MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 444 444 Please enter the urn

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   Chapter 444 444 Please enter the urn

   Seven days later.

  Bianguan Tiemenshan Camp.

   Chinese army tent.

   Henry Zhang brought the core generals of the Chiwu Army to meet Li Xiao.

   "Great! As soon as you come, Marshal, the brothers will have the backbone!" Henry Zhang said excitedly.

After the arrival of the    Chiwu Army, the situation at the border was complicated.

   Although some people know them and know that they are the Chiwu Army.

   After all, the court army is the regular army, and their situation was not very good before.

   Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

  The news of the new emperor's succession to the throne has just come, and the situation of their army from Anyang County is much better.

   A little bit smarter, who can't guess their relationship with the emperor.

   But even so, the imperial army only gave them some courtesy, and what they could do was still very limited.

  But now, my cousin and cousin are here. Also brought the three military commander seals.

  With this, their status in the Chiwu Army came back.

   Once again become the army directly under the Marshal, can you not shake?

   Li Xiao glanced at Henry Zhang with a smile.

   "Let's talk about the situation first. After the internal discussion is completed, I will invite other generals to come over to discuss matters." Immediately, he opened his mouth and said.

   "Yes!" Everyone quickly responded.

   Immediately, he told what happened after they arrived at the border these days.

   "According to reliable information, the envoy of Jin has already gone to Chu a few days ago."

   "Just yesterday, the general of Chu State, Wei Chi Tianqiong, arrived at Hantian Pass. In Jin State, the frequency of Jin army drills has also increased."

   "We suspect that the siege may be in these two days." Henry Zhang said with a heavy expression.

   The others also nodded in agreement.

   Therefore, they felt that the marshal came at the right time. If the marshal was not there, the court army would preside over the overall situation, and the result would not be good.

  Li Xiao nodded.

   "Hmph, if they dare to come, let them come and go." Shen said.

   "Marshal mighty!"

   "The marshal is right! This is the style of our Chiwu Army!"


   "Yes, let them see the power of our Chiwu Army!"

  The account was instantly excited.

   After a while, Li Xiaocai raised his hand to calm everyone down.

   After a few simple words, let Henry Zhang invite the generals of the imperial army over to discuss matters.

   "Yes!" Henry Zhang responded with a smile and left the tent.

   As he walked out, his heart filled with pride.

   The era that belonged to their Chiwu Army is finally coming back.

   Not long after Henry Zhang left, the important generals of the various camps of the imperial army all arrived.

  Li Xiao took out the imperial edict and read it out, and then showed his handsome seal.

  The generals of the imperial army immediately knelt down to see the marshal, and were sincerely convinced.

   They were actually happy about the arrival of Li Xiao and letting the Chiwu Army take over the overall situation.

   Right now, Chu and Jin can be launched at any time. Without the Chiwu Army and the marshal, they are not rivals.

When Marshal    came, not only did the Chiwu Army have the backbone, but they also felt at ease.

   Seeing that the generals had surrendered, Li Xiao did not delay much, and quickly began to make strategic arrangements.

  Most of the generals of the imperial army were old people. They had fought with the Great General King before, and even fought with Li Xiao directly.

   Almost everyone is used to the fighting style of the Nangong family, and they adapt very quickly.

   Soon, after more than an hour, the battle plan has been arranged.

  Let Henry Zhang send the generals of the court army away, and after the people of the Chiwu Army also left, Li Xiaocai finally got free.

  Lin Xiaoyue took some food from the space ring and put it on, then pulled Li Xiao to the side and sat down, pinched her husband's shoulders in person, and served her husband to eat.

   "It's hard work. You looked so handsome just now!" He said while taking care of him diligently.

   She knew that her husband used to be a general, and when they came to the border before, they fought with her husband in person.

   But today, I saw the other side of Xianggong's command of the battle.

   So many generals listened to him alone, and the battle plan was formulated comprehensively and neatly, as if the battle situation had already been clearly understood.

  Li Xiao was amused by his daughter-in-law's words, and took a piece of cake to eat.

   After finding that the taste was good, he immediately took another piece, turned around and delivered the cake to his daughter-in-law.

   "As long as the lady likes it." Then, she replied.

   Lin Xiaoyue's face flushed red, feeling that she had been touched.

   This guy is getting better and better...

  Just like that, the couple settled down at the Tiemen Mountain camp.

   at night.

  Lin Xiaoyue took a rest, just about to urge Li Xiao to go to bed quickly.

   A report came from outside the tent, and an envoy from the state of Chu asked to see him.

  Li Xiao's eyes moved.

   Comfort the daughter-in-law and let her sleep first.

   went to the outside world to meet the messenger.

   "I've seen Marshal Li." The person who came here was neatly dressed, and at first glance he looked like a trainer.

   "Well." Li Xiao looked up and down at the person who came, and responded.

   "The general sent a villain to inform Marshal Li..." Then, the person who came quickly told Yuchi Tianqiong what he wanted to convey.

   roughly means that Da Chu has pretended to agree to cooperate with Da Jin. But at the critical moment, according to the agreement with Dayan, he will fight back and hit Dajin hard.

   In addition, Yuchi Tianqiong also sent news that the commander of Dajin this time was Xu Yan.

   This person has a strong will to destroy Yan, and Yuchi Tianqiong hopes that Li Xiao can prepare in advance.

   "The day of the Great Jin siege has been set for tomorrow night, and the location is this Tiemen Mountain. The general asks the marshal to prepare in advance." The visitor finally said.

  Li Xiao looked serious.

   pondered a little, then nodded.

   "Go back and tell General Yuchi,..." Then he talked about his own arrangements and where he needed the help of the Chu army.

  The visitor was surprised.

   I admire Li Xiao's arrangement.

   "The villain wrote it down." Then, he hurriedly saluted Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao confessed two more sentences, and then let the messenger leave in secret.

   Will it be activated tomorrow night? It came quickly.

   The next day, the first day of the new year.

  Li Xiao ordered the whole army to improve their meals. The soldiers were not diligent in their drills, and they ate well. The army was full of joy.

   But this is superficial.

  The officers of each battalion have already received the news of preparations for the battle, and they have prepared weapons, defending the city and other equipment.

   In the evening, it snowed heavily in the sky again.

   The sound of rustling snow made Li Xiao in the big tent look heavy.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue came into the tent with a stove in her hand.

   "Quick, warm your hands." He walked to Li Xiao's side and handed over the hand warmer.

  Li Xiao just glanced at it and didn't reach out to take it.

   was a force, dragging his daughter-in-law into his arms.

   "Take it. It's so cold, be careful not to freeze." He is a big man with rough skin and thick flesh, not afraid of freezing.

   It's the daughter-in-law, and it's only been a day since her face turned pale.

   "I'm fine. It's like a zongzi, wrapped in several layers, it's not cold." Lin Xiaoyue replied.

   "It's the soldiers, I just saw that many people didn't even wear cotton-padded clothes-"

   Before the Chiwu Army left Qingshi Town, Director Fang was fully prepared. This time, he came here, and all the provisions, weapons, and cotton-padded clothes were well prepared.

   On the side of the imperial army, the situation turned out to be so bad.

   In such a cold weather, if you don't wear cotton-padded clothes, let alone go to the battlefield, it is difficult to maintain normal drills.

   Freezing to death is possible.

  Li Xiao frowned.

   "The government's finances are tight, and a large amount of military spending has been distributed to the border, but the consumption here is too high. For the time being, there is no way to keep every soldier from freezing."

   "I have already ordered that after nightfall, soldiers without cotton coats are not allowed to move outside."

   "If the battle tonight goes well, while killing the enemy, the seized supplies can also be used by the soldiers to ease some of the current predicament."

   "In addition, the imperial court has been trying to find ways to raise more supplies for the border, and the supplies will be delivered one after another."

   Lin Xiaoyue felt a little more at ease when she heard this.

   put his body soft and leaned on Li Xiao's shoulder.

   "Will there be many people from the Jin army tonight?" asked.

   "Not too much, but not too little." Li Xiao replied.

   "This is the first battle. In order to show his momentum, Xu Yan must want to win the Tiemen Mountain in one fell swoop. Therefore, there will be no shortage of people."

   "But Tiemen Mountain is not big after all, and since he has to defend Chu State, he won't take too many troops. I estimate that there will be about 10,000 soldiers."

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   "Only 10,000?" Xu Yan brought a hundred thousand soldiers and horses this time.

   Even if we can wipe out 10,000 people, there will still be 90,000 enemy troops.

  Li Xiao smiled and glanced at his daughter-in-law, then lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

   "It doesn't matter how much he comes, just take it."

   "Eat 10,000 and have 90,000 left. Slowly grind."

   "It's best to wait for the gap between the two sides to be smoothed out, and we have the Chu army as an ally, and then it will be Xu Yan's death."

  Lin Xiaoyue heard this, saw Li Xiao's confident face, and felt relieved.

   "Then tonight, I'll go with you." Immediately said.

  Li Xiao's expression froze.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue staring at herself without blinking, a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

   "Okay!" Dotingly said.

   "But you have to come with me, you are not allowed to act alone." After thinking about it, he added.

   A man with no eye for swords and guns on the battlefield, although he believed that his daughter-in-law had the ability to protect himself, but he was afraid of the eventuality.

   "Okay!" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and responded.

   Immediately, he was no longer lying in Li Xiao's arms, and quickly got up.

   "Then let's quickly put on the armor. There is news from Chu State that the Jin army will attack the city tonight, but it didn't say what time." This day, it was dark when it was dark.

   "Okay!" Li Xiao responded with a smile and cooperated with Lin Xiaoyue.

  The night, as expected, came very quickly.

   After nightfall, the atmosphere in the camp changed.

  The leisurely and festive days of the day are gone, and the soldiers are patrolling and changing defenses in an orderly manner.

  Lin Xiaoyue accompanied Li Xiao to stay in the tent of the Chinese army, and waited until after a few hours before finally getting the news of the Jin army's attack.

  The sentry, according to the previous plan, pretended to celebrate the festival and retreated into the gate.

   let thousands of Jin troops easily enter the iron gate.

  Li Xiao heard the news here, so he took Lin Xiaoyue out of the big tent.

   went to the mountain in person.

   When it was confirmed that the Jin army had entered the encirclement at the foot of the mountain, Li Xiaocai gave an order and let the Chiwu army begin to attack.

   At the same time, a large number of Chiwu troops appeared on the top of the Tiemen Mountain City Tower, which seemed to be empty.

  The city gate was closed immediately, and thousands of Jin troops became turtles in the urn.

  The Jin army, surrounded by the city, was attacked by countless arrows from the Chiwu army from high places.

  At the city tower, there are already hundreds of Chiwu troops waiting.

  Yes, they all carry crossbow bows that can fire ten arrows in a row.

   The Jin army was shot to the ground by this arm crossbow archery team before it approached the range of ten meters.

   At the same time, the Chiwu Army in all directions stopped the arrow attack, and they all took long knives and went down the mountain to chase the poor bandits.

  The Jin army was already in chaos, like a rat crossing the street, becoming the target of one after another slaughter by the Chiwu Army.

  Lin Xiaoyue stood beside Li Xiao, looking at the tragic killing scene in the snow, a little exciting.

  War is more ferocious than the end times.

   "Let's go, go to the tower and have a look." Li Xiao looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   Seeing that his daughter-in-law did not show any discomfort, he felt relieved.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue responded.

  Li Xiao then took out his sword and walked down the mountain.

   Lin Xiaoyue and several Chiwu troops followed, and the Chiwu troops also drew out their long swords, surrounded Lin Xiaoyue in the middle, and walked down the mountain together.

  Lin Xiaoyue was not used to swords, and although she did not hold a weapon in her hand, she showed her crossbow bow.

  There is an arm crossbow, which is enough to protect yourself.

   At the foot of the mountain, Li Xiao personally opened the way.

   When he found the Jin army blocking his way, he directly slashed.

   One knife and one, like a **** killing god.

   The same is true for the several Chiwu troops surrounding Lin Xiaoyue, who maintained their formation and ignored the enemy troops farther away from them, but as long as the enemy troops were near them, they would not escape bad luck.

  Lin Xiaoyue originally wanted to shoot some enemy troops, but seeing that her teammates were so powerful, it saved her troubles.

   After all, she doesn't have much of the arrows of the crossbow, and if she uses it up, she has to retrieve it or replenish it later.

   In the Jin army, there is a thousand commander who has not died yet.

   found Li Xiao and others coming towards him, and quickly made up his mind.

   "The commander-in-chief of the Yan army is right there. Killing him may help you get out of trouble! Everyone, follow me to kill the enemy!" He heard the old man shout, dragged his sword and turned back, killing in the direction of Li Xiao and the others.

  The soldiers near the thousand commander heard this and followed suit.

   A large number of Jin troops chose to turn back, no longer going towards the city gate, and wanted to kill Li Xiao and others with all their might.

   This is the Chiwu Army that is chasing after them.

   The Chiwu Army wielded long knives and long swords in their hands, harvesting heads just like chopping melons and vegetables.

   After a while, another large army of Jin troops fell to the ground.

  In the end, the commander of the thousand rushed out of the encirclement of the Chiwu Army with only a dozen people and came to Li Xiao and others.

   "Kill—" He didn't say much, raised his long sword, and the commander rushed towards Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao frowned, and just about to pick up the knife, he rushed up to deal with the opponent.

   Hearing a "whoosh" sound, the commander was shot with an arrow on the forehead.

   is the short arrow of the crossbow——

   For a while, Li Xiao and several Chiwu troops who were protecting Lin Xiaoyue all looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  I saw Lin Xiaoyue firing arrows calmly and quickly again at this time, and with a few arrows in a row, he also eliminated the soldiers who were following the thousands of commanders who broke out of the siege one by one.

   The expressions of several Chiwu soldiers changed slightly, and the eyes of Lin Xiaoyue turned into admiration.

   Sure enough, Madam is indeed a Madam! The mistress of their Chiwu Army is truly extraordinary.

   (end of this chapter)

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