MTL - Horror Web-v3 Chapter 95 The boy does not cry easily

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[Broadcast] Follow "Starting Reading" and get first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who haven't snatched red envelopes after the Chinese New Year can have a go this time.

Holding flowers and a little hurry, Zhu Jianping walked in the familiar apartment complex. The first thing he did when he came back was to see Zhao Dashao's wife. Next, he should come to his daughter. friends.

Here is the house that Zhu Jianping bought with money and bought two sets, one is for him and his little girlfriend, and the other is for the parents of the little girlfriend.

A year or two apart, I haven't come back for two years, the excitement and longing in my heart are naturally indescribable.

Going upstairs, Zhu Jianping tidied up his clothes, held the flowers more cautiously, and then came to 302 on the third floor, which is in front of his own room, and rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong... ding dong..."


A familiar voice came from inside, and tears welled up in Zhu Jianping's eyes, and the person who was constantly missing in his dream was about to appear in front of him.


The door was opened from the inside.

The woman inside looked at Zhu Jianping, suddenly stunned, her brows furrowed, as if she was thinking about something.

When Zhu Jianping's Adam's apple moved, he almost stepped forward and hugged her, but at the next moment, a child's cry came.

Zhu Jianping was personally shocked by electric shocks!

The woman ran back to the house and picked up a child.

"Oh oh oh~ Baby don't cry, baby is good, baby is good." The woman coaxed the child in her arms, who looked like she was only a few months old.



my own,

child! ! ! ! ! ! !

This point, Zhu Jianping can be very sure. Because of the particularity of his identity, he took security measures every time he had **** with his girlfriend. And, being a vampire with such a high bloodline. The sensitivity to blood has definitely reached a terrifying level. He can sense that this child is not his own blood. The blood in the child's body does not resonate with himself at all, and from the child's number of months. It can't be the seed left by oneself.

However, Zhu Jianping can clearly perceive that his girlfriend and this little baby are closely related by blood.

"Is he your baby?" Zhu Jianping asked in disbelief. In fact, Zhu Jianping also knew that his sense of power was more accurate than DNA paternity testing, but. He was still unwilling, very unwilling.

what, what.

how so,

why why,

Why is this!

"Hello, you are?"

At this time, from down the stairs, a young man with a vegetable basket in his hand ran up. The man was fairly handsome and not very old.

and. The man squeezed in directly from Zhu Jianping's side, reached out and hugged the baby and started teasing.

"Son. Did you miss Dad? Dad bought you a soft-shell turtle today to make up for it. My son must be strong and strong."

Zhu Jianping's chest began to rise and fall rapidly, and in an instant, he lowered his head, and a gleam of blood flashed in his pupils.

The house I bought,

The money I gave you,

I have left you so many things before,

I have only been gone for two years,

you found a new man,

There are children left,

fuck you!

Zhu Jianping flipped the palm of his left hand, but soon his right hand directly grabbed his left hand, forcing himself to calm down, and then he gasped heavily and ran down the stairs.

At this moment, Zhu Jianping... fled.

"Who is it?" The woman looked at the back of Zhu Jianping's departure, showing a look of doubt, always feeling that the person just now was very familiar to her.

"Hurry up and close the door. It looks like a drug addict. It's not peaceful outside. You should pay more attention when you are at home alone, you know?"

"Okay, I know that, husband."


In the evening, on a bench by the park, a young man sat on the bench and kept wiping tears.

When eating human flesh, he didn't cry, and even smiled with a **** mouth full of blood, so he has a nickname, called Lunatic;

He didn't cry when he entered the world of terrorist web-based tasks, he just vented the pressure on the female teachers and students;

During the crisis of life and death, he did not cry, but struggled to survive with repeated unwillingness and anger;

In that real world, at the moment when he was about to be annihilated, he didn't cry, because before annihilation, he helped Zhao Zhu to kill a large number of bugs, which was a compensation for his brothers.

But now, he was crying, crying very sadly.

Zhu Jianping didn't even know that he would have such an embarrassing day, but when he sat here, tears could not help flowing. He felt that he was useless, but he didn't know how to tell or how to comfort himself. .

For her sake, I changed completely, put away my rambunctious body, and for her sake, I went to run the hospital with Zhao Dashao, so that she and her family could live a good life together. I treated her well.

Why, why, why do you want to do this, even if your memory is erased, why, why did you find a man so quickly, get married, and give birth to a child.

Zhu Jianping knew and understood that his memory had been erased.

However, in fact, even if the memory is erased, there are still some influences, some subconscious influences.

For example, after Zhao Dashao lost his memory of Xinyu, his temperament changed greatly, he became a playboy, he didn't believe in love, but just played with flowers, while Qin Tiantian opened a flower shop and was not rude to other men.

But, how, how, when it came to me, it became like this?

Zhu Jianping kept taking a deep breath, he couldn't figure it out, he didn't understand, because he didn't want to think about it, and he didn't want to understand it, because there was only one explanation and one reason.

That girl, the girl I love deeply, the female classmate of my own, the female deskmate...

Not really loving yourself.

Everything seems to be one of its own...

Wishful thinking.



A muffled thunder sounded in the sky. The rain fell quickly and hit Zhu Jianping's face.

Zhu Jianping didn't realize it, and he was soaked in the rain to his heart's content.

Suddenly. He felt that the world was full of malice towards him. Whether it is real or virtual, it seems that there is no meaning for itself to continue to exist.

"Young Master, why don't you really let me enter the door for you, and you stay here." Zhu Jianping shouted loudly.

At this moment, among the rain curtains, a scavenger with a snakeskin bag walked towards the bench.

"What are you doing, what are you doing here in the rain? You can't spoil your body with anything you do. Let's go, go there with me to hide from the rain."

Having said that, the scavengers came to pull Zhu Jianping.

Zhu Jianping was in a daze, but he was actually pulled up by him to get up and came to a shack. The shack was only a blue tile, and it could only be considered reluctant to block the rain, or it was leaking everywhere.

"Want some water?"

The scavenger handed Zhu Jianping a porcelain cup.

Zhu Jianping shook his head, indicating that he didn't need it.

Here, it's messy. There is a lot of waste piled up in different categories.

Zhu Jianping was sitting on a small chair, and the scavenger who looked a lot like Brother Sharp was squatting on the ground because it was here. There is only one stool.

"How about something to eat?" the scavenger asked again.

Zhu Jianping shook his head again, he was neither thirsty nor hungry.

The scavenger took out a wine bottle with half a bottle of liquor in it. He took out a disposable paper cup, poured it on Zhu Jianping, handed it over, and poured a little of the porcelain cup himself.

"I know why you are sad, you broke up with Sa? This kind of thing. Relax."

Zhu Jianping took the paper cup and drank the wine in one gulp.

"That's right. That's right, when you're in a bad mood. Drink a little wine, let yourself fall asleep and everything will be over. Drinking can also hurt your body, but it's better than hurting your body and hurting yourself at the same time."

The scavenger poured another cup for Zhu Jianping, "Come on, let's do it!"

The two clink glasses, then both drank.

"By the way, wait a minute, I'll get you some snacks."

With that said, the scavengers went to the back and brought out a small jar full of pickled garlic.

"Here, eat one, peel two cloves of garlic, drink a sip of wine, and sprinkle freely."

Zhu Jianping doesn't like garlic because he doesn't like the taste, and now it's because he is a vampire. Of course, for his level, garlic and silverware are useless to him, but he still doesn't like it. .

"Eat a sprinkle. When I was picking up junk on the outskirts of the city, a young man driving a sports car invited me to drink a lot of canned beer at the door of the convenience store, oh my, I didn't even have a place to stay at that time. I didn't have to sprinkle it, but I had this small jar of garlic on my body, so I shared it with him. He must not have been in a good mood at the time, otherwise it would be impossible for a rich boy like me to invite someone like me to drink. Well, but I've been thinking about his goodness. That person is rich, but he doesn't look down on others. He's quite a pure person. I can see that. So, it's fate that we met. You don't dislike it. Me, just accompany me to drink a sip of wine and eat a clove of garlic, okay?"

After listening to this Zhu Jianping smiled, "That person is really strange."

"That's right, it's very strange. I remember that after drinking that night, I was so drunk that I could see two moons appearing in the sky. I must have been drunk to a ball at that time."

Two moons?

Zhu Jianping was startled suddenly, one of his hands was quickly placed on the forehead of the scavenger, and then his spiritual power penetrated gently and carefully, because the other party was recalling, so Zhu Jianping could clearly see the picture of that scene:

In the memory picture, a Lamborghini sports car was parked casually on the side of the road. Zhao Zhuzheng was sitting alone on a bench by the roadside, holding a can of beer in one hand. Drinking wine, drinking lonely.


The last few chapters have been written really well, everyone hugs the dragon tightly together!

ps. Children's shoes who are chasing more, do you still have free appreciation tickets and starting coins? The countdown to the 515 red envelope list is coming. Let me get a ticket, ask for an extra ticket and an appreciation ticket, and finally rush! (To be continued.)

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