MTL - House Witch-Chapter 612 611. Dragon Rebellion

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  Chapter 612 611. Dragon Vein Rebellion

  Dragon veins actually refer to the veins of the earth, the earth is the dragon's flesh, the stone is the dragon's bone, and the vegetation is the dragon's hair.

  Feng Shui is actually an academic study of dragon veins. The so-called finding out the ins and outs refers to finding the dragon veins.

The layout structure of dragon veins is also graded, similar to trees with roots, trunks, branches, leaves, dragon veins are also divided into root dragons, dry dragons, branch dragons, leaf dragons, etc. Generally speaking, as long as the dragon veins gather aura, that is, The so-called Feng Shui treasure land.

   It's just that ordinary Feng Shui masters are not good enough to accurately find big dragons such as main dragon veins or dry dragon veins. Generally, they can only find small dragons such as Zhilong and Yelong. (The blindly written setting seems to be the first to find the parents and ancestor dragons in serious Fengshui. Fengshui is too complicated. I didn’t understand the information after searching for a long time, so I had to make it up. Please don’t take it seriously.)

And the kind of feng shui master who can find a great dragon in one place and one country is a rare expert even in the Eastern universe, and can generally hold important positions such as national teacher. Such ruthless people can often dominate the rise and fall of a dynasty, and they are happy In order to use the power of the dragon's veins to let some people get the life of a real dragon, similarly, if they are unhappy, they can easily cut off the dragon's veins, thus causing a prosperous dynasty to quickly perish.

"The ancestors of my Dongying Island came from the land of Dongying in the Eastern Universe, but it is a pity that Dongying is located in a remote corner of the world of Shanhai Kyushu, which is very desolate. Shangguo has sought the law, but in the end, he only learned a little bit of the supreme immortal law, and most of it is the way of changing yin and yang, but he didn't learn much about the secrets of geomantic omen, so he can only look for small dragons, but it is hard to see big ones."

   Yae Zi was still talking freely, she was talking about the origin of her Feng Shui secret technique.

  The blond witch felt very regretful as she spoke, her face showing her indisputable anger towards the fairy ancestor.

  If the ancestors fail to live up to expectations, the descendants will suffer greatly.

She has already mastered the Fengshui secrets inherited from the clan. She should be able to improve her skills with her talent. In time, she may not be able to become a Fengshui master who can find the big dragon. It is a pity that if the inheritance is broken, she will be considered a There is no place to learn if she wants to learn, so that her current feng shui practice is not to mention looking at Dalong, Xiaolong actually doesn't see it very well.

"But Dorothy, you don't have to worry. Although the inheritance of the immortals is incomplete, and now the east and west are isolated from the universe, and I can't go to seek the law across the border, but I have studied the prophecy magic over the years and have researched a lot of Fengshui magic that combines things. These are enough. You learned it."

   Yaezi saw her little niece, who was listening carefully, suddenly lost her mind. She thought that Dorothy didn't want to learn because she hated her incomplete secret method, so she quickly added.

   On the other side, the otaku witch is indeed a little distracted.

   But it's not because she dislikes Aunt Zi's food. Although this strange blonde aunt does seem to have a little food, she has learned the art of Feng Shui just as she said just now, only half of it, not all of it.

   Otherwise, she wouldn't have failed to discover that the dragon vein she was looking for was actually her own.

Although Dorothy herself didn't understand what was going on, anyway, she didn't feel the difficulty of "big dragons are hard to find" that Aunt Zi just said, because in her sight, the big dragon on Dongying Island was really It's so clear.

  Even though Dongying Island has an island in its name, it is mainly because this special witch collar is only an inconspicuous island compared to the whole witch world. After all, the witch world is too big.

  However, if you look at the size of Dongying Island without comparing it with the Witch World, it is a huge place beyond the imagination of ordinary people. According to Dorothy, it is at least two or three times as big as the earth in her previous life.

   Such a huge land is naturally complex in terrain, and dragon veins are hidden deep in the ground veins, so it is very difficult to find. If the Feng Shui master is not good enough, it is really hard to find it.

  If you want to find the dragon veins, you can only observe the qi of the dragon veins through the qi-watching technique. Although the dragon veins are hidden underground, the qi of the dragon veins is connected to the sky and can be observed by Feng Shui masters.

   It's just that the various qi between the heaven and the earth are too complicated, just like a thick fog, which will block the effect of the qi-watching technique, and the dragon's head can't see its tail, and the dragon's veins will hide itself.

   Therefore, it is difficult for Feng Shui masters with insufficient cultivation to distinguish the dragon veins in the boundless sea of ​​air.

  However, Dorothy seemed to have turned on the perspective hanging. In her eyes, the flow of various qi between the sky and the earth was clearly visible, and there was no fog that blocked the line of sight.

  So, at a glance, she could clearly see the eight-headed snake in the "sea of ​​air" hovering over Dongying Island.

   If she guessed correctly, this thing must be the dragon vein of Dongying Island.

   And when Dorothy took a closer look, she found that although the body of the eight-headed serpent had been swimming, its eight heads and the tip of the tail behind it had never moved.

   Among them, the main head, the largest of the eight heads, corresponds to the Yae mansion where she lives now, and the head and the tip of the tail are very close together, and the position of the tip of the tail.

  Dorothy was taken aback after carefully identifying it. It was impressively located in the flower street not far from Heianjing.

  The house witch looked at Aunt Zi, who was surrounded by purple energy, and had a vague guess in her heart.

   "Sister Zi, how did the dragon veins of Dongying Island escape? Since this thing is the spirit of the earth veins, it stands to reason that it shouldn't move casually."

  She started to guide the topic, trying to find more clues.

"Normal uninhabited land's ownerless dragon veins will naturally not move at will, but Dongying Island has an owner, and the Fengshui situation on this island is not natural, but specially arranged by the senior immortals with the supreme immortal method. , the direction of the dragon vein is related to the rise and fall of the entire Dongying Island."

  Eightfold Purple thought for a while.

  The matter of Dongying Island's dragon veins was originally a secret, and she shouldn't be told casually, but the little niece in front of her is not an outsider. After all, she and her teacher will help her find the dragon's acupuncture point tomorrow, and then build the barrier of the trapped dragon.

  So, some things can be said to this little guy.

   "As I said before, the core idea of ​​Fengshui is the harmony between man and nature. Therefore, if the dragon's veins are stable, Dongying will prosper and talents will emerge in large numbers. But on the other hand, once Dongying declines and enters an eventful season, the dragon's veins will shift."

   "Hey, Dongying Island seems to be calm now, but it is actually the last calm before the storm."

   Having said this, the blond witch sighed, with a sad face on her face.

   "That's it, then I understand. No wonder sister you want the teacher to help you build a barrier for the trapped dragon. As long as the dragon veins become stable again, will Dongying Island be able to restore peace?"

  Dorothy had a look of "sudden realization".

   "If it was really that simple, the pattern of the dragon veins after the displacement has changed. The former auspicious dragon can only be forced to stabilize now, and it can only be a fierce dragon, and the situation of the fierce dragon will only exacerbate the chaos in Dongpu."

   "This territory has decayed, and it has long been completely hopeless."

  Yue Zi shook her head with a sad expression.

  Dorothy: "."

  The house witch looked up at the vicious purple eight-headed serpent in the sky, and had to admit that Aunt Zi still had something. Although she couldn't see the whole picture of the dragon veins, this thing had indeed evolved into an evil dragon.

  Anyway, every time the giant purple snake twisted, she could see black evil spirit rising from all over Dongying Island, which was obviously not an auspicious sign.

   "My condolences"

  The house witch scratched her head, not knowing how to comfort the aunt.

  However, before she could organize her words of comfort, the blond witch suddenly cheered up. She snapped open the folding fan in her hand, and then smiled happily.

"Hehe, in fact, I have been very dissatisfied with the stubbornness of Dongying Island for a long time. I wish that the old rules on this island will come to an end soon. A new order is built on the ruins of that ruin."

   Yaezi squinted her eyes, and said sinisterly like a cobra.

  Dorothy: "."

  The house witch was stunned for a moment, but she was also speechless. You are also the ghost of Dongying.

  She thought of the oiran lady who was full of hatred and wished to die with Dongying Island, and then looked at Aunt Zi in front of her, and felt that this broken island would end sooner or later.

   Seeing the stunned look of the little niece, the blond witch smiled even more happily.

"What's so strange about this? Only you witches from the outside world are fascinated by this so-called Japanese style, and find it interesting and novel, but for a native Japanese witch like me, everything in this place is rotten gone."

  "The system is old, corruption is rampant, classes are solidified, society is oppressive, and the people are dull, just like a pool of stagnant water, exuding a disgusting stench."

  Yae Zi shook the folding fan in her hand, counting the shortcomings of this "hometown" one by one.

   "Do you know? Dorothy, in fact, Japanese witches have always looked down on you outside witches. Do you know what we usually call you?"

   she asked.

  Dorothy shook her head.

   "Barbarian witch, you may not know what barbarian means. This is an old saying in the Eastern Universe, which means barbarian."

  The blond witch looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said so.

"The former Dongying Island is indeed qualified to call you that, because when the island was first built, we were the descendants of the noble immortals, and we had the knowledge and civilization taught by the immortals, far more advanced than you in the outside world. At that time, we saw Come on, you compatriots from the outside world are a bunch of vulgar and rude barbarians who only know how to burn, kill, loot and smash."

  She stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to catch the moon in the sky, but in the end she dropped her hand weakly.

   "Unfortunately, time has changed, and the current offensive and defensive trends are different. Today's Dongying Island is just a group of idiots who are still immersed in the glory of the past and sit and watch the sky."

   Yaezi turned her head to look at the otaku witch next to her, with an expression of reminiscence on her face.

   "Dorothy, you should have heard of "Journey to Japan"."

  The house witch nodded, this is a bestseller in the world of witches, of course she knows.

   "More than a hundred years ago, that foreigner inadvertently broke into this place. It was she who broke Dongying Island's long-term autism and let some people know about the changes in the outside world."

"I'm one of those people. As you can see, I still have some status on this island. When that foreigner came in, I met her and asked her about the outside world with a sense of superiority. .”

   "At that time, I actually had the idea of ​​watching a play, and what I wanted to hear from that foreigner was how stupid you were, just like going to the zoo to watch monkeys."

   "It's just that what I didn't expect was that the monkey was myself in the end."

  The delicate face of the blond witch revealed an unbearable expression.

"The foreigner's narration about the outside world almost shattered my worldview. The magical things she told me were unheard of in the past. I can't believe that the barbaric world that the elders talked about has completely changed in just tens of thousands of years. I was so angry that I almost had that stranger hacked to death, because she dared to deceive me with flattering words."

   "But that foreigner ran away. She used an illusion beyond my imagination to disappear majestically in front of me and my retainers. Even though we dug three feet into the ground, we couldn't find a single hair of her."

"Her teasing also woke me up completely, and made me realize that the fairy law handed down by the immortals may also be outdated in this era. The once ignorant witches have now developed a way beyond our imagination. Prosperous magic civilization."

   "That's why I decided to leave Dongying Island and study abroad."

   "It's just that the elders didn't agree with my thoughts. They were so stubborn that I actually ran away from home secretly in the end."

  Speaking of this, Yaezi smiled very happily. This peak witch at a young age is indeed a bit of a seventeen-year-old girl at this time, which made Dorothy a little dazed.

  Presumably, more than a hundred years ago, the real seventeen-year-old Aunt Zi left Dongying Island in this way to enter the world of witches alone.

  Well, it’s like the beginning of a legendary life. The young brave left his hometown, went to the outside world for adventure, and then met various companions and so on.

  But the blonde aunt quickly looked at her, which made the house witch feel a little guilty.

  Damn it, this is auntie, how can you think auntie is pretty?

   "Hehe, Dorothy, do you think my experience is the protagonist?"

   Yaezi spoke out what the house witch was thinking just now, as if she could read her mind.

   This shocked Dorothy. She has always maintained the Occlumency Technique, so it stands to reason that her mind should not be read.

   "Hahaha, don't be nervous, it's not mind reading, it's just that I thought so at the time."

   "At that time, I was very ambitious. I thought that as a genius, I would definitely become a great figure in the world of witches in the future, and then return home to reform Dongying Island and so on."

   "But, until I met that woman when I started school"

  The blond witch glanced at the little niece next to her, her tone a bit sad.

   "Dorothy, your mother, senior sister Uphelia, is the real protagonist, and I'm just a supporting role beside her."

  Aunt Zi is recalling

   It’s still py time. There are a lot of new books recently. I recommend a friend’s new book "Han Xiang".



  (end of this chapter)

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