MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 419 419 plan

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   Chapter 419 419 Plan

   As well as his granddaughter and grandson-in-law, maybe soon, he will be able to add a great grandson to him.

  This old bone of his, how good it is for them to bring their children, and take care of their grandchildren...

  Thinking of this, Liu Wuji unconsciously raised a smile on his face.

   "You ask these, what are your plans?" Lin Xiaoyue asked boldly.

   Liu Wuji looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Then, he nodded.

   "Yesterday, Xu Yan came to the National Teacher's House. According to his news, the next spring may have to restart the war."

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

   "How come? Isn't this just the end of the peace talks?" He asked quickly.

   She is also going to let Director Fang manage them and continue to prepare for the opening of the fast branch.

   There will be another war, so what will happen to the business next?

   In addition, Yan Guocai lost so much food and fortress, only to exchange for a few months of peace, is it too much of a loss?

   Liu Wuji sighed.

   "Xu Yan has been planning for many years. Before the Zhang family was in trouble, your mother was in exile, and the Nangong family had an accident, I am afraid that this person's handwriting will be indispensable in the future."

   "Now, this person has shown his fangs. Chu and Jin are united, and Dayan's defensive strength is weak. Facing the persecution of the two countries, it is difficult to survive."

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled, her eyes narrowed.

   That old man? is the enemy?

   "Chu and Jin are two countries, Jin's strength is obviously stronger than Chu. They are united, and they are not monolithic, so they can't find a way to divide them?" He said.

   Think of the three kingdoms in history.

   In order to survive, the strategy adopted by countries is to unite the weak and resist the strong.

   In the past, the state of Yan was the strongest, and there was no problem with the combination of Chu and Jin.

   But now the state of Yan is declining, and the most powerful state has become the state of Jin.

   Liu Wuji's eyes lit up when he looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Sometimes, the old man is really curious, who Yue'er is teaching." He said.

  Those mysterious weapons, defying business and arithmetic talents, and now this insight.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, with some mystery in her eyes.

   "Isn't it really talented?" he said.

  Liu Wuji was amused and nodded.

   Knowing that my granddaughter wouldn’t speak, I didn’t ask any further questions.

   "Chu Jin side, I have arrangements."

   "In addition, during this time, Dayan Border will also take precautions."

   "In the palace—" Having said this, Liu Wuji paused.

   "The emperor's temperament is no longer suitable for the dragon throne." Otherwise, many things are still not so well arranged.

   In addition, he didn't want to keep his granddaughter's family in danger all the time.

   In this way, changing a monarch is the best.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

   A flash of light flashed in his eyes.

   "Master Guo Shi is decisive!" Then, Chong Liu Wuji clasped his fists and saluted.

   They wanted to help King Anyang ascend to the throne, which was difficult.

   Now, with the support of the National Teacher, the situation is very different.

   Maybe you don’t need to launch a military remonstrance, it can be logical.

  After all, the person in front of her is like the Great Yan God...

   Next, Liu Wuji chatted with Lin Xiaoyue a lot of important things.

   Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue had a gully in her chest, she even discussed it with her.

   And Lin Xiaoyue did not disappoint him, and gave him a lot of suggestions.

   When Liu Wuji left, there was already a smile on his face.

That night.

  Liu Wuji went to Qinzheng Hall overnight again.

  No one knew what the National Teacher said to Emperor Yan.

  I only know that the National Teacher stayed in the Qinzheng Hall all night and did not come out.

   And Emperor Yan summoned many ministers into the palace overnight.

   The next day.

   Guoshifu began to compile the classics of arithmetic.

  Lin Xiaoyue, Mo Fei, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess gathered in a large room that was cleaned up in Meiyuan.

   "Starting today, we will begin to compile the Book of Arithmetic."

   "I plan to compile the classics of arithmetic in separate volumes. From the shallower to the deeper, from the beginning of learning, to the higher difficulty."

   "There are two volumes of Mongolian learning, twelve volumes of medium difficulty, and six volumes of advanced difficulty. A total of twenty volumes."

   corresponds to two volumes for the 21st century kindergarten, twelve volumes for primary schools and six volumes for junior high schools.

   As for high school knowledge, sorry, she doesn't remember much anymore.

   Actually, it was because when I was a tutor, I systematically browsed again and even prepared lessons.

   Teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, she was more impressed.

  Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to sort out these things.

   "So many?" Princess Six looked expectantly.

   Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei also looked at Lin Xiaoyue in surprise.

  The knowledge in Mrs. Li's mind is all wealth.

   They don't have too many, they just hope to take this opportunity to compile a book to learn more from her.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue replied.

   "The next arrangement is that I will explain to you first according to the knowledge framework."

   "After you understand and master it, let's work together to compile the content into the Book of Arithmetic."

   Everyone responded again and again.

   "These twenty books of arithmetic, I plan to compile them in one month." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   "Time is tight. Next, you have to get busy."

   "Don't worry, sir, Wan Ning will do her best!" The sixth princess immediately expressed her attitude.

   "Yes. We must live up to the expectations of Mr. Liang!" Liang Chengcai and Mo Fei nodded.

   Lin Xiaoyue responded, and then began to explain the content of the Mongolian study book.

   Kindergarten books are relatively simple.

The first volume of    is mainly about recognizing numbers and writing numbers, as well as the division of numbers.

   Liang Chengcai learned from Lin Xiaoyue before, how to write Arabic numerals.

   and it has been used since then, and it is no problem to touch these now.

   And the sixth princess and Mo Fei saw Liang Chengcai's habit before.

After learning that the Arabic numerals were taught by Lin Xiaoyue,    also pestered Liang Chengcai to learn it.

After   , it is also customary to use Arabic numerals to record.

   Now being taught by Lin Xiaoyue personally, there is no problem for the two to master it.

   Therefore, the contents of the first and second volumes of Meng Xue were all finished in just a while.

   On the other hand, when compiling the Sutra of Arithmetic, it took a lot of time because of the large number of illustrations.

   In the next period of time, several people continued to compile books in the plum garden.

   After proofreading the compiled books, they will be read to Liu Wuji first, and then forwarded to Emperor Yan.

   Emperor Yan originally thought that the Book of Arithmetic would be a relatively boring book, so he didn't expect much.

   As a result, I was very surprised when I saw two volumes of Mengxue’s books.

   At the same time, I am looking forward to the next books.

   On Lin Xiaoyue's side, with the progress of the book compilation, the knowledge points began to increase, and the speed of everyone's book compilation began to slow down.

  Emperor Yan and some household officials, who followed the book at the same time, were all interested.

  Some officials from the Ministry of households even asked for a decree from Emperor Yan to go to the National Teacher's House to listen to Lin Xiaoyue's lectures.

  Emperor Yan also wanted more people to master the knowledge of the classics of arithmetic, that's right.

  Therefore, in the room where Meiyuan compiled the Sutra of Arithmetic, there were two more household officials who came to report every day.

  The two officials listened carefully to the class, and they were all good students. Lin Xiaoyue treated them equally.

   At the same time, Dashi Village, Liu Family.

   Concubine Shu Nangong Wanyue has been at Liu's house for a few days.

   Mrs Liu did not show displeasure at the arrival of her son-in-law, the elder sister, but was very happy.

   After Li Xiao went to apply for a new household registration for Nangong Wanyue, Nangong Wanyue changed her name to Li Wan and settled directly in the Liu family.

   Xiao Qing learned that the mother concubine was coming, so she directly asked for leave from the academy, and went back to the Liu residence to accompany Li Wan for several days before returning to the academy.

   And Li Wan, under the leadership of Liu and Zhou, came into contact with some things about Liu's house and gradually became familiar with the situation of Liu's house.

After   , after obtaining the consent of Lin Xiaoyue's letter, Li Wan went to Liu Mansion in Qingshi Town to assist Director Fang and manage the affairs of the Chiwu Army in various villages.

   After all, he belongs to the Nangong family, and it is most suitable for Li Wan to come forward to manage the Chiwu Army.

  Li Wan actually felt a little unaccustomed to it at first, and it was more difficult to deal with many things.

   But there was Director Fang watching, and it didn't take long before she found the doorway and became handy.

   The concubine Shu, who had been trapped in the deep palace before, finally found what she could do, and was full of energy, looking forward to shining.

   this day.

  Li Xiao took Henry Zhang to the Anyang Palace.

  The study of Anyang Wangfu.

   King Anyang looked at Li Xiao with excitement, and informed Li Xiao of the content of the letter from the national teacher.

   "Chu and Jin's wolf ambitions, the border affairs, although the imperial court has already started to prepare, but the time is too short, and the national treasury is in a hurry, it is hard to say how much it can prepare."

   "The meaning of the national teacher, let this king also make some preparations."

   "Especially Brother Li's Chiwu Army."

   His own soldiers and horses totaled less than 30,000, and most of them were recruits. The number of armaments is also not enough.

   When the time comes, I really want to pull it out, and I am afraid that the combat power will not be able to exert 70%.

   But the Chiwu Army is different.

  Although he has been recuperating for more than half a year, those soldiers are all brave and good at fighting, and one is equal to ten.

  At the critical moment, these people will become the key to his victory.

   He did not expect that the previous trip to Kyoto would yield such a big harvest.

   The national teacher, who has always been mysterious and ignored the government, actually moved closer to him.

   Sure enough, Li Xiao, this person, can help him conquer the world!

   "Well." Li Xiao responded.

   "Master has also informed me about this matter."

   "It's not too late to prepare for the war after the winter. However, before the Chiwu Army retreated, all the weapons and armors were discarded. These things—" Li Xiao said, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he bowed to King Anyang and cupped his hands.

  It's now October, and after the last batch of potatoes, sweet potatoes and peppers are harvested in the field, nothing will happen.

The previous arrangement of    was to let the Chiwu Army process these crops in the workshop in winter.

   But now that the plan has changed, it is also feasible to hoard all the things and not process them.

   Especially potatoes and sweet potatoes.

   After the imperial court levied grain and compensated for a large amount of grain, these things could be stored as staple food.

   King Anyang understands.

   "This is easy to handle. This king can give priority to the armor of the Chiwu Army."

   After a little thought, King Anyang said again: "In this way, the six thousand sets of weapons and armor will be arranged by this king today and sent to each village within five days."

   No matter which way he finally took to enter Beijing, the Chiwu Army was the key to his victory.

   At this time, even if his own weapons are insufficient, he has to give priority to the supply of the Chiwu Army.

   King Anyang has already thought about it. These 6,000 sets of ordnance will be selected from his troops first.

After   , he will find a way to help other soldiers make up for it.

   "Thank you, Lord!" Li Xiao hurriedly thanked him.

   King Anyang smiled, "Between you and me, don't be polite."

   "By the way, Concubine Shu's side—" King Anyang suddenly asked Li Xiao again.

   "Oh, thank you so much for your concern, my elder sister is doing fine now."

   King Anyang smiled, "That's good, this Queen Mother misses Concubine Shu very much. It is said that when Concubine Shu leaves, she will have less people to talk to in the palace, and her life will be boring."

  Rarely, a smile appeared on Li Xiao's face.

   "My sister also talked about the imperial concubine before."

   "When the lord enters the capital in the future, and the noble concubine is accompanied by the lord, she will not feel bored." Li Xiao said again.

   King Anyang smiled again.

   "That's not necessarily true. This Queen Mother heard about the matter of Concubine Shu, and she was very envious. She even mentioned it to this King, saying that she would also like to leave the palace and live in your Dashi Village in the future."

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

   "This... If the noble concubine doesn't dislike it, Liu Zhai will welcome it." He replied with a smile.

  Although I don't know whether what King Anyang said is true or not, but the noble concubine went to live in Dashi Village, which was a great gift to their family.

   Having a noble concubine is also a layer of protection for the Liu family.

   King Anyang's words are most likely to reassure him.

   "Hahahaha..." King Anyang laughed heartily.

   came forward, reached out and patted Li Xiao on the shoulder.

   "Go, accompany this king to the barracks." Then he said domineeringly.

   Let's see, after he came to Anyang County, he recruited soldiers and horses.

   "Yes!" Li Xiao replied with clasped fists.

   Immediately, he took Henry Zhang out of the door with King Anyang.

   After leaving the palace, King Anyang and Li Xiao rode in the same carriage.

   Seeing that Li Xiao had not spoken, King Anyang suddenly looked at Li Xiao.

   noticed that the scar on his face had been covered up, and unless you looked closely, you wouldn't be able to see it at all. I was a little surprised.

   Immediately, King Anyang suddenly thought of something, and asked Li Xiao, "Dong Lin, did you say when will you return to Qingshi Town?"

   Thinking of Lin Xiaoyue, King Anyang was amazed again.

   That woman is really amazing.

Before   , I thought she could do business and have the talent to govern the world.

After   , she managed to defeat Xu Yan by herself, helping Dayan reduce the conditions for negotiating peace by 30%.

   Now, he is still presiding over the compilation of the Book of Arithmetic.

   And...she turned out to be the granddaughter of the National Teacher.

  Yes, when he received a letter from the National Teacher and learned the news, he was shocked.

   But soon after, he figured it all out.

   No wonder Lin Dongjia has such talent. Since she is the granddaughter of the National Teacher, everything makes sense.

   Also, he really has to thank them and their husbands.

   Without them, the National Teacher would not have moved closer to him.

   "Not yet." Li Xiao replied. At the same time, his brows furrowed.

   He and his daughter-in-law communicate every day, but the two places are far away, and there is a delay in the correspondence.

   Now he got a letter saying that she was still busy compiling the Book of Arithmetic.

   The progress has been slowing down recently, and they may have to postpone the one-month period they originally agreed on.

   He naturally disagreed, and had already replied to the letter, saying that he would go to Beijing to pick her up in advance.

   At that time, even if it takes a while, it would be good for him to stay with her in the National Teacher's Mansion.

   (end of this chapter)

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