MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 12 12 only sixty essays

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   Chapter 12 12 Only sixty texts

   That vicious family, it’s okay to shove them out of the house and come here, even without giving them this broken house?

  The Lin family, sooner or later, she will come to the door and get back what they owe their family.

   "Mother, let's add up." Lin Xiaoyue actually still wanted to build a yard, but she knew that there was too much money involved, and there was also the issue of land deeds, so she didn't mention it.

   Anyway, no matter what, you have to make money first.

   I have more money in my hand, so I have conditions. She believed that her mother would definitely support her in building the yard.

   "Okay." Liu Shi said with a smile.

   She used to be her mother-in-law's housekeeper at the Lin family's house. She and her child's father gave all the money she earned to her mother-in-law, and her mother-in-law had the final say in all matters at home.

   Now that they are separated from the Lin family, although their life is more difficult than before, they are also free.

  My daughter is now awake, she has something to discuss, and she feels at ease.

   "How much money do you have now, mother?" Lin Xiaoyue asked with a smile, looking at Mrs. Liu.

   Liu Shi was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned red.

   "It's just... 60 wen." Then he said embarrassedly.

   In fact, it shouldn't be the only number. When they came out of Lin's house, she actually had a total of 468 yuan of private money in her hand.

   Later, I spent some money on pots, sickle baskets and the like. Well, all these things were later snatched by the Lin family. In order to prevent her from starving to death, I gave her some tattered ones.

   Then, she picked up the work of embroidering purses from the embroidery workshop in the town.

   A purse is five cents, because her embroidery is good, the embroidery workshop takes it back for twenty cents, and she can earn fifteen cents for embroidering a pouch.

   When she was in the Lin family, if the pattern was simple, she would embroider at most ten purses a day, and earn one hundred and fifty cents a day.

  But after leaving Lin's house, the living conditions here are not good, and she can't just do embroidery as before.

   In addition to the fact that the child's father has gone, she cried a lot, her eyes were not as good as before, and now she can only embroider two or three purses a day. But despite this, she can actually earn thirty or forty cents a day.

   But even if she can earn it, it will cost the three people in the family to eat and drink.

   In addition, her mother-in-law came to the house to steal her money and embroidered purse, she also lost a lot on this.

   As a result, after twenty days passed, not only did she not save any money, but she only had sixty pennies left in her body.

   "Pfft—" Lin Xiaoyue was amused by Liu's expression.

   "Don't be afraid, something is better than nothing." She patted her mother's hand.

   Liu's expression was a little sad.

   "I embroidered two more purses yesterday afternoon, and the remaining two blank ones should be ready for embroidery this afternoon, and a total of 80 quills can be exchanged." Then he said with some dissatisfaction.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback. I remembered her mother's craftsmanship for earning money.

   An embroidered purse sells for twenty cents? You have to deduct the cost of the purse and needle and thread. How much profit can you make?

   "You have to buy a new purse and needles after you sell the embroidered purse. This can't be counted as the money we saved." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Besides, doing too much embroidery hurts your eyes, so you might as well do less every day." Lin Xiaoyue knew that she persuaded her, but her mother wouldn't listen, she just mentioned it.

   I thought that when I found a way to make money, I would not let her mother take over the embroidery work.

  Liu's heart warmed when she heard her daughter's concern.

   A warm hand patted on the back of Lin Xiaoyue's hand.

   "It's okay. Mother is only working for half a day now, which is shorter than when I was at the Lin family."

  When I was in the Lin family, there was a time when the family was short of money, and my mother-in-law even let her light a lamp and embroider.

   If it wasn't for the child's father who couldn't see it and went to find her milk, she would have had problems with her eyes at that time.

   (end of this chapter)

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