MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 404 404 to participate in the assessment

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   Chapter 404 404 Go to take the assessment

Mr.    is really talented, who can compare with such strength?

   For that question, increase the difficulty and adjust the three numbers from within ten to within twenty, or even within one hundred.

   Take it to compete with the envoys of Chu Jin, I am afraid that the envoys from Chu Jin may not be able to answer!

   Everyone looked at the sixth princess and Lin Xiaoyue.

   These six princesses are too obvious to please.

   But despite this, everyone did not question the words of the sixth princess.

   Because Lin Xiaoyue's arithmetic strength is indeed obvious to all.

   In particular, Liang Chengcai nodded in cooperation.

   "Haha, the princess has praised me wrongly." Lin Xiaoyue replied with a smile.

   "Dayan is full of talented people, and the strong has its own strong. Who dares to claim that he must be the first?"

   When the sixth princess heard this, she felt that Lin Xiaoyue was humble.

   Just wanted to say a few more words, but I heard the words of the national teacher.

   "Don't be humble. Tomorrow's assessment, you must do your best."

   "In the negotiation three days later, only you will fight on behalf of Dayan, and the old man can rest assured."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the National Teacher.

  It is rare that the national teacher has also acknowledged the strength of Madam Li. And also gave such a high evaluation.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Wuji.

   Seeing the eyes of Master Guo Shi, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

   This one is worried that she will deliberately release water tomorrow and lose the assessment competition.

   Before, she did have such an idea.

   After all, she didn't have to appear in front of the stage if she failed the exam.

  Emperor Yan was not so easy to pay attention to her and the people around her.

   In this way, Li Xiao and Chiwu Army are safer.

  But the Master National Teacher actually proposed to let her write a book and help her build momentum.

   In this era of imperial supremacy, she and Li Xiao really needed such a talisman.

   Only in this way can King Anyang be prevented from taking action against her and Li Xiao after he ascends the throne in the future.

   In this way, she will not be able to lose the assessment tomorrow.

   is not only tomorrow's assessment, but in the competition with the Chu Jin envoy in three days, she also has to go all out to defeat the opponent.

   "Well. Do your best!" Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyue said to the National Teacher.

  Liu Wuji felt relieved after seeing this.

  This outdoor dinner lasted until dark.

   Everyone was full, and when they left the plum garden, they were all reluctant to part.

That night.

  Lin Xiaoyue tossed for a while, and after grooming, she was ready to fall asleep.

   Suddenly there was a sound from the window.

   As soon as he turned around, Lin Xiaoyue saw her husband who was coming towards her.

   Instantly felt at ease. Lin Xiaoyue raised a smile and threw herself into Li Xiao's arms.

   Mmmm, fragrant, washed...

  Li Xiaohui hugged his daughter-in-law, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

   "There will be an assessment tomorrow, so rest early." Then he said.

   Then, he directly slapped Lin Xiaoyue and hugged him, then walked towards the bed.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled for a moment, but then her face flushed.

  This man, where did you learn it? Princess hug……

   Put Lin Xiaoyue on the bed, and Li Xiao also climbed up.

   Then, he lifted the thin quilt and helped his daughter-in-law cover it.

  Lin Xiaoyue has big eyes, staring at Li Xiao, with no sign of closing her eyes at all.

  Li Xiao was amused.

   "What are you looking at? Still not sleeping?" asked.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "Look at my handsome and handsome husband." He even opened his mouth to tease.

  Li Xiao's face was startled, and then there was a fiery look in his eyes.

   Seeing that, the man is about to come over.

   Lin Xiaoyue shouted badly in her heart, she quickly turned over and avoided Li Xiao.

   Oops, I forgot my husband and couldn't help but tease.

  Li Xiao's eyes flashed with disappointment, and then he smiled again.

   Then, he pulled the thin quilt over himself and lay down.

   Forget it, the place is wrong...

  Lin Xiaoyue was anxious in her heart, when her waist was suddenly hugged by a man, and then her whole body fell into the man's arms.

   Hot, but smells good.

  A certain woman's heart was beating like thunder, and she really regretted her actions just now.

   "Yue'er, I..." After a while, Li Xiao finally couldn't hold back his mouth.

   "What's wrong with you?" Lin Xiaoyue felt that her face was flushing to the bottom of her ears.

   His body froze, not daring to move.

   "When we go back to Dashi Village, can we—can we—" Li Xiao only felt his throat dry, tried twice in a row, but didn't say what he wanted to say.

  It's too annoying, does his little daughter-in-law really take him as an iron man? If this goes on, he is afraid that he will not be able to control himself.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart was hot and she felt like she was about to sweat.

   "Hmm..." Then, with a sound like a mosquito, he actually responded.

  Li Xiao was startled instantly, thinking he had heard a hallucination.

   After a long while, he asked with a dry throat, "Just now... Yue'er, just now... did you respond?"

   Lin Xiaoyue was embarrassed.

   "What should I do? You heard it wrong! We were discussing this at night, and I fell asleep!" After speaking, he broke free from Li Xiao and moved further away.

   It's almost late autumn, and the weather is getting cooler.

   But this guy looks like a stove, it's too hot.

   She is farther away, cooler.

  Li Xiao listened, but he was not sad, instead he looked happy.

   rushed over and took his daughter-in-law into his arms again.

   "I heard it all. Anyway, you can't go back on it..." said contentedly.

  It's not easy. After more than a year, he can finally keep the clouds open and see the moon.

   "Repent! The heat is dead, let go!" Lin Xiaoyue struggled to be touched by the fireball again.

  Because of embarrassment, he even uttered a foul language.

  Li Xiao didn't mind, instead he felt that his daughter-in-law was cuter.

   actually still hugged Lin Xiaoyue tightly.

   "Just get used to it... It's hot now, and in winter, it should feel warm..."


   Outside the door, the plum garden gradually became quiet.

  In the room, the tired people slowly fell into sleep.

   The next day.

   When Lin Xiaoyue woke up, Li Xiao had already left.

  At this time, Zhao Shanshan also came.

   Hearing a voice coming from the inner room, Zhao Shanshan walked into the inner room.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue really got up.

   Zhao Shanshan hurried forward to help Lin Xiaoyue change and freshen up.

   "Yesterday, the national teacher said that the examination in the palace must begin. In addition, it will take some time to enter the venue. After breakfast, you have to leave."

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue responded cooperatively.

   Now that she has decided to win this test, she will go all out.

   Zhao Shanshan felt relieved upon seeing this.

   Ma Liu helped Lin Xiaoyue change clothes and freshen up, and then painted her a more dignified makeup.

   Looking at the dignified woman in the vanity mirror, Lin Xiaoyue was satisfied.

  This makeup concealed some childishness on her face, making her look older than her actual age.

   This is just right. For her now, the word "stable" is more important.

   Outside, breakfast is also ready.

  Lin Xiaoyue drank a bowl of white porridge and two eggs, and did not continue.

  I’m going to take an exam. I won’t eat it if I don’t eat too much. Eating too much may cause my brain to become dull, which will affect my performance.

   Eat properly and even maintain a small hunger to maintain the best state.

   "Let's go." Putting down the bowl, Lin Xiaoyue got up.

   "Yes." Zhao Shanshan replied.

   Immediately, he followed Lin Xiaoyue out of the room.

   As soon as the two of them left the room, Li Xiao also arrived.

   After Li Xiao looked at Zhao Shanshan, Zhao Shanshan immediately understood, gave her young lady to her uncle, and turned back.

   It is difficult to move around in the palace, so it is not advisable to let too many people follow the lady.

   Uncle wants to accompany the young lady, so she can only stay in the Guoshifu.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao and said nothing.

   Xianggong told her last night that he would find a way to see his elder sister today.

   And her going to participate in the assessment is a good opportunity for him.

  The husband and wife were very tacit, and after a while, they went to the front hall.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue discovered that the National Teacher, the Sixth Princess and Liang Chengcai were all waiting here.

There was a flash of apology on   's face, and Lin Xiaoyue quickly apologized for her late arrival.

   "It's okay, we just arrived." Liu Wuji said with a smile. His eyes "scraped" on Li Xiao who was behind Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Since everyone is ready, let's go."

   "Yes." Everyone responded.

   So, Liu Wuji took everyone out of the National Teacher's Mansion.

Outside the    house, a carriage was already waiting.

  The crowd got into the carriage, the driver drove the horse, and went to the imperial garden.

  Yes, Emperor Yan set the location of the examination at the Imperial Garden and personally invigilated the examination.

   On the carriage, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao looked at each other, not saying a word, just communicating with their eyes.

   After a while, Li Xiao finally held Lin Xiaoyue's hand.

   lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry."

  The Imperial Garden is not far from the harem, and since he knows the location of his sister's bedroom, it is not difficult to find it.

  's hand was held, and Lin Xiaoyue felt a little more at ease.

   "Pay attention to the time. The assessment will only last for an hour and a half at most. If the time is approaching, even if you can't find your sister, you should withdraw as soon as possible." Lin Xiaoyue urged.

The    assessment will start at the moment and will last until 4:00 noon at most, because then Emperor Yan will hold a banquet to entertain the top three winners in the assessment.

  At that time, if Li Xiao can't come back, they have to leave the Imperial Garden again, and he will be in trouble later.

   "Yes." Li Xiao replied in a deep voice.

   After a while, the carriage, which was walking slowly, finally stopped.

  Lin Xiaoyue got off the carriage.

   Then I saw that there were many carriages parked nearby, and not far away, there were still people queuing up to enter the Imperial Garden.

   But before their carriage team appeared, someone greeted them.

   Naturally, not because of her face, but because of the national teacher and the sixth princess.

   With the National Teacher and the Sixth Princess, Lin Xiaoyue naturally received courtesy.

   Without queuing, he soon followed the National Teacher and the Sixth Princess into the Imperial Garden.

Before entering the door, Lin Xiaoyue gave Li Xiao one last look.

   And Li Xiao, through the gauze, gave her a firm look.

   Not thinking about Li Xiao anymore, Lin Xiaoyue took back her mind and began to concentrate on preparing for the next assessment.

   After entering the imperial garden, the national teacher led the three of them for a while, and then stopped.

   "It's getting late, the three of you will go to get the badge, then go to your seat and wait for the assessment to start. You don't need to follow me anymore." Liu Wuji said.

  Yes, not only Lin Xiaoyue, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess also signed up for this assessment. And, he is also a potential player.

  Before yesterday, the sixth princess was full of self-confidence and felt that even if she could not take the first place, she could still take the second place.

   But after meeting Lin Xiaoyue, she felt that the first herself was definitely out of play. Now I can only rush to the second or third.

   "Yes!" The three responded in unison.

   After Liu Wuji was gone, the sixth princess resumed her activity.

   "Let's go, sir! I'll take you over to get your ID card!" He grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's arm.

   Lin Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, facing the gazes cast from all directions, she did not reject the Sixth Princess's favor.

   She is a powerless and powerless peasant woman, and it is a good thing that someone protects her.

   The sixth princess smiled when she saw Lin Xiaoyue's reaction.

   She doesn't care what the husband is thinking at the moment, the husband can let her stick to her and let others see that she has a close relationship with her, that's enough.

Seeing this, Liang Chengcai behind him smiled and said nothing.

   followed the two of them.

   In addition to the sixth princess, their national teacher's office also has to support Madam Li.

   Soon, the three of them arrived at the place where they got their ID cards.

  The person who issued the placard saw the sixth princess and Liang Chengcai, and hurriedly saluted.

   Immediately, without letting them line up, he found the ID card and gave it to the three of them.

   "Hehe, sir, I am number one, you are number two! Let's be next to each other!" The sixth princess glanced at Lin Xiaoyue's ID card, and then happily raised the ID card in her hand.

   Liang Chengcai, who was on the side, looked at the sign in his hand, and his face was a little lost.

   His ID number is number ten, which is a little distance from the two of them.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Probably because we are all women."

   "There are few women participating in the assessment, so we are ranked first."

   As soon as these words came out, Liang Chengcai was instantly relieved.

   Yes, it is said that only one woman, Mrs. Li, participated in this assessment.

After   , the sixth princess heard about it, and heard that she went to the emperor and gave her a name.

The reason for    is that other women can participate in the assessment, why she can't.

  The emperor probably agreed to the sixth princess to also participate in the competition in order to appease the sixth princess.

   Six Princesses nodded.

   "Sir is right!"

   Immediately, as if thinking of something. A radiance appeared in the eyes of the sixth princess.

   "Only two of us women participated in the assessment. Sir, you said, if we win the top two, will it be considered a slap in the face of their boys?!"

  Liang Chengcai's expression instantly stiffened.

   Because, when the Sixth Princess mentioned "a bunch of boys", she looked at him and said it.

   At the same time, the surrounding masters who participated in the assessment also heard the words of the sixth princess.

   Many people looked at them with strange eyes.

  Lin Xiaoyue only felt a little light on her back.

   looked at the sixth princess who still raised her head high, didn't know herself about the situation, or didn't care at all.

   "Cough, today's competition is all about Dayan's most outstanding arithmetic masters. How can it be so easy to win? Don't be arrogant." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   The sixth princess had to refute when she heard that Lin Xiaoyue was so modest.

   It can be seen that Lin Xiaoyue gave herself a look and stopped again.

  Er, she forgot.

Mr.    has a different identity than her, because he doesn't want to draw hatred.

   On the contrary, she seems to have caused trouble for Mr.

  Thinking of this, the Sixth Princess did not continue to struggle with this matter.

   (end of this chapter)

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