MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 361 361 Improper Crippling

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   Chapter 361 361 Improper waste

   "Oh, Mr. Xu said, my body is fine. I'm constantly repairing myself!"

   "You are just worrying!" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   After holding it for a few days, she was almost exhausted, and she didn't want to stay at home all day.

   "Anyway, you will be allowed to go out at the earliest the day after tomorrow." Li Xiao said.

   Seeing his daughter-in-law's face turning stinky, Li Xiao's expression moved slightly, and he said, "Or, if you are bored, you can go to Liu Mansion and the wharf with me."

  There are still many injured soldiers in Liu Mansion who are recuperating their bodies, he should have gone to see them long ago.

   There is also the pier. In the past few days, he asked Henry Zhang and Fan Teng to take turns to help take care of them, and he did not know how the situation was.

   "Okay." Lin Xiaoyue nodded helplessly.

  Although you can’t go to Zhoujiazhuang, it’s better to go for a stroll in Qingshi Town than staying at home.

   Come again, as the head mistress of the Chiwu Army, she should also follow and care for the wounded of the Chiwu Army.

   So after the couple had breakfast, they set off with Mr. Xu to Qingshi Town.

  Liu House.

   The three entered the door and found that Manager Fang and Henry Zhang were both there.

  Lin Xiaoyue only found out after inquiring about the situation. It turned out that there were 84 seriously injured people in Liu Mansion at the beginning.

  But after Mr. Xu's treatment, there are only thirty-eight wounded left in bed.

   Of course, those who have recovered from their injuries still need to change their dressings and have not left Liu Mansion.

   Instead, he stayed and took up the job of tending to the seriously wounded. While recuperating, he took care of Pao Ze, who was more seriously injured than himself.

   "If you are injured, you should take a good rest. Where can you continue to work hard?"

   "Isn't there someone on our Zhuangzi? Can't we just arrange some people to come over and take care of them?" Lin Xiaoyue asked Director Fang.

   "This...was really arranged like this before. But...but the soldiers don't agree." Director Fang glanced at Lin Xiaoyue carefully.

   "They said that it is time for Zhuangzi to employ people, and the brothers who are not injured should go to Zhuangzi to help."

   "And those injured people are also idle when they are idle. Taking care of the more seriously injured brothers is also a contribution."

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

"After the Lantern Festival, the speed of the return of the brothers has accelerated a lot. The villages are rapidly increasing their manpower, but now that the pepper seeds have been sown, it will not take long for them to be transplanted. Now, there is indeed a shortage of manpower to turn the ground in the villages. "

   "So... I'm here to answer." Manager Fang explained.

   "Idle is also idle. Letting the lightly wounded take care of the seriously wounded can be regarded as finding something to do for them. Let them realize that even if they are injured, they are still doing things for the Chiwu Army and their masters."

   "I used to do this at the border when there were not enough manpower. Mistress, don't worry." Mr. Xu suddenly said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Li Xiao also nodded to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue just responded.

   "In terms of food, Liu's house has increased it a bit. Make sure to have meat every day, so that everyone is full, and the injured need nutrition the most."

   "Yes!" Manager Fang responded quickly.

   Then, he brought a few people into the first large room where the wounded were staying.

   As soon as the door opened, Lin Xiaoyue saw seven or eight wounded lying on the bunk.

Next to   , there is a bandaged person who is in better condition, taking care of the seriously injured patient on the bed.

   Lin Xiaoyue and others appeared, the moaning sound in the house disappeared.

   Everyone looked at the door, and then quickly focused on Lin Xiaoyue.

   Then, he quickly moved away.

   "I have seen the general, I have seen the madam!" A soldier with arms hanging took the lead to salute Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue.

   "I've seen the general, I've seen the madam!" The rest quickly followed.

  Those who lay in bed with serious injuries even wanted to get up and salute.

  Lin Xiaoyue's complexion changed slightly, and she spoke quickly.

   "Don't get up! Don't be too polite, you guys have a good time to recuperate!"

   Someone looked happy, "Thank you madam!"

When    replied, there was joy in his voice.

   They also saw the lady!

   As described by other brothers, she looks like a fairy.

   And their wife is not only beautiful, but also good to their brothers in the Chiwu Army.

   Having such a mistress is the blessing of their generals and the blessing of their Chiwu Army.

   looked at the wounded, bandages all over their bodies, and some even had broken arms and missing legs.

   After seeing them, they all smiled brightly, and Lin Xiaoyue felt a little moved.

   "It's been hard work along the way. I should have come over to see everyone, but it was my fault that I couldn't come." Lin Xiaoyue gave everyone a moving salute.

   "Madam's words are serious!" Seeing this, everyone hurriedly returned the salute.

   Never thought that their general's wife would apologize and salute to them.

After    came to Liu Mansion, some of them were indeed worried.

   I'm afraid that my wife will not come to Liu's house, because I don't pay attention to them, and I feel that they are useless.

   But now, who would feel that way?

Madam   's mind is perfect and pure, and she doesn't treat them as outsiders.

   "You guys are going to have a good life and recuperate in Liu Mansion. After the injury is healed, Director Fang will make arrangements here." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Director Fang gave Lin Xiaoyue a salute when he heard this.

   "Madam!" Suddenly, a soldier with a broken leg shouted at Lin Xiaoyue.

   After Lin Xiaoyue looked over, she quickly lowered her head.

   "I don't know Madam, how are you going to arrange for me to wait?" Then, Chong Lin Xiaoyue asked.

  In an instant, all the wounded in the house looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   then smiled.

   "After the injury is healed, what do you want to do?" Then he asked with a smile.

   This smile has some fun and dispels the tense atmosphere.

The    soldier raised his head and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "I... I want to go to Zhuangzi like my brothers." He said with some pleading.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled.

   Then, his gaze turned to the other wounded who were staring at him nervously.

   Then, he smiled.

   "Going to Zhuangzi now, the most important job is farming. The job is not easy." He said.

   She now seems to understand what Mr. Xu said before. These injured people are actually afraid in their hearts.

   I am afraid that I can no longer do anything for the Chiwu Army, and I am afraid that I will be reduced to a useless "criminal".

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

  Thinking about these injuries, in addition to food and daily care. Perhaps, they have to come up with their post-arrangement plan as soon as possible.

   This will give them peace of mind.

   "I'm not afraid of hard work! Madam, I want to go to Zhoujiazhuang! My eldest brother is in Zhoujiazhuang, and I want to be with him!" the soldier said quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded.

   "Okay, then when your injury is healed, I will ask Director Fang to arrange for you to go to Zhoujiazhuang." He was able to respond happily.

   "Thank you - thank you ma'am!" The soldier quickly thanked him.

   Everyone was surprised.

   "Madam, I also want to go to Zhoujiazhuang!"

   "I want to go to Mengjiazhuang!"

   "I want to go to Maoerzhuang!"


   For a while, the wounded rushed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   I was afraid that I would miss this opportunity, and I would be unable to go to Zhuangzi and live with other Chiwu troops.

  Lin Xiaoyue stretched out her hand, signaling everyone to be quiet.

   The effect is not very good.

   Until Director Fang stood up and looked at everyone with a dark face.

   All the talents showed fear and were quiet.

  Lin Xiaoyue motioned Director Fang to step back, took a step forward, smiled, and continued to speak.

   "Everyone, please rest assured to recover. I will discuss with Director Fang in the next few days to discuss where everyone in Liu Mansion will go."

   "At that time, Director Fang will also ask everyone's opinions and arrange the most suitable place for everyone."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at everyone.

   "Now Zhuangzi Shang and 'Shang Kuai' is the time to hire people, and people are needed everywhere."

   "Zhuangzi is going to open up wasteland and farm land. In the future, he will have to collect peppers, process peppers, set up farms, and open workshops..."

   "The chain store here has also started construction. Next, people are also needed to buy ingredients, make skewers, and make snacks."

   "As long as you are willing to contribute, you will never be left idle."

   Lin Xiaoyue said these words, everyone seemed to have taken a reassurance in their hearts, and they looked at each other one by one with joy on their faces.

   "And arranging everyone to do things is paid."

   "Although finances are tight in the first half year, wages will be recorded. But after half a year, everyone's wages will be distributed one by one."

   "Also, in the future, the soldiers will start a family and start a business. Director Fang will also provide additional support for two silver coins." Lin Xiaoyue continued.

   When the soldiers heard this, their expressions changed.

   "I am a member of the Chiwu Army in life, and I am a ghost of the Chiwu Army in death! It's right to serve the general and his wife, so what's the salary?! There's no need to start a family and start a business!" A soldier suddenly said.

   "Yes..." The rest echoed.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't get angry when she saw this, and looked at Li Xiao and asked Li Xiao to speak.

  Li Xiao really stood up.

   The moment Li Xiao stood up, everyone quieted down and looked at Li Xiao.

   His eyes were pious, even a little scared. A look as if he was afraid that Li Xiao would disband the Chiwu Army and abandon them.

   "The mission of the Chiwu Army has ended. Next, you can disarm and return to the fields, and you can live a normal life with peace of mind."

   "If you don't want to leave the big family of the Chiwu Army, don't force it. You can live in those twelve villages forever, or go 'get up fast'."

   "Those who are willing to return to the life of ordinary people can also marry and have children."

   "When the grievances of the Nangong family and the Chiwu Army are cleared, everyone can choose by themselves." Li Xiao said in a deep voice.

  Everyone look at me, I look at you, no one speaks.

   They also heard about the general's decision to let the Chiwu Army disarm and return to the fields.

   In the beginning, everyone was against it.

   I felt that I was a Chiwu Army when I was a child, and I wanted to be a Chiwu Army all my life. Even if he retreats, he will go to the rear to contribute to the Chiwu Army.

  But now, they are suddenly not allowed to be the Chiwu Army, and let them return to the life of the common people and become ordinary people of Dayan.

   This completely changed their life plans.

   But as time goes by, everyone will unconsciously think, if they are really not the Chiwu Army, what can they do next.

What can    do?

   Live and work in the same place like ordinary people, and then marry a daughter-in-law, and his wife and children are on the stove?

   is actually quite beautiful…

   Even if he is physically disabled, it is not easy to find a wife, but it is not bad to be able to live with the other brothers of the Chiwu Army all the time.

  Li Xiao ignored everyone's reaction, turned around and went out the door.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked everyone to take good care of themselves and followed.

   Next, go to another room to see other wounded, and Lin Xiaoyue said similar things.

   The couple did not leave the Liu residence until all the wounds in the Liu residence were read.

Before    left, Lin Xiaoyue also handed over the follow-up placement of the injured to Director Fang.

   Let him work out the plan in two days and send it to Dashi Village for her to look over.

   Manager Fang naturally responded, and then sent the two out.

   After leaving Liu Mansion, the two mounted their horses and went to the pier.

  As soon as he arrived at the place, Henry Zhang brought someone to greet him.

   "Cousin, cousin, why are you here?"

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao glanced at each other with a smile.

   "Let's see the situation." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Isn't there any trouble?" Li Xiao asked.

   "No. With me here, what trouble can happen?" Henry Zhang patted his chest.

   "Also, I just got a big job!" Henry Zhang said proudly.

   "Oh?" Li Xiao glanced at Henry Zhang with a look of disbelief.

   "What a big job! Does the Liu residence in Qingshi Town know?"

   "Liu Dashao came here on behalf of Mr. Liu, and said that he would hand over all the goods of Liu's house in Qingshi Town to us for transportation." Henry Zhang said immediately.

   A look of "Am I talking about a big business?"

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue looked at each other and smiled.

   It seems that Henry Zhang is a little wrong.

   "Do you know about this?" Chong asked the two of them.

   Lin Xiaoyue covered her lips and smiled.

   "Well. The credit this time really can't be attributed to you."

   "The business of Liu's house was discussed with Liu Gongzi by your cousin before."

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue told Henry Zhang the general situation.

   Henry Zhang heard and understood.

   Strangely said that when Mr. Liu talked about business with him today, he was respectful and did not pay the price.

  Emotions and this?

   At the same time, Henry Zhang admired his cousin and cousin-in-law even more.

   Apart from the identities of the master and mistress of the Chiwu Army, these two couples are really getting along well in Qingshi Town.

   "In such a short period of time, Young Master Liu can represent Mr. Liu to discuss the cargo business. This person is very efficient." Lin Xiaoyue said suddenly.

   Henry Zhang's eyes were somewhat disgusting.

   "What's so efficient? It's Mr. Liu who is dying. Now the Liu mansion is already in charge of this Young Master Liu."

   "Oh?" Lin Xiaoyue was curious.

   When Lin Lanhua died before, wasn't Mr. Liu's health already better?

   Could it be that Lin Lanhua is really the lucky star of Master Liu, and when the lucky star dies, Master Liu will not be healthy?

   Henry Zhang’s face raised a smug look again.

   He knew the news.

   "Liu Yiniang, oh, it should be that Lin Lanhua. After she died, Master Lin contracted the cold within a few days."

   "After that, I got sick like a mountain, and my health got worse and worse."

   "Just three days ago, Master Liu actually found another young woman and carried it into Liu's house to celebrate."

   "Unfortunately, this time, not only did it fail, but it actually made the old man even more ill."

   "Today I heard what the little servant beside Liu Dashao meant, the old man probably won't last long. Liu's estate is now almost all managed by Liu Dashao."

   (end of this chapter)

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