MTL - House Witch-Chapter 601 600. Hey, it's all six hundred

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  Chapter 601 600. Hey, there are six hundred chapters, so long

   On the third floor of the Mirage Building, in the tatami and Japanese-style banquet hall with a traditional oriental taste, a grand banquet is being prepared.

  The layout of the banquet is also very classic. It looks like a couplet. The guest seats formed by two rows of small tables are the vertical couplets, and the innermost horizontal couplets are the seats for the banquet host.

  Anyway, the scale is quite large. If people who don’t know this place come here to see it, they may think it’s a gathering of gangsters or something. Anyway, they won’t think that this is actually a welcome banquet for an oiran.

  After all, with the scale of hundreds of guest seats below, no matter how powerful the oiran is, there is no way to handle and satisfy so many guests at the same time.

  However, if there are regular customers of Huajie here, then she will probably take a contemptuous look at the strangers, and then introduce them with eloquence.

   You must know that as the highest level of prostitutes, the oirans are almost all performers but not their bodies. Even if the oirans decide to retire and want to find someone to commit themselves to, it is impossible to just grab a passerby on the street.

  In fact, the oirans even have a very strict process standard for picking up guests.

  First of all, the oiran will not sit in the store and wait for customers, only the guests spend a lot of money to invite the oiran to meet through the special "Yangwu".

This mirage is the highest-class poplar house in Yoshiwara. Although this banquet is Taifu Ibuki's welcome banquet, the guests who participated in this banquet spent a lot of money on tickets to get to participate in the banquet. qualified.

  Secondly, after the oiran comes, she is the seat of honor, and the guests can only sit down.

Therefore, the main seat is actually the seat of Taifu Ibuki, and other guests can only sit in the vertical guest seats, and even the ranking of the guest seats is also particular. the closer.

  After that, the oiran is not something you can kiss with only one ticket. In fact, there are usually three welcome banquets for the oiran.

The first meeting is called the "first meeting". During the banquet, the oirans will not eat, drink, or talk to the guests. They will only sit in the banquet like a quiet doll, examining whether the guests have Qualified to meet with myself for a second time.

   Therefore, generally at the first meeting, the guests tend to be like peacocks courting a mate, trying their best to show their wealth and talent, etc., so as to win the beauty to smile.

The second meeting is called "li". The oirans still don't communicate with the guests. The guests still have to spend expensive tickets and perform their specialties to get the third meeting with the oirans. Chance.

   And when they meet for the third time, which is the day when the results are announced, the oiran will prepare chopsticks with the guest's name engraved on them, and the guest is finally qualified to share the bed with the beauty, enjoying a happy night.

  Of course, I still have to pay after the fun. This time the tickets are more generous than the previous two times, which makes me appear sincere.

   Even, when the guests are done playing, you can’t run away, that’s not okay, you have to be responsible, you have to "keep the festival" for the oiran, of course, it's just "keeping the festival" in the flower street.

Once the guest has shared the bed with the oiran, you can no longer go to other wandering girls. If someone finds out that you have found a "little three", you will have to spend money to eliminate the disaster, or you will be beaten violently, or even be punished. Permanently expelled from Yoshihara.

But the oiran doesn't need to "keep the festival" for the guests. They can actually have multiple guests at the same time. If these guests accidentally collide with each other, then the oiran will often send the "interns" around them to receive them, but The guest and the "intern" can still only talk and cannot have any substantive relationship, and the tickets have to be given at the oiran level.

   In a word, it seems that only the kind of people who are stupid, rich and unreliable will be this kind of guests.

   But in fact, there are not only such big injustices, but also many.

  After all, human nature is always cheap, and most people don’t cherish things that can be easily obtained. Often, only the fruits that are finally picked after hard work will appear extraordinarily sweet.

  The oiran's reception banquet probably took advantage of this mentality.

Moreover, it is impossible for the guests who can afford this kind of extravagant banquet to be purely for physical desire. What they need more is fame or style, the kind that beat those of the same level at the oiran banquet, or even better. High-level competitors finally embrace the sense of accomplishment and prestige of being a beauty.

  In the final analysis, the rules of this oiran banquet are just a gimmick.

  After all, no one really thinks that a small oiran can easily handle those guests who are already big men.

Most of the time, it is actually the oirans who "keep the festival", and the big shots as guests still enjoy themselves. As for the rules that the oirans don't need to "keep the festival", it is just a setting to push up their status, even those who "keep the festival" for the oirans The other guests may have been pre-arranged or something.

  Of course, this is the case under normal circumstances, and there are always abnormal times, such as now.

  Taifu Ibuki is not just a little oiran, she also has the power of a peak witch. This is a beautiful but dangerous tiger, not the birds that can be enjoyed by others at will in the past.

  Therefore, the rules of this Taifu's reception banquet are really rules, even with a little lower EQ, this is actually Taifu Ibuki's "Concubine Selection Banquet".

  However, no one thinks there is any problem with this. After all, not to mention Taifu Ibuki's beauty, which is known as the most beautiful woman in Dongying Island, her identity as the Lord of Yoshihara is already very tempting.

   This is a rich woman, and she is also a very powerful rich woman. As long as you take her down and ally with her, you can gain a lot of wealth, a well-informed intelligence station and public opinion center, and a top personal bodyguard.

  Even Taifu Ibuki is a vine girl, the best mother, she is a priceless and expensive treasure, and the offspring born with her can ensure that the next generation of the family will have successors.

   This is the real key. After all, for those ancient families that have passed on for a long time, excellent heirs are more precious than any other treasures, because this represents whether the family can be passed on in the long run.

   Therefore, although Taifu Ibuki's reception banquet should have been only for the interior of Dongying Island, in fact, not only locals came here after hearing the news, but also many foreigners came.

  Mia is one of the outlanders.

  Although she herself has no interest in beautiful oirans, she already has a sweetheart, and the golden princess who is full of eyes is no longer in love with others in this life.

   But it’s a pity that even the future richest witch in the world can’t help herself in some things, such as marriage urging from the elders of the family.

   This is a terrible curse that single dogs cannot escape.

  Although Mia is only 22 years old this year, it is reasonable to say that she is still very young, so she does not need to be so anxious to think about marriage, but there is no way, who told her that she is about to graduate from the academy?

  In the eyes of the traditional witch parents, you don’t go to school anymore, and you don’t need to worry about work, so why don’t you hurry up and find someone to marry, anyway, you’re idle anyway, so it’s best to give us a trumpet as soon as possible.

In the witch family, there are many people who get married as soon as they graduate. Even Mia's mothers are very pampered if they can bear her until she is 22 years old. It's settled.

   "Oh, it's a good thing the little goblin didn't know about it, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

  Sitting in the first seat on the left closest to the main seat, the golden princess was secretly troubled.

   This is a "blind date banquet" arranged for her by the family, and she is not allowed to refuse.

  Even if she was very resistant to this, the attitude of the mothers was still very firm, and this matter was not negotiable.

Even after learning that their daughter had a sweetheart, the two mothers took turns saying, "Anyway, just take a look, and you won't lose money if you look at it." In love" and so on.

Anyway, Mia's head is getting big, she can only come in the end, after all, it is her responsibility and obligation to pass on the family blood, and a top-level vine girl who can get it in a fair and honest way, even if she is so dissatisfied with Jinxiang The top power with poor money is also very tempting.

  Of course, this does not prevent Mia from making up her mind to be passive at work.

After all, I obediently went to the blind date banquet, but people didn't like me, this kind of thing can't be forced, it's not normal for people to look down on me, a little big witch ?

Although this kind of "failure" may reduce the evaluation of Mia as the heir within the family, the Golden Princess is fearless. If she is capable, the elders can fire her. The little goblin went to act as an accountant for her sweetheart.

  Mia believes that her little elf will definitely become a great figure in the world of witches in the future. Maybe the Golden Town will be proud of her as an "abandoned girl" in turn.


   "Besides, top vine girl, I already have one."

  Recalling the faceplate of the goblins when everyone exchanged character cards in Witch Night, Mia looked happy.

  At first, she liked little fairies very much, but now she likes them even more.


  Sitting bored on the banquet table, the golden princess looked at the other seats where there were people and some who hadn't arrived yet, and wished sincerely in her heart.

   "Come on everyone, I believe you will be able to embrace the beautiful woman back home."


   Not long after this blessing came down, she regretted it, because she saw two familiar figures pushing the door in.

   That is the little fairy she thinks about day and night, and the little fairy's fox pendant.

  For a while, Mia wondered if she had hallucinations because she hadn't seen the goblin for two days, and the goblin's energy was seriously low. But after she rubbed her eyes, the phantom in front of her didn't disappear.

   In other words, this is really her goblin, but why did the goblin come to such a ghostly place?

  Mia was a little ecstatic at first, but then felt a little guilty.

   After all, there is nothing more terrifying than being caught by your sweetheart in a brothel.

   This scared Mia almost to lift the plate on the table in front of her to cover her face.

   It's just that her iconic plump figure and the glittering and luxurious dress on her body are a bit deceiving.

  However, after feeling guilty, another idea emerged from the heart of the golden princess.

  Well, is there a possibility that the little goblin was forced to come here for a blind date just like her?

She knows the life experience of her sweetheart, that is the daughter of Teacher Uphelia, and although the Yemengard family has embarked on the road of revival because of the teacher's activity, the revival of the family is obviously not something that can be forced by one person. It still needs the efforts of generations of successors.

If you think about it from this point of view, then Teacher Yufeilia's desire for an excellent successor is much stronger than her own. Although the teacher already has an excellent daughter like the goblin, this does not prevent the teacher from wanting another one. Excellent granddaughter idea.

  After all, the little goblin is already a top vine girl herself, if she finds another top vine girl to have a child, then the talent of that child is unimaginable.

  Not to mention the qualifications of becoming a king, the qualifications of a sage are stable, and once the Yemengade family can produce a sage, the status will basically be stable.

  The more Mia thought about it, the more she felt that it was reliable, and seeing that it was impossible for her to keep hiding it, she simply stood up generously and walked over there.

   "Uh, little elf, Audrey, why are you two here?"

  Golden Princess looked at her sweetheart and her fox pendant with a very puzzled expression.

   "Eh, senior sister, you are really there?"

  Dorothy also looked in surprise at the rich senior who had just asked her club for leave not long ago.

  Although when she saw the leave note, she had a vague premonition that everyone might meet on Dongying Island in the near future, but she never expected that the meeting place would be on Huajie.

  Mom, what the **** is this social death scene.

  As an otaku with a slight social fear, Dorothy was a little bit embarrassed by the scene of visiting brothels but meeting acquaintances. Anyway, she switched personalities at the speed of light in shame.

  Fairy King, now is your chance again.

  So, the house witch, who was almost blushing half of her face, quickly became calm.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to ask for leave because you came here. You said it earlier, and I just took this as a team building activity for our club. Senior, you don't need to explain, I understand, I understand, I fully believe in your character, you will definitely not be the kind of bad woman who likes to go shopping in the flower street, and you must have been tricked by unscrupulous elders like me."

  The Goblin King was a head start on the spot.

  Well, according to the law of conservation of embarrassment, the effect of embarrassment is also mutual. As long as I am not embarrassed, it must be someone else who is embarrassed.

   Moreover, she perfectly dumped the blame on Aunt Zi and Teacher Spider beside her.

  She didn't lie, it was indeed two unscrupulous elders who brought her, a pure and flawless young witch, here.

  As for the afternoon, what kind of afternoon, can the kind of thing that just enters the flower street and then leaves be called flower street shopping? Obviously not, she just passed by in the afternoon.

  The goblin king brought into full play the qualities of a crumb witch.

   It's just that, obviously, this word has another meaning when it reaches Senior Mia's ears.

   "Sure enough, the little goblin was also forced to go on a blind date by Teacher Uphilia."

  As soon as she heard that it was an elder's request, the golden princess immediately understood.

   Even after thinking about the situation of the little goblin's family, she made up her mind.

   "Yeah, I'll help you with assists, goblin, come on."

  Mia decided to give up this top vine girl to her sweetheart. After all, she didn't want it in the first place, but the sweetheart just needed it, so it was natural.

  As for rivals in love, there is no need to be afraid. After all, no matter how high-class the oiran husband is, she is still a prostitute and cannot be the main wife of a big family. So this is just a bed toy for her sweetheart, and it is not a big deal.

  Anyway, the future main house of the little goblin must be me, of the same family, with the same family, and a stable fortune.

   Regarding this point, the Golden Princess is still very confident.

   And Dorothy: "???"

  Seeing the look of Mia-senpai who is determined to cheer for her, the house witch is full of question marks.

   No, I'm just here for a meal, do I need to work harder? I can eat it myself?

   Forget it, maybe the senior sister is being polite, and it is used to ease the embarrassing chat, or is it better to poke the senior sister, so as to save her some face.

   "Yeah, I will work hard" (dry rice)

  Dorothy nodded and said so.

  The little witch is waiting for the meal

  (end of this chapter)