apart. Now he felt weak when walking. , can walk, no need to crawl like other undead creatures.

An undead human leads an undead dog that he picked up, one person and one dog, and starts to walk near the bone mountain. They don't need to eat, they just need to absorb a little dead energy occasionally. However, sometimes they still need Some things, like, flesh and blood.

Undead creatures can find some things they like from some corpses, such as blood that can be absorbed by themselves, and pieces of meat that can be fused by themselves. They are a broken group, or a group of scavengers. They themselves are tattered Existence, need to sew on themselves constantly, they are a kind of creatures similar to dung beetles, living in the dirtiest places, doing the dirtiest things.

The man crouched down and turned out a dead female body.

"These two pieces of meat, one for you and one for me, okay?" The man looked at the dog beside him.

The dog seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shook his head.

"You guy, I don't mind. What do you mind? I'm still a human, and you're still a dog. No, you have to, or I'll be worse than a dog."

With that said, the man squatted down and grabbed the two lumps of flesh on the chest of the female corpse with both hands that were not completely rotten. The hands of the white bones had been polished to a little bit of shine, and they could be used as blades, which were very sharp.


Two crisp sounds came out, the two pieces of meat were cut off by the man, and one of them was placed directly on his calf, where it was cracked, leaving only skin and bones.

The flesh of the female corpse was quickly integrated into it, and the flesh on the man's calf was thicker, which was very important to him. Being able to walk on his feet was indeed much more convenient than crawling, and it was also suitable for his own activities and survival. , well, let's call it survival.

Another piece of meat, the man threw to the dog beside him.

The dog took a few steps back in disgust.

"Eat it, your neck is about to break, you are always rolling and bumping, and you are playing a fart when your neck is broken!"

The dog whimpered twice, it really didn't like the meat and blood here, but under the pressure of the man, it had to lower its head and put the piece of meat in its mouth. The meat could not be digested in the traditional sense. After the meat was swallowed, the piece of meat stayed at the neck and could not go down. Of course, I didn't want it to go down. The piece of meat quickly fused there, and the bones and skin that were about to break at the neck of the dog were restored. A little richer.

"That's good."

The man patted the dog's head, then pulled his muscles and bones. After the crisp sound was released, he didn't dare to continue pulling. If he really stretched and broke himself, there would be nowhere to go to cry. cried.

One person and one dog began to move forward. There are countless corpses here, and even fresh corpses come in every once in a while. Of course, there are some powerful undead here, but these undead left the corpse after gaining self-confidence. The mountain began to move towards the position of the dragon veins, and then never came back.

A man and a dog can actually go there, but the man is unwilling to go. He thinks it's good to be here, and it is also a kind of happiness to be in a daze every day. Meat, drinking a mouthful of blood that has not completely deteriorated is already a great happiness.

Moreover, there is no danger here, and no other undead dare to provoke men here. He is still very powerful, but the woman who came and left just now is really too powerful.

The man sat down, and the dog squatted down. The dog's tail had been broken in half, but it continued to shake.

The man reached out and held the dog's tail.

"It's annoying."

The dog's tail was gone, the man moved his hand away, and then the dog started wagging its tail again.

The man reached out and covered his forehead.

"Come on, call me twice, and make others envious. When I get here, I can still keep a dog."

"..." The dog opened his mouth, UU read www. tried very hard to call out, but no sound came out.

A dog's mouth has flesh on the upper half, bones on the lower half, and a tongue, but the rest of the organs in it have already rotted away. Without it, it is very difficult to make a sound, unless it is grinding teeth. As for barking, then It's almost impossible.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

The dog barked, and the dog looked at the man with a bewildered expression. The bark was not from it, but from the man in front of him.

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

The man held the dog in his arms and reached out to fiddle with the dog's mouth.

The dog understood, opened his mouth, followed the frequency of the man, kept opening and closing his mouth, the two of them were like ventriloquism, the dog was pretending, the man was barking, one person and one dog, they had a lot of fun here almost.

"Wang! Wang! Wang! Wang!" (To be continued.) () "Terrorist Web Article" only represents the author's point of view, if you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!