MTL - House Witch-Chapter 599 598. Tayu Yoto Onna

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   Chapter 599 598. Taifu and Fujin

   "Sister Zi, are you sure you want to treat us to dinner in this kind of place? Isn't it appropriate?"

  Dorothy looked at the Flower Street that had just left before her. Although she was still very curious about this street, the house witch did not expect that she would come back so soon.

   "Is there anything inappropriate? Aren't you all grown up?"

But Yaezi looked at her niece whom she admired a lot in front of her with some teasing. At this time, this tall, elegant blonde aunt was like a strange sorceress who was about to lure little Lolita to see the goldfish together. Those beautiful pair of The fox's eyes were full of joy.

  Hot Witch: "."

  Dorothy was silent. What Aunt Zi said was very reasonable. The people present were all grown-ups. It didn’t seem like a big problem to go shopping together in Flower Street, it was very reasonable.

   It's just that everyone drinks flower wine with people of the same generation. Who would go with the elders? It's really strange.

  But this is all here, and the two elders, Aunt Zi and Teacher Spider, don't mind, and naturally she, a junior, doesn't mind much.

  The house witch shrugged her shoulders, she didn't care anymore, and she was even relieved, after all, with these two big bosses taking the lead, Huajie, which scared her a little during the day, suddenly became a lot safer.

  Well, the oiran lady I saw before was just a peak, but now, there are two peaks around her, and she has the advantage in this wave, which is very stable.

"Hahaha, the little guy is still a little shy, let's go, my sister will take you to see the beautiful ones tonight. You guys are lucky this time, and you just caught up with Mrs. Ibuki's welcome banquet. I also paid a lot of money for it." I have reserved a few seats, you can see a lot today, this is a rare event for local witches on Dongying Island."

   Yaezi saw that the little niece was suddenly silent with a little expectation, she explained with a smile.

   After speaking, she looked at her old classmate at the side again.

"Rose, don't say that my sister doesn't take care of you. This time is a good opportunity for you to get out of the singles. That Ibuki Oiran is a rare beauty. She is known as the number one beauty in Dongying Island, and she has the best strength, talent, and wealth." Que, if you can fall into her eyes, then you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

  Noë Rose: "."

  Mr. Spider, who looked like a gentle wife, fell silent for a moment.

  If it was a few months ago, if anyone teased her like this, she might have been ready to beat someone with her temper, but now, she is slightly interested.

After all, she still thought she was quite young before, and she could spend hundreds of years more, and there was nothing wrong with being single, but now look at senior sister Uphelia, her children are so old, and they are so outstanding , which gave her the urge to practice a trumpet for fun.

   It's just that the trumpet can't be opened by one person. She has to find a partner first, but how to find a partner has touched her blind spot of knowledge.

   After all, you can't expect a home girl who lives in her lair to play puppets every day to know how to fall in love.

  But now, this unreliable old classmate has provided her with a new idea.

  Yes, although I don’t know how to fall in love, I can still spend money.


   "Forget it, I still can't accept things like you girls. I don't like things that other people have used."

  After thinking about it, Mr. Spider shook his head and refused.

   Most of the nerd girls are a little mentally clean, and so is she.

  Even if she had to spend money to find a partner, she didn't want to find it in this kind of flower street, so she might as well find a clean little witch who is short of money to support her later.

   Besides, her main purpose is to open a trumpet, so for the sake of this trumpet, the aptitude should not be too bad, so she can't just find a partner, at least she has to find someone with better talent.

   "Rose, you don't understand now."

  Hearing what her old classmate said, Yaezi shook her head, with an expression of "you don't understand at all", and then continued to explain.

   "The flower street on Dongying Island is different from those outside. If it's just a communication between flesh and blood, it would be too vulgar and boring. Compared with the joy of the body, we pay more attention to the harmony between the souls of each other."

  "There is a saying in the East, those who use **** to serve others, the color fades and the love runs."

   "Therefore, in this Yoshihara, only the lowest-ranking girls entertain people with their looks, while those high-ranking girls are mostly talented and beautiful, and the most outstanding ones are the oirans of each store."

"Most of the oirans are the signatures of various verandahs. In addition to their peerless appearance and amazing talent, they must also be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing, etc. It can be said that each of them is the best partner that people dream of. gone."

   "Besides, the oiran has always been a showman, not a person."

"Generally speaking, only when an oiran decides to retire, she will hold a welcome banquet. The oiran will choose one of the guests attending the banquet as her guest of honor, in fact, she will be her future partner. This paragraph is a setting, not popular science, don't be serious)

   After hearing such an explanation, Noë Rose finally realized that, as a senior housewife, it was actually the first time in her life that she came to a place like Flower Street, and she didn't know there was such a setting at all.

  However, if the oiran is only selling art and not selling herself, then she is indeed interested.

   "Then I can try it."

   Teacher Spider nodded, very confident.

  Well, she's just a mere prostitute. With her strength and talent, she won in minutes. This wave of her is very stable.

  Although she has never been in a relationship, Noelos has a mysterious confidence and calmness at this time.

   Seeing her old classmate like this, the smile behind Yaezi's folding fan became even more joyful, and she immediately added to the fire.

   "This is not over yet. You must know that there are gaps among the oirans. Among them, the one who can win the title of Taifu is the oiran among the oirans. He is the head of the flower street, and the one who is the most beautiful."

"It's just that the evaluation criteria of Taifu are extremely strict. This Yoshihara Flower Street existed as early as when Dongying Island was built, but now tens of thousands of years have passed, and there are less than ten oirans who can win the title of Taifu. Speaking of which, this Taifu The name has been cut off for tens of thousands of years, until Miss Ibuki was born a hundred years ago."

   "Speaking of which, Taifu Ibuki's life experience is also special. She was originally a wisteria specially trained by Yoshiwara Flower Street."

   Having said this, the blond witch paused slightly, and Noelos also subconsciously asked.

   "What is a vine girl?"

  The house witch, who was silently in front of the audience, was also very curious at this time.

She felt that the Mrs. Ibuki mentioned by Aunt Zi should be the oiran lady she saw parading the street at noon. No wonder the pomp in the oiran street was so big and scary. The feeling is that she is the king of the flower street. Reasonable.

Dorothy breathed a sigh of relief silently. It seemed that it wasn't the Huajie that was abnormal, but that Ibuki Oiran was special. It was a coincidence that the three of them ran into this once-in-a-thousand-year-old husband out of the street at noon , This caused some unnecessary misunderstandings about this Yoshihara Flower Street.

   Now, seeing Mr. Spider like this, she seems to be a little cautious, so wouldn't that Ibuki Oiran might become her mistress? She immediately pricked up her ears, ready to listen to Aunt Zi's introduction.

   "The so-called vine girl is actually a very inhuman and lazy habit of this flower street. Although it has been abolished for many years on the surface, there are always corridors that secretly cultivate it."

  Speaking of this, Yaezi also had a disgusted expression on her face.

   "Do you know the law of the inheritance of our witches' talents?"

   She asked the crowd like this.

  Dorothy and the others also nodded.

  There is no rule for this, if there is no way, it is a lottery. Cards are randomly drawn from the talent card pool of the parents, grandparents, and grandparents, and the strength of the talent determines how many rounds can be drawn.

  Occasionally, a very few witches can also trigger the Easter Egg card pool, and there is a probability that the blood will return to the ancestors, and can join the card pool of a powerful ancestor.

   "What are you talking about? Talent inheritance is completely up to fate."

  Noë Rose looked at this old classmate with some doubts, not understanding why the other party mentioned this.

   "No, in fact, it is not completely dependent on fate. Although it is true that what talent a child can get is out of control, there are still ways to increase the probability of getting an excellent talent."

  The blond witch shook her head.

   "This is impossible. If there is such a way, all the witches in the world will go crazy. Someone has already studied the randomness of talent inheritance, and it is completely uncontrollable, etc."

  Mr. Spider subconsciously denied the old classmate's words, but when it came to this, she suddenly remembered something, and then frowned, and even half-opened her squinting eyes, revealing those dark and bewitching eyes.

  But before she could speak, Yaezi nodded.

   "Well, that's what you think."

   "Then you are really crazy. If the trial court finds out about this, it will be a serious crime against the human rights of witches."

  Noë Rose was a little surprised, and her expression was also a little disgusted. The terrifying and fierce light even burst out from the eyes of the already ferocious spider for a moment, and the murderous aura scattered.

  At the side, Dorothy scratched her ears and complained anxiously.

   What exactly is it, can't you two riddlers explain it more clearly?

   It's hard, it's hard, the fist is really hard.

  The otaku witch trembled coldly.

   Now she can't wait to take out her Grand Inquisitor's Order and throw it in the faces of these two unreliable elders, and then use her authority to force them to ask what the matter is so that the trial court cannot know.

   Fortunately, just when she really put her hands in her pockets and was about to really force her to ask questions, the blond aunt spoke again.

   "The randomness of talent inheritance is indeed unshakable, but the strength of the inheritance card pool can indeed be changed. As long as you find a way to improve the quality of the card pool, then you can naturally increase the talent strength of future generations."

"The so-called vine girls are the product of this rule. They are mothers who have been carefully cultivated. They are selected from gifted children who are already talented, and then let them only evolve high-level specialties instead of low-level specialties. In this way, we can select the best among the best from generation to generation, and eventually we can always create the best mother body with the best talents and specialties."

"These mothers have only one thing in their lives. In order to produce better offspring, they are like the vines that breed melons and fruits. They use their own sacrifices to support the fruits. When the melons are ripe, they will be worthless. , This is the so-called vine girl."

   Yaezi explained in detail, and when she talked about this with a smile all the time, her aura became a little scary.

  After hearing this, Dorothy was also a little speechless for a while.

   Tsk, I can only say that she is a Japanese witch who has a good life. This is really twisted, and she really knows how to play.

  Of course, this kind of vine girl is not a specialty of Japan. There are actually witches in the outside world, and they are even banned repeatedly. Some people even voluntarily become this kind of vine girl.

  After all, from the perspective of profit, this is indeed a good thing to choose the best from the best. Just like breeding with animals, the more you match, the more high-quality breeds you can produce.

   It’s just that, from the perspective of human rights, this is a very sad thing. After all, a person’s life cannot be just for reproduction.

The top talents of the Vine girls look very beautiful, but they are not. The more advanced the better, the ssr and sr level talents are rare and powerful, but the r and n level low-level talents are sometimes But more important.

   After all, even a game character can’t only have nirvana skills, without level a and small skills.

  Mature and perfect talent templates often only need one or two high-level talent specialties as the core. The strength of those perfectly matched talent templates can be much stronger than the fantasy templates that use all ssr but fight on their own.

Because there is a limit to one's energy, and each of those ssr-level talents and specialties represents a path that is enough to reach the apex, enough for a witch to spend her entire life developing. In this case, blindly pursuing more If you don't pursue proficiency, you are actually going astray.

  Although everyone knows that it must be good for me to have it all, most people don’t have the capital to want it all, and the result of wanting it all is often that they lose it all and end up with nothing.

   Snakes who don’t have the heart to swallow their imaginations will only end up being strangled to death.

Therefore, the vine girls who specially evolved for the sake of advanced talents and specialties are actually just vase dolls with good-looking panel attributes. They should be able to have their own wonderful lives with excellent talents, and can better contribute to the world of witches. Yes, but it's a sad thing that talent is being wasted in order to be a proper mother right now.

Not to mention that the evolution of advanced talents and specialties requires a huge reserve of magic power. If those vine girls use all their magic power on the evolution of talents and specialties, then their personal strength is bound to stretch their hips, and the lifespan of witches who do not become great witches is also short. Thousands of years or so.

There is no doubt that forcing others to become vine girls is a violation of human rights, and the witch world under the rule of the Three Kings is at least a society where everyone is equal among witches on the surface, so this violation of human rights is naturally illegal .

  Anyway, according to the rules of the Tribunal, it is often possible to kill people who maliciously cultivate this kind of vine girl.

   It's just that rules are rules, but it is actually very difficult to implement. After all, some vine girls are not forced, but voluntary.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Those witch families can do anything for an excellent heir. They need a vine girl as a mother. Similarly, there are always some geniuses who don’t want to work hard. Giving up their talents voluntarily in exchange for glory A rich life.

   But then again

  Dorothy looked at her list of talents and specialties, then silently lowered her head.

  Trough, the vine girl is actually myself.

  The house witch has a guilty conscience

   Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk



  (end of this chapter)