MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 111 hot shower

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The aircraft landed in the main city and received a warm welcome.

Shi Yuan jumped off the aircraft, and heard cheers from outside the military area in the distance—people saw them coming back, and they all gathered to cheer and scream for them. They are regarded as seekers, vanguards and heroes, returning safely and bringing back hope for tomorrow.

Chi Yongge is going to take Bruno to the medical center for a comprehensive examination.

It was the first time Bruno came to the alliance, among so many normal humans, he was very panicked, trembling on the aircraft.

When Shi Yuan saw him, it was like seeing his past self, and went up to comfort him: "Do you know? I used to have anthropophobia too."

Bruno: "..." He opened his eyes wide and looked at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan continued: "Well, my anthropophobia hasn't healed yet, but it's much better than at the beginning! They are all good people!"

Bruno: "..." He stared at Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "It's okay, you have to be brave." He imitated others and patted Bruno on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

Bruno: "!!!"

He was about to pass out.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

He could tell at a glance that Shi Yuan was the source of Bruno's fear, seeing that Bruno was shaking so badly, he quickly took Shi Yuan away.

Shi Yuan didn't realize it, and turned around while walking and shouted: "If you are afraid, come to me!"

The Mole Man's facial features were distorted, but Lu Tinghan could still tell that Bruno had "I hope we never see each other" written all over his face.

At the end of a long journey, they all need a rest.

Shi Yuan got in the car and went home with Lu Tinghan.

Along the way, he leaned against the car window to watch the scenery. The main city has changed a lot. Many buildings were destroyed in that war, and resources were insufficient. They only rebuilt one-third of the urban area. Looking around, there are many troops. The garrison and food distribution place, and further away are the ruins.

The monster condensed in the black crystal is no longer in the city.

Black crystals are too strong to be destroyed. People took in small-sized insect monsters, and the rest of the bigger ones had to be moved out of the city in one piece and thrown far away in order to buy time.

This is a lot of work. Under the command of Lieutenant General Fu Xiu, they cleaned up most of the monsters.

In the past few months of leaving, the city has not relaxed at all.

Shi Yuan just looked at it, and the car stopped.

Got home.

Lu Tinghan's home was in the First Military Region and was not destroyed. The two opened the door and went in, turned on the lights, and the furniture was neatly arranged, exactly the same as when they left.

Shi Yuan: "Wow!"

The tip of his tail began to wag merrily.

The logisticians cleaned up before they came back. Shi Yuan flew onto the sofa and rolled a few times, Lu Tinghan put down his luggage and said with a smile, "Let's take a hot bath first."

Shi Yuan had exactly this intention.

The shower room of the aircraft is too small, and the hot water is not hot enough to wash comfortably. And the infrastructure in the city has been restored. Although it is tight, it is more than enough for the two returning expeditioners to take a comfortable hot bath.

The bathtub was filled with hot water, and white mist rose. Shi Yuan soaked in the whole thing and let out a satisfied sigh. A few minutes later, Lu Tinghan knocked on the door and came in. He unbuttoned his tie and buttons with one hand, and joined Shi Yuan's hot bath.

The bathtub was big enough, and the water was a bit full, and a few handfuls of water were squeezed out by "squeak".

Shi Yuan complained softly: "You are still so unqualified. You used to throw garbage, but now you are wasting water resources. When... um... um..."

He was directly kissed until he shut up, leaving environmental protection behind.

The two leaned against the bathtub together.

The hot water stretched every inch of nerves and washed away the coldness of the continuous thunderstorm.

Shi Yuan said, "That's great, the city is pretty good."

Lu Tinghan: "Yes. They did a good job."

"I hope the monsters infected by me will wake up later."


"When should I start the 'deep dive'?"

"It hasn't been fully finalized yet, it should be within three months."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said.

Lu Tinghan waited for Shi Yuan to continue asking, but Shi Yuan changed the subject.

He looked around the bathtub for a while, and said, "Why is our previous shower gel gone?"

"It's been used up and thrown away, don't you remember?" Lu Tinghan replied, "Here's a new one."

"Oh—then soak it for a while and use it later." Shi Yuan said, "Lu Tinghan, where are you going tomorrow?"

"Go to Professor Guan."

"Okay, I'm going to meet Cheng Youwen and the others tomorrow. Then I, I may go outside the city."

Lu Tinghan was a little surprised, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What?"

"I want to do something, and I'll tell you when I figure it out." Shi Yuan said, "I won't go too far."

"...Okay." Lu Tinghan didn't ask any further questions, and kissed Shi Yuan's side face.

The water was too hot, and Shi Yuan's fair cheeks were slightly flushed. He was kissed by his human, the tip of his tail wagging merrily—

The bathtub boiled like a river and a sea!

His tail was too powerful, and the water flowed up with a "crash", and Lu Tinghan was caught off guard and splashed with water. Shi Yuan was so happy that he couldn't stop, Lu Tinghan seemed to be back in the sea that day, the water flowed over his face, but last time it was extremely cold, this time it was so warm that it was smoking.

"Stop!" Lu Tinghan yelled, and was slapped hard by the water again.

— This is where General Lu was slapped for the first time.

"Well, I know you are Lu Tingting!" Shi Yuan was even happier, and his tail wagged even more.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Shi Yuan went crazy.

He gave up on restraining the tail, and leaned against the side of the bathtub, thinking about it, feeling like he had been demolished in a trance.

After a while, the movement behind him finally died down.

He turned around: "You said I wasted water, didn't you spill more water?"

Shi Yuan: "Hmm..."

"Don't play with your tail in the bathtub." Lu Tinghan said earnestly, "The situation will become very uncontrollable."

Shi Yuan: "Mmmmm..."

"Use shower gel after soaking enough, it's mint-flavored." Lu Tinghan said, "I don't know... Shi Yuan? Shi Yuan?"

He found that something was wrong: Shi Yuan's face was rosy and hot, and when he looked down, his tail also limply stayed at the bottom of the water.

Lu Tinghan said: "Shi Yuan, you won't get dizzy, will you?"

"Huh?" Shi Yuan said vaguely, "I don't think so, I'm still gurgling..."

His body slipped and half of his face was submerged in the water.

Lu Tinghan quickly carried Shi Yuan out of the bathtub, wrapped it in a towel and stuffed it on the bed, then put on some clothes and opened the window for ventilation.

The hot water and emotional excitement made Abyss dizzy.

Shi Yuan lay dizzy for a long time, with the breeze blowing, he recovered a little energy.

"You can't wash in such hot water in the future." Lu Tinghan told him, and handed him a glass of water.

Shi Yuan: "Hmph--"

His tail was still limp, and he took a small sip of the water.

After drinking a glass of water, Shi Yuan came back to life full of blood, put on his pajamas, hugged his tail, and rolled on the bed.

He said: "The bed at home is still comfortable!"

Lu Tinghan sat beside him, drinking a cup of black tea in a leisurely way: "There is a saying that 'a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as a dog's nest'."

"I see, this is the kennel."

Lu Tinghan: "..."

Something just doesn't feel right.

Shi Yuan rolled around a few more times, and casually picked up the "History of War" by the bedside to read. After reading it for half an hour, his head tilted and he fell asleep completely.

It was afternoon at this time, the sunlight fell through the curtains and lightly fell on the side of his face, and the eyelashes cast shadows like small fans. The redness from the hot bath has not yet dissipated, and it is hot on the ears.

Lu Tinghan watched silently for a few seconds, stretched out his hand, and covered Shi Yuan with a thin blanket. He stayed in the cab all night last night, and was tired from such a toss, so he also lay down and closed his eyes.

After a few minutes, breathing slowly and steadily, he fell asleep. A gust of wind blew from the wilderness, shaking the curtains, and the sky light danced on them.

The consequence of going to bed early was that the two woke up early in the morning.

Before dawn, Shi Yuan fried two eggs and served them with bread for breakfast.

While eating, he asked, "Has my cooking improved?"

"Yes." Lu Tinghan commented.

Shi Yuan was very satisfied.

As soon as the sun rose, he set off to find Cheng Youwen and the others. According to him, Qin Luoluo and Wolfgang will also come, and they all want to see him.

And Lu Tinghan went straight to the research center.

Many researchers were waiting for him. He met with Lieutenant General Fu Xiu, Chairman Chai Yongning and three professors including Guan Xun to discuss the "deep dive" plan.

In the past few months, Lu Tinghan has been paying attention to "deep diving", and often communicates with the main city through the optical brain, but some things are still more convenient to discuss in person.

Thanks to the small communicators they had placed along the road, Dewin was also able to join the meeting via the Echo channel.

Professor Guan demonstrated various data, and finally said: "...As we said before, we believe that Abyss No. 1 is the best target for 'deep diving'." He explained to De Wen, "The infection characteristics of Abyss No. 1 are 'Very poisonous pollution'. Its infestation is a group with weak mobility. We will go to Dunton to simulate the abyss signal, and the mobility of the monster group needs to be considered first."

The core of "deep diving" is to use the mutual exclusion between abysses.

It is their best strategy to simulate the signal of Abyss No. 1 and deceive the infected objects of other abysses, but the infected group of Abyss No. 1 itself cannot get through.

Guan classroom continued: "There is another point that is very important. Abyss No. 1 is one of the earliest discovered abysses. We know more about it, which is more conducive to analog signals."

Di Wen nodded and said hoarsely, "Understood."

Professor Guan: "Another option is Abyss No. 3, which is characterized by 'skeletalization'. The mobility of its infected group is only slightly better than Abyss No. 1."

Fu Xiu added: "In the past few months, we have sent several teams to these two abysses for exploration. I have given the reports to the land generals for review."

Lu Tinghan nodded to show his knowledge.

"..." Di Wen rolled his cloudy eyeballs and looked at Lu Tinghan, "Admiral, what do you think?"

Lu Tinghan: "I also think Abyss No. 1 is the best choice. Later, I will discuss this matter with Lieutenant General Fu Xiu and send more teams to explore."

After that, Di Wen told about Dun's situation: the thunderstorm was still endless, and "Scorching Sun" helped them resist a wave of monsters. The robot 0293 patrols the streets every day, and the mole people are rushing to revive the city. They are busy in every energy plant, the energy reserves are increased, and food and water sources are accumulated to prepare for the coming people of the alliance.

Two hours later, the meeting was over.

Lu Tinghan and Fu Xiuben were going to leave, but he was stopped by Professor Guan.

Professor Guan said that if he wanted to talk to him privately about some things, it would only take 10 minutes.

Fu Xiu nodded and said, "You guys talk, I'll wait in the conference room upstairs."

Lu Tinghan followed Professor Guan. The two stood at the end of the corridor, facing the open window. A team passed downstairs neatly.

Professor Guan's white hair fluttered in minutes. He pushed his reading glasses and asked, "...Admiral, I still think you are the best candidate for the 'Deep Diving' plan. Counting the load of equipment, the frigate can have 4 passengers , you, the driver Qi Hong, academician Ke Zhengrong and academician Zhou Qian."

Lu Tinghan naturally knew the list and waited for the following.

Professor Guan paused for a few seconds, and then said: "General Lu, we have known each other for so many years, and we can be regarded as friends who share weal and woe. I admire you very much. Similarly, I like Shi Yuan very much." He looked at Lu Tinghan, " What are you going to tell him about the 'deep dive'?"

— No one has ever done anything so crazy.

When he was a child, Lu Tinghan was supported by the black mist of Abyss No. 0, and safely reached the bottom of the abyss. There was nothing there, just flat ground.

But other abysses are different.

In the past, all in-depth instruments were torn to pieces by the black mist. Even though the frigate was strong enough, they didn't run into the turbulent currents, and after struggling to escape to the bottom of the abyss, who could guarantee what was there?

"Three years." Professor Guan said, "We made a model calculation of the number of infections in the abyss. Three years—this is the estimated survival time after you reach the bottom of the abyss."

He continued: "You are in the place closest to the pollution source. The frigate's filtration system and purification system have limited capabilities. Accumulating over time, it is chronic suicide. Even if there are inhibitors to support it, the body will gradually weaken." He paused After a while, "If you are unlucky and our calculations are wrong, then you can only live for a year or two, or even...only a few months and weeks."

Lu Tinghan: "I know all of this."

"Of course you know," Professor Guan murmured, "but how do you tell Shi Yuan, how do you say it tactfully? don't tell him?"

"I will find time to tell him everything." Lu Tinghan said.

"..." Professor Guan remained silent.

The sky was as clear as blue, and Lu Tinghan looked into the distance: "Professor, do you remember that rock snake attack?"

"How could you forget?" Professor Guan replied.

Lu Tinghan: "I wanted to use the 'heavy hammer' to die with the rock snake at the outpost. I thought a lot about it 20 minutes before the 'heavy hammer' fell, but I couldn't contact Shi Yuan after all. I will soften my heart and dare not die."

Professor Guan never knew what was going on, so he was a little surprised.

Lu Tinghan continued: "'Heavy Hammer' killed the Rock Snake, Shi Yuan found me and rescued me from the ruins. I talked to him about it later, and he said he didn't like leaving without saying goodbye, Besides, I had already left him once when I was not a watcher. I promised him that if there is a next time, it will definitely be a decent farewell."

"I will keep that promise," he said.

Professor Guan let out a long sigh: "You two are really..."

He didn't go on.

The light of the sky outlines his curved spine. He is very old and has seen many lives and deaths, and he is still moved by them.

Lu Tinghan thought of something, and his gray-blue eyes flickered slightly: "Even if I don't tell you, do you think he doesn't know? He is a very smart little devil. When he first came to the city, he was able to learn and imitate human beings to such an extent. It is already hard to imagine. It is impossible for any human being to imitate a foreign race to do better than him."

"Later he learned a lot—really a lot." Lu Tinghan smiled, "Shi Yuan knows everything."

at the same time.

The black-haired boy walking on the street seemed to feel something, and looked back.

The blue sky is thousands of miles away, just like the day when he first entered the city, the busy streets were bustling with people, and the world was reflected in his eyes.

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