MTL - House Witch-Chapter 582 581. Movie King

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  Chapter 582 581. Movie Emperor

While the house witch was secretly marveling at her roommate's impeccable acting skills, other people present were not so relaxed, especially those angels, witches and angels. When they saw their future leader suddenly spurting blood, they Hastily stepped forward to check.

  Archangel Shalier was naturally the fastest one, and he had already come to the side of the throne in a flash, but after carefully checking the situation of her young master, her expression changed drastically.

   Then came the deputy admiral Maria of the Apocalypse Battle Group. The red-haired angel witch big sister also cast a medical magic to check Sophilia's body, and then she was also surprised.

  Wait, didn’t we say that everything is acting? How did this come true?

  The red-haired elder sister actually knew the truth of the plan, but she was still a little panicked at this time, because she found that the vitality of the twelve-winged angel and witch in front of her was dying out.

   She is dying.

   And it's still the kind that can't be rescued.

  Maria looked at the halberd on her admiral's chest, and she began to think whether Lord Sophilia had been cheated by the great judge opposite, and the other party probably wanted to make a fake show for real.

  After all, otherwise, whoever acted in a play would have banned curses, and the forbidden spells would be fine, and the one who returned him was the eleventh ring. You must know that as a peak witch, her bottom-of-the-box tricks are only at this level.

  So, isn’t it true that the must-killer is going in the direction of directly destroying the bones? Lord Sophilia, are you sure you are looking for a partner, not an enemy?

  Besides, the red-haired elder sister looked at the desolate look on her admiral's face, which seemed to be betrayed by someone, but she didn't see that she was acting.

  So, is this acting or not?

  Maria was a little confused, and she was at a loss for a while.

   Fortunately, when she hugged her admiral's slowly limp body, the admiral's slight pat on her supporting hand made her feel relieved.

   It seems that this situation is also part of the plan.

  After realizing this, the red-haired witch big sister also didn't know whether to lament her admiral's superb acting skills, or lament that she is really ruthless and really uses her life to act.

On the other side, Archangel Shalier has also realized the fact that the young master in front of her is about to die, but she is still trying various medical magic spells without believing in evil, and wants to save Sophilia's life force that is constantly fading. .

   But unfortunately, even though this sage-like archangel has exhausted all kinds of means, they are of no avail.

  Because the gun that pierced through the young master's chest seemed to have a special effect that would kill the witch with one hit, and it would kill the witch.

  Of course, for a sage-level powerhouse, if he really wants to save a person, even if the person is really dead, it is not difficult to bring him back to life.

   However, the problem is that the identity of my young master is not an angel but a witch. You must know that the souls of all witches are protected by the system of the underworld of the witch world.

   That is both shelter and bondage.

  The shelter of the underworld bestowed the gift that the souls of all witches are almost impossible to be completely destroyed, but it also bound the souls of all witches, so that their souls could only return to the underworld after death.

If the young master was an angel, Shalier could easily resurrect her on the spot, but now the power of the witch's underworld has begun to intervene, and the young master's soul is about to be led to the underworld, and the archangel has no ability to fight with the witch. Hades **** people.

  Don't say that his power is suppressed now, even in his heyday, he couldn't win the witch's Hades.

After all, that underworld system is the real important weapon of the Witch World. It condenses all the cutting-edge wisdom and power of the Witch World. God knows how many witch sages participated in the perfection of it, even the Three Witch Kings He has personally contributed to this system.

   To **** someone from the Witch Hades is to make an enemy of the entire Witch World, not to mention a mere Archangel like Shalier, even if the kings of angels in heaven do it themselves, they can only give it for nothing.

  So, Sophilia is dead. If you want to resurrect her, at least the resurrection magic in heaven is useless. You can only follow the formal resurrection process of the witch's Hades system.


  Shalier looked at the black-robed judges on the opposite side.

  The one who just killed the young master is the official organization of the Witch World. Everyone knows that although the Tribunal is nominally subordinate to the Council of Sages, they are actually eagle dogs raised by the Three Kings and only serve the Three Kings.

   Then we have to consider whether killing the young master is the intention of the three kings. If this is the case, it is impossible for the witch Hades to approve the young master's resurrection.

  Thinking of this, Archangel felt a little heavy.

  He couldn't help looking at the ground of the cathedral at his feet. He knew that under the high throne was actually the seal of his Lord God, the Lord of Radiance.

  But why did Your Majesty just watch the young master being killed in front of him?

   Is it because His Majesty doesn't pay much attention to the young master? This is impossible, after all, she has received a voice transmission from His Majesty before, and at that time, His Majesty had the intention of appointing the young master as his successor.

  Then could it be that His Majesty is also unable to make a move? But it can make the crown powerless to make a move. Only the three witch kings can do it.

   Could it be that all of this is actually the plan of the Three Kings, who know that Heaven is in chaos now, so they don’t want to resign their crowns and return to reunify Heaven? The young master's death is actually part of the Three Kings' plan?

  Thinking of this, Shalier couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

  He felt that this must be the beating of the three kings on heaven. After all, although the current heaven has no leader, the remaining seven kings of angels are more restless than each other.

  As far as Shalier knew, several kings of angels were plotting to deal with the Witch Hunting Alliance, which had long been aborted.

   This is not too difficult to understand, it is simply the bitter witch of the Western Universe for a long time.

   Seeing that the Witch World is about to secure its position as the leader of that day's disaster, and now the Three Kings Hengkong, the old three clans can barely fight together.

  But if there is a fourth king or something after the three kings, then heaven, hell, and the dragon world will never recover, and they can only endure the shame of being ridden on the forehead by a witch every day.

  How can the veteran three major natural disasters endure? They have to consider whether the last desperate move before the future fourth witch king is born is their only chance.

   Once it’s done, then the witches will be wiped out, everyone will share the inheritance equally, and then they will still stand on the same three legs as before, and if they lose, they will lose.

  Anyway, after the birth of the fourth Witch King, everyone will be like a dog, which makes no difference.

   It’s just that Shalier has always been an anti-war faction in heaven. After all, those arrogant kings of angels dared to use their brains.

   As the number one general of the Lord of Glory in the past, Shalier was really beaten by the Lord God King. She felt terrified when she thought about the powerlessness and despair of being killed in seconds like a miscellaneous soldier.

Not only was she killed in seconds, she saw with her own eyes that the Lord of Glory, who was supposed to be invincible and invincible in the world, failed to break through the defense of the Lord God King by all means. It is also the horror of being beheaded with a sword by the Lord God King.

  Master God King is a real monster, a terrifying existence that is completely different from the so-called King of Angels.

  Shalier always has a feeling that everything about himself and his entourage has been seen through by the God King.

  The overly smooth feeling of the Lord God King killing them always makes people feel that the Lord God King has secretly practiced such slashing and killing countless times, and they all feel good.

   In short, it is outrageous.

  Anyway, no matter what the other angels think, Shalier doesn't want to face the fear and powerlessness that has been deeply rooted in his soul again.

   Now she is really worried about the three witch kings who are really angered by the death of the other kings of angels. After all, if this starts the battle of natural disasters again, it will be hard to say whether heaven will still exist in the future.

Back then, after God King captured Heaven, for some reason, he didn’t let the Witch World devour Heaven, which made Heaven survive. But if it happened again, Shalier felt that his hometown might really become a major force in the Witch World. Tonic meal.

Shalier originally expected to welcome back the crown this time, only the return of the crown can stop those stupid kings of angels from committing suicide, but now it seems that the three kings did not let them go so easily the meaning of.

   It is even possible that the Three Kings have already noticed Heaven’s little move. They are fishing for law enforcement, and they are waiting for those arrogant and ignorant people to come to their door.


  The more Shalier thinks, the more he thinks and fears.

   On the other side, Dorothy also looked at the Archangel who suddenly changed his face in a strange way, not knowing what the other party was thinking. It seemed that the plot was very complicated.

But the troubles of big people are not something that a little witch like her needs to consider. The house witch just strode forward, and she also led people to be extremely arrogant under the eyes of the angel and the angel witch on both sides who wanted to kill. before the throne.

   With a wave of her hand, she took back the cat stick that was still stuck in Sophilia's chest.

  Well, she was always worried just now, deeply afraid that the Archangel would break her beloved cat staff in anger.

If it wasn't really necessary in the plan, she didn't want to use Buster at first. After all, the cat and cat staff is only in the future. Before it fully grows into a legendary staff, the kitten is not worthy of participating in this kind of high-end game. middle.

Moreover, she spent most of her savings in order to forge this wand with a promising future. This wand is really precious. The cost can make the family that is not rich go bankrupt directly.

   Fortunately, what she feared the most didn't happen after all, and her cat finally came back safe and sound.

   At the moment when Fang Tian painted the halberd back, Dorothy quickly stuffed the stupid cat who was still claiming credit for herself, and had no idea that she was actually playing around at the gate of hell, into her pocket.

  Of course, on the surface, the Clown Trial is still cold, arrogant and ruthless.

  She stepped forward directly, and picked up the twelve-winged angel from Maria's arms, which was barely breathing.

  Such brutality naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the red-haired witch's big sister, but before the peak witch was furious, the colder and threatening eyes under the clown mask had already looked at her.

   "Miss Maria, you should know the consequences of obstructing the court's law enforcement. You don't want your family's family business in the City of Glory to be investigated because of your impulsiveness, do you?"

  So, the red-haired big sister immediately settled down.

   Hardened, the fist really hardened.

  Obviously Maria knew that this was actually an act, but the attitude and words of the clown grand judge still made her want to hit someone.

  Although the reputation and image of the judges has not been very good, they are not as hateful as this clown. This is already a naked bullying.

  Besides, this guy threatened him as soon as he was threatened, so why did he have to push his body up and down a lot? That's weird.

  Forget it, this is my own, an ally of Lord Sophilia, I can't be angry, I can't be angry.

  The red-haired elder sister looked so flabbergasted by the other party, subconsciously tightened the clothes on her body, wrapped her plump figure, and then comforted herself in her heart.

   It's just that her forbearance seems to only make the other party more arrogant, and the hateful clown actually directly attacked.

  Because she was afraid that her acting skills were not good enough, and that her acting was not arrogant enough, Dorothy, who was already acting on behalf of the goblin king, pinched the chin of the heroic red-haired big sister in front of her, and then spoke in a classic villain tone.

"Instead of worrying about others, Ms. Maria, you should worry more about yourself. After all, this is a wanted criminal at the level of Angel Order. Angel Order is one of the highest judgment orders of the Tribunal. Do you understand the gold content? Miss Maria, you seem to be very familiar with this criminal, and I think you are also very suspicious."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I hope that a beauty like you, Miss Maria, won't go to the torture department, but don't panic, I have some face in the torture department, and I can apply to serve you in person, after all, like There are not many people like me who feel pity for fragrance and jade.”

This kind of shameless speech really shocked the audience, not to mention those members of the Apocalypse Corps who saw their deputy admiral being humiliated in such a way, and even the new judges behind Dorothy They all took a step back silently.

  Master Clown, don’t you really have no one you care about in this world? It's true that I don't want any image at all.

   And Maria was also very confused. After all, this was the first time she had been molested by someone since she grew up, and she was really at a loss for a while.

  She should be angry, but now the two are so close, and their chins were pinched and their eyes were forced to meet each other, so they could clearly see the pure black eyes under the clown's mask.

  Obviously, his mouth was full of tiger and wolf words, but the eyes of this clown grand judge were the purest Maria had ever seen in her life, so pure that it seemed that there was no such worldly desire at all.

  Okay, now it's confirmed, this is really acting.

  But what is the meaning of the other party's sudden addition of drama? Her plan with Lady Sophilia shouldn't include such a teasing of herself, right?

  The red-haired elder sister was a little puzzled.

   It's just that when she heard the words "angel order", her eyes froze immediately, and then she became angry, and she almost couldn't restrain her killing intent.

  Of course, her reaction in the eyes of others is completely anger after being humiliated.

   This is reasonable.

   And Dorothy was also relieved to see that everything that should be conveyed had been conveyed.

  Okay, I've completed the task, it's time to get the boxed lunch.

  The otaku witch, whose role is over, is about to leave the scene with the "wanted criminal" in her hand.

   It's just that at this time, the twelve-winged angel who had only breathed his last breath raised his head, and then said something inexplicable.

   "I know you're watching, but I'm back, and I'll be back again."

  Dorothy: "."

  Uh, is there this line in the script?

  The otaku witch really wanted to criticize her roommate for the promiscuity, but when she looked down, she only saw the angel witch closing her eyes uncomfortably with her last breath.


   All right, it seems that Sophilia has already gone to pick up the lunch box before her.

   All right, you are a professional in acting, so I can add an extra chicken leg to your dinner tonight.

  Dorothy was a little speechless, but feeling the murderous eyes of the angels and angel witches behind her, she ran away in a hurry.

  You oil the road.

  The clown is running.

  (end of this chapter)

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