MTL - How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?-Chapter 26 (Plus more) [Part1 / 2]

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I dragged Lian Qi to a fishing trip that says "go away"-"Wait a minute? Why do you want to go fishing ????" She was dragged out of the door by somehow. I have been able to count the number of times I have come out of this door since Li Qi came to the Fontainebleau Manor.

At this moment, the bright sun was falling on the steps I had before breakfast. It was such a shame that such a fine weather would still be in the house. I was determined to take Lian Qi to see the outside world.

"Don't you want to try the fish I made?"

These days, Lian Qi is quite satisfied with my cooking. The only thing I can think of is to seduce her with this. I dragged her hand and continued to walk. Although I was a boy, holding hands or something ... shouldn't it be rude?

"I don't like fish! I only like salmon!"

"You didn't like tea before, did you?"

She was silent and seemed speechless? At the same time, I dragged her hand and felt that I was following me with less resistance.

"What's the salmon you just said?" I asked.

"What? Your world doesn't have salmon? That's a big loss. The scientific name is salmon, living in the deep sea. It is delicious to eat raw with soy sauce and dipping mustard.

"No ... there must be, even Qi's favorite things, there must be in our world." I answered her firmly.

"Ha ...? What happened to you suddenly?"

"I just want you to like our world and let you know that this world is worth saving for you."

"But I don't like it. You see, this villa is so luxurious, with wine and grapes, and a beautiful girl with white hair as my maid. It looks like a good place to spend the rest of my life."

What ... Is that white-haired beautiful girl especially stressed?

"But, Fontainebleau is not the whole world. I want to take you to the outside world."

"But you know I don't really like going out."

"I know, you must be worried about the identity of the traversal being revealed by the demon king, don't worry, I will protect you anyway."

"Ha ...? You protect me?"

She stopped suddenly, I didn't know, she took her hand and continued to move forward, but she was pulled back.

"You're not as strong as I am," she said to me with a smile.


I was speechless. When girls say such things, where should I put my dignity as a boy?

I gently pushed her away. "We have arrived."

"Are you here? So fast?"

Lian Qi didn't actually know that the villa that Queen Tristi had given her was located beside the lake, and it only took a few steps to reach it. The lake water is deeper than the sky. The reflection of the snowy mountains in the distance is reflected on the lake. The lush forest in the vicinity stretches in front of the eyes, and there are several deer hiding behind the trees.

Everything seems to have just moved out of the fairy tale. I took a deep breath and looked at Lianqi. The fresh air in the morning still had a slight sweetness.

"I dare not imagine that there is such a landscape outside the villa. I didn't even notice it." She said with a sigh, she seemed to be fascinated by the original natural landscape in front of her.

"This is the outside world." I said to her with a smile. If she can like it, I will be very happy.

She tilted her head and stared at me, with a good look and a smile on the corner of her mouth, all showing me through.

"My mouth says fishing is actually trying to make me appreciate the scenery, isn't it really hard for you to make me homeless?"

"No, no, no, I really plan on fishing, you see, I even brought a fishing rod."


She lowered her head and looked at me loading bait, and asked me uneasily, "Will you fish?"

"How do you know without trying?"

"... that wouldn't happen?"

"Please don't say that." I was done, facing the lake, holding the fishing rod in both hands and preparing to throw the fishing line.

"Is this lake ... safe? Isn't Cthulhu underwater?"

"Please tell me something I can understand." I slammed a fishing rod-the fishhook flew out, stranded on the shore of the lake a meter away.



It seems, looks, looks, is ugly ... at this moment my blushing. How did that happen? I know I'm working hard, why can't I throw it away?

"You can't even catch a frog so shallow, right?" Lian Qi stared at the fish drift in the puddle.

After listening to her, it made me feel complacent ... I silently retracted the fishhook and threw it again!嗖 ~~~~ The fishhook fell at my feet, and even Qi gloated over me gloatingly— "Let's change the way and fry the fish with burst magic?"

"But I don't have any magic magic." I replied dejectedly. But no ...! Saying that I want to be full of energy, how can I easily give up? I pointed to the boat docked on the shore of the lake and suggested, "Why don't we go boating and go fishing deeper? So you don't have to worry about throwing the hook too far!"


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