MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 413 413 fancy?

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   Chapter 413 413 Fancy?

   So, in the next game, she must win.

After   , the momentum must also be successful!

  The sixth princess was overjoyed and thanked Lin Xiaoyue again and again.

   And promise that he will do it well.

   After a while, Eunuch Hu finally came back.

   said that the front was called, and he would bring a few people to the front hall.

  Lin Xiaoyue sorted out her mood and left with Eunuch Hu with the others.

   In the front hall at this time, there were not only envoys from Chu and Jin, but also many ministers of civil and military affairs from Dayan.

  Emperor Yan chatted with the two princes sent by Chu Jin, with a very enthusiastic attitude.

  But the two princes of Chu and Jin had a somewhat arrogant attitude. The ministers who saw Dayan were displeased.

   But nonetheless, no one dared to say anything.

   With the appearance of Lin Xiaoyue and others, there was finally more discussion in the hall.

  The ministers of civil and military affairs have long known about the selection of arithmetic masters in the palace, and they also know that in the end, a woman won the leader.

   However, many people have opinions on this.

   Dayan has a lot of talents, and it is really shameful to rely on a woman to compete with the envoys of Chu and Jin.

  Some people even thought that Lin Xiaoyue's leader might have a lot of moisture.

   In short, this group of ancients had a lot of prejudice against women.

   Actually, this is also understandable.

   After all, even Emperor Yan used tinted glasses to look at people. I even felt that the National Teacher had colluded with Lin Xiaoyue.

   Compared with the low-pitched remarks of the courtiers of Dayan, the two princes from Chu and Jin did not speak.

   is just arrogant, staring at Lin Xiaoyue and the sixth princess who are walking in front.

   found that they were all beauties, and there was some frivolity in their eyes.

   Immediately, the two looked at each other, and the interest in their eyes was self-evident.

   At the same time, Xu Yan and the other three who were sitting below the two of them also looked at Lin Xiaoyue and the others.

   After seeing Lin Xiaoyue, they also had different expressions.

   Two people were surprised, but the grey-bearded old man Xu Yan frowned.

   Actually sent a girl doll to compete with him.

  Liu Wuji, is there no one to send this?

  Yes, he got the news yesterday that his opponent turned out to be a girl under seventeen.

   Before, he thought that the news was deliberately released by Yan Guo, in order to reduce his vigilance, but he did not expect it to be true.

   "My son/minister/minister sees the emperor, long live the emperor!" Lin Xiaoyue ignored this and followed the sixth princess to salutation to Emperor Yan.

   Yan Di had a smile on his face.

   "Flat body." He said.

   He didn't pay much attention to the expressions of the ministers of civil and military affairs in the Mandian Palace and the people who came from Chu and Jin.

   He is really optimistic about Lin Xiaoyue now.

  Lin Xiaoyue's performance in the previous assessment, needless to say, the questions sent to the palace by the National Teacher's Mansion last night surprised him again.

   At that time, when he learned that there were only three questions for the National Teachers' Candidates, he was still a little puzzled when he chose them from the sea of ​​questions.

   Until he checked the ten questions himself, and let those mathematicians try to solve them.

   As a result, the ten questions, except for the three selected from the sea of ​​questions, none of those people could answer.

   He admits that he is also talented in arithmetic, but when he sees the question, he feels that he has no idea what to do.

   Or look at the answer and bring the answer into the question to make sure the answer is correct.

   Moreover, for some questions, even if you see the answer, you can't judge the correctness of the answer at all.

   In short, he really liked those seven problems.

   He also appreciates Lin Xiaoyue who answered these seven questions.

   Emperor Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue with a smile, with an unusually good attitude.

   Soon, he introduced someone from Chu Jin to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "I have seen the two Your Royal Highnesses." Lin Xiaoyue's attitude was calm, her eyes did not look around, and she respectfully saluted the two princes of Chu and Jin.

  The two princes of Chu and Jin had frivolous smiles on their faces.

   "Don't be too polite, ma'am."

   "Before, I heard that Dayan is an outstanding person. When I saw Mrs. today, I felt that what I said was true." Prince Chu stared straight at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Yes, it is said that Yandi produces beautiful women. Madam's beauty makes this prince admire." Prince Jin followed. A pair of thief eyes also aimed at Lin Xiaoyue, extremely presumptuous.

   As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

  The ministers of the state of Yan were annoyed.

  People from Chu and Jin dare to humiliate Mrs. Li in front of Dayan's monarch and ministers.

   Although they were dissatisfied with the emperor sending a woman to represent Dayan to face the envoys from Chu and Jin.

   But now, Mrs. Li represents Dayan.

   The two princes of Chu and Jin are hitting their Dayan in the face.

Among the courtiers, there are those who sympathize with Lin Xiaoyue. But at this time, it was more that Lin Xiaoyue was annoyed.

   If she wasn't a woman, how could she be so bullied by the two princes of Chu and Jin? It also made Dayan lose face.

   At this time, the national teacher, who was sitting at the head of Emperor Yan, frowned.

  How could his precious granddaughter be bullied at will?

   Not only the national teacher, but Emperor Yan also frowned upon seeing this.

  The sixth princess didn't hold back the fire, and her body was about to rush forward.

   was held back by Lin Xiaoyue's small gesture.

   "Haha." Immediately, someone heard a chuckle.

   This chuckle was clearly not loud, and many people heard it.

  Because, the hall was instantly quiet.

   "Haha." Lin Xiaoyue chuckled again.

   Now everyone is sure that the chuckle just now was really from Madam Li.

  The two princes of Chu and Jin were stunned when they saw that Lin Xiaoyue looked up at them without any fear, and smiled at them.

   "What the two Highnesses heard is not false. But the two Highnesses know that in addition to being outstanding and talented, Dayan is also a country of etiquette, emphasizing etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame."

   As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two princes of Chu and Jin turned black.

  This woman, scolding them for being rude and shameless?

   "I heard from the women earlier that the folk customs in Chu and Jin are fierce, their life is casual, and they don't care about ethics—" Lin Xiaoyue suddenly expressed surprise. Then, as if thinking of something, he quickly shut his mouth.

   "The woman's blunder! The two princes have a large number, and they will definitely not care about the woman and the woman." After saying that, Lin Xiaoyue gave the two of them a salute.

   Prince Chu Jin, who was about to attack, was instantly beaten back by a soft fist.

   Wanted to have a seizure, but couldn't. Otherwise, it becomes a difficult woman.

  The sixth princess came to her senses first, pulled Lin Xiaoyue, and secretly gave her a thumbs up.

Mr.    is really amazing! Not only is the math good, but the mouth is also good!

  Look, not only solved the difficulties of the two princes of Chu and Jin, but also returned it.

   Well, the Chu and Jin folk customs are fierce.

   From the royal family to the common people, ethics are ignored.

  What kind of uncle marry his sister-in-law, or even a stepson marry a stepmother, this kind of thing is not uncommon! I really don't know how to be polite.

  The courtiers of Yan Kingdom were startled at first, and then they reacted.

  Some people couldn't even hold back, and their faces raised a smile.

you do not say? Chu Jin was ignorant of propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame.

   Emperor Yan and Liu Wuji looked at each other, and there was a trace of laughter in their eyes.

   The two of them couldn't laugh, they could only continue to hold it.

   "Humph!" Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue was still staring at him, Prince Chu snorted and turned away.

   Prince Jin was left, and he also glared at Lin Xiaoyue and turned to the side.

   She has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, but he wants to see how long she can be proud of after she starts answering questions later.

   Xu Yan on the side finally looked at Lin Xiaoyue at this time.

   "Whether Dayan is outstanding, talented and beautiful. We will find out later." He said.

  's eyes were light, as if he didn't take Lin Xiaoyue at all.

   Lin Xiaoyue raised the corner of her mouth.

   "Mr. Xu please enlighten me." Then, respectfully, he gave Xu Yan a scholar's gift.

  Xu Yan glanced at Lin Xiaoyue again, and then got up.

   At the same time, the other two people beside Xu Yan also got up.

   followed Xu Yan and walked to the center of the hall.

  Led by Xu Yan, the three saluted Emperor Yan.

   "Your Majesty Dayan, since everyone has arrived, can the game start?" Xu Yan asked in a deep voice.

  The behavior of the second prince of Chu and Jin, he despised.

   I even despised that girl's sharp-toothed performance.

   When you see the real seal under your hand, if you have some ability, you can check it out immediately.

  Humph, the person Liu Wuji chose, I hope he won't be too disappointed.

   Emperor Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue coming over, he gave him a salute before nodding.

   "Then let's start." He said.

   As soon as he finished speaking, Eunuch Hu waved his hand, and a guard brought the timing oscillating pot.

   Next, there are the table cushions and the four treasures of the study.

   When everything was arranged properly, Eunuch Dahu saluted Emperor Yan.

   As Emperor Yan beckoned, the guards started timing.

  Xu Yan and the others saw this and took the first question without delaying.

The    guard opened the scroll and showed it to Lin Xiaoyue and others.

  Emperor Yan and some people close to the throne can also see the content of the title.

   Although these people have never been taught arithmetic, they are all well-versed in poetry and arithmetic.

   One by one, after seeing the title, his face turned pale.

   Even Emperor Yan frowned after seeing the title.

   On the other hand, Liu Wuji looked more relaxed.

   After reading the title, he turned his attention to Lin Xiaoyue and others.

   What is Lin Xiaoyue doing at this time?

  I saw that she took out a booklet and was already doing calculations on it with a signature pen.

  Yes, she is not used to ancient brushes.

  Where is her signature pen easy to use and write smoothly?

   Moreover, before she set out here, she had already discussed with Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei.

   Let Liang Chengcai read the questions while reading, saving her the time to read the questions herself.

   That's why she can start answering so quickly.

  Xu Yan saw Lin Xiaoyue's performance and was a little interested in the signature pen and booklet in Lin Xiaoyue's hand.

   "Fancy." At this moment, Xu Qing, who was beside him, said disdainfully.

  Xu Yan looked sideways at Xu Qing.

  Xu Qing quickly lowered his head.

   "Whether it's fancy or not, you'll know in a while." Xu Yan said, and then looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

  This first question was written by his disciple, so it's not too difficult.

  If the girl can't even pass the first question, it's okay to call her "fancy".

   It's just that this girl was Liu Wuji's choice.

   And Liu Wuji, shouldn't be so blind...

  Xu Yan thought about it, and his eyes met Liu Wuji, who was facing him.

  Liu Wuji smiled at Xu Yan with a calm expression.

   Xu Yan was even more certain that the opponent could solve this question.

   Sure enough, after a while, Lin Xiaoyue solved the answer.

   After solving the answer, Lin Xiaoyue did not rush to answer, but checked it out by herself.

After   , he gave the answer to Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei, and asked them to check the calculation together.

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't stand up to answer until both sides nodded at him.

  After Lin Xiaoyue said the answer, the hall was quiet.

  The courtiers couldn't care less about Lin Xiaoyue's female identity, and looked at Lin Xiaoyue, Xu Yan and others who were opposite Lin Xiaoyue nervously.

   I was afraid to hear Xu Yan announce that Lin Xiaoyue's answer was wrong.

   At the same time, the two princes of Chu and Jin also looked at Xu Yan.

   Very much looking forward to hearing Xu Yan announce that Lin Xiaoyue answered wrongly to help them avenge their revenge just now.

  Unfortunately, the two princes are doomed to disappointment.

  Xu Yan nodded after hearing Lin Xiaoyue's answer.

   "The answer is correct, let's go to the next question." Then he said.

   As soon as these words came out, the ministers of Yan State whispered and became excited.

  's opinion of Lin Xiaoyue is also better again.

  Emperor Yan also looked at Liu Wuji with a smile, and his heart was quite calm.

  Very good, the first question is over.

   The Sixth Princess was the most excited off the field, because she was close to Emperor Yan, so she kept saying good things about Lin Xiaoyue to Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan also responded with a smile, and the two princes of Chu and Jin were very angry.

   Xu Qing, who was behind Xu Yan, also had a dark face at this time.

   He also told Master just now that the other party was acting fancy.

   Unexpectedly, the other party solved the answer so quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue and others ignored this.

   Wait until the second question comes up, and still follow the previous steps.

   Liang Chengcai read the questions beside her, while she listened and recorded the core points.

After the    is finished, the calculation starts in the booklet.

  Xu Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue's actions, and saw that she seemed to have solved the answer quickly, her eyes were a little surprised.

   After a while, Lin Xiaoyue answered again after getting Liang Chengcai's and Mo Fei's calculations to be consistent.

   At this time, Xu Qing turned pale when she heard the answer given by Lin Xiaoyue.

   Only then did he realize that he really looked down on the woman opposite him.

  This woman's arithmetic ability is probably not weaker than his.

   even—probably stronger than him.

  Xu Yan looked at Lin Xiaoyue more seriously.

After    declared that the answer was correct, let go to the third question.

   And the ministers of Yan State finally had confidence in Lin Xiaoyue at this time, and stopped looking at Lin Xiaoyue with colored glasses.

   Even secretly cheered up Lin Xiaoyue one by one, hoping that she would be able to keep up with her efforts and answer all the questions that Chu Jin asked correctly.

   Sure enough, living up to everyone's secret encouragement, the three of Lin Xiaoyue were really invincible.

   After a while, he answered three questions correctly in a row.

   Seeing that five of the ten questions have been answered correctly, and not one question has been skipped, the faces of the two princes of Chu and Jin have turned dark.

   At the same time, Xu Qing, who was following Xu Yan, turned even paler.

   He is now certain that Mrs. Li's arithmetic ability is really stronger than his.

  Because of the five questions the other party answered correctly, there was one question that he could not solve before.

   "Master—" Xu Qing couldn't help shouting to Xu Yan.

   At present, the problem is over halfway, but the opponent is going all the way, and the more they fight, the more courageous they are. This is not a good thing.

   (end of this chapter)