MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 387 387 The Lin Family's Plan

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   Chapter 387 387 The plan of the Lin family

   comes in a hurry, and goes in a hurry.

  After Lin Xiaoyue left, the Lin family went to the house and returned to quiet again.

  Everyone was silent, as if she had never been here.

   After a long time, the second Lin finally did not hold back and spoke.

   "Brother, what should I do about this?" He rushed to Lin Laodao anxiously.

   They have lived in Dashi Village all their lives, and now Dashi Village is getting better and better, they don’t want to leave Dashi Village.

  The rest of the first and second rooms also looked at Boss Lin.

   Boss Lin is the oldest in these two rooms. Now that something like this happens, I hope Boss Lin can come up with an idea.

   Boss Lin's face was dark, and he looked at Second Brother Lin displeasedly.

   "What can we do? Our big house will be moved out as scheduled! As for you, you can do it yourself!" When he said this, Boss Lin glared at Mrs Deng displeased.

  Stupid things, it's not enough to harm your own family, it also affects their big house!

   Mr. Deng shrank in fright at Boss Lin's gaze.

   At the same time, the second child Lin was also guided by the boss Lin and looked at his mother-in-law.

   Seeing Mrs. Deng's expression of bowing her head and weeping, the nameless fire in her heart instantly surged.

   Then, he walked over and kicked Mrs Deng to the ground with one kick.

   Mrs Deng was in pain and was treated like this by her husband. She felt extremely aggrieved and could no longer control her.

   This cry made everyone even more upset, especially the second child Lin.

  I saw the second child Lin actually stepped forward again and kicked Deng again.

   Mr. Deng couldn't dodge, and was kicked by Lin's second child again, and the screaming became more and more painful.

   "Help! Wow... Dashan, Xiaoshan, help! Wow..." Seeing that her husband continued to beat her, Mrs. Deng hurriedly cried and asked her two sons for help.

   Lin Dashan and Lin Xiaoshan changed their expressions when they heard Deng's cry for help.

   can remember that the predicament they are encountering now is caused by their mother, and the two of them are full of resentment, but they did not step forward to stop it.

   Seeing that the second child Lin was about to kick him again, Mrs. Deng continued to mourn: "Wow... Dashan, Xiaoshan, wow..."

  Son, did her two sons ignore her?

  Want to watch her be beaten to death by their father?

  Thinking of this level, Mrs Deng only felt cold all over her body and almost lost her strength.

  Is she wrong? What sin did she do to end up like this?

   After a while, Mr. Deng, who was kicked and beaten several times, finally stopped crying.

   seemed to have become a lump of meat, lying on the ground shivering and sobbing in a low voice.

   Just when the second child Lin was about to continue to vent his anger at Mrs Deng again, Lin Dashan finally opened his mouth.

   "Enough, Dad. If you fight again, Mother will really kill you."

  Second Lin looked back and saw Lin Dashan and Lin Xiaoshan frowning.

  The person on the ground is their mother, if it really disappears, it will have a big impact on them.

  Yes, at this time, Lin Dashan and Lin Xiaoshan were completely disappointed with Deng.

  Before the family was separated, because of Deng's stupidity, Lin Lanhua deceived all their private savings from the second room.

After    split up, she didn't even know how to be a man with her tail between her legs.

   Actually learned from the Jiang family of the big room, and went to provoke the fourth room.

   As a result, they beat Lin Laosi and lost money.

   And now, she actually offended Lin Xiaoyue again.

   Those who affect the whole family and the big house must move out of Dashi Village.

   Such a stupid mother, they really don't want to recognize her.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue was not here, and did not know what Lin Dashan and Lin Xiaoshan were thinking.

   If she was there, it would be ridiculous.

  Before the family split, Mrs. Deng emptied the second room and sealed Lin Lanhua's mouth. It was indeed a shame for the second room.

   But what happened after that was really not all Deng's fault.

  Erfang, father and son just couldn't find a place to vent, and they forcibly settled the account on Deng's head.

   These three men are so selfish and narrow-minded that they are terrible.

   It can only be said that the Deng family deserves it.

  Second Lin glanced at Mrs Deng angrily and spat on the ground.

   "Humph!" With a loud voice, Mr. Deng was let go.

   When he looked up at Boss Lin, Second Boss Lin realized that Boss Lin looked better.

Before   , Boss Lin was really angry with Mrs Deng.

   But he also knew in his heart that Lin Xiaoyue had little chance of angering them all because of the Deng family.

   Just now, it was because he was too angry, so he aimed his anger at Mrs. Deng.

   But now, Young Master Lin beat his daughter-in-law violently in front of him, and he was embarrassed, and then got angry at Deng Shi and the second room.

   "She's not just kidding. If you don't move away, Orchid and Fifth will probably be our end." Boss Lin said, looking at Lin Yuanshan's body in the house.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone only felt a chill running up their spines.

   Although the fifth and Lanhua were not under Lin Xiaoyue's hands, they were inseparable from Lin Xiaoyue.

   That girl is so cruel. too scary.

   "Then let's move too!" Lin Lao Er's face flashed a panic, and then quickly said.

   "Brother, both of us go to Baishan Village. After the past, we are not familiar with each other. When the time comes, it will be better to take care of each other and settle down in Baishan Village, right?" Second Lin looked at Boss Lin.

   Fighting alone is easy to be bullied, but when the two of them unite, there are many males in the family.

   Even if you go to Baishan Village, you will have some confidence.

   Boss Lin looked at Second Brother Lin, and found that this second brother of his family was finally smarter.

   sighed, and Boss Lin responded.


  Lin's second son's expression is better now.

   "Then let's think of a way together, seize the two days, and deal with the house and land. Then go to Baishan Village together." He continued.

   Boss Lin's eyes moved when he heard this.

There was a hint of hesitation in   's eyes, and then he said, "Yeah. Later, you can go to Uncle Li's house with me."

  Whether it is a house or land, it can only be sold to people in Dashi Village.

   He actually had intentions before, and wanted to go to the village chief first and dispose of his own things first.

   But obviously, the second child can't be stupid enough to find a way to sell the house and land.

   Most likely it’s just a matter of the front and back feet, and I will also go to the village chief to do this.

   Therefore, instead of having a rift with the second child because of this, it is better to take the second child to the village chief's house and deal with the house of the Lin family's mansion and their land together.

  In this way, when they go to Baishan Village in the future, they can truly rely on each other.

   "Yeah!" Second Young Master Lin responded quickly with a happy expression on his face.

   Immediately, the two people left with their own family members.

When    left, no one greeted Lin Dachui. Just as if he didn't exist.

   When the two men were far away, Lin Lao Si sighed, took his eyes away from the two men's backs, and turned to look at Lin Dachui, who had a decadent look on his face.

   "Wait for the coffins of the mother and the fifth child to be delivered, and then I will come to help with the funeral." Lin Laosi said.

  Lin Dachui was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Lin Laosi.

   His eyes were moved and humble.

   "This day is too big, so I won't watch the day of the burial. I'll find a few people and send my mother and fifth up the mountain tonight."

  Lin Dahammer's eyes were filled with emotion again, and he almost burst into tears when he looked at Lin Laosi's eyes.

   Having raised so many children, in the end, the son and daughter that he valued the most are gone, and the other sons don’t care about him.

   was the fourth son whom he despised the most, and he was the most attentive to him.

   "Old - Fourth -" Lin Dachui found his voice a little dry.

   "Don't make dinner today. I'll bring it to you when you come over later." Lin Lao Si interrupted him.

   By this time, Lin Dachui couldn't hold back his tears.

  The old tears and sobbing continued.

  Lin Lao Si felt a little worried when he saw it.

   An unnatural look flashed on his face, and he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

   turned around and left.

   Lin's house went up to the room, only the whimper of Lin Dachui was left.

  Lin Lao Si left the upper room and returned to his yard, feeling rather uneasy along the way.

   Some sympathize with his father's situation, but also worry that his soft heart will make his daughter-in-law unhappy.

   stood at the gate of the courtyard for a while before Lin Lao Si pushed the door and entered the courtyard.

  This morning, because the Lin family went to Liu's house to make a riot, and the riot was very big, and the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin knew that Lin Xiaoyue had come back and was worried that something would happen at home, so she took a half-day vacation today and did not go to work in the workshop.

  So, when Lin Laosi pushed the door into the yard, he happened to see his daughter-in-law and his two children preparing chicken food in the yard.

   When he saw his daughter-in-law and the two children, he immediately looked at him. Fourth Lin found it more difficult for him to face his daughter-in-law.

   "It's back!" The fourth daughter-in-law of Lin raised a smile on her face, put down what she was doing, wiped her hand on the apron, and walked towards the fourth Lin.

   "Hmm." Suppressing the emotions in his heart, Fourth Lin responded.

   then closed the courtyard door, turned around and walked towards his daughter-in-law and baby.

  The calf ran the fastest and quickly ran to his father.

   was then picked up by Lin Lao Si.

   "Yo, it's heavy again, my son!" Lin Laosi said with a smile.

   made the whole family laugh.

   After a while, the smile on Lin's fourth daughter-in-law's face subsided.

   "Head of the house, over there in the upper room, what's the situation now?" he asked his own man.

  The smile on Mr. Lin's four faces disappeared.

   immediately put the calf on the ground.

   "Go into the room and talk." Then he said to his daughter-in-law.

   Seeing the seriousness of his man, the heart of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin was instantly suspended.

   After instructing Daniel to take the calf to play in the yard, he followed Lin Laosi into the house.

   When we got to the room, Lin Lao Si kept silent.

   Until the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin couldn't hold back, she asked anxiously.

   "What's the situation? Lin Dongjia is angry with us?"

   They have been trying to find a way to cut off contact with the Lin family, but in the end they are also the Lin family.

   This time, the big and the second house caused such a disaster, and if they were to be implicated in the fourth house, she could really hate those two families.

   "No." Fourth Lin hurriedly said, fearing that his daughter-in-law would be worried.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Then why do you look like that?"

   "What's going on in the upper room? What did the Lin Dong family say in the past?" asked the fourth daughter-in-law of Lin Lao.

   Lin Laosi struggled for a while, and before his daughter-in-law couldn't hold back and was ready to ask, he finally opened his mouth.

   told his daughter-in-law what happened after Lin Xiaoyue went to the house.

   When talking about his promise to help Shangfang recover the body and ask someone to send the coffin up the mountain, Lin Lao Si looked at his daughter-in-law worriedly, for fear of making her unhappy.

   To his surprise, his daughter-in-law just sighed and didn't say anything about him.

   "It's a good thing Lin Dong's family let Dafang and Erfang leave Dashi Village."

   "After she is purified, we are also purified."

   After saying that, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin looked at her man again.

   "But it took more than two days for the first and second rooms to deal with the house and the land, and the time is a little tight."

   Then, the expression of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin changed slightly.

   "I'm afraid—"

   "What are you afraid of?" Seeing the change in his daughter-in-law's expression, Lin Lao Si became nervous.

   "I'm afraid that there will be changes in this house." After saying that, the fourth daughter-in-law Lin glanced at the house.

   Before the village chief helped them negotiate the contract with the big house, and they have already received the money.

  If this is not the case, in a few days, they will be able to move out of here and live in a new home.

   But now, the big house is forced to sell the house and the land, and it is still urgent to sell.

   I am afraid that the big house will not be able to sell the house and will find them.

  Although they are the ones who are reasonable, Dafang is not the one who is reasonable...

   Fourth Lin was taken aback, and quickly figured out the joints.

   "The house deed is over, the money has been collected, and the rent is also given. Can the big house still be a fool?!" he said loudly.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law frowned and glanced at her man.

   "Be quiet."

   Fourth Lin lowered his head and stopped.

   Lin's fourth daughter-in-law said again: "Li'er is this Li'er. But Dafang is a reasonable person?"

   Seeing the angry expression on his man's face, he couldn't answer. The fourth daughter-in-law Lin sighed.

   "Don't worry, I'm just worried."

   "If the big house and the second house can sell the house, they won't come to us."

  Lin Lao Si's expression improved.

   "But in Dashi Village, few households are short of houses?" Almost all the people in the village live in houses, so who buys them?

   Even if you want to buy it, it will be a bit taboo, right?

   After all, everyone knows the grievances between the Lin family and the Liu family.

   Come again, only two people died before going to the room.

   "There are only a few households who are short of houses, but the Lin family is very big. Maybe there are people who want to replace the house?"

   "If the price is lower, maybe someone would like it." Having said this, the eyes of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin suddenly flashed.

   "I heard Mrs. Wang mentioned before. Brother Wang seems to have said that there are people from Ruyi Building who want to come to our Dashi Village for a long time and ask him about the house in our Dashi Village."

   Having said that, the eyes of the fourth daughter-in-law Lin's eyes brightened.

   "You said, can the people from Ruyi Building take a fancy to the Lin family's house?"

   Fourth Lin was taken aback.

   "The big room and the second room, plus we live in this house, the place is not small. Can they accommodate so many people?" asked.

   Although I was asking, I actually had some expectations in my heart.

  If Ruyilou can really buy the Lin family's house, the big house won't bother them, which is a good thing.

   Lin Laosi's wife gave Lin Laosi a look.

   "How big is this place? Ever since the workshop opened, haven't you seen how many people from Ruyi Building enter and leave the workshop every day?"

   "It's just the big room. The second room and the house we live in now add up. I'm afraid it will be too small."

   "Unfortunately, Shangfang and the fifth's house will not be sold. Otherwise, I think this may be a big success."

   Lin Lao Si's heart moved.

   looked at his daughter-in-law.

   (end of this chapter)

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