MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 434 434 The decree arrives

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   Chapter 434 The decree of 434 arrives

   brought water for face wash and mouthwash.

   "Mother said to have the kitchen make some delicious food, let's go to the main room to eat." Li Xiao said while waiting for his daughter-in-law to wash her face.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao.

   "Oh." replied.

   Then go out to eat.

   "Mother, have they eaten?" Lin Xiaoyue asked again after thinking of something.

  It's already this time, so don't wait for them.

   "I've eaten. Xiaozhi is going to the academy, and my sister is also going to Liu Mansion, so I didn't wait for us."

  Lin Xiaoyue was relieved.

   "That's good." Quickly wash up.

   After finishing everything, I went out with Li Xiao.

   to the front yard hall.

   Liu Shi is indeed there.

   "It was hard work last night, come over to eat!" While picking up the tableware, he rushed to the two of them.

   Hearing that, Lin Xiaoyue's face instantly turned red.

Thanks for your hard work?

  Her mother, what kind of words are you talking about?

   "Thank you mother!" Lin Xiaoyue was still shocked, but Li Xiao had already answered.

   and happily walked towards his mother-in-law.

   Seeing Li Xiao talking and laughing with his mother, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly felt that Li Xiao was her mother's son.

   These two are hiding something from her!

   went to the table with a straight face and sat down, Lin Xiaoyue frowned to eat.

  I thought Liu Shi and Li Xiao would notice that she was unhappy and cared about her.

  Unexpectedly, the two were still chatting and laughing, treating her as a transparent person.

   "It's snowing this time, and the weather will be even colder next time, so pay more attention to your body." Liu Shichong asked Li Xiao with concern.

   "In the next period of time, you should not be busy with the dock. Mother asked the kitchen to make more delicious food for you."

   "Well, thank you mother."

   Seeing that Liu Shi was about to speak again, Lin Xiaoyue couldn't help it.

   "Cough--" The throat coughed, interrupting the two of them.

   really managed to attract the attention of the two.

   "What's the matter with you?" Mrs. Liu asked Lin Xiaoyue just now, but her expression was rather impatient.

   There is no other reason, she knows that the girl did it on purpose.

  Lin Xiaoyue was startled.

   This attitude? Is the difference too big?

   "I - my throat is not very comfortable." Someone said stiffly.

   Liu Shi glanced at Lin Xiaoyue, and then turned his gaze back to Li Xiao.

   "Mr. Xu is still in Liu Mansion. After dinner, you two will go to town. Let Mr. Xu take a look." Another look of kindness.

   Lin Xiaoyue was a little moved in her heart, and felt that her mother still cared about her.

   Unexpectedly, I heard Liu Shi say again: "If Yue'er's body is still not well conditioned, let Mr. Xu prescribe some more medicine."

   "Your sister-in-law is about to give birth, you two should hold tight."

  Lin Xiaoyue was struck by lightning instantly.

   Seeing Li Xiao blushing and nodding at his mother, a blood almost rushed to his forehead.

   just wanted to speak out, and I broke a few words with my mother, saying that there is nothing wrong with me.

   Under the table, Li Xiao stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

   "The mother we know."

   When Liu Shi heard this, his expression became more relaxed.

   glanced at Lin Xiaoyue angrily again, and then exposed the stubbornness.

   "Okay, eat slowly." After that, he left with a smile.

   When Liu Shi was gone, Lin Xiaoyue threw off Li Xiao's hand and grabbed her hand.

   "Why don't you let me tell my mother clearly?" he asked angrily.

   Her mother actually wanted her to have a baby with Li Xiao, and she also suspected something wrong with her?

   Well, before, her body was depleted so badly that her menstrual period never came. There were some problems.

  Can be recuperated and her own powers continue to recover, she has already recovered. And it's the kind that couldn't be healthier.

   The reason why you don’t have children is that you haven’t considered it for the time being, okay? Moreover, she and Li Xiao... what, it didn't take long...

  Li Xiao was amused when he saw Lin Xiaoyue's angry face.

  The big hand stretched out and touched Lin Xiaoyue's profile.

   was dodged by Lin Xiaoyue and avoided.

   Seeing his daughter-in-law look like "I'm angry", Li Xiao smiled helplessly.

   "My grandfather told my mother about my identity before." He said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.


   He couldn't bear to be angry, and looked at Li Xiao nervously.

   In order to avoid her mother's worries, she kept hiding it.

   Even if he was asked, he was looking for an opportunity to prevaricate it.

   Grandpa told her mother? When did this happen?

   And her mother knew, she didn't even reveal the slightest bit of wind.

   "Mother probably thinks that I'm the only male in the Nangong family. So, urge us to have a child." Li Xiao continued.

  Lin Xiaoyue's forehead was confused again.

   "Besides, she thought we were consummated already." Li Xiao said, looking at Lin Xiaoyue's lower abdomen.

   "But there is no news from your stomach. She is also worried that your body is not complete."

  Lin Xiaoyue's face was stiff.

  Her mother... Really well-intentioned...

  Li Xiao reached out and grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's little hand.

   "As for the child, let's follow the original plan. Mother's side, I'll go back and talk to her." He said.

  It is not good for a woman to give birth to a child too early. In the case of the moon, it is just right two years later.

   When the big event has been decided, the child can be born in a stable environment, and he will feel more at ease.

   As for his mother-in-law's concern, he can understand it, but it is unnecessary.

   He has already identified Yue'er, let alone having a baby later, even if Yue'er is really unable to give birth, he will not have any other thoughts.

   As for her elder sister, she will definitely understand his thoughts and will not interfere.

   Hearing this, Lin Xiaoyue felt more comfortable.

   Then, he frowned again and looked at Li Xiao.

   "Then when did you tell her?" asked with some discomfort.

  Li Xiao smiled and patted the back of Lin Xiaoyue's hand with a big hand.

   "When I go to see Mr. Xu, I'll find my mother when I come back." Coaxed.

   "My mother won't listen to what I say. Only Mr. Xu's words are useful."

  Lin Xiaoyue instantly understood what Li Xiao meant, and finally had a smile on her face again.

   "Eat!" Immediately, he stretched out his chopsticks and took a meat bun for Li Xiao.

   "Thank you madam." Li Xiao replied with a smile.

   Immediately, he also took a bun for Lin Xiaoyue.

   The couple finally had breakfast happily.

   After having breakfast, Li Xiao made a carriage and took Lin Xiaoyue to Qingshi Town.

   Arrived at Qingshi Town, Li Xiaolao opened the curtain, looked at the lively scene on the street, and his expression was a little touched.

Finally home……

   soon arrived at Liu Mansion, and the two got off the carriage and entered the mansion.

   "Let's go see my sister first." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Xianggong came back yesterday, but he was always with her, and my sister didn't care.

   Now that I think about it, she handled this matter inappropriately.


   So, the two went to Li Wan's small courtyard.

  Li Wan was looking at the account books and reconciling accounts at this time. When she heard that her younger brother and sister-in-law were coming, she hurriedly asked them to come in.

   "Sit down!" Li Wan looked happy.

   then ordered the servants to serve tea.

   Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao responded, went to the chair and sat down.

   "You went out this time, did it go well?" Before the couple spoke, Li Wan had already asked Li Xiao.

   "Everything went well." Li Xiao responded quickly.

   "That's good." Li Wan looked relieved. No further details were asked.

   instead taught Li Xiao a lesson about life.

   Let him care more about his wife and so on.

  Lin Xiaoyue was a little amused when she saw her husband's training appearance.

   After drinking two sips of tea, he proposed that he should leave first, preparing to leave the space for the two brothers and sisters.

  Li Wan didn't hold back, and even got up to send her off in person.

   Back to her small courtyard, Lin Xiaoyue started to get busy.

   One is to complete the recent work, and the other is to arrange the next work.

  Li Xiao will soon go to the border with the Chiwu Army, and she will also follow.

   The work at hand must be divided and handed over in advance.

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't have to be busy for long before Li Xiao came back.

   "Just chatting with elder sister for a while?" Putting down what she was doing, Lin Xiaoyue got up from behind the desk and walked towards Li Xiao.

   "Yes." Li Xiao stretched out his hand and motioned to Lin Xiaoyue to give him his hand.

  Lin Xiaoyue was not pretentious, she handed over her hand, and was quickly pulled by Li Xiao to the chair and sat down.

   Then, he sat in Li Xiao's arms.

   "Yue'er, thank you." Suddenly, Li Xiao said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Thank you?" Some doubts.

   "Sister said that she is living a very fulfilling life now and feels that she has found the meaning of life." Li Xiao said.

   In fact, he had been worried before that after the elder sister left the palace, she would not be used to the life in Dashi Village and Qingshi Town.

   Now it seems that he is thinking too much.

   Not only is she adapting well, but she is also having a good time.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "As long as my sister is happy. What's there to thank? I really want to thank you, it should be me thanking my sister!"

   "Sister is here, how much did you help me!"

   "Not to mention the Chiwu Army, there is also the matter of building an industrial park now."

   "Up and down, almost everything is arranged by my sister."

   said, Lin Xiaoyue turned to look at Li Xiao again.

   "By the way, let's go to the border. I have to arrange for my sister."

   "Have you mentioned to my sister about our trip to the border?" he asked again.

  Li Xiao's expression became serious.

   "Hmm." Nod.

  Lin Xiaoyue suddenly felt that the situation was not very good.

   "What did the elder sister say?" asked.

  Li Xiao looked up at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Sister, let me not take you there."

   With a "rub", Lin Xiaoyue came out of Li Xiao's arms.

   "Then what do you mean?" Immediately, he looked at Li Xiao angrily.

   A look like "You dare to listen to your sister, my mother will never stop with you".

   The last time I couldn't go to Chu State was because she really couldn't leave. This time, she did not compile the arithmetic.

   If you agree to advance and retreat together, don’t break your promise!

  Li Xiao was amused.

   reached out to pull Lin Xiaoyue, but Lin Xiaoyue glared and avoided her.

   Seeing someone with a look of "If you don't make it clear, don't want to touch the old lady", Li Xiao sighed helplessly.

   "Sister is also afraid that you will encounter danger when you go there." He said.

   "Hmph, that's because my sister doesn't know my ability." Lin Xiaoyue immediately retorted.

   And I started thinking in my heart, should I take the time to show it to my sister.

   "Your ability?" Li Xiao was amused again.

   "Okay, don't scare my sister."

  Lin Xiaoyue immediately showed displeasure.

   "Don't worry, I have persuaded her." But Li Xiao said again.

  Lin Xiaoyue's face was startled, and then a smile bloomed.

   "Really?!" He quickly rushed to Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, nodded and said yes.

   took his daughter-in-law's hand and dragged her back into his arms again.

   "Sister asked me to guarantee that you will take good care of you. If you hurt a single hair, she will rip me off." Someone said helplessly.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised. Immediately there was sweetness in my heart.

   This is her kissing sister!

   turned his head and glanced at Li Xiao who looked sad, Lin Xiaoyue asked with a smile, "Sister, are you so fierce?"

  Li Xiao's tone was helpless.

   "Just for me."

   It is true that he is only strict with him, and my sister has nothing to do with others.

   Even everyone thinks she has a gentle, virtuous and virtuous character.

   No, after his elder sister entered the palace, she was given the title of Concubine Shu?

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao with more sympathy, and then laughed again.

   Three days later.

  The imperial decree of Kyoto has rushed and finally arrived in Anyang County.

   Anyang Palace.

   King Anyang took the imperial decree, tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, and asked his servants to take the father-in-law to rest.

   After Eunuch Chuanzhi left, Princess Anyang looked nervously at King Anyang.

   "Your Highness—" There was excitement and worry in his eyes.

She didn't know much about the important events of the    lord, but she knew the general situation.

   At this time, the emperor summoned the lord to the capital, and asked the lord to send troops to the border, with a very deep intention.

   King Anyang glanced at his princess excitedly.

   did not say much, but quickly looked at the butler.

   "Go, invite Brother Li and Brother Yu." Shen said.

   "Yes!" The butler took the order and hurriedly retired.

   King Anyang stepped forward and grabbed the wrist of his own princess.

   "Let's go, let's go back to the room and talk." The voice still couldn't hide his excitement.

The    imperial decree has finally arrived, and the national teacher really lived up to his expectations...

   "Yes." Princess Anyang responded quickly.

   went back to the room, and when the door was closed, King Anyang suddenly turned around quickly and hugged his princess tightly.

   "Jing'er, this king - this king is finally here!" His tone was full of excitement.

   Princess Anyang was frightened, but quickly calmed down.

   "Congratulations, Your Majesty." He quickly patted King Anyang's back.

   King Anyang calmed down a bit and let go of his princess.

   "This time in Beijing, if it goes well, this king will be able to enter the East Palace! Even, he will soon rule the world." Speaking of the last sentence, the eyes of Anyang King released a cold light.

   has been in business for many years, except for the information given to him by his mother and concubine, he has always grasped the situation in Beijing.

   Father Huang first became addicted to taking Huiguang Dan, and then he was poisoned again, and his time was running out.

   Entering Beijing at this time, he will be sure of the crown prince.

   Next, the throne will not be far away.

   "At that time, you will be the Crown Princess and the Queen!" King Anyang excitedly held Princess Anyang's shoulders.

   Princess Anyang was in pain, but did not struggle.

   Whether she can be a princess or a queen, she doesn't really care.

   But since the lord wanted to take such a position, she would naturally accompany her.

   "Yes. Congrats to the lord!" Princess Anyang said again.

   Seeing his princess look calm, Anyang Wang finally suppressed the fiery in his heart and let go of his own princess.

   "Go, sit down and talk." Then he said.

   "Well." Princess Anyang went with King Anyang and sat down.

   "The palace urges this king to leave as soon as possible and arranges the expedition of the army, and this king has to leave."

   King Anyang thought for a while and looked at Princess Anyang.

   "This stay in the palace."

   (end of this chapter)

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