MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 74 plot reversal

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Du family mansion;

"Master, it's getting cold, let's go back to the house."

Du Wenhu shook his head and continued to hold the fishing rod.

The servant was standing beside him.

After another half an hour, the sky gradually darkened, and the sun had already set in the west. Du Wenhu lifted the fishing rod, and the servant stepped forward to help clean it up.

&n(Pig-Pig-Island) Novel.zud.bsp;In the past, the general who commanded millions of troops can only spend time at home fishing every day, which is really sad.

Back in the study, the servant brought a cup of hot tea, Du Wenhu nodded and motioned for the servant to go down.

Immediately, Du Wenhu took off his hat, put it aside, picked up the latest newspaper delivered today on the table, and began to read it.

Even though he was forced to retire, some of Du Wenhu's living habits have not changed.

The servants also know that everything is doing things according to the previous rules.

In the past, Du Wenhu liked to scold and train people, and he had a hot temper, but when the servants faced him, he was not very afraid. Now Du Wenhu has become a little taciturn, which makes the servants a little scared.

Turning over the newspapers, Du Wenhu put the Xinhua Japan sent in the afternoon in front of him, and the front page headlines reported how difficult and fierce the battle of Gamma was.

Du Wenhu poked his finger on the cover, shook his head helplessly, and murmured:

"In this world, if no one else is smart, the way to survive is to pretend to be stupid. Xiaohui, you are very smart, but those people are not necessarily stupider than you."

Du Wenhu picked up the phone on the table, but was making a call. But he stopped and put the phone back. He staggered to his feet and walked outside the study, where a servant was waiting.

"Master, are you planning to rest?"

"Rest. Yeah, it's time to take a break."

Du Wenhu slowly went upstairs to the bedroom, and the servant behind him suddenly found that his master looked extraordinarily old today.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, why are you crying?"

"Sand is fascinated, not crying," said the young servant.

"I'm getting old. You are all lying to me." Du Wenhu sighed, "You are all lying to me."

"Master, I..."

"Forget it, it's alright." Du Wenhu walked up the stairs, "Okay, I'm going to rest, I don't need to wait. You go and clean up the tombstone of the young master. No one has been there for a long time, and it is estimated that grass will grow again."

"Yes. Sir."


When Zhao Zhu and Xin Yu walked back to the base, the people who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded them.

"Head of the regiment, the monitoring room is in a hurry. There is news from Beijing, and Du Gongzi also has a telecommunication."

When Zhao Zhu told Xinyu a story, his spiritual power was released. With the investigation isolated, Chen Yuxin could only see the two vague shadows of Zhao Zhu and Xin Yu through the surveillance screen. She could not see what they were doing, nor could she hear what they were saying. It was not changed until Zhao Zhu returned to the base, and the communication finally returned to normal.

Even though she felt a deep sense of loss, Chen Yuxin clearly knew what she should do and what her job was. After so many things, she was no longer a female student in the ivory tower of the university.

"Okay, I'm here." Zhao Zhu originally wanted to hold Xin Yu's hand, but Xin Yu took the initiative to put her hand behind her, deliberately not letting Zhao Zhu hold her hand. Also, the two of them were in front of outsiders, but for the time being, the relationship was clear. A little bit is better, and it will save you a lot of trouble.

In fact, here, whether Zhao Zhu is from the heavens or the earth, the influence is not very big, but if some people in the heavens know that Zhao Zhu and Xinyu have a special relationship when they meet, then , Zhao Zhu's true identity will be exposed, and it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Knowing that Zhao Zhu was returning to the base, on the way, Pu Hongcunyi walked over in a hurry. The prince does not have much of the demeanor of the prince now, and he seems to be in a hurry.

Before Pu Hong Cunyi could speak, Zhao Zhu squeezed his hand and signaled him not to speak.

"I'm going to have a video meeting with Beijing GN now. How to do what you want? There should be a specific charter later."

Pu Hong Cunyi nodded, and his eyes wandered on Zhao Zhu and Xin Yu for a moment. Instinct intuition told Pu Hong Cunyi that there must be something between the two, but whether Zhao Zhu and Xin Yu were outside The performance in front of people is too natural, making it difficult to think of them as lovers, just because the mentality and experience of the two people are indeed "old monster" level.

Xin Yu did not enter the monitoring room with Zhao Zhu, but stood with Pu Hong Cunyi, watching Zhao Zhu gradually go away.

"Is there really nothing between you?"

Pu Hong Cunyi, the eldest son, actually started to ignite the fire of gossip at this time. This is also a collision of sensibility and rationality. He does not believe that Zhao Zhu and the people from the North Academy will have such a close relationship, because Zhao Zhu's Basically, what the Earth GN can find, he Pu Hong Cunyi can also find it, this is impossible at all, but out of an intuition, Pu Hong Cunyi can't help but think about it.

Of course, Pu Hong Cunyi will not admit that he is gossiping now.

Xinyu's face was a little cold, and she was still the same as before, but in her temperament, she showed an iceberg state that rejected people thousands of miles away, she said:

"Sir, do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

"of course it's true."

"The truth is that Wang Lang and I were lovers in a previous life. In this life, we have both forgotten each other. Now that we finally meet, we will naturally be together."

"Okay, I believe it." Pu Hong Cunyi shook his head, obviously, how could he believe this explanation.

Xinyu looked at Pu Hong Cunyi who was walking towards the camp, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Sometimes, when she told the truth, others didn't believe it.

Entering the monitoring room, Zhao Zhu found that Chen Yuxin's smoke ring was a little red.

"Take more rest, I see you are tired." Zhao Zhu said.

"Thank you for your concern, I know."

"Well, let's connect to Beijing." Zhao Zhu sat down on the chair next to him.


Chen Yuxin began to communicate by telecommunication, but soon, Chen Yuxin's complexion suddenly changed, revealing a look of disbelief.

"Report, unable to contact Beijing." Chen Yuxin said with some puzzlement.

"What's the matter? Bad signal?"

"No, it's because Beijing unilaterally blocked us, and we can't exchange information with them at all now."

"Try other channels."

"Yes." Chen Yuxin began to switch other information transmission channels, "France also blocked us, the United Kingdom also blocked us, Russia also blocked us, the United States also blocked us, and the joint forces also blocked us..." Chen Yuxin was obviously panicked .

Toulon Five Star is a military unit in the far galaxy, and the connection with the earth can only rely on the base station, and the base station that can receive the information from Toulon is in the hands of the five permanent members and the GN joint force. Of course, because Zhao Zhu and Nanjing before. Honeymoon period relationship, so Nanjing GN also retains an information exchange base station with Gamma Star.

Zhao Zhu stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Contact Nanjing."

"Yes." Chen Yuxin began to contact the last Earth location that could receive information from Gamma stars.

"Report, connected, the other party responded to us, and applied for our video communication."


"Yes, the connection is complete, and the video call is turned on."

In the picture, Zhao Mingcheng appeared. Zhao Mingcheng was still the same as before. He was meticulous and calm. Zhao Zhu saw him on the screen. Obviously, he also saw Zhao Zhu on the screen.

"Hello, Major Wang, my Chinese hero."

Zhao Zhu didn't reply, just quietly looked at Zhao Mingcheng in the picture.

"You are very smart, really smart, and you have created a miracle, but you still underestimate the word 'politics';

You say, does Beijing want a Nanjing full of holes, or a Nanjing that actively cooperates with lowering the administrative level?

Hehe, I can see that you just came off the battlefield not long ago, you are also tired, you should rest early, I will say to you for the entire human beings on earth,

Good night, sweet dreams. "

As soon as the voice fell, the screen disappeared.

Chen Yuxin said in horror: "Nanjing GN also blocked contact with us."

Zhao Zhu still had the same expression on his face, but took a deep breath.

"Where's Guo Qiming, that cook?" Zhao Zhu asked.

"He? When I just did the casualty statistics, he lost his vital signs and died in battle."

Zhao Zhu smiled, "He's a cook, how could he have run to the front and died in the battle when none of you died, where is his death position?"

"A place far from the base."

"Send someone to search."



"Now, at eight o'clock in the evening on April 27th, I am Guo Qiming, and I am a deputy squad leader of the cooking team in the Gamma Star Human Military The Cantonese food I cook is delicious."

Earth GN announced the fall of the Five Stars of Toulon on April 28. Today, it is actually May.

In the picture, Guo Qiming is dripping with blood and his hair is covered in blood, but he still smiles when he speaks.

"Our battle was fierce, and we were also very brave. The regiment commander had already died, and the battalion commander and company commander had also died. In the end, our cooking team and clerks also took up guns and went to fight on the city wall.

I have heard the sound of the scythe of the worm sliding over the wall, they are coming, coming soon, Cuicui, I'm sorry, our daughter, you have to take care of it, and then find someone to remarry, it's my fault, Made you and your daughter suffer. "


A mantis soldier rushed into the monitoring room and chopped Guo Qiming into meat sauce in the live broadcast. Before his death, Guo Qiming was still shouting:

"Long live mankind, long live GN..." (To be continued.)

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