MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 375 375 The Enthusiastic Sister-in-law

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   Chapter 375 375 Enthusiastic Sister Wang

   is really shameless. After being driven away, he even took away the things he gave...

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law looked worried.

   "I was also angry at the time, so I mentioned it to the head of the family and wanted to find a new place to build a house and move out of the Lin family." Having said this, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin had some regrets.

   It's not that I regret the idea, but I regret bringing it up too early.

   After all, there is no spare money at home now, at least there is still a big gap between building a house.

   Now that she mentions this, it is not very useful for the time being, except for the two of them to bear the pressure every day.

   Sister Wang was taken aback.

   "Then what did your man say?" asked.

   "He agreed." The fourth daughter-in-law Lin replied.

   Sister Wang looked relieved.

   "What else is there to consider, then move!"

   "Living with those from the Lin family, it's smoky and uncomfortable all day long."

   Sister-in-law Wang looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "Also, for your two children, and—" He said, and looked at the belly of the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "You and Fourth Lin, are you still planning to have a baby?" asked again.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law blushed.

   "Hmm." She replied shyly.

   made Sister Wang laugh.

   "Hehe, what's the point? You still have a chance to fight at your age. Since the fourth Lin treats you well, it doesn't matter if you give him a baby."

   "However, you have to think about it. In the environment of the Lin family, you and the fourth Lin can't stare at each other every day. Your baby may be bullied!"

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law's expression became solemn when she heard this.

  When it was time for dinner, the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law came over, and she could see the reaction of her family's big cows and two cows.

   And before, she had heard those two people speak ill of her two children.

   Let the two children continue to stay in Lin's house, and they really have to be bullied.

   "Yes. Thank you sister-in-law for reminding me!" Lin's fourth daughter-in-law replied.

   Sister-in-law Wang glanced at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "Look at your expression, what's the problem?" asked again.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law showed bitterness.

   "Hmm." Nodding hard.

   Sister-in-law Wang thought about it and guessed it roughly.

   "Have trouble building a house?" asked.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law nodded again.

   "Building a house is not a trivial matter, and the cost must not be small. Our family... eh..." Lin's fourth daughter-in-law sighed.

   Sister-in-law Wang patted the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin on the shoulder.

   "Don't worry. If you don't have enough money, save it slowly."

   "If you are so diligent, the wages in the workshop will not be less. There is also the income from selling cabbage in the field, plus your family's fourth Lin earns more when he is free. It won't take long to build a new house."

   "Also, the old house of the Lin family can also be sold! It's sold to Boss Lin and 2nd Lin."

   "They have a lot of families. If they don't buy yours, they will have to expand the yard sooner or later." Sister Wang suggested.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law nodded.

   "That's what I told the boss, if the house is sold, we can get some silver taels. We'll post some and then build the house."

   Sister Wang nodded.

   "How big a house are you going to build?" asked Chong Lin's fourth daughter-in-law curiously.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law's face was slightly red.

   "One yard, seven rooms."

   The two of them have a room, and each of the big ox and the future baby has a room.

   There are two rooms left, one for the kitchen, the other for the thatched hut and animal shed, and by the way, some firewood is piled up.

   Sister-in-law Wang made a calculation in her heart, and it was generally clear.

   "The seven rooms are just right. It can be done in one step while the house is being built, so as to avoid expanding it when the baby grows up. That is, if there are more rooms, the money for building the house will probably be more."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law was anxious.

   "This... Sister-in-law, do you know how much money it will cost?" Chong Wang's sister-in-law asked cautiously.

   Sister-in-law Wang looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin, and pondered for a moment.

   "If you use your own land, it can be cheaper. If you buy land to build a house, it will be expensive." Then, he said.

  Lin's fourth daughter-in-law thought together.

   "How much money do you get if you buy the land?" asked.

   They don’t have much land, and they are not close to the village, so they are not suitable for building houses.

   If they really want to build a house, they will most likely have to buy land at that time.

   Sister-in-law Wang looked at the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin.

   "Let's add twelve taels to the base of the building. Of course, this is a place with a better location. If you don't pick a place, but choose the village head or the village tail, seven or eight taels may be enough!"

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law sank.

   "What about building a house?" asked Sister Wang again.

   Sister Wang thought about it.

   "Seven rooms, plus a large yard. Oh, I'm afraid it will cost sixty or seventy taels of silver! Plus labor and the like, you have to prepare eighty taels."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law's heart trembled.

  It takes 80 taels to build a house? Plus the money to buy the land, if you want to choose a better location, it will add up to ninety-two!

  At that time, in order to feel at ease, they are afraid that they will have to prepare hundreds of taels of silver.

   Thinking of the little silver taels at home now, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin immediately felt that she had no strength.

  Building a house is really not that easy.

   Sister-in-law Wang saw the depression of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin, and reached out and patted her shoulder again.

   "Building a house is a big deal, so I can't be in a hurry. Fortunately, you and Lin Laosi are both diligent people and will be able to save enough money sooner or later." He comforted.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law returned to her senses and gave Mrs. Wang a grateful look.

   "Yeah. I know, sister-in-law." Then he continued to work with mixed feelings.

   Sister-in-law Wang saw this, and her heart suddenly moved.

   "Or—" said two words, but stopped.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law looked at Sister-in-law Wang, her eyes puzzled.

   "Eh—" Sister Wang sighed.

   "My boss is also working in the workshop, and now he's on the porter's side."

   "Last night, I heard him say that there are still people over there."

   "It's bad for regular workers and odd jobs now. Or - let the fourth Lin of your family try it?"

"Anyway, there's not much leftover cabbage in your home. Let your fourth Lin come over, even if he only works for one hour a day, he still earns twenty-five pennies! More than ten words!"

The    handling team is all strong men, and the wages are the highest in the entire workshop. Even if it's a part-time job, it's higher than the wages they make in the kitchen.

   Of course, the job is not easy.

   Sure enough, upon hearing this, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin's eyes lit up.

   "I'm in charge, can I do it?" Then, Sister-in-Law Chong Wang, who was worried, asked.

  Sister Wang remembered something and couldn't say the words of encouragement.

"Uh, the fourth Lin of your family should meet the conditions. If Zhou Dong's... can... let me go... I can talk to my family and let him go." Sister Wang hesitated for a while. , opened his mouth.

   Her man is doing well with the transport team now, and he can really be the master.

   Ke Lin's fourth child is from the Lin family, so this matter has to be handled with caution.

   She likes the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin, and wants to help her, but if the price of helping is to offend Lin Dong's family, then forget it.

  The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin was taken aback for a moment, and then she looked at Sister-in-law Wang gratefully.

   "Yes, thank you sister-in-law! I'll go to Zhou Dong's house tomorrow. Whether it's successful or not, I thank you!"

   Sister Wang was very satisfied when she saw this.

   "Yeah." He responded.

   The two continued to work while chatting.

   The next day.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law arrived at the workshop early, and went to find Zhou before the start of work.

   Fortunately, Zhou shi came early today, and she was actually found by her.

   Hearing the pleading of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin, and the fourth daughter-in-law Lin's talk about the predicament that her family is facing now, the Zhou family felt a little sympathetic.

   At the same time, I appreciate the idea of ​​the fourth room of the Lin family that they want to leave the Lin family mansion.

   But even so, Zhou Shi did not agree immediately.

   "I know about this, and I will tell Yue'er what you said." Zhou Shi said.

  Lin Laosi is different from Lin Laosi's daughter-in-law. She was able to make the decision to keep Lin Laosi's daughter-in-law because she knew that the sister had no hatred against her.

   But she can't be sure about the attitude of the sister to the fourth Lin.

   In the evening, Zhou met Lin Xiaoyue and told Lin Xiaoyue about it.

  Lin Xiaoyue was a little surprised after hearing this.

  Lin's fourth transformation is indeed big enough. And all of this, apart from thanks to the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin, she couldn't think of who it could be.

   "Sister-in-law wants to promise her?" Lin Xiaoyue looked at Zhou with a smile.

   She found out that her sister-in-law became more and more interested in Lin Lao Si's daughter-in-law.

   Mrs. Zhou glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and nodded unabashedly.

   "The handling team is tight, and multiple people can relieve some pressure."

   "Then the fourth Lin, if he is interested, and appreciates your kindness that you don't care about him, he will naturally work hard."

   "Of course, if a person is too stupid, and after entering, he will be cheating and cheating, and the workshop will not be able to keep him. Besides, he will not be given a chance here in the future."

   "That's fine. Sister-in-law, you can do it as you see fit." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Yeah!" A smile flashed across Zhou Shi's face.

   So the next day, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin got Zhou's reply.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law, who got the news, was almost unhappy enough to kowtow to Mrs. Zhou, and she kept expressing her gratitude.

   "If you want to thank you, you should thank Yue'er. Without her nodding, the workshop would not use you."

   "Yes, thank you Lin Dongjia! Lin's family is so kind to our family, our family will never forget it." Lin's fourth daughter-in-law immediately said.

   Zhou Shi nodded.

   "Forget it if you don't have teeth and forget it. Do things well in the future, and don't make trouble."

   "Yes! Don't worry, Dongjia Zhou, we must keep ourselves safe and work hard!"

  The Zhou family let the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin go down.

   Back at the place where he went to work, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin immediately told the good news to Sister-in-law Wang.

   Sister-in-law Wang was very happy for the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin after hearing this.

   "I'll tell my family about it when I get back from work later."

   "Tonight, why don't you let your fourth Lin go over and let him start working?"

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law quickly thanked her.

   "Success! That's a big thank you to my sister-in-law and brother Wang!"

   "Thank you?! What is our relationship?!" Sister Wang said happily.

  Because, I wanted to go back and tell my man the good news.

   Next, the fourth daughter-in-law felt that this morning was a little slow.

   But it was noon.

   said goodbye to Mrs. Wang, and the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin quickly walked home.

   He walked fast along the way, and when he got home, he told the story.

   Fourth Lin was so surprised that he almost didn't pick up his daughter-in-law.

   Learning that he used to work odd jobs in the evening, he could earn thirty-five cents an hour, and he could get off work with his daughter-in-law, Lin Laosi was so excited.

   "Thirty-five wen a day, how much is a month?" Lin Laosi laughed almost silly.

   "One thousand and fifty wen!" Lin Lao Si's wife immediately said.

  She had already figured it out.

   "And this is just an hour every night. Sister Wang said that during the day, there is also a shortage of people on the transport team."

   "With Big Brother Wang here, you will be able to share the work in the future when you go there."

   "In this way, you need to be able to go more often. After a month, it's not a big problem to earn two taels of silver." said the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin Lao.

   Lin's eyes brightened when he heard this.

   "Unfortunately, if you want to be able to do regular work, the salary can be higher. The conditions for regular work are even higher. In addition, our family's land needs to be taken care of." The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin said regretfully.

   Lin Lao Si grabbed his daughter-in-law's hand and patted it.

   "It's good to be able to do odd jobs. We also have a harvest of cabbage in the field. It's not bad if you count it all year round."

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law nodded.

   "Well, take your time. Sooner or later we can save enough money to build a house!"

   "Yeah!" Fourth Lin also had a firm look on his face at this time.

   With excitement, in the evening, Lin Laosi went to the workshop with his daughter-in-law.

  I met acquaintances on the way, people greeted the couple, thought that Lin Laosi was sending his daughter-in-law to work, but learned that he was going to work too.

   Soon after, the news that Lin Laosi went to work in Liu's workshop quickly spread.

   Within two days, the Lin family got the news.

  Lin Dachui, who went to the ground every day, seemed to see hope, and found the fourth Lin again.

   But before he said a few words, he was invited out of the house by the fourth Lin.

   And the first and second rooms of the Lin family also quarreled over this matter.

   Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Deng cursed Lin Lao Si and his wife as having no conscience.

   The eldest Lin and the second Lin, who have never stopped their two daughters-in-law from scolding others, each stopped their daughter-in-law this time.

After   , he also warned the two of them that they could no longer embarrass the people of the fourth room.

   Afterwards, the eldest Lin and the 2nd Lin went to block the 4th Lin one after another.

   "The fourth brother, we are brothers. The bones are broken, but the tendons are still attached." Boss Lin said to the fourth senior Lin emotionally.

   "Look at the current situation of my family. Da Zhuang and Er Zhuang are not too young. They will have to propose a marriage in less than two years. There is also Da Ya, who will have to prepare a dowry when they marry."

   "It's hard to find jobs in town now, where can I get this money?"

   "Yes! Fourth, your two nephews, Dashan and Xiaoshan, are the same." Second Lin followed.

   "Although the wages in the Liujia workshop are not high, it is close to home and there is always work to do."

   "Just help out and arrange some of your nephews in. They will miss you for the rest of their lives!"

   Mr. Lin glanced at Mr. Lin, and the two quickly exchanged glances and stood on the same line.

   "Yeah! Just your two sisters-in-law, washing vegetables and doing chores, it doesn't matter."

   (end of this chapter)

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