MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 373 373 The Fourth Daughter-in-law of Lin Enters the Workshop

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   Chapter 373 373 The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin enters the workshop

   "Besides, I work in the workshop, and there is a discount for buying spicy skewers. In the future, our family's situation will be better, so it's okay to eat it a few more times."

   When the two children heard this, their eyes lit up.

  Er Niu even cheered "Oh oh oh".

   caused another burst of laughter in the small courtyard.

   "Okay! Daughter-in-law, you are really... really my benefactor!" Lin Lao Si suddenly took his wife's hand, and there were tears in his eyes.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law was shocked.

   "What are you talking about? You are the benefactor of our three children."

   Then, he sighed.

   "Without you, mother and three of us, I'm afraid we won't be able to get through winter." At this point, there was also some mist in the eyes of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

  The reason why she agreed to marry the fourth Lin was because he didn't mind her bringing the two children together.

   She is not young anymore, three years older than the fourth Lin. It's not that there are no men who want her, but no one promised her to bring her two children.

   At that time, if it weren't for the fact that life was really hard, she didn't want to come to Dashi Village.

   Now that she thinks about it, she is really grateful for her choice at that time.

   found a good father for the two babies, and also found a good man who knows the cold and the heat for himself.

   "Don't talk about this, it's my job to take care of your mother and three children! From now on, our family of four will live a good life!" Fourth Lin said solemnly.

   I have never felt so at ease in my heart.


   At the same time, in Liu's house, Lin Xiaoyue had heard Mrs. Zhou mention about the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "If you do, you can do it. As long as you work hard, don't make any fuss, and treat it like a normal employee." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   She was actually quite satisfied with the performance of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin who knew how to advance and retreat and understand current affairs last time. It is rare for the Lin family to have such an understanding person.

   And the fourth Lin has changed a lot since he was terrified by Li Xiao's lesson and thrown into the mountain.

   Compared to the other rooms in the Lin family, she was not so bored on the fourth room side.

   "You don't have an opinion here. I think that person is quite honest, and he should be someone who can do things in a down-to-earth way." Zhou shi replied.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Zhou.

   "Sister-in-law has a good impression of her?"

   "Yes." Zhou Shi admitted with a smile.

   "It's really good. I have managed the workshop for so long, and I have met a lot of people. Now I like this kind of honest, down-to-earth duty."

   "Pfft—" Lin Xiaoyue was amused.

   "Sure! Sister-in-law, if you like it..."

  In this way, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin successfully entered the Liujia workshop and started work the next day.

   Since most of the people working in the Liujia workshop were from Dashi Village, the appearance of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin quickly attracted everyone's attention.

   When they learned that she was recruited into the workshop by the Zhou family, everyone did not dare to embarrass her.

   It's just that many people are very curious about her being able to enter the workshop.

   No, the worker who washed vegetables with her wentssips with her about the reason.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law didn't hide it, and told everyone the truth.

   also expressed his respect for Lin Dong's family and his gratitude to the other party for not caring about her being the Lin family.

   After hearing this, everyone had a good impression of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   This person has a good personality and works hard and diligently, which is different from the rest of the Lin family.

   On the Zhou side, he also quickly got the performance of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   Hearing that the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin was doing well, and that she was very grateful to Lin Xiaoyue and herself, Zhou was satisfied.

  In this way, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin successfully stayed in the Liujia workshop.

   That night, I even spent money to buy a lot of spicy skewers to go back, and the family had a lively meal.

  The four bedrooms of the Lin family were happy.

   And soon, the news that the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin went to work in the Liu family workshop reached the ears of the rest of the Lin family.

   On this day, Mrs. Jiang, the eldest daughter-in-law of Lin, and Mrs. Deng, the second daughter-in-law of Lin, took their two sons and went to the fourth family of Lin together.

   At this time, it was time for dinner, and the fourth family of Lin Laosi was eating.

   Among them, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin ate the fastest, because after eating, she had to go to the Liujia workshop to work overtime.

   Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

   "I'll go." Fourth Lin and his daughter-in-law looked at each other and said.

   got up and walked to the door to open the door.

   When he saw that standing at the door were his two sisters-in-law and four nephews, and the two sisters-in-law were still holding something, the fourth Lin was a little surprised.

   Before he had time to ask questions, Mrs Jiang had already looked into the house.

   "Yo, you guys are still having dinner! My family just added vegetables today, so I'll bring you a bowl." After saying that, Mrs. Jiang bypassed the fourth Lin and went directly into the house.

   "I also brought you some vegetables. Now there are a lot of vegetables in the vegetable field, and our family can't eat them." Mrs Deng followed. Immediately followed.

   Lin's fourth nephew just came back to his senses when he saw his four nephews also follow him into the house.

   It was too late for him to stop him. Although he was a little annoyed, he could only bite the bullet and enter the room to entertain the guests.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law glanced at her man, feeling a little helpless.

   Sister-in-law and sister-in-law have always been stingy towards their four-bedroom, but this time they even delivered things to their door. The purpose of coming here this time is probably not simple.

   "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, come here and bring something. Have you eaten? Sit down and let's eat together." The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin raised a smile and said to the two of them.

   said, with the appearance of getting up and greeting people.

   "No, brother and sister, sit down. We've all eaten!" Jiang shi said quickly.

   Immediately, he brought a bowl of vegetables with meat to the table.

"My family's cabbage is almost finished, I earned some money anyway. Today I have cut some meat back home. Thinking that you are at home now, I will bring you some." Jiang said, reaching out and touching the head of the big cow .

   "Big cow, it's time for the two cows to grow up. The food should not be too bad." Then, he said with love and pity.

   Daniel shrank subconsciously, but did not dare to get rid of Jiang's hand.

   But the expression on the child's face was not shy, but rather fearful.

   The eldest aunt and the second uncle were not good to him and his younger brother before.

  Although I didn't touch them, every time I met them, I looked at them with disgust in their eyes.

   Even before, he had heard the aunt talking to his cousin, calling him and his younger brother a douchebag, and saying that his father was an idiot, and even allowed his mother to marry them.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law naturally noticed the situation of her eldest son and felt a little distressed.

   stepped forward and grabbed Jiang's hand, and took her to the side, as if he insisted on inviting her to dinner.

  Jiang Shi naturally refused, but he also left the side of Daniel.

  Da Niu heaved a sigh of relief immediately.

   Seeing that Mrs. Deng also looked like she was going to come forward to care about her two children, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin quickly let Mrs. Deng sit down.

  Deng also refused.

   Finally went to sit down not far away with Jiang Shi.

   After being polite with the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin for a while, Mrs. Deng said, "Brothers and sisters, hurry up and eat. After dinner, let's talk."

   After saying that, he looked at Jiang Shi.

   Jiang Shi also nodded at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly.

   "If you have something to do, sister-in-law and sister-in-law will tell you directly. I-I have to go out after dinner."

   Mrs Jiang and Mrs Deng were taken aback.

   "You're going out so late? Where are you going?" Jiang shi asked anxiously.

   Immediately, he seemed to remember something, and the eyes of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin were stained with envy.

   "Oh, where else can I go? The fourth family is now working in the Liu family's workshop."

   "Recently, I heard that the workshop has a lot of work, some of them are doing well, and I can go to work overtime at night." Deng said and patted Jiang.

When    was talking, he didn't forget to look at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin with envious eyes.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law looked slightly embarrassed and did not answer.

   turned back to the table, ready to continue eating.

   She seemed to guess what the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law came to their fourth room for.

   Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng looked at each other when they saw that the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin didn't answer.

   Then, Mrs Deng spoke again.

   "Er Ya has the skills. Not only has she built a house, opened a snack bar, but now she has built this big workshop."

   Mrs Jiang glanced at Mrs Deng and quickly answered.

   "Yeah, in the past, my parents liked the fifth and the orchid and thought they were the most promising. Who knows..."

   "Our Lin family, the most promising person is Erya." When he said this, Jiang sighed a little.

   is really sighing.

   It's not just parents, they all thought the same thing at the beginning.

   Who would have thought that in the end, the fifth was abandoned and the orchid died. And the most inconspicuous silly girl in the Lin family had such a great prospect.

   If they knew it was like this today, they wouldn't have...

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law frowned while eating.


  People Lin Dong's family has left the Lin family, still shouting like that?

   "Before, speaking of it, it was indeed our Lin family that was sorry for their third room." Suddenly, Jiang shi said with a sigh.

   "But at that time... eh, it was the fault of the fifth and Lanhua. At that time, if it wasn't for them—" Speaking of this, Jiang Shi's expression was filled with resentment.

   "Yes, it's the two rotten hearts of the fifth and Lanhua, who are selfish and hurt our Lin family! Now it's also retribution, one is ruined, and the other is dead!"

   Mrs Deng glanced at Mrs Jiang.

   "Forget it, they are also considered retribution. The past - eh, forget about it." He replied: "We have to look forward."

   After saying that, Mrs. Deng looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "Now both the fifth and Lanhua have suffered retribution. No matter how big the grievance is, it should be gone. They are all from the Lin family, with the same blood flowing in their bones."

   "The fourth daughter-in-law, to be honest, I came here with your sister-in-law to ask for your help."

   For a while, everyone's eyes turned to the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law froze.

   Then, he turned around reluctantly and looked at Mrs Deng.

   "I-I'm just a daughter-in-law from abroad, how can I help the sisters-in-law?" He laughed very embarrassedly.

   Sure enough, it was for Lin Dong's family...

   Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng saw the reaction of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin, and their expressions were instantly displeased, and then they quickly subsided their displeased emotions.

   "You can. Besides, in this matter, I'm afraid that only you can help." Mrs Deng said.

   Seeing that the fourth daughter-in-law Lin's expression became stiff, Mrs. Deng softened her tone again.

   "You know what the relationship between our Lin family and Erya is now."

   "Er Ya hates the fifth and Lanhua, and she also hates our parents. As a result, she also hates several of our rooms."

   "We people, even if we want to resolve our grievances with Erya, we have no chance."

   "Now, in addition to going to Liu's workshop to sell cabbage. Usually, if we are close to Liu's house, we will be driven by people from Liu's house." Speaking of this, Deng's face was full of sadness.

   At this time, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin was thinking, don't you deserve this?

  The reason why Lin Dong's family was tortured in the Lin family before was not just because of Lin Laowu and Lin Lanhua.

   Her two sisters-in-law had a lot of sparring with Liu Shi and the Lin Dong family who was still a silly girl at the time.

   People didn't kill the Lin family, but it was actually benevolence and righteousness.

  It’s good now, seeing that people are prosperous, I still want to curry favor.

   I don’t even think about it, how can things be so simple?

   "But it's different now." Suddenly, Mrs. Deng looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin with a smile.

   "Er Ya, she accepted you and let you into the workshop to work."

   "If you are willing to speak for us, Erya will definitely accept us!" Having said this, Mrs Deng's eyes already radiated brilliance.

   "Yeah, from the fourth family! If Er Ya can forgive us, our Lin family will have a better life in the future!" Jiang continued.

   "It's all a family, so there's really no need to continue to be stiff, so that the villagers don't tell jokes, and our own family's chest hurts when we think about it."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law became annoyed the more she listened.

   was finding that he couldn't bear it any longer, and was about to say no, but he heard his man speak.

   "What two? You want to call Lin Dong's house!" I saw Lin Lao Si said angrily.

   "The Lin Dong family has long since severed ties with the Lin family, and they are still shouting Erya Erya, you are not disgusting."

   These words were quite rude, and when they heard Jiang Shi and Deng Shi's faces showed anger.

   "Fourth son, what are you talking about?!" Jiang shi pointed at the nose of the fourth son, and asked.

   "What am I talking about? I'm telling the truth!" Who knew that the fourth Lin was not afraid at all, but replied loudly.

   "After we split up, I haven't seen you visit my house once. Why are you here today?"

   "Also brought something here."

   "What do you mean?! Think I don't know?"

   "Isn't it because my daughter-in-law entered the Liujia workshop, are you jealous?"

   "I don't even think about it, my daughter-in-law can go in. That's because she was married after the Lin family split. She never went to trouble with the Liu family, and she never discussed the Liu family before."

   "But despite this, it was because she was implicated by the Lin family that she clearly met the workshop's recruitment requirements, but she didn't dare to apply for the job."

   "If it wasn't for me, for my two kids, she still wouldn't go!"

   "That's because my daughter-in-law has a good temperament, works diligently and diligently, and Lin Dong's family doesn't care about a lot of adults, so she entered the workshop."

   "You want to go? Don't look at yourselves, are you worthy?!" When he said this, Lin Laosi's expression was full of disgust.

   "Lin Lao Si, you—how dare you talk to us like this?!" Jiang Shi was so angry that he was trembling.

   Mrs. Deng was exposed, and she was also angry.

   "Okay, Fourth Lin, you are very promising! In order to let your daughter-in-law enter the Liu family's workshop, you are acting like a dog's leg for the Liu family!"

   (end of this chapter)

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