MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 6 6 egg pancakes

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   Chapter 6 6 Egg Cakes

  Niang'er ate a large bowl by themselves, and even finished the noodle soup.

  Lin Xiaozhi heard his elder sister tell him that from now on, their family will be able to eat enough every day. Then my elder sister gave him candy again, and she couldn't like her elder sister so much, there was no reason to be afraid.

   After eating the noodles, Lin Xiaoyue quickly became sleepy and then fell asleep.

   When she woke up, it was already evening.

   touched his head and found that his fever had subsided.

  I tried to get up and found that my head was no longer dizzy, and I already had some strength on my body.

   Hearing that her brother was talking to her mother in the yard, Lin Xiaoyue got up and got out of bed.

   Then he walked to the door, and saw her mother holding a needle and thread basket and leading their little radish head, who was preparing to go back to the house.

   "Why are you up? Go back and lie down." Seeing Lin Xiaoyue, Liu Shi hurried over.

   gave Lin Xiaozhi the needle and thread basket in his hand, asked him to take the things in, and stepped forward to support Lin Xiaoyue.

  The little doll was very obedient, looked at her elder sister worriedly, and ran into the house.

   "Mother, I'm fine." Lin Xiaoyue refused Liu's help with a small gesture.

   Then he stretched his limbs and gestured in front of Liu Shi.

   "After eating the elixir, everything is fine! Look!"

   Liu Shi was a little surprised, and went forward to check on her daughter.

   Seeing that the girl's forehead is no longer hot, and her limbs are healthy, I felt relieved.

   "Mother, shouldn't we cook too? I'll make a fire for you!" Lin Xiaoyue said, grabbing Liu's arm and walking towards the stove.

   Their house has neither oil lamps nor candles. After dark, they can only use moonlight for lighting, so they always eat early.

   Speaking of cooking, she actually felt a little hungry.

   But it is understandable. She tested it just now and found that her mental power was also recovering.

   As a power user, the physical consumption is actually greater than that of ordinary people. Of course, the self-healing ability is also stronger than ordinary people. Coupled with the medicine she took, maybe she will be fine tomorrow.

  Liu Shi was relieved when she saw that Lin Xiaoyue had a lot of strength in dragging herself, and it seemed that people really had no problem.

   "What would Yue'er want to eat?" So he asked.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the little doll who ran over after putting down the needle and thread basket, and said with a smile, "Bring an egg pancake!"

   Liu Shi was puzzled.

   "Egg cake?" She had never heard of it. Did you add eggs to the pancakes?

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Mother, you bring Xiaozhi to set fire, I'll come!" Immediately said.

   "Let me do it, you can teach me verbally." Liu Shi was worried.

   "It's okay, I can do it!" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   And then on the stove.

   Then let Mrs. Liu take out the eggs, flour and sugar and start busy.

  The first step, beat six eggs and mix thoroughly.

  The second step, cut some wild vegetables and put them in the eggs

  The third step, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

  The fourth step, add flour to make a paste.

   Then heat the pan and brush with oil.

   The fragrance came out after a while.

   The little doll is greedy and looks into the pot from time to time. But because the person is not tall, he can't see it at all.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Le, and after branding a piece, it was divided directly, and the mother and three children came alone with a small piece.

The sweet smell of    egg pancakes immediately captured the family of three, but the pancakes were not served, so the three of them ate a lot.

  Wait until the end, and there is only one bowl of cakes left in the bowl.

   The family came over, Liu Shi and Lin Xiaoyue sat on a small stool each, Lin Xiaozhi leaned against Lin Xiaoyue's arms, and the three of them ate together.

   (end of this chapter)