MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 381 381 Potato production

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   Chapter 381 381 Potato Production

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law went out to the Wang family.

   But it's still early, Brother Wang and Sister-in-law Wang are still working in the workshop, and they haven't come back yet.

   Fortunately, Wang Cai, the eldest son of Brother Wang's family, is at home today, and he has been instructed by his parents to help Lin Lao Si's family introduce the house building team.

   "Auntie's side is confirmed, then I'll go to the town tomorrow and send them a letter. Let them send someone over and talk to you in person." Wang Cai said.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law smiled and nodded.

   "Then thank you for your talent! Your family has really helped us a lot!" said sincerely.

   In addition to being able to help her ask the house-building team, there is also the matter of having to work hard to be a wife and deliver meals to her family.

   Her man's hand is still hanging, and he can't cook for the time being.

   And she will go back to work in the workshop tomorrow, so she won't have time to cook at home.

   Sister-in-law Wang took the initiative to ask her daughter-in-law to cook more meals and send some to their family. This will help their family get through this difficult time.

   The meal for two adults, plus two children, is actually quite a lot. This aggravates the work of being a daughter-in-law.

   Thinking of this, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin was moved.

   Then, he took out the one hundred pennies that had been prepared in advance and strung in his pocket.

   "This is for your daughter-in-law. She will be working hard for the next three days!" He said, and shoved it into Wang Caicai's hands.

   Wang Cai was willing to accept it, so he quickly refused.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law couldn't resist, and finally put the copper plate on the table not far away, and then ran away in a hurry.

"These are our meals for the past three days! A little less, when my house is completed, I and you, Uncle Lin, will invite you to eat well!" . A look that is afraid of being caught up by Wang Cai.

   Wang Cai chased a few steps before he stopped.

   glanced at the copper plate in his hand, and his impression of the fourth room of the Lin family was better.

   Parents are right, the Lin family is worth getting close to.

   After leaving the Wang family, the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin went home.

   Prepared lunch, and served the whole family to eat. After washing the pots and dishes, I took my eldest son to the field.

   If you are idle, you are also idle, and you can collect some cabbage and go back to sell it.

  Otherwise, wait for the family to get busy in a few days. She is in charge of the house, and she doesn't have much time to go to the ground.

  Thinking of this, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin couldn't help looking at her eldest son.

  Unfortunately, their family has too few prime-age laborers.

  If the bull was older, the couple would be more relaxed.

Time flies.

   It is midsummer in the blink of an eye, and it is time to dig potatoes on Zhuangzi.

   Under the guidance of Lin Xiaoyue and the careful care of Chiwu Army, the potatoes on each village grew very well.

  The potatoes dug out, each of which has a lot of knots, and most of them are quite large.

   With the production of potatoes, a new snack quickly appeared in each branch of Shangdi Kuai, which was named wolf tooth potato.

  This wolf tooth potato is very beautiful with a jagged shape.

  The taste is even more unexpectedly good, one to satisfy one's cravings, two to satisfy.

  , coupled with the glutinous cool cake, makes people want to stop.

   As far as Qingshi Town is concerned, the fast-growing business has risen to a higher level after the emergence of wolf tooth potatoes.

   And according to the report, the business of other branches in Anyang County is also booming.

   At the same time, Lin Xiaoyue finally settled with Li Jie and Zhao Shanshan on the new requirements for investment promotion.

   The details have not changed much, but the fee for franchise stores has increased. The franchise fee has risen from the previous 200 taels to 1,000 taels, a direct increase of five times.

Once the news of    was announced to the public, many merchants who were interested in ShangDongKai retreated.

  One thousand taels, just to join a small shop. Although the business is very good, you don't need to worry too much, but compared with the investment, the return will not come so fast.

   Lin Xiaoyue doesn't mind this either.

   It is growing too fast now, so in the short term, it should still focus on stabilizing the market.

   To expand the market, we must continue to do it, but it is not appropriate to expand too fast to avoid improper operation and smash their own brand.

   As long as her current chain store is well managed and her brand is well established, she will not worry about business expansion in the future. The so-called foundation has been laid, and it will be easy later...

   But she was not in a hurry, but someone was in a hurry.

  No, on this day, Princess Anyang and Liang Yu came to the door.

   Lin Xiaoyue got the message and hurried out of the study door to greet her.

   Finally, in the yard, I saw the two brothers and sisters.

   "The woman has seen the princess! She has seen Young Master Liang!" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and bowed to the two of them.

   "Oh, sister, hurry up and don't be too polite!" Princess Anyang stepped forward with a smile and helped Lin Xiaoyue up.

   "My family, why are you polite?!"

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled embarrassedly.

   "Thank you, Princess!"

   Immediately smiled at Liang Yu.

   "Lin Dongjia, you are disturbing!" Liang Yu bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Young Master Liang is polite." Lin Xiaoyue responded, and then invited the two to the study.

   As soon as the three of them sat down, the servant brought tea.

   "Princess, Young Master Liang, please!" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

  The two of them were not polite, and took their teacups to drink tea.

  Midsummer came too fast, they came all the way, and they were really thirsty.

   "Is this green tea from Qingquan Village?" Suddenly, Princess Anyang asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   Qingquanzhuang is the same tea house that Liang Yu was planning to build and build the resort.

   After more than a month of renovation, it is now basically completed.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded.

   "I would like to thank Young Master Liang for sending someone to bring new tea." Chong Liang Yu said.

   "Lin Dong's family is polite, it's all right." Liang Yu smiled naturally.

   "Before, Lin Dongjia mentioned that when the midsummer arrives, he will take his family to Qingquanzhuang to escape the summer."

   "This time, I'm here, but I sincerely invite you. I hope that Dong Lin's family can come here to give guidance and guidance!" Liang Yu said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled "haha".

   "Young Master Liang means, is Qingquan Villa completed now?" he asked with a smile.

   "Yesterday is over, and it can be cleaned up tomorrow at the latest. No, I came over to ask Lin Dong's house immediately." Liang Yu said.

   Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her mouth.

   "Congratulations to Mr. Liang! In midsummer, everyone is eager to go to a cool place. Mr. Liang's resort is completed at this time, and he will make a lot of money next."

  Liang Yu smiled and bowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Hehe, borrow Lin Dongjia's auspicious words." After he finished speaking, his eyes were still fixed on Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her lips again.

   "Young Master Liang warmly invited us, so of course we are going."

   After thinking about it, Lin Xiaoyue said again: "In this way, I will make arrangements for these two days. After two days, I will take my family to live in Qingquan Village for a while."

   The weather is indeed getting hotter.

   She planned to build a resort village around Qingshi Town, but she already has it.

   But Zhuangzi's reconstruction was not an easy task.

   Anyway, this year, he wants to have his own resort, but it's out of the question.

   It’s better to live in Nan’an County for a while. The environment in Qingquan Village is better and it’s more comfortable to live in.

  Liang Yu's face brightened.

   "So, when the time comes, I will greet Dong's family at Qingquan Village."

  Man went to his territory, and it was much easier to meet again.

   He has a lot of things, and I want to ask this guy for advice.

   When Princess Anyang heard this, she also had thoughts in her heart.

   "It's so good. The weather is very hot recently, and the lord is also going to take this princess to Qingquanzhuang to stay for a while. When the time comes, it will be more lively with my sister."

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and nodded at Princess Anyang.

   "Hehe, princess, don't think we are annoying when the time comes!"

   "What did my sister say? I'm too happy to be happy!"

   Laughter soon erupted in the house.

   After a while, Princess Anyang finally got to the point.

   "Sister, now the branches under my management, since the wolf tooth potatoes and cold cakes are on the market, the business has more than doubled compared to before."

"Especially in several stores in Nan'an County, the supply of these two kinds of goods is in short supply. The snack workshop is a little slow in distribution. After the stock is out, the replenishment can't keep up. As a result, some customers can't buy it even if they want to." Anyang The princess said with some complaints.

   "For this matter, I personally went to the snack workshop to urge a few times. But there are limited staff there, so I really can't be busy."

   "Now all the chain stores in Nan'an County, in addition to my franchise store, that is your directly-operated store, have also encountered the same problem."

   Princess Anyang looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "So, I came here this time, and I want to discuss it with you in person. Let's see if I can resolve the matter."

   "In addition..." Having said that, Princess Anyang paused.

   "I heard that there have been some changes in the franchise policy of fast-moving, and I want to ask you about it." He continued.

   Hearing this, Liang Yu also looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   He came here, and one of the purposes, like his sister, also wanted to ask about joining.

   Now as long as the opening is fast, the business of each chain store is booming.

   This kind of store, of course, the more you join, the better.

   But the increase in the franchise fee is too much, they can only come to the door and talk to Lin Xiaoyue in person.

   At this time, the Liang brothers and sisters actually felt some regrets in their hearts. If they knew that the business of franchise stores could be so hot, they should have joined more stores in the first place.

   Compared with the current franchise fee, how much money can they save by joining in advance?

   Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked away from Princess Anyang's face.

   "I also received news about the situation of the snack workshop."

   "The main thing is to make cold cakes. The process of making a fire is more complicated. Also, the cold cakes need to be cooled and take up more space." Lin Xiaoyue frowned slightly.

   "I have asked Mr. Li to resolve this matter."

   "If there is a shortage of manpower, we will replenish manpower. If the place is too small, we will try to expand the site. I believe that the problem can be solved soon."

   It was true that they lacked consideration before, and underestimated the popularity of cold cakes when summer came. As a result, the snack workshops are now short of manpower.

   But this problem is not serious.

  There are many Chiwu troops on Zhuangzi, so it is not a problem to transfer some people to help.

   "As for potatoes..." Lin Xiaoyue paused.

   attracted Princess Anyang and Liang Yu to look at her at the same time.

   Seeing this, Lin Xiaoyue smiled again.

   "Don't worry about the potatoes. It was to test the market before, and the potatoes were just dug, so they didn't send too many potatoes to the snack workshops."

   "Since the market response is good now, in the later period, each village will naturally send more potatoes to various snack workshops."

   "This year, Zhuangzi planting potatoes has a good harvest. It only supplies these chain stores. There is no problem in quantity." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Now in each village, potatoes have begun to be produced in large quantities, and only a small part of them are shipped out. Most of them went into the warehouses of various villages.

   Of course, after she spoke, the villages were already eating potatoes.

  What are the potato fried shredded pork, potato stew, braised potatoes, etc... The dishes are very rich.

   Now the Chiwu Army in each village is also madly in love with potatoes.

   Potatoes can be seen almost every time on the table.

   Manager Fang, Mr. Xu and others are also full of praise for potatoes. After tasting the taste of potatoes and seeing the high yield of potatoes, they both admired the power of potatoes.

   also said that if potatoes can be promoted across the country, it must be a blessing for the people of Dayan.

   Of course, this is just talk.

   As an important member of the Chiwu Army, and he has a close relationship with Lin Xiaoyue, they all know how important it is for potatoes to be fast.

  So, what to promote to benefit the people of Dayan, just think about it.

   Compared with the world, their Chiwu Army is more important.

   From the moment the Chiwu Army evacuated from the border, they had no big self, only small self.

   Princess Anyang and Liang Yu looked at each other.

   Then Liang Yu spoke up.

   "Although the fast-growing wolf-toothed potatoes sell well, one store sells them all day long."

   "Zhuangzi's potato production is so large, and only the supply is fast, it must be inexhaustible."

   "Lin Dong's house, can you consider selling some potatoes to our Ruyi Building?"

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback for a moment and looked at Liang Yu.

   And then quickly understood.

Before   , she negotiated with the Zhou family, and then built pepper workshops on some of her villages.

  The pepper workshop was built, and the people from Ruyi Building and Zhou's firm naturally had to go to pull the goods.

  In the case of no deliberate concealment, these people naturally know some of the situation of potato production in Zhuangzi.

   And, I even tasted potato-related dishes made by Zhuangzi.

  People from Zhou's Firm may not be so interested, but Ruyi Lou is a restaurant, how could they be willing to miss such a good thing?

   "This..." Lin Xiaoyue looked hesitant.

   "Oh, in terms of price, don't worry Lin Dongjia!" Liang Yu said quickly.

   The reason why I made this trip so urgently is not only because of the chain store, this is also one of the key points.

  Because he has already tasted the taste of potato dishes, he knows the importance of this thing to the Liang family.

   Over the years, he also realized for the first time that there is a dish that can be so delicious.

   A smile appeared in Lin Xiaoyue's eyes.

   "This potato, when we sowed it before, couldn't plant too many because of insufficient seeds."

   "Nowadays, the production of potatoes has increased a lot. However, after removing the ones used by the major snack workshops and the seeds used in the next season, there is not much left."

  Lin Xiaoyue pondered a little.

   "Well, if Young Master Liang really wants it, I'll give you 100,000 catties. A catty counts as five cents."

   (end of this chapter)

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