MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 399 399 talk

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   Chapter 399 Talk 399

  Yes, Liu Wuji is very satisfied with his disciple.

   Whether it is talent, character or toughness, it is extremely rare.

   is a bit like when he was young, but more determined than when he was young.

   Compared with his new apprentice Liang Chengcai, there is no doubt that he loves Li Xiao more.

  Li Xiao rushed to Liu Wuji and clasped his fists.

   "Return to Master, my disciple has been married for more than a year. After escaping from the capital, Yue'er rescued him." After speaking, Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue with tenderness in his eyes.

   "After that, he stayed in Qingshi Town, Nan'an County."

   Liu Wuji nodded.

   "The Ninth Prince, is there?" He asked immediately.

  Since his disciple is the husband of his granddaughter, the ninth prince must be the "nephew" he brought to the Liu family.

  Because of his relationship as a disciple, he had some friendship with the Nangong family before.

   He was not there when the emperor attacked the Nangong family. Otherwise, it will not sit idly by.

   By the time he knew, it had already happened, and he was powerless.

  Because of this, there was also some estrangement between him and the emperor.

   Actually, he could feel that the emperor had regretted it.

   Especially this time the Chu-Jin coalition attacked Dayan, the Dayan army without the General Wang and the Chiwu Army was no match for the Chu-Jin coalition.

   If there were the Great General Wang and the Chiwu Army, how could Chu Jin easily join forces to attack Yan? Even if they do call, it will be difficult to break through the border defense line.

  Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

   "Yes." Li Xiao replied.

  Liu Wuji's expression relaxed.

   was silent for a moment, then asked again: "The Chiwu Army defected, you led it?" Then he asked.

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue's expressions changed.

  Lin Xiaoyue turned to look at Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao paused for a while, and then clasped his fist at Liu Wuji again.

   "Yes. However, the Chiwu Army did not defect."

  Liu Wuji's eyes moved, and he was silent for a moment.

   "Hmm." Then he responded.

   Lin Xiaoyue's tense heart relaxed instantly.

   Seeing the reaction of his granddaughter, Liu Wuji smiled and gave her a look.

   Lin Xiaoyue was a little surprised.

   But it was only for a moment, Liu Wuji looked away again and looked at Li Xiao again.

   made Lin Xiaoyue suspect that what she just saw was an illusion.

   "Where is the Chiwu Army now?" Liu Wuji asked Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao paused again.

   "It's in Qingshi Town." Immediately replied.

   Liu Wuji's face flashed with surprise.

   Then, it became clear again.

   Those industries and workshops under my granddaughter... OK, this is all right.

   This time, he didn't hide any more, Liu Wuji looked at his granddaughter with admiration.

   "Thank you." He said.

   had a faint smile on his face.

  Lin Xiaoyue only felt flattered.

   Lord National Teacher, seems to be a little unexpectedly good to her.

   "It's all... what I should do." After stammering, Lin Xiaoyue replied.

   Is it because of the noble status of the national teacher, and because of her husband and master? Why was she a little nervous when facing the National Teacher?

   "Haha..." Liu Wuji was amused by his granddaughter's expression.

   Seeing this, the couple felt relieved and smiled.

   "So, it was your husband and wife who killed Liu Renyi's tens of thousands of troops that day?" Suddenly, Liu Wuji opened his mouth again.

   As soon as these words came out, Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue's expressions instantly stiffened.

  Lin Xiaoyue's complexion even turned pale.

   Seeing this scene, how could Liu Wuji still be unable to guess the answer?

   Immediately, in Li Xiao's wary eyes, he smiled again.

   "Before the Chiwu Army withdrew from the border, the emperor was furious." Liu Wuji said.

   "Liu Renyi, the commander-in-chief of the border, cannot escape the guilt."

   "But the reason he reported it is unbelievable."

   "If he is the only one who says that, the emperor will definitely not believe it."

   "But there are other people in the army, including some of the emperor's trusted cronies, who actually say the same thing as Liu Renyi."

   "The emperor came to ask me—" Having said that, Liu Wuji looked at Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "Afterwards, I received a hidden weapon fragment from the emperor."

   said, Liu Wuji opened the desk drawer.

   took out some grenade fragments and bullets.

   Lin Xiaoyue had calmed down at this time, looking at the things on the table, only curiosity remained in her eyes.

  Li Xiao's expression was calm, and he didn't show any abnormality.

  Liu Wuji saw this, but smiled at the two of them.

   "These things don't seem to be special, but according to the descriptions of Liu Renyi and others, the lethality is amazing."

   "This round-tipped iron weapon was punched out of a black pipe. Even though the killer was hundreds of meters away, he could accurately aim at the opponent and shoot people to death."

   "Furthermore, once a hidden weapon is launched, there is no way to avoid it."

   "This weapon is dozens or even hundreds of times more powerful than bows and arrows." Having said this, Liu Wuji's eyes flashed with surprise.

A hidden weapon like    is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine weapon.

  Unfortunately, no matter how he imagined it, he couldn't conceive of such a hidden weapon.

   Seeing that Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue had no abnormal reaction, Liu Wuji picked up the grenade shrapnel next to him.

   "As for this, it's even more powerful."

   "According to Liu Renyi and others, this was originally a spherical hidden weapon."

   "The killer pulls the tab on it and throws it at the pursuers, and the hidden weapon will explode."

   "Then countless pieces of iron flew out, causing massive damage to the pursuers."

   Liu Wuji looked at the couple again.

   "Only a ball-shaped hidden weapon can injure and kill more than a dozen people. It can even blow up the body or limbs of the pursuers. It is unimaginable."

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes moved slightly, knowing that Li Xiao was not good at words and would not explain.

   So he looked at Liu Wuji.

   "There is such a powerful hidden weapon?" asked curiously.

  Li Xiao glanced sideways at Lin Xiaoyue, but did not speak.

   When Master told them this, he must have doubted them. It's useless for my daughter-in-law to say this now.

   But he didn't break Lin Xiaoyue, he just pretended not to know.

  This matter is very important, even though I know that the master will not tell the secrets of him and his daughter-in-law. But he didn't want his daughter-in-law to take risks.

  Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a faint smile.

   just looked at it, wanting to see the appearance of his granddaughter's guilty conscience.

  Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes were pure and curious, but she never felt guilty.

  Liu Wuji finally couldn't help laughing.

   Then, looked away from Lin Xiaoyue's face.

   "No." Liu Wuji said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao, their expressions instantly startled.

   "The so-called black pipe hidden weapons and ball hidden weapons are all fabricated by Liu Renyi in order to reduce the guilt. Where in this world can such artifacts exist?" Liu Wuji continued.

   "After that, I reported back to the Holy Lord."

   Don't say he can't make such a hidden weapon. Even if he could make it, he wouldn't hand it over to the emperor.

  The emperor's ambition is not small. If he really got such a hidden weapon, the world would not be peaceful.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao's hearts trembled, and the hearts that were hanging high were gently put down at this moment.

   It turned out that the National Teacher also helped them behind the scenes.

   "How is the Chiwu Army now?" Suddenly, Liu Wuji asked again.

   This time, Lin Xiaoyue didn't speak again, but looked at Li Xiao.

   "Very good." Li Xiao replied subconsciously.

   Feeling a little rude, he raised his head and glanced at Liu Wuji, then quickly lowered his head and saluted Liu Wuji.

   "After the Chiwu Army arrived in Qingshi Town, most of them entered Zhuangzi to help open up wasteland and cultivate land."

   "Afterwards, some of them went to work in Zhuangshang's workshop."

   A smile suddenly appeared on Li Xiao's face and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Before getting up to go to Kyoto, Yue'er gave the brothers wages for the first half of the year. Now the brothers have land to live, work to do, and money in their hands, so they are very motivated."

  Liu Wuji was a little surprised.

   "Oh?" He smiled and looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   He admired the Chiwu Army.

  This army, although it is the private soldier of the Nangong family, has made great military exploits for Dayan and contributed to Dayan.

   He was very happy for the Chiwu Army to learn that the Chiwu Army was now in a safe place and had a good life.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled embarrassedly.

   "Brothers have worked hard and helped me earn a lot of money. It should be paid to them."

   "Haha..." Liu Wuji was amused.

   "You can arrange so many people and assign them work. You girl, you have the ability!" He didn't hesitate to praise himself.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao, a red glow appeared on her face.

   "Master National Teacher is wrong." Then, the playful Chong Liu Wuji said.

   caused Liu Wuji to laugh again.

   After a while, Liu Wuji stopped smiling.

   "No matter what, it's a good thing to keep the Chiwu Army..." He said with a sigh.

   Immediately, Liu Wuji looked at the couple again.

   "On the Anyang King's side, are you—" asked with concern.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao glanced at each other with a smile.

   "The King of Anyang came to us first. Without King Anyang, we would not be able to take the Chiwu Army away from the border." Li Xiao said.

   Liu Wuji's eyes flashed a hint of clarity.

   In this way, everything makes sense.

   After a while, there was another worry in Liu Wuji's eyes.

   "King Anyang's intention—" asked.

  Li Xiao's face became more serious.

   "Your Highness is interested in the battle for the throne. The disciple has agreed to lead the Chiwu Army to help him at the critical moment."

   Liu Wuji was silent for a moment.

   After a while, he nodded.

   "Among the emperor's several princes, King Anyang is indeed the best candidate to succeed the throne."

   Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in Li Xiao's eyes.

  The national teacher has a special status and is highly regarded by the royal family, and can even influence some of the royal family's decisions.

   When Master said this, did he mean to support King Anyang?

  Liu Wuji glanced at Li Xiao, not wanting to go any further into this topic.

   Since the emperor attacked the general king, his thoughts have become more and more extreme.

  Dayan is now in such a situation, it can be said that he has a great relationship with the emperor.

   It may not be a good thing for Jiangshan Sheji to let such an emperor continue to reign.

   At this time, King Anyang had such thoughts, which may not be a bad thing.

   "Sit down all of you. Tell your teacher what happened to you over the years." Liu Wuji looked at the couple, his eyes turned into the kindness of elders looking at younger ones.

   The couple looked at each other.

After    thank you, I went to the next chair and sat down.

   Next, in the study, from time to time, the laughter of the national teacher began to be heard.

  There is no one outside in the bamboo garden, otherwise, you will be surprised.

   The national teacher, who has always been unsmiling, actually had such a happy time.

  Liu Wuji was a little embarrassed after hearing what happened to Li Xiao over the years, but at the same time he was happy for his disciple.

  I'm glad he got such a good wife, not to mention that he survived in a desperate situation.

   After listening to Li Xiao's past, Liu Wuji then looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   actually asked about Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue thought that Master Guo Shi was only caring about his beloved disciple's wife, so he didn't think much about it, and simply explained his own affairs.

   I just briefly mentioned the matter of the Lin family before crossing.

   focused on what happened after he bought Li Xiao.

   To her surprise, she found that the national teacher was very curious about her. From time to time, he would interrupt her and ask her some relevant information.

   seems to care more about her than Li Xiao.

   "It's worthy of the words 'women don't allow men'. It's his blessing that Xiaoer can marry you." After listening to Lin Xiaoyue's narration, Liu Wuji praised.

   At the same time, the more I look at the couple, the more I think they are a good match.

  Li Xiao did not refute the words of the master, but nodded in agreement.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's cheeks red again.

  Liu Wuji took a sip of tea.

   After a while, he looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "By the way, where did you learn your arithmetic skills?" asked.

   Lin Xiaoyue's originally relaxed heart suddenly tightened.

   His face remained calm.

   "As soon as I traveled to the old man in Dashi Village. The old man said that I had wisdom roots, so he taught me those things."

   "Later... Later, I accidentally ran into Mr. Liang. He saw that I was good at arithmetic and proposed to learn from me."

   Lin Xiaoyue's face flashed a hint of embarrassment.

   "At that time, there was a shortage of money at home, so I took Young Master Liang's money and taught him some time."

  Liu Wuji glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, smiled, and did not go into depth.

   "Chengcai admires you very much. After he came to my school, he taught me the algorithm you taught him."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback. But no other idea.

   When she was charging tuition at that time, she did not prohibit Liang Chengcai from teaching what she taught him.

   Besides, the National Teacher is not an outsider either.

  Liu Wuji saw this, a flash of satisfaction flashed on his face.

   "Your algorithms are really novel and peculiar, and efficient and fast."

   "Some time ago, Chengcai also mentioned it to me. I hope that the recording methods and algorithms of those numbers can be promoted to benefit the people of Dayan."

  Lin Xiaoyue was shocked.

What? Promote it to benefit the people of Dayan? In the future, let Dayan's people use Arabic numerals to keep accounts?

   This is great! In this way, she won't have to work so hard to read the account book in the future!

   Before, she actually wanted to train the accountants of the property under her command to keep them all in Arabic numerals and record them in double-entry bookkeeping to improve efficiency.

   But he has not been able to take out his hands to arrange this.

  If there is a National Teacher's Office leading this matter, the official push forward.

   When the time comes, she will directly send someone to the academy or school for further study. How much could be missing from her.

   (end of this chapter)

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