MTL - House Witch-Chapter 5 Witch Store

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  Chapter 5 5. Witch Specialty Shop

It has to be said that the Witch's physique is really powerful, and Dorothy has fully recovered within a minute of the terrible teleportation dizziness just now. A completely different scenery, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

  Well, this familiar high-rise building, this extremely familiar reinforced concrete forest, is still a familiar formula and a familiar smell.

  Although this is a fantasy world where magic flourishes, technology and magic reach the same goal after reaching the extreme, not to mention that the level of magic in the witch world is much higher than the level of technology in his hometown in his previous life.

   Therefore, this world is not the backward medieval painting style that is very common in the impression, on the contrary, the painting style here is more like the future world in science fiction movies.

  Everything in the world in the previous life basically has similar magical substitutes in this world, and even some science fiction products that still existed in the stage of theoretical fantasy in the previous life have become common necessities for residents here.

Dorothy was quite satisfied with this. Although she, a time traveler, lost the advantage of relying on the knowledge of her previous life to act aggressively, at least she didn't have to live a life without a refrigerator or an air conditioner after time travel. Even the embarrassing days when there is no toilet paper in the toilet and you can only use bamboo chips, isn't it?

Dorothy looked up at the sky. The towering buildings were hundreds of meters high, and because of the misty clouds in the sky, the apexes were a little invisible. The quality of the buildings built by the mages of the civil engineering department was even higher than that of the previous life. Much stronger, and in theory, as long as the magic power tube is enough, Tongtian Tower can be repaired for you.

All kinds of phantom advertisements constructed by magic among the high-rise buildings come and go, colorful, which is much more beautiful than neon lights, and from time to time along the way, some young people ride brooms to shuttle among these phantom advertisements, although these pursuits soon Excited teenagers and girls were chased all over the street by the law enforcement officers, but the more they were chased, the happier they became, leaving only the cheers and laughter echoing among the tall buildings.

   "Today's headlines, our Haiyue Association has reached a strategic cooperation goal with the next-door Chenxi Association. The two cities will conduct more in-depth cooperation on the automatic puppet project. At that time, as a derivative of the automatic puppet project, the price of mechanical prosthetics is expected to be reduced."

   ". Gaia, a well-known architectural association, announced that a batch of new sky islands will be released at the end of this month. Those who are interested in adopting the sky islands should look forward to it."

"Yesterday, the well-known new-generation scholar of the magic net, Senzhi Witch, released a brand new witch spell again. This is the third spell released by this mysterious young spell master this year. Let us congratulate our young My fellow geniuses, may magic prosper forever"

The two sisters were walking towards the witch specialty store at their destination, while casually browsing various phantom advertisements and news around them, and suddenly heard the host witch on the virtual screen say a familiar name, Dorothy immediately Goosebumps arose, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

   "What's the matter, sister?"

  Alice beside her keenly noticed the abnormality of her sister, and asked with concern, but the blonde girl also heard the news from the beautiful witch host on the magic screen at the entrance of the shop next door, and suddenly realized.

"Oh, it turns out that the witch has released a new spell. That's great. I'll go and place an order to buy it. What about you, sister? Do you want to buy it? I remember that you are also her diehard fan, it seems that this series You have collected all the spells."

The little witch excitedly took out a pink spell book with a very girlish cover from her pocket, and then excitedly connected to the magic net, boarded the witch forum very skillfully, clicked into the magic net library, and found I found the brand-new magic spell recommended by the cover in the homepage recommendation of the library, and finally placed an order to download it.

  The spell book is a must-have item for every extraordinary person. It is not only an auxiliary item for casting spells, but also has the function equivalent to Dorothy's mobile phone and computer in her previous life. It is an indispensable existence for work, study and entertainment.

  The network speed of the magic net is super fast, and this small spell is almost under seconds. After the download is completed, a brand new page in Alice's magic book gradually emerges.

"Let me see, the Witch's Horse Monkey Burning Wine Transformation Curse, the name is as weird as it sounds, but it's actually an advanced spell of the Transfiguration Department. It's a bit powerful, with such high quality, and the price is so affordable. The Witch of the Forest, yyds."

  Alice said with twinkling eyes, the little witch was very excited, and she looked like a little fan girl who was proud of her idol, but she turned around immediately, looked at her sister beside her, and sighed.

   "Hey, it's also the new generation of witches, why is there such a big gap between the witches?"

   "I think you are itchy, Alice."

  A well appeared on Dorothy's forehead, and she stretched out her hand to face her sister, which was a strong hand to crack her head.

   "It hurts, big sister, I was wrong, big sister is the yyds."

  Between the two sisters, they had already reached the destination downstairs before they knew it. Looking at the building with the eye-catching magic billboard "Witch Specialty Store" at the door in front of them, the two walked in.

Well, it’s a store, but it’s more accurate to say it’s a super giant shopping mall. After all, witches need to use too many things. There are all kinds of things, such as the most basic magic robes, staffs, and magic. Books, and then to the spell-casting materials of the nine major schools of magic, alchemy props and potions for adventure, etc.

  Such complex requirements cannot be satisfied by one store at all. Therefore, although it is called a witch specialty store, it actually refers to a shopping mall composed of many merchants.

And there are quite a lot of similar existences in this world, such as the various magic workshops that extraordinary people of other races like to go to most, but it is very difficult to buy things in that kind of magic workshop where fish and dragons are mixed. If you are not careful, you can easily be tricked into buying fake products or something. Of course, if you are lucky, you can also find gold.

  The witch specialty store is different. The merchants who can enter the witch specialty store are all time-honored brands from all walks of life, with both reputation and ability, and belong to famous brands in this world. Therefore, the things sold here are also relatively high-end.

Although the price is indeed a bit expensive, it can make the superhumans of other races look bitter, but for the witches who are the main business targets of the witch specialty store, a slight premium is nothing, after all, making money is really important for witches. It's quite simple, they are almost rich women per capita.

  Well, it’s not a problem with the product that you think it’s expensive, it’s a problem with you as a customer.

It's just that rich women per capita are the business of adult witches. As a minor witch, Dorothy rarely comes to this witch specialty store. She herself prefers to go to ordinary magic workshops to pan for gold. For her, saving a little is a little bit.

  It’s just that since the mother just issued the funds today, and she will be a member of the Witch Academy tomorrow, it doesn’t matter if she is casual in all aspects at home, and she still lives like a witch when she goes to school, so today is a little extravagant.

  (end of this chapter)

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