MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 108 light keeper

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Shi Yuan stretched out his hand cautiously.

When the fingertips touched the sea water, a wave suddenly rolled over and submerged his palm. It was icy cold, and he immediately retracted his hands, his tail curled up nervously.

This was completely different from the rivers and lakes he had seen.

It's so magnificent that it can drown him in the next second. Rain and hail threw themselves into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

Shi Yuan whispered, "Wow..."

Lu Tinghan was beside him, and also stretched out his hand, the seawater poured into his palm, and a few ice floes swirled around his slender fingers.

"Huh huh—"

"Huh huh—"

Waves wash over the shore. Shi Yuan plucked up the courage to imitate Lu Tinghan, and once again touched the sea water, it was bone-chillingly cold.

When the rain and hail became lighter, he said softly, "The sea is different from what I thought."

Lu Tinghan asked: "What do you think?"

"It's much bluer, very clear, and there will be no ice floes." Shi Yuan tried hard to describe, "There may still be people surfing, fishing, swimming, and picking shells..."

All he knows about the ocean is from the documentary he watched with Lu Tinghan.

Lu Tinghan explained: "Every sea area is different, and it is related to the light, depth, geographical location and ocean currents. If we move north now, we will see the ice floes on the sea surface."

Shi Yuan: "Is there an iceberg?"

"Yes, but we can't see them." Lu Tinghan said, "They should be in the ocean."

"How do I go to the ocean?"

Lu Tinghan: "I used to travel by boat, submarine or aircraft. Ever since monsters appeared on the sea, no one dared to go out to sea. There are too many extreme situations at sea. Even if an aircraft encounters a breakdown, it will not survive if it is forced to land in the sea. Chance."

"What monsters are there in the sea?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes. It is said that there are thousands of kilometers of whales, glowing sea snakes and some sea monster-like creatures that can destroy fishing boats and warships."

"Sounds terrible."

Lu Tinghan was a little surprised: "Are you afraid of monsters?"

"No," Shi Yuan said, "I don't think I can swim."

Shi Yuan stretched out his hands again and submerged into the sea, letting the waves wash away. The sea water was very cold, and after a while he couldn't stand the cold anymore. He withdrew his hand, his fingertips turned slightly red.

Lu Tinghan covered Shi Yuan's hand as he passed by, obviously he had only touched water before, and his palm was still warm. Shi Yuan's hand, which was almost unconscious from the cold, quickly warmed up.

"Is it cold?" Lu Tinghan asked him.

"One thing, it's okay." Shi Yuan replied, "This is also the first time you've seen the sea, right?"


"Lu Tinghan, don't you know how to swim?"

"No, I'm a good swimmer. I used to be in the top ten at military school."

Shi Yuan: "...Oh."

He thought he had finally grasped Lu Tinghan's shortcoming, a little disappointed, Lu Tinghan looked at his expression and smiled.

The sun rises higher in the sky.

The rain was a little lighter and the sea was much brighter.

They sat on the beach together, very close together, holding hands, and looked at the sea quietly.

After the wind calmed down, the tide became gentle, and the ice floes were still drifting, going to an unknown distance—no matter how Shi Yuan imagined, he didn't know what was on the other side of the sea. Will it be the polar regions? Lu Tinghan once said that there is a creature called the arctic fox, which is fluffy and snow-white, very cute. Will it be the mainland? Another civilization besides the alliance and the empire also has their stories. Will it be another ocean? Nothing but waves and lonely icebergs.

His gaze was too urgent, Lu Tinghan explained to him: "The opposite side of this sea..."

"Don't tell me." Shi Yuan quickly interrupted him, "Don't tell me. I can't go anyway, let me imagine."

Lu Tinghan laughed softly: "Okay."

Shi Yuan said again: "I now understand what you said, why human beings want to explore the universe and the ocean. I also want to take a look."

"What about the universe?" Lu Tinghan asked, "Where did you come from?"

Shi Yuan thought for a while, curled up his tail tangled up: "I don't know..."

He never remembered how the abyss came from, and he didn't have much interest in the starry sky. Wu Zhengqing taught him all the relevant knowledge. The wilderness and the city are the places he is familiar with and misses.

However, looking up at some sparse stars in the sky, at this moment, he was a little uncertain.

Lu Tinghan patted his head: "Let's go, continue to look for that 'voice'."

Shi Yuan: "Huluhuhulu—"

They walked hand in hand on the beach, when they came to the lighthouse, Shi Yuan stood still.

"I see, the sound is from the sea," he said.

This is troublesome, they can't go to the sea, and they don't know how far the journey is, Shi Yuan may not be able to find the source of the sound.

Shi Yuan asked, "What should I do?" He thought for a while, and suggested, "Why don't you swim, can you swim with me?"

Lu Tinghan said: "First of all, I am a human being, not a speedboat. Secondly, you can change back into black mist."

"Oh, yes!" Shi Yuan remembered now, "I forgot about this." But he couldn't be too far away from the aircraft, and he said, "Forget it, it doesn't seem to work today, and we will meet again. "

The sea was still tumbling, Lu Tinghan suddenly said: "Let's go to the lighthouse, we can see far away, maybe you will find it."

The lighthouse was built by the Empire, it looks like it's made of stone, and somehow it has stood up for many years.

Lu Tinghan explained as he walked, saying that with the electronic navigation system, people basically don't need lighthouses, they are more used for viewing or swearing sovereignty over sea areas. This lighthouse is probably the same. If it was built later, it is not surprising that it is so reliable.

The whole body of the lighthouse is gray and black, the rocks under the tower are covered with moss, the stairs are also very damp, and the railings are all rusted. Fortunately, they are very strong, and the two of them did not make any abnormal noise when they stepped on them, and they reached the top floor.

They entered a small room first.

There are a small bed, tables and chairs, bookshelves, kettles and other daily necessities in the house, which have been placed for too long and are out of shape. The damp pages were sticky and crumpled and rotting, and several pieces of clothing stuck to the floor like rags.

There was a camera in the desk drawer, Shi Yuan fiddled with it, but couldn't open it at all. There are more than a dozen developed photos, tied together with rubber bands, and the wet sea breeze blows away all their colors, leaving blurred light, shadow and color spots.

Lu Tinghan said, "This is where the lighthouse staff rest."

"Will they be afraid? Keep facing the sea." Shi Yuan walked through the bookshelves, carefully read a book, and tried to distinguish the title.

"It's hard to say. For those who like the sea, it may be a kind of enjoyment."

Shi Yuan: "Then will they feel lonely?"


Shi Yuan thought of the Abyss Watchtower.

Lu Tinghan has been alone for 10 years, but it is much more lonely than this - although Lu Tinghan probably doesn't think so.

He rummaged carefully on the bookshelf, and if he was not careful, the books would fall apart, making him afraid to touch them. Until he found a tin box at the bottom of the bookshelf, it was closed tightly, and the rusty lock was biting the secret.

Shi Yuan thought for two seconds and handed it to Lu Tinghan.

The unqualified Lu Tinghan took it as expected, knocked off the **** of the gun, and the old lock fell in response. Inside the box was a ziplock bag with notes.

No matter what is written on this note, its owner attaches great importance to it and keeps it so well.

Shi Yuan took the notebook and went upstairs with Lu Tinghan. The glass on the top floor of the lighthouse is transparent, and the huge lights and lenses are placed in the center.

Lu Tinghan explained: "The oldest lighthouses were lit with kerosene lamps, and the lenses needed to be manually operated. Later, with electricity, it was much more convenient to replace them with electric lights and self-rotating lenses. With them, ships can identify dangers. Waters, get guided."

Shi Yuan studied the lighting lamp: "Can it still work?"

"No, the generator is broken."

"Okay." Shi Yuan followed Lu Tinghan to the glass window and looked into the distance.

The lighthouse is very high, the view is very good, and the long coastline and reefs can be seen clearly.

Now the hail is gone, and there is only light rain dripping through the glass. I saw a huge crack in the middle of the Black Sea far away. The sea water kept pouring in, and was continuously pushed out by the black mist, flashing a little light.

That is the delta abyss that represents the "Thunderstorm".

It turned out to be in the sea.

Looking at the abyss in this way is extremely spectacular, as if a sharp blade cut the ocean out of thin air, and the tide is surging and cannot enter. This is no human miracle.

Shi Yuan watched for a few seconds, opened his eyes wide, and said, "Ah!"

Lu Tinghan: "What? Is it calling you?"

Shi Yuan: "No, I just remembered that electric fish is illegal."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

He flicked Shi Yuan's head with a "snap".

Shi Yuan rubbed his forehead aggrievedly and listened carefully.

Those voices still seemed to be calling him, and after a long time, he said, "No, it's not like the Delta Abyss. The voice is farther away."

Lu Tinghan was thoughtful.

He looked at the end of the ocean, and there was nothing there. Even he couldn't detect the abnormality.

Shi Yuan told him: "It's okay! I can't find it this time, there will always be another time." He kissed Lu Tinghan's side face, and said with a smile, "Let's take a look at what is written in the notes."

They sat side by side in front of the glass window, Shi Yuan opened the notebook expectantly.

The notes are quite complete, the paper is white and the handwriting is clear after so many years:

[February 3, 150

My grandfather Monroe Alexander was a lampkeeper for 62 years. Every fisherman and sailor knows him. Ships have been using navigation systems for a long time, but they say that every time they return to these waters, they feel relieved when they see the lighthouse light flying through the night and across the sea. Monroe didn't like to leave his lighthouse. Grandma always said that he was going to die on the lighthouse. They got a divorce because, after all, neither of them would be with a man who only loved lighthouses. 】

[But Monroe didn't die on the tower. When he was 82 years old, he was too old to straighten his waist, and it took him 20 minutes to climb the tower once. I was surprised when he came to see me in town and asked me if I wanted to stay at the lighthouse. In my opinion, he will never leave in his life. 】

[The lighthouse is a product of the old times, no one wants to be a lightkeeper anymore. I lived with my grandmother since I was a child, and I don't know Monroe well at all. I haven't seen each other for almost 10 years. At that time, I was 20 years old, busy saving money to go to the private university of my choice, and flatly rejected him. But Monroe said that if I would keep the lighthouse for 3 years, then he would pay all my tuition. 】

A gust of sea breeze blows, carrying the moist and salty smell of the sea.

Shi Yuan turned a page backwards.

[I really want to refuse, but he gave too much! Assuming I go to work, it will take at least 5 years to save enough. It is the best private university in the north, the diploma is very important, and the teaching building is as luxurious as a palace. If I graduate successfully, I will have nothing to worry about in my life. 】

【So, I agreed to Monroe. He sounded satisfied with my answer. I invited him to sit at home for a while and poured him a cup of black coffee. He looked a bit cramped and drank slowly while sitting on the sofa. 】

[We haven't been together like this for a long time, and we don't understand each other, so it will inevitably be awkward. So I coughed a few times and said the question I have been curious about for many years: I asked him why he stayed in the lighthouse for so many years. 】

After reading this page, Shi Yuan also bent his tail into a question mark in confusion.

The wind at the top of the tower was strong, and his hands turning the pages of the book were slightly red from the cold. Lu Tinghan asked: "Do you want to go down and see?"

"No." Shi Yuan said, "I like this place."

So Lu Tinghan took the note and told him, "Hold it in your hands."

Just as Shi Yuan was about to do the same, he suddenly paused and rushed towards Lu Tinghan! Lu Tinghan only felt his neck was icy cold - Shi Yuan stuffed his hands into his collar with a smile on his face.

As expected of a ruthless character, General Lu didn't change his face when he was attacked like this, and grabbed Shi Yuan's waist. Obviously it was Shi Yuan who made the first move, but he couldn't help laughing, and a handful of white mist appeared in Lu Tinghan's arms.

"Keep watching." Lu Tinghan said with a smile.

Shi Yuan: "Okay."

Lu Tinghan lightly turned to the next page:

[I know that Monroe grew up on a fishing boat, so it is normal for him to have a soft spot for lighthouses. But Monroe was taken aback, as if he didn't expect me to ask this question. He was even more embarrassed, turning the coffee cup repeatedly. 】

[I didn't mean that, hurry up and say it's okay, do you want some coffee? Monroe said no thanks. He was dazed for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth, saying that when he was young, he saw a stranded white dolphin by the sea. 】

[The habitat of white dolphins is not in the North Sea, I know that. Before I could ask, Monroe went on to say that it was not an ordinary white dolphin. If it looked at the sun, its body was translucent, like a gemstone, but under the moonlight it was as white as a pearl. . There is a group of small fishes around it, anxious to save it, the sea water they swim will be dizzy by the aurora. 】

【He was fascinated just by looking at it. 】

[Hearing this, I think Monroe must be crazy, or else he is making fun of me. But he was my grandfather and was about to pay for my tuition. I tried to keep a polite smile and asked about the whereabouts of the dolphin. 】

[Munroe said he rescued the white dolphin and watched it and the school of fish disappear into the black sea and the end of the ice floes. He later asked fishermen and sailors, even the Imperial Navy, but no one had seen them, and no one believed him. 】

【Hearing this, I recalled it, and asked him, could it be that he has been looking for that dolphin? 】

【He said yes, the creature never came from this sea, and if it ran aground again, it would definitely die. If there is a lighthouse, it knows where the coast is. Lighthouses have always been able to guide the way. 】

【I'm so surprised, how can you be sure it's still in Beihai? It's possible it's gone long ago! 】

【Monro shakes his head, confirming that it hasn't left. Every few years, he can see the aurora in the sea from the lighthouse. It is still finding its way back. 】

[I feel more and more that he is just like what my grandmother said, that he is an old lunatic. I said just for this, you waited 62 years? 】

【Munro was stunned for a while, and Chi asked me, has it been... 62 years? 】

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