MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 410 410 old man

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   Chapter 410 410 Old Man

   As soon as he left the bamboo garden, Lin Xiaoyue stretched when she noticed that there was no one around.

   Immediately, he felt even more sleepy, so he quickened his pace and walked towards the plum garden where he lived.

   Fortunately, the plum garden is not far from the bamboo garden.

After entering the plum garden, Lin Xiaoyue returned to her room and went to bed.

   Halfway through, he didn't even reply to Zhao Shanshan's words.

   Zhao Shanshan saw her young lady looking so sleepy, sighed, and didn't ask any more questions. She went out of the room and let her young lady sleep soundly.

After    lay down, Lin Xiaoyue fell asleep quickly.

   It's been half an hour since I woke up.

  Because I was so sleepy, I didn't even have a dream.

  's head was blank for a moment, and then Lin Xiaoyue suddenly turned over and got off the bed.

   Oops, after sleeping for so long, wouldn't the bamboo garden have already started to choose topics?

   It's all because of Li Xiao, who kept talking with her last night, which caused her to be in a bad mood today.

   As soon as he came out of the room, unexpectedly, Lin Xiaoyue saw Zhao Shanshan.

With a smile on her face, a certain woman hurriedly said, "Hurry up and wash up for me, I have to rush to the bamboo garden."

  Although she doesn't think that the lack of herself will affect everyone's topic selection.

   But everyone is busy, and even the National Teacher will participate in person. She is lazy by herself, and the influence is not very good.

  Also, if she was found out later, she was also afraid of getting into trouble.

   Zhao Shanshan stepped forward, but was not flustered.

   "Don't be in a hurry, miss. Master Guo Shi sent someone a message to tell you to wake up and go back. You said that you can be busy over there." He said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback for a moment, but her expression did not relax.

   "So, the test papers have really been delivered?

   "How long have you been spreading the word?" asked Zhao Shanshan.

   Zhao Shanshan was stunned.

   "I said, how long has it been since the National Teacher asked someone to spread the word?" Lin Xiaoyue raised her voice.

   Hope she didn't delay too long.

   "No... not long, maybe two quarters of an hour." Zhao Shanshan was frightened by her young lady's expression and said quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue wanted to reach out and knock her head, but held back.

   "Forget it, it's already half an hour late anyway. You can help me get it done slowly." Immediately, he said to Zhao Shanshan.

  It's too late, and rushing over there won't help.

   I can only hope that Emperor Yan will not hear about it.

   Also, Master Guo Shi actually told her to wake up and go again. Are you taking care of her too much?

  Before in Zhuyuan, Master Guo Shi spoke up and asked everyone to go back to the yard to rest, she felt as if it was because of her.

   Now that she thinks about it, she no longer doubts it.

  Is it really just because of Li Xiao that Master Guo Shi takes care of her so much?

   Then he cared too much for this disciple...

   Love House and Wu?

   smiled and shook her head in her heart, Lin Xiaoyue stopped and continued to think.

   It wasn't because of Li Xiao, who else could it be because of him?

  Master Guo Shi is so kind to the couple, she has to be better to others.

   Not to mention, she needs to pay more attention to the topic selection this afternoon.

   After all, in tomorrow's game, winning or losing is about the face of the national teacher, and her plan to publish a book next.

  The National Teacher planned an amulet for her, and she had no reason not to accept it.

   After listening to Lin Xiaoyue's words, Zhao Shanshan helped Lin Xiaoyue to wash up.

   Of course I didn't dare to follow what Lin Xiaoyue said, take it slow.

  's movements were neat, and he quickly helped Lin Xiaoyue clean up.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't delay much, and soon went out of the room and went to the bamboo garden.

   When we arrived at Bamboo Garden, everyone was really busy.

  Liang Chengcai and the others saw Lin Xiaoyue coming, but they just looked up at her and didn't say much.

   It was the sixth princess who greeted her.

   But because he was too busy, after saying a word, he buried his head and continued to work.

  Liu Wuji was the only one who sat at the top and looked at the questions in a leisurely manner.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue coming, she even stopped to check the title and looked at her with a smile.

   "Come and take a seat." Immediately, he said to Lin Xiaoyue, looking at the empty seat next to him.

   "Yes!" Lin Xiaoyue replied awkwardly.

   then walked to that position.

sit down.

   At this time, Liu Wuji also came over.

   gave Lin Xiaoyue a stack of questions.

   "There are a total of twenty questions here, you can answer them after you read them."

   "Then choose the five questions that you think are the most difficult."

   After a pause, Liu Wuji said again: "If you can't answer, you can look at the answer and solution ideas on the last piece of paper."

   Actually, he felt that his granddaughter would have no difficulty answering these questions.

   But everything is in case, so he still reminded.

   "Okay." Lin Xiaoyue happily responded.

   quickly took over the task.

   Immediately, he flipped through the questions and started to work on them.

   As a result, it took only three quarters of an hour to solve all twenty problems.

After    finished solving the question, Lin Xiaoyue checked the answer.

   found that all the answers were correct, and a smile rose on his face.

   immediately selected the five questions that he thought were the most difficult and handed them over to Liu Wuji.

  Liu Wuji was surprised that Lin Xiaoyue completed the task so quickly.

   "Have you answered them all?" asked Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

  Liu Wuji was stunned for a moment, then flipped through the question Lin Xiaoyue gave him.

   After looking at it for about a quarter of an hour, Liu Wuji nodded and put the question down.

   "Although these questions are difficult, among the five questions, I am afraid that only this question can barely be selected." After speaking, Liu Wuji chose one paper from the five sheets.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the questions on the paper and found that this was the most difficult question she had done before.

   In fact, it’s not that the problem is difficult, but the calculation process is more complicated.

   After all, the number is relatively large, and it is more laborious to calculate.

   Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "Enlarging all the numbers in the selected questions can increase the difficulty." He said.

  Liu Wuji looked up at Lin Xiaoyue, then smiled.


   "In the competition between the two sides, the assessment is not the speed of operation, but the idea of ​​solving the problem."

   "Appropriately enlarged numbers are feasible, but if it is purely to increase the difficulty of computing, it will not be possible."

  Otherwise, you can directly make some extremely complicated calculations, so that the other party can't finish the calculation in a month. Isn't that forcing the opponent to admit defeat directly?

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's disappointment, Liu Wuji continued: "Of course, it is feasible to enlarge the figures appropriately."

   "It's like the question you gave to the sixth princess before." Having said this, a gleam appeared in Liu Wuji's eyes.

   "Change the numbers and use them as competition questions."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   Then I remembered the question I gave to the sixth princess.

   "Is it done?" Immediately, the somewhat unconfident Chong Liu Wuji asked.

   The Sixth Princess and Liang Chengcai were indeed unable to solve her problem, but the ambassadors of Chu and Jin are very famous...

  Liu Wuji smiled.

   Immediately looked up at Mo Fei who was busy.

   Then, he took out one of the exam questions on the case and walked towards Mo Fei.

   "Try this question and see if you can solve it." Then he gave the question to Mo Fei and said.

   Could it be that he hastened to say yes.

   Immediately, he left the previous test questions and looked at the new questions given by the National Teacher.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Wuji suspiciously.

  Liu Wuji did not explain, but walked back with a smile.

After    sat down, he said, "The question for him is exactly the question you gave to the sixth princess."

   "If you can't even answer the question, you can be directly selected after this question is revised."

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes moved and nodded.

   He is not very optimistic about Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess' arithmetical strength, but he agrees with Mo Fei.

   After all, in the first round of assessment, this person only got two points less than her, which means that she only got one question wrong.

   Coupled with Mo Fei's age, uh... it seems to convince her.

  Lin Xiaoyue originally thought that she would have to wait for a while with the National Teacher.

  Unexpectedly, after a while, Mo Fei actually came here with the test questions.

   "Master National Teacher, the old man knows the answer to this question." Immediately, there was a complicated look of Chongliu Wuji.

   Liu Wuji and Lin Xiaoyue were surprised.

   Mo Fei continued: "After lunch, the sixth princess and Mr. Liang informed the old man about this problem."

   said, Mo Fei looked at Lin Xiaoyue with admiration.

   said to Liu Wuji again: "I'm ashamed to say, this old man tried to solve the problem by himself for a while, but he couldn't solve it."

   "Finally, it was the sixth princess who told the old man the answer."

   "This question is exquisite, Mrs. Li is talented, and the old man admires it!" Mo Fei said, and gave Lin Xiaoyue a nod.

  Lin Xiaoyue quickly got Mo Fei up.

   "The Sixth Princess, Mr. Liang and Lao Xi, who I wanted to ask the teacher before, agreed that this question can be selected for tomorrow's exam."

   This question is much more difficult than other questions they have seen.

  Liu Wuji smiled and then looked at Lin Xiaoyue with some pride. An expression of "the teacher said it right".

   Lin Xiaoyue was a little embarrassed.

   "Of course I want to be selected, but the numbers have to be enlarged. How to revise the title, leave it to you." Liu Wuji said to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue's face stiffened.

   Then, in the expectant eyes of the two, he nodded.

Fine. If they think it works, then it works.

   So, Lin Xiaoyue returned to her seat.

   After thinking about it, I wrote the title of the adaptation.

After writing   , I sent it to the National Teacher for a review.

   Master Guo Shi was looking forward to it, but when he saw Lin Xiaoyue's handwriting, the expression on his face froze.

   then glanced at his granddaughter, saw her serious face, did not mean to joke with him, and quickly put away the inappropriate expression on her face.

The handwriting    is really... a little unbearable to look at.

   It seems that I will have to find opportunities in the future to find some copybooks for my granddaughter to practice.

   His granddaughter is so good, how can he be defeated in handwriting?

   After looking at Lin Xiaoyue's title for a while, Liu Wuji finally finished it.

   Immediately, he took a pen and paper and copied Lin Xiaoyue's topic onto a new piece of paper.

   Seeing the title written, Liu Wuji finally nodded with satisfaction.

   "What is the answer?" Immediately asked Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Oh—" Lin Xiaoyue opened her mouth and was ready to say.

   was stopped by Liu Wuji.

   "Write to me." Only Liu Wuji said.

   looked around the room cautiously.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes followed the National Teacher, and also swept around the house.

   Seeing Mo Fei and the others, they were all carefully choosing topics, and felt that the National Teacher was too cautious.

   But after thinking about it, tomorrow's game is of great importance, and the National Teacher should be so cautious.

  Lin Xiaoyue did not hesitate. Picking up the brush, in front of Liu Wuji, he wrote down the answer.

   Seeing his granddaughter's writing posture and the words he wrote, Liu Wuji almost lost control of his facial expression again.

  This girl, need to practice calligraphy.

   Knowing the answer, Liu Wuji brought the answer to the question and calculated it.

   After confirming that the result was correct, he started again and copied down the answer given by Lin Xiaoyue.

   After doing all this, the National Teacher looked satisfied.

   But just for a moment, the national teacher put away his satisfied expression and turned to look at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Leave the topic selection to them, and you are responsible for the questions." He said.

   His granddaughter, a genius.

  Look at those grand scholars and mathematicians who have been busy for so long.

   The topic he came up with was not as good as the one his granddaughter picked up.

  The emperor asked him to give three questions. He has a granddaughter, not to mention three questions, even five questions.

  Yes, at this time, the national teacher had a crooked mind.

   I don’t want to struggle to think about the topic anymore, I want to take advantage of my granddaughter.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Huh?" He looked at Liu Wuji with embarrassment.

  She considers herself to be a good player in solving problems, especially arithmetic problems in this era.

   Questions can be given...

   That's not right, she can do it too!

   People in this era do not understand equations, do not understand probability, and do not understand geometry. She has a lot of room to play!

   "You don't have to be humble, this old man is optimistic about you!" Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaoyue with encouragement.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved in the face of the trusting eyes of Master Guo Shi.

   "Then I...try it..." So he said.

   Liu Wuji's eyes became even more admirable.

   "Just think about it here, think about it, the old man will discuss it with you." He said.

   It’s good, and I can get close to my granddaughter.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the National Teacher, smiled awkwardly, "Okay..."

   Immediately, under the "care" of the National Teacher, he took the seat of the National Teacher.

   Then, holding the brush, start thinking about the topic.

   What is a good topic?

   The general problem is definitely not successful, it must be difficult! It is best to think uniquely.

   Mathematical Olympiad before the end of the 21st century is a good choice.

  Haha, I think back then, when she was in college, she happened to be a part-time tutor for this kind of tutoring, and I knew a little about it!

   Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyue was ready to write.

   Immediately, he noticed his old man beside him.

  Yes, the current national teacher, in her eyes, is an old man.

  What is unfathomable, is empty. She found out, this lovely old man who liked to laugh at her.

   "That...or else, I'll read it, Master National Teacher, you'll write it?" Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Anyway, I have to transcribe it again later, so I might as well let her save some effort.

   Liu Wuji was taken aback.

   Immediately "haha" laughed twice and responded.

   Then, exchanged places with Lin Xiaoyue.

   When Liu Wuji was ready, Lin Xiaoyue opened her mouth to read the question.

   "One day, A and B came to the river to fish."

   "By noon, both of them will have a harvest."

   "A fishes three, B fishes two."

   "When the two returned home, they met one person on the way. The person proposed to share the five fish with the two of them. The two agreed."

   (end of this chapter)