MTL - House Witch-Chapter 538 537. War

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   Chapter 538 537. War

   Another week later, on Noah's Ark, the rebels who had been preparing for a long time began a long-planned change.

  At first it was just a strike, then it turned into a parade, and then I didn’t know whether the gun over there went off first, and the conflict started like this, and eventually the conflict turned into a war that swept across the entire Noah’s Ark.

   The low-level civilians occupying an absolute number began to charge towards the second floor where the elites lived and the third floor where the dignitaries lived. They occupied an absolute numerical advantage.

However, the dignitaries who have been elites for many years are not vegetarians. Although there are few people on their side, they have professionally trained soldiers and the most advanced weapons and equipment. Four or more civilian rebels.

  For a while, the two sides fought back and forth, inseparable. The two sides took the second floor as the main battlefield, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate. Normally speaking, it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

And at the center of the third floor, in the central auditorium, all the angels stood on a high place and looked down at the battlefield below. They were indifferent to the scene of corpses strewn all over the battlefield and blood flowing into rivers, as if they were early. They got used to this, and many angels even had a tea party while watching the play, and commented on the battle situation from time to time.

   "I think the civilians can win. They have too many advantages in numbers. If the stalemate continues, the rich and powerful will soon be unable to persist."

   "I think the rich and powerful will win more. Professional soldiers and the resistance army composed of workers and peasants are not at the same level at all. It is useless to have an advantage in numbers. The war must be professional."

"Pull it down. The war is actually about logistics. You must know that the granaries and factories of the Ark are almost all in the lower city, and now the lower city is the territory of the rebels. They are the real resources. Within a month, those elite troops will have to run out of food."

   "The rebel army has to last for two months. Look at the battle loss ratio on both sides. If the current rate of loss continues, the rebel army will die and go offline before the powerful army runs out of food."

   Just like that, sitting high in the tallest church in the upper city, the angels enjoyed the food leisurely while discussing the possible direction of the battle with their acquaintances.

  One side is a **** battlefield like a meat grinder, and the other is a high-class tea party where the "gods" are mingling with each other. The irony comes from the comparison between the two sides.

   It's just that the angels have long been accustomed to this situation, and they are no strangers to it.

   You must know that war chess is very popular in heaven, and the most advanced war chess is a real war with all living beings as pieces. In heaven, there are really many **** players like this.

Compared with the spectacular scenes they had seen in heaven, where big bosses directly took out two big worlds as a playing field for a real duel, the battle on the ark below now seems a bit petty, and in the eyes of the angels, this even It's not a war, at best it's just two groups of ants fighting for territory.

   It’s just that I’m not in heaven after all. In this small world in the backcountry where the birds don’t shit, it’s good to have fun, so don’t pick and choose.

  As a war angel and an avid fan of military strategy games, Michael is also watching the battlefield with great interest, and she is still seriously analyzing the battle situation on both sides in her heart.

   It was only after analyzing and analyzing that she realized that the boss was by her side, so she turned to look at Pure White Angel.

   "Your Majesty, what do you think of this battle situation, which side will win?"

   Miss Seraph asked.

   After all, the boss next to her is the God of Magic Net Army, even though she herself is from the Zhuge Sect of Guigu, but this does not prevent Michael from being in awe of this fateful apocalypse boss.

   "Naturally the Rebels."

  Pure White Angel's golden eyes reflected the situation of the entire battlefield, and she easily predicted the outcome of the war in the next few months.

Besides, other angels may not be clear, but she herself is very clear. The leader of the rebel army is an apprentice taught by her personally. If she can't win even such a small scene, then Noah's homework will be a big problem. Time to super double.

   It’s just that, logically speaking, Noah, as an apprentice trained by her, should have the same tactical style as her teacher, but now there are traces of deploying troops on the battlefield.

   Angel Pure White frowned slightly.

   It seems that something is not right. Why has Noah's tactical style suddenly changed a bit recently? Why does it look more and more like a young lady?

   Sophilia felt a little confused.

  The previous Noah's tactical style was similar to hers. It was the kind of precision micro-manipulation type that first investigated the information on the opponent, and then targeted it.

  But now, Noah's tactical style seems to have become a lot more impatient, or more generally speaking, has become reckless.

   It's just that it's not that brainless, but a recklessness that is extremely confident in its own strength.

  Miss’s tactical style is like this, she doesn’t care about the enemy’s information, whether it is strong or not, and what its weaknesses are. If you have the time to investigate these, it’s better to improve yourself in an all-round way.

  Don't look at other people's weaknesses, look at your own weaknesses, and then make up for them. As long as you become a hexagonal **** of war, no matter what enemy you encounter, the opposite side will be the one delivering food.

   Well, as long as you know a little bit about everything, then no matter what enemies you encounter, you can adapt to the situation and face it calmly.

It's just that it's obvious that not everyone has the enchanting aptitude of the eldest lady. Others really can't learn the style of the eldest lady. Not everyone can learn it as quickly as she does. Others People who study forcibly will end up being good at everything, but those who are not good at anything will end up in the end.

  So, Noah seems to be doing double cultivation now. This style is a bit between her and the eldest lady's style, and there is a subtle balance.

  However, where did Noah learn the style of the young lady?

  Sofelia frowned, a little puzzled.

  Is it because this child has a personality that misses the young lady very much, so he has a similar style? It's impossible to really learn this from the eldest lady, she has never been to the Sorcerous Republic.

  For a while, the Pure White Angel was a bit inaccurate.

   Tsk, the insulator of fate is annoying, so you can't come to a fortune-telling when you are indecisive.

"I think so too."

  Although Michael on the side didn't know what the boss beside her was thinking, but when she heard that the boss was also optimistic about the rebels, she also nodded, but then she asked a little uneasy.

   "Your Majesty, is it okay to just let this group of mortals make trouble? Do we really not need to intervene?"

  Miss Seraph asked hesitantly.

   Right now, they haven't completely defeated the witch yet. It is a bit too much internal friction to start a civil war at this critical moment.

   Opening champagne at halftime or something is not a good sign. Don't have a good advantage in the end, but the opponent is turned against the wind.

   It's just that Sophilia just shook her head for Michael's question.

   "It doesn't matter, let them make trouble, anyway, their value has been completed, and besides, no one can stop this civil war."

Pure White Angel looked at the battlefield not far away. She could clearly see two strange knights, one white and one red, riding leisurely on the battlefield. People didn't seem to see these two knights, and everyone ignored the strange pair of red and white knights.

  But Sophilia doesn't dare to underestimate her. She is an angel and witch anyway, so naturally she will not fail to recognize the iconic power of her ancestor, the God King.

   "The chaos and war among the four horsemen of the apocalypse?"

   Angel Pure White murmured in his heart.

  She knew very well that just as the doomsday horn she blew brought about the inevitable end of the world, when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse came to a certain place, then this area could also be directly sentenced to death.

  As long as the four knights are still there, the civil strife will break out sooner or later. Even if the angels end in person, at most they can only delay the detonation time of this time bomb a little bit.

  Besides, chaos and war have come, will famine and plague be far behind?

   "Sigh, I don't know how many people will survive on this ark in the end."

   Sophilia sighed, thinking so in her heart.

   But these have nothing to do with her, she should think about how to defeat the eldest lady.

If this is a reality, she may not be able to completely ignore these coming disasters, but Witch Night is just a dream game, and she has not yet overflowed with compassion to the point where she is busy rescued in the game .

  The pure white angel withdrew her eyes from the battlefield below, and then continued to close herself in order to prevent her sympathy from overflowing.

  As she just said, the mission of this group of believers has been completed, and their previous existence was to contribute to the faith so that she could continuously summon angels from heaven.

  But now the Faith Points are already full, and the five-hundred-year-old reserve is already enough, and the Angel Corps has also recruited, and the excess Faith Points have long been useless.

These believers are like the miners in the game. In the early stage of the game, there is a lack of resources, and miners are crazy. They only hate that there are not enough miners. But in the middle and late stages of the game, various automated mining machines have already blown up their resource reserves. It looks like it takes up space.

  Cruel-hearted players may also cross the river and demolish bridges, and directly decompose these worthless miners for exchanged resources, squeezing out the last bit of value.

  But because the apprentice Noah is here. Sophilia was not so cruel after all.

  So, let them go, in the end, life or death depends on the arrangement of fate.

   "Ms. Dorothy, do you think we can win?"

   On the other side, in the underground church, Pope Loli commanded the actions of the rebel army remotely, while looking at the leisurely witch teacher beside him with some anxiety.

   "Win? Hehe, there has never been a winner in a war. We have actually lost since the beginning of the war."

  Dorothy raised her head, looked at the map of the battle situation on the sand table in front of her eyes, then curled her lips slightly, and said so.

   Upon hearing such words, Noah was also silent, and after a while, she sighed.

   "Yes, teacher, you are right, there is indeed no winner in war."

   Listening to the reports of the battle situation from various departments, Pope Lori was also a little weak.

  Even though she has tried her best to do everything she can, how can war be bloodless? Realistic wars are not as dark as in the comics of hot-blooded teenagers, and there is no blood at all.

  It has only been a few hours since the war started, but the number of soldiers sacrificed in the rebel army has reached a level that Noah can't bear to watch.

   "If there is no war, will they still be able to live well and be with their relatives and friends?"

   Noah murmured in a low voice.


   Then she was slapped on the back of the head.

Although she is a modified person with a full-body prosthesis, the back of her head is her sensitive spot. After all, the brain-computer interface is located in this place. When someone suddenly slapped her like this, even if she didn't use much force, Pope Loli almost screamed out. Come.

  But before she could get angry, that familiar voice rang in her ears.

"What are you thinking, is this the time for you to be frustrated? Command well, those comrades of yours have put their lives in your hands. Now there is only one thing you need to do, and that is to let as many people as possible still go home."

Dorothy looked at this cheap apprentice with a bit of resentment. At such a critical moment, this **** dared to shake the morale of the army. Thanks to her being the supreme leader, if it was in the Sorcerous Republic, the house witch might have prepared Cut off her dog's head to sacrifice the military flag. After being reprimanded like this, Pope Loli also regretted it endlessly. She quickly calmed down and focused on directing the battle.

   It's just that, half an hour later, during the rest time when the fighting situation stabilized, Noah felt more depressed when she saw the death report, which had increased by a large amount compared to just now.

  Although she also knew that her wild thinking was wrong, but when she thought that these comrades died because of her, she just felt like a mountain was crushing her, and she was a little out of breath.

  She really wanted to talk to Teacher Dorothy again, but she opened her mouth, but she hesitated to speak.

   Forget it, she's actually not that fragile yet.

   "Well, if only the church's propaganda that good people can go to heaven after death is true."

   There was a long silence, and Pope Lolita could only murmur like this.


   Then she felt the wind in the back of her head.

   Noah, who thought she was going to be beaten again, immediately crouched in defense, but this time, the expected slap did not come.

  A hand gently touched her head.

   "Heaven doesn't really exist, but it doesn't matter, I will make a move, you just go ahead, Noah, the teacher will figure it out."

   As the otaku witch said so, a huge dark door slowly rose behind her, and then opened.

   Hades is opening

  (end of this chapter)

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