MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 83 ravage me!

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PS. Here's today's update. By the way, I'll pull a ticket for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets, and the voting will also send starting coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

The warehouse door opened, and two huge stones were moved away, revealing a road paved with steel bars. Then the lights were turned on, and the equipment and machinery inside were displayed, exuding a bright light.

To build such a large modern military warehouse in such an almost nameless Death Star, the difficulty can be imagined. That is, Du Xiaohui and Shangshan Zhiwen relied on their respective influence and other unspoken rules to give I ate it abruptly.

It is estimated that Shangshan Zhiwen thought that Du Xiaohui was just a greedy second-generation official, so he believed that everything was under his control = pig = pig = island = novel www.zhuzh, even the power to open the warehouse is in his own hands Moreover, with Du Wenhu's retreat, the nominal loss of the Du family's power has become a foregone conclusion, which made Shangshan Zhiwen relax his vigilance even more, thinking that the second generation of officials could no longer threaten him, this batch of goods, He can swallow it all by himself, and Du Xiaohui estimates that he will make contact every once in a while, and if he wants to share dividends, it can be considered to deliberately numb Shangshan Zhiwen and perform the cliché scenes.

Shangshan Zhiwen considered these things as his own private property to protect them, but in fact he was always making wedding dresses for Du Xiaohui. Du Xiaohui just sent someone to quietly set up a second internal procedure during the construction of the warehouse. You need a key, and you don't need to ask for Shangshan Zhiwen. When you want this batch of things, you can go directly to Rosen Star to kill Shangshan Zhiwen. It's very simple and straightforward. Shangshan Zhiwen himself is the key.

Of course, killing Shangshan Zhiwen is not easy, nor is it simple, but this is not something Du Xiaohui needs to worry about. When he needs this batch of goods, someone who can kill Zhiwen Shangshan will naturally appear. Moreover, Du Xiaohui has already started to investigate Zhao Zhu, and he has a full understanding of Zhao Zhu's individual soldier ability. However, it is estimated that Du Xiaohui did not expect that Shangshan Zhiwen was killed by insects before Zhao Zhu could do it. Of course, the result is the same.

However, Du Wenhu was able to keenly speculate on his son's plans and plans from these messages. Obviously, Du Wenhu thought that his son's risky plan had finally failed because of the appearance of bugs, but it was not the case.

An hour later, the Gamma Star Fleet came and landed.

Zhao Zhu and Pu Hong Cunyi had already inspected the warehouse at this time. Standing at the door, when Pu Hong Cunyi was about to pick up his soldiers, Zhao Zhu stopped him:

"Hey, one more thing. I need your help."

"What's up?"

"I'm going to arrest someone."

Pu Hong Cunyi was slightly taken aback, "In the fleet?"

Zhao Zhu nodded.

"You can't handle it alone?" Pu Hong Cunyi asked curiously.

"I'm not sure, so I need you to control the scene."


"Well, good. Director Chen, have you received it?" Zhao Zhu began to speak to the communicator.

"Received, the communication is established."

"Let the chief engineer of Xuzhou Heavy Industry come to the coordinate position I gave you."

"Yes. The order has been given."

Zhao Zhu turned off the communication, and Pu Hong Cunyi picked up a scarlet stone on the ground and weighed it, "Will she come?"

"She had to come." Zhao Zhu said, "You don't understand, the characters of those people, especially the characters of her group, are very strange and special, and even she will take the initiative to cooperate with me, do you believe it? ?" Zhao Zhu pulled out a cigarette and played with it between his fingers.

"Let's wait and see." Pu Hong Cunyi was also interested. Of course, it was also because of Rosenxing's previous trip. He who thought he had failed, suddenly found out that he was in a good mood.


Huo confused, still here.

She had no reason not to come, even though she already had an ominous foreboding in her heart.

But she still has to come.

Maybe, pride and identity are one reason, but the bigger reason is because she guessed what Zhao Zhu wants to do, and at the same time, this is also what she wants to do.

In the end, even if she used to be all-powerful, she was still a woman after all.

Du Xiaohui thinks that Zhao Zhu will climb all the way up, constantly seeking wealth and danger, but Du Xiaohui can't understand Zhao Zhu's thinking. The road to mountain climbing is naturally endless. When any shortcut appears, Zhao Zhu always has to try it. In case there is any surprise discovery.

The place where we met was a few kilometers away from the warehouse, and was completely blocked by a stone mountain.

When Huo Huo came here, Zhao Zhu squatted on the ground, holding a wooden stick in his hand, drawing circles on the sand, which seemed to be an extremely boring expression, but more, it was a kind of emotional brewing.

Yes, to take action against Gou Muddy's woman, you really need to brew your emotions. Everything about Gou Muddy is constantly echoing in your mind, resisting the feeling of being oppressed by courage and belief.

"What, are you going to do it?" Huo Huohu looked at Zhao Zhu and sat down on the stone on one side without paying attention.

Zhao Zhu nodded and took the initiative to admit it.

"I want to force him out. I don't want him to continue playing hide-and-seek games in some ghostly place." This is Zhao Zhu's heart. , Big Brother is likely to become an executioner who turns his face and does not recognize anyone, just like the current Zhao Zhu, who regards Huo Huo and them as respectable predecessors in the circle, but after entering the door, he is now ready to confuse Huo Huo. Knife.

Originally, there was no chance, because Huo Huo was going to leave, and Huo Huo was also a very special one in Xuzhou Heavy Industry, and it had a great impact on her, but now the Gamma Star Fleet and more than 5,000 ships in the fleet All the people were declared to be martyrs. At this time, if you take action against Huo Huo, you don't need to worry about the impact, and Zhao Zhu is now in a state where he is not afraid of being bitten by too many lice.

"Okay, try it." Huo Huohuo said, the tone of her speech did not seem to be Zhao Zhu's goal, but a participant in Zhao Zhu's idea.

Zhao Zhu clapped his hands, stood up, looked at Huo Huohuo, and asked:

"Will you resist?"

Huo Huohuo sneered, "Junior, do you think it's possible for me to be captured like this?"

"It's really unlikely, so let's fight."

Zhao Zhu walked towards Huo Huo step by step.

Hit, hit.

Huo Huohu knows that Zhao Zhu's strength has been further improved after the last battle with Bowen, but it is impossible for her to capture Zhao Zhu without a hitch.

As Zhao Zhu kept getting closer to Huo Huo, with Huo Huo as the center, seven Zhao Zhu appeared around and walked towards her together. The power of Feng Shui, mysterious and ethereal, in Zhao Zhu's hands, had long been used to perfection.

Huo Huohuo's mental power was released, and he began to distinguish the truth from the false.

However, at this time, a ghost-faced Buddha appeared out of nowhere, and under the mighty sound of the Buddha, it directly disturbed the spiritual power of Huo Huo. At the same time, the rune on the palm of the ghost-faced Buddha should be the prototype of the newly born Tai Sui talisman, which directly manifested. out, disturbing Huo Huo's sanity.

"Can't you beat me uprightly, subdue me, and force him out? You have to be so careful?"

"This is respect." Seven Zhao Zhu said at the same time.

In fact, this is not only respect, but also jealousy. Even if Huo Huhuo's recovery is not as good as his own, Zhao Zhu does not dare to despise her at all. After all, she is the group of Dongfang powerhouses back then, and she is also the wife of Gou Muddy.

Huo Huohu sighed, a black flame appeared on his palm, and then, the flame began to bloom with Huo Huo's blood as a medium, radiating brilliance, and directly began to burn the ghost-faced Buddha.

"Royal Spirit Art!"

The spirit fire appeared and began to entangle with Huo Huohao's flames, and formed a cassock-like defense on the ghost-faced Buddha.

Huo Huo's hands were sealed, and his figure began to twist.

The seven Zhao Zhu stretched their hands together, surrounded by the brilliance of green snakes, bombarded all around, and violently shook the space, directly cutting off the possibility of Huo Huohuo wanting to move by space.

But at the next moment, Huo Huo rushed towards one of the Zhao Zhu like an arrow from the string. She found the real Zhao Zhu, yes, she was able to discover it, and she has always been able to discover that Zhao Zhu's illusion has been around since the very beginning. Couldn't deceive her.

However, Zhao Zhu didn't intend to deceive her. In a duel, especially a one-on-one duel, in addition to considering the strength of both sides, it is more about a kind of fighting wisdom.

Zhao Zhu had never leapfrogged to kill someone stronger than himself at the beginning. He relied on his on-the-spot reaction and battle wisdom.

When Huo Huo rushed towards him, Zhao Zhu's mental power was quickly increased to a thousand times, his body trembled, and blood flowed from his eyes, but it turned into an icy gray and white.

In the face of Huo Duo, Zhao Zhu is of course a lion fighting a rabbit and using his full strength!

Huo Huo's fingernails seemed to penetrate the distance of space directly, and just lifted it up and pierced directly into Zhao Zhu's chest, Zhao Zhu's body trembled, blood dripping from his chest, and several of his ribs were broken. It's just an inch away from the heart!

It means that Zhao Zhu was almost killed in seconds!

However, these are also the results calculated by Zhao Zhu. As long as you don't die, as long as you don't lose your combat effectiveness, any damage cost is acceptable!

The feng shui pattern closes up in an instant, like a set trap. The hunter captures the prey at the cost of being almost killed.


Huo Huohao's figure was bound by invisible ropes, and there were multiple blood lines up and down his body, and blood sputtered out.

Zhao Zhu covered his chest with one hand, grabbed Huo Huohuo's neck with the other, and lifted her whole body up.

"Don't kill me all at once, ravage me slowly, give him time, give him time to think, give him time to show up, okay?"

Huo Huohuo said in a pleading tone.


Quick, use the monthly pass to ravage the dragon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list, and by May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and publicity works. A piece is also love, it must be better! ] (To be continued.)

Read The Duke's Passion