MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 370 370 Leaning at the Door

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   Chapter 370 370 Liang Yu Comes to the Door

   Despite this, the Lin family did not pay attention to them.

  In the fourth room, it was even heard that the fence was going to be built, the door on the existing fence was blocked, and then the height was raised, in order to completely block Lin Dachui from finding it.

  Lin Xiaoyue only smiled lightly when she heard the news, and didn't go any further.

   "Yu Pei hasn't come back yet?" Then he asked Zhao Shanshan.

   Since returning from the Lin family, Lin Xiaoyue handed over the recovery of the jade pendant to Zhao Shanshan.

   But two days have passed, and no news has been received yet.

   Zhao Shanshan was startled, "Not yet."

   Then, without waiting for Lin Xiaoyue to ask the details, she took the initiative to say it.

   "Three days ago, Director Fang had already arranged for someone to track Yupei. It was found the day before yesterday that Yupei had left Anyang County."

   "Now, the latest news is that the jade pendant went to Kyoto after several turnovers."

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   Zhao Shanshan continued, "The background of Xu Ji's pawnshop is more complicated than we thought. After the shopkeeper received the jade pendant, he didn't keep it in his hand, but gave it away quickly."

   "My wife's jade pendant is precious and precious, and it is easier to sell it at a high price when it is sent to the prosperous Kyoto."

   Lin Xiaoyue stretched out her hand and stopped Zhao Shanshan from continuing.

   "Let Director Fang stop the investigation." Then he said.

   Zhao Shanshan was taken aback.

   "The situation in Kyoto is complicated, and the Chiwu Army finally settled down in Qingshi Town. At this time, it is impossible to make extra efforts." Lin Xiaoyue explained.

   Her mother's jade pendant was important, but it was a dead thing.

   Compared with the jade pendant, the Chiwu Army is more important.

   As for the jade pendant, we can only talk about it later.

   "Yes." Zhao Shanshan replied.

   Then, he exited the door.

  Three days later, Lin Xiaoyue went to Zhoujiazhuang in person.

   At this time, the peppers in the ground have matured, and many peppers have turned from green to red.

   The Chiwu Army who waited on the peppers on Zhuangzi were all looking forward to it, waiting for Lin Xiaoyue's order to start this year's pepper picking.

   After Lin Xiaoyue went to the field to see the situation, she personally took the Chiwu Army and picked red peppers.

After   , he instructed people to dry the peppers.

   As the peppers in Zhoujiazhuang began to be picked, the peppers from other villages also ushered in the picking period.

   Every Zhuangzi can't be idle now.

Almost all of the    Chiwu Army was dispatched, and most of them stayed in the field all day picking peppers. And a small number of people are responsible for transportation and drying.

   At the same time, the pepper workshop in Dashi Village also started.

   Since the spring cabbage has not yet come out, the workshop is currently mainly making bean paste and chili sauce.

  The villagers of Dashi Village, many of them went to the workshop to apply.

  After recruiting fifty people, the Zhou family suspended the recruitment.

  As a result, many people who went later did not apply, which is very regrettable.

   But despite this, the villagers who did not apply for the application are also full of expectations for the pepper workshop.

  Because Mr. Zhou said, after the cabbage comes out, the workshop will continue to recruit workers. And there are a lot of them.

The story of    was not only spread in Dashi Village.

   Several villages around Dashi Village, and even Qingshi Town, have heard the news.

   It even happened that villagers from surrounding villages came to Dashi Village to apply for jobs.

  Unfortunately, the Zhou family refused to do so.

  According to Lin Xiaoyue's request, tell everyone that the workshop will give priority to the villagers of this village.

  Because of this, the villagers of Dashi Village now have more face in front of the villagers of other villages.

   One by one, even proud of being a villager of Dashi Village.

   Even the boys in the village can say it better than before when they talk about their daughter-in-law.

  The eldest girl from Shili Ba Village is now more willing to marry in Dashi Village.

   Of course, these are all later stories.

   In addition to the workshop in Dashi Village, some small workshops built by Lin Xiaoyue and Zhou in Zhuangzi have also started work one after another.

   With the production of chili, a lot of chili paste and bean paste were produced.

  The workshop is rapidly making gold every day.

   As the largest shareholder of the chili workshop, Lin Xiaoyue not only earns money from chili products, but also chili raw materials, as well as Zhuangzi's workshop site and labor.

   The money on Liufu's account finally began to increase.

   At the same time, the chain stores that have been built by Shangkuaikuai are also opening one after another.

  Because the chain stores in the same place are scheduled to open on the same day, the opening activities are done jointly.

   In the local area, it got a huge response.

   Shangdekuai chain stores all over the country have opened very smoothly and received rave reviews from customers.

   Under such circumstances, the business of each chain store was extremely hot in the following period of time.

  Some snack workshops almost run all day long due to insufficient manpower allocation.

   The fast-moving signboard began to spread rapidly in Nan'an County.

   All franchisees are very happy to see that the business is booming.

   Master Wednesday, Master Zhou, and even Princess Anyang came to Lin Xiaoyue one after another and proposed to join more stores.

  Lin Xiaoyue did not respond this time.

   It is necessary to wait until the previous franchise store is completed, and then formulate a new franchise policy, and then recruit more franchisees as appropriate.

   is not only the original franchisee, some wealthy businessmen, do not know where to find out about the franchise policy of fast-growing, many people go to various chain stores to inquire, want to join such a snack bar.

   In short, getting up quickly can be considered a success now, a rising rookie in the business world of Nan'an County.

  Lin Xiaoyue sat in Liu Mansion and checked the account books sent every day.

   When I saw the numbers on the account book, I was in a good mood.

   On this day, Lin Xiaoyue finished reading the account book and was basking in the sun in the small courtyard outside the Liufu study.

   Suddenly someone came to report that Liang Yu was here.

   "Invite Young Master Liang to come in." Putting away her lazy state, Lin Xiaoyue rushed down to humanity.


   The servants stepped back, and after a while, Liang Yu was invited in.

   "Lin Dong's family." Liang Yu stepped forward with a smile and bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Master Liang, please take a seat." Lin Xiaoyue responded with a smile and made a "please" gesture.

  Liang Yu agreed that the scenery in the yard was good.

   As soon as we sat down, the servant brought tea.

   "This is the new tea that my mother and the others picked at the Guicha Zhuang. It tastes sweet and sweet, Mr. Liang will try it."

   When Liang Yu heard this, her eyes became more attentive when she saw the tea.


   After a few sips of tea, I found that the taste was really good, and Liang Yu's complexion became better.

"When the spring tea came out, many people went to the tea house to pick tea. It's me, but I've never had time to spare. Today, I actually ate my own tea at Lin Dong's house." Then, he said with a little regret. one sentence.

   At the same time, some thoughts rose in Liang Yu's mind.

When    went back, he asked people to go to the tea house to get some spring tea.

   "Liang's business is booming, and Young Master Liang is busy with other affairs, so he can't take care of this. How can you be like an idler like me..." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile, glanced at the scenery in the courtyard, and felt very comfortable.

  Liang Yu saw Lin Xiaoyue's relaxed expression, and the whole person even seemed a little lazy, and some envy rose in her heart.

   "Liang's business is good, but also thanks to the support of Lin Dong's family."

   "I came here to chat with Dong's family about the order of bacon sausages. Besides, the tea house also encountered some troubles."

   "Oh?" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked at Liang Yu, her expression still relaxed.

   This state of mind actually infected Liang Yu, which made him relax a lot.

   "The bacon sausage workshop has just reported that Young Master Liang has placed an additional order. It seems to be... three thousand kilograms each?" Lin Xiaoyue asked.

   "Yes." Liang Yu nodded.

   The amount he wants is actually more than that, but now the workshop requires a 40% deposit when placing an order.

   Then, according to the order of the order, the production will be arranged, and the subsequent delivery time will be determined.

  After the delivery time, the balance payment will be paid at the same time as the delivery.

   As a result, due to the high deposit ratio, he did not dare to place too many orders at one time.

   But he recently heard that the bacon and sausage workshops are not only selling the goods, but also some of the grocery stores associated with the Zhou family.

   Later, after inquiring, I found out that the bacon sausage workshop of Lin Dong's family actually took the order from Zhou's.

   And the order placed by the Zhou family is still very large.

  This leads to the fact that even if he continues to make additional orders now, the delivery time for new orders will be at the end of next month at the earliest.

   But the current situation is that even if the bacon and sausage workshop of Lin Dong's family only supplies their Liang family, Liang's goods are not enough.

   Next, let him wait for another half a month, how can he wait here?

   Liang's people, in the case of negotiating with this side to no avail. He just came and went this time.

   "If it's six thousand catties, it's not a lot. In a few days, you should be notified to pick up the goods." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile. One pair, I didn't see the appearance of Liang Yu's intention.

   Of course she guessed Liang Yu's intention.

   After all, I found Zhou's house and reached a cooperation with the father and son Wednesday.

   After that, she made changes to the order terms of the bacon sausage workshop.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's appearance, Liang Yu's expression became anxious.

   "There is no problem with these 6,000 catties. But if you place an order later, the queue is too long." Immediately said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled.

   Liang Yu's face flashed a touch of irritability, and explained: "The workshop said that there is a backlog of orders, and the earliest schedule will be the end of next month."

   "Oh." Lin Xiaoyue made a clear expression.

   "This is indeed the case now. The workshop takes orders in advance, and then produces according to the order, and then notifies the buyer to pick up the goods or pick up the goods in batches."

   "If they answer like that, it should mean that there is a backlog of orders." Lin Xiaoyue replied seriously.

   This attitude made Liang Yu's heart ignite.

   But, he couldn't get angry with Lin Xiaoyue. Instead, he had to control his temper and discuss with Lin Xiaoyue.

   "By the end of next month, it will be too long, and the goods Liang's got now are simply not enough."

   "Lin Dongjia, our two have cooperated so much in business."

   "You should know what bacon and sausages mean to our Liang family."

   "On the Zhou side, if you go through some channels, you can get the goods out. But in the end, the amount of travel is not as good as our Liang's."

  Liang Yu said and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Speaking of this, I hope you can consider it carefully. Balance everyone's interests."

  Liang Yu said these words with extreme restraint.

   Neither wanted to offend Lin Xiaoyue nor offended the Zhou family.

The meaning of    also clearly expressed that the strength of the Zhou family and his son is not as good as him. Lin Xiaoyue wants to expand the business of the bacon sausage workshop. At that time, the biggest customer will have to rely on him.

   Now she favors the Zhou family and squeezes Liang's order. Such behavior will hurt the relationship between the two families.

  Lin Xiaoyue restrained the smile on her face.

   "This...but the Zhou family's order has been taken, and the schedule has been set."

   "If you rush into the queue for subsequent orders, the goods from the Zhou family will have to be pushed back. In this way, I can't explain it to the third master." Lin Xiaoyue said embarrassedly.

   Liang Yu frowned.

   "Can't we increase the manpower and increase the production?" Then he asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   He came here to solve the problem, not to embarrass Lin Xiaoyue.

   Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   "Now the villages are busy picking peppers, and the manpower is a little tight. And..."

   Liang Yu looked at Lin Xiaoyue, her brows furrowed even tighter.

   "Also, even if manpower can be arranged, it is difficult to find live pigs now, and it is difficult to expand production."

   Liang Yu was taken aback.

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes moved.

   said suddenly: "Well, if Young Master Liang can find live pigs for me."

   "For the pork you found, I can instruct the workshop so that they don't have to arrange the order. Then we will arrange for additional personnel to process and ship it."

   Liang Yu's heart sank.

   He just came to place an order, but the other party asked him to help find the source of live pigs?

   "In addition, for the live pigs that Mr. Liang is looking for, the workshop does not need to charge a deposit. We will also bear the cost of the live pigs." Seeing Liang Yu's bad expression, Lin Xiaoyue added.

  There is no way, now it is not only Qingshi Town, but most of the live pigs in the nearby towns have been settled by her.

   But even so, it didn't last long.

   She wants to expand the business of the bacon sausage workshop and make more money, so she can only ask this help to find a way.

   As for the deposit, the amount of money in Liu Mansion's account is increasing day by day, so she doesn't need to care too much right now.

   Hearing this, Liang Yu's eyes moved.

  Liang's old business is a restaurant, and there are real connections in this area.

   "Sure, I can try." Then he said to Lin Xiaoyue.

   No deposit is required, and there is no need to arrange orders.

  The problems of capital and delivery of goods can be solved, but it is worth a try.

   Hearing Liang Yu's reply, Lin Xiaoyue's face was filled with joy.

   "In that case, I would like to thank Young Master Liang!"

   said, took a sip from the teacup.

   Well, it tastes so good.

   Liang Yu replied politely.

   Then, he talked about his second purpose.

   told Lin Xiaoyue about the problems encountered by the tea house.

  Lin Xiaoyue answered patiently and gave her own suggestions.

  Liang Yu wrote it down and felt that it benefited a lot.

   "These problems are resolved, and the tea garden should be finished soon. If the Lin Dong family has time to spare, you might as well take the family to see it." Liang Yu invited.

  This tea garden was the first resort he planned to build, and it took a lot of thought.

   Just wait for it to be completed and operate for a period of time to see the results.

   If the effect is good, we will consider continuing to implement it.

  Liang's current business, apart from restaurants and restaurants, is not ready to continue to try other things because of limited funds.

  The business of resorts is worth trying. After all, Zhuangzi itself is valuable, and it is easy to realize it.

   (end of this chapter)

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