MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 123 years later

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On October 28, 245, the "Lighthouse" appeared at the bottom of Abyss No. 1.

It reveals the way of the past, and the abyss and monsters return home along the star trail. In the next few days, meteor showers flowed against the sky, and the Milky Way was dazzling.

People say, maybe in the very beginning, the abyss of wandering universe just got lost.

When they learned about the ins and outs, they found that there were signs from the beginning: the infected people once called Shi Yuan a lighthouse, and Shi Yuan dreamed of the monster's expectant eyes again and again, and Lu Tinghan, who knew the monster, said that they were homesick. The first infected creature to appear was the white dolphin. It was looking for its way home, and it always followed the light of the lighthouse... When everyone returned from Dunton and was trapped in the rain of the ancient battlefield, Shi Yuan leaned against the window and whispered Complaining that he wanted to go back, a bright yellow light pierced the clouds, revealing the way back.

Fortunately, their little gods have witnessed many stories and the courage of countless people, and have a loving and warm home.

He wanted them to come home too.

However, not all monsters take this path.

The number of infected creatures is endless, and it is impossible to disappear overnight. What's more, for some monsters, killing, multiplying and conquering are the eternal goals. They wander around this planet and never give in.

The "Deep Dive" plan is continuing. The four executors headed by Lu Tinghan have set up fixed-point transmission stations at the bottom of the abyss, collected a large amount of data, and sent them back to the ground.

The Alliance went to great lengths to simulate the infection signal of the Abyss. As early as many years ago, many scholars had studied "deep diving" for several years. They were unsuccessful at that time, but their efforts were not in vain. Now the Alliance has inherited its will and conducted experiments on this basis.

On December 15, 245, the Alliance simulated the simplest and roughest signal. People boarded a large transport ship and transferred to the capital of the empire by means of the masking agent and the signal. The mighty army guarded them, and looking back, the main city was empty, only the Xuejianhua flag was fluttering in the wind.

On the way, they saw large groups of monsters running and flying across the wasteland, heading towards the lighthouse; they also encountered large-scale monster attacks, and they remained fierce and greedy, showing their strength amidst the sound of gunshots and explosions. claw.

All the way through hardships and hardships.

Regardless of wind, rain, thunder, sandstorm and hail, only the lighthouse behind is always on, pointing to the universe.

On February 2, 246, a large transport ship crashed on the ancient battlefield, and the raging flames ignited the sky.

On February 17th, everyone found the group of mole people left behind. They boarded the boat and went to Dunton with great expectations.

On March 9, the Delta Abyss fell into restlessness, and monsters came in thunderstorms. The Alliance fought **** battles for several days and won.

On April 2, a strong cold wave hit, and everyone was forced to stay in place for 7 days before they survived.

On June 27, 246, after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, they arrived in Dunton. Everyone wept with joy, hugged each other and reveled.

Hope burns in everyone's heart. People devoted themselves to the construction of a new life with great enthusiasm, taking care of the greenhouses, repairing instruments, calibrating the observation instruments, restarting the energy tower... This underground city that has been abandoned for many years has been replaced with new vitality.

However, the crisis has not been resolved, and the progress of "deep diving" has never stopped.

Thanks to the "echo" channel, when the fixed-point transmission station at the bottom of the abyss is established, even if they are far away in Dunton, they can communicate with several people under the abyss. The data is coming in continuously, the lights in the research room are on all day long, and they are moving towards tomorrow step by step.

If the young **** is a miracle of monsters, then "Deep Dive" is a miracle of humans.

It listened to the "echo" of Dunton, found the home guarded by the people of the empire, and completed the "overlook" in the abyss. The silver-white ship that condensed the efforts of countless people finally soared in the universe. With hopes spanning decades, "Deep Dive" finally fulfilled its mission.

In the next three years, the capital of the kingdom changed with each passing day, and several rounds of large-scale wars broke out. The soldiers were as brave as ever and fought hard to kill the enemy.

In July 249, Qi Hong and Zhou Qian passed away due to staying in a highly polluted environment for a long time.

Lu Tinghan continued to inspect the bottom of the abyss, time and time again.

According to the data, until February 251, the sacrifice was determined by Shi Yuan.

"...he is gone." The young man in the communication channel said softly, "I will stay here until the abyss all go home."

After thinking about it, he said, "He promised me that he would come back to me."

On the other end of the channel, the correspondent was already weeping.

Two years later, the alliance with enough data successfully simulated the infection signal of Abyss 1.

Signals blanketed the subterranean city, keeping most infected creatures at bay.

The alliance continues to improve the signal and revitalize the city, and all difficulties can't stop them. It was another turbulent legend, full of joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows, and many characters shining brightly. Lu Tinghan is right, there will always be brave men and there will always be new heroes, his journey ends here, there is no need to go to the end, someone will see the dawn for him.

In February 259, Abyss No. 2 turned into starlight, becoming the first abyss to disappear. Every few years since then, an abyss has found its way home.

All is well.

— so this is the end of the story.

Shi Yuan is the savior of monsters, and Lu Tinghan is the martyr of human beings.

In January 271, the alliance regained the small city next to Dunton and established a safe line of defense.

In December 274, the Delta Abyss returned to the universe. The century-old rain stopped, and the sky was clear and blue, so blue that it caught people's eyes.

In October 289, Abyss No. 1 returned to the universe, and the lighthouse was still there, illuminating the galaxy and guiding the lost souls back home.

In March 291, many monsters left, and the rest were still huge and rampant. Under the analog signal of the abyss, Dunton survived the darkness that came again and again, the curfew was completely lifted, and people had the long night again.

In October 293, after more than 50 years, the first stage play was staged in Dunton. There were only four or five people in the troupe.

In March 295, two small cities returned to the embrace of mankind. They were thriving, with golden wheat fields.

In December 295, super-large windmills turned on the ground, electricity rushed to every corner of the city, transport robots roamed the streets, lights were lit in every house, and even the little merry-go-round at the corner of the street turned. .

There are still many monsters who are unwilling to leave. They continue to deform and multiply, but without the abyss as the source, warriors bring courage and perseverance, and they are opponents that can be defeated.

Perhaps one day, they can return to the universe.

Perhaps one day, they will be able to understand the abyss.

The universe is vast, and civilization is just a drop in the ocean. After all, they will see more and more advanced beings beyond imagination, and go to their hometowns.

In Alliance 302, the last abyss disappeared.

After a few days, the lighthouse also went out quietly.

Since then, all things have prospered and the world has been born in spring.

People are guessing where Shi Yuan went and whether he followed Yuan Yuan back home.

"I don't think so." Wang Yu said.

She is gray-haired, and has long been awarded the title of academician, becoming a highly respected medical researcher.

Leaning against the desk, she twirled an old-fashioned coin, and said, "Shi Yuan won't leave." She smiled, "Didn't he say that General Lu will come back to find him."

Her student is still curious to death - he has never met Lu Tinghan and Shi Yuan, but like everyone here, he has heard the legend of those two countless times.

Wang Yu lit up the coin in his hand: "The first time I met Shi Yuan, I told him that it was the fate between him and the general, and both heads and backs meant that it was impossible. Guess what? The coin stood up."

"Can the coin stand up?!" The student scratched his head.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either. This thing is so amazing, I've always carried the coin with me." Wang Yu said, "It might really represent the fate of those two people, so I just tossed it casually— "

The coin spun and flew up, with a soft "click".

It stands on the table.

Wang Yu: "...?!"



The eyes of both of them almost popped out.

The student murmured: "Teacher, I believe it now..."

Wang Yu swore again: "I must give up this coin."

Lin Yelian, who has devoted his life to data research, has also been asked similar questions.

He also said: "Ha! It's impossible for Shi Yuan to go back to the universe... What? You ask me where he is? How do I know? I'm in data analysis, not metaphysics!"

The pen twirled around between his fingers.

Lin Yeran said again: "Shi Yuan is a rare and good employee, he never arrives late and leaves early, and has received enough bonuses... However, sometimes he will do strange things, such as locking me in the office!" The notebook was filled with words and records, and he twirled the pen a few more times, "So who knows what Shi Yuan will do? Maybe he'll sleep somewhere."

The visitor asked again: "Then what do you think the general..."

"I said I'm not a metaphysician." Lin Yelian interrupted angrily.

But he paused and said, "But I hope so. Miracles have already happened, and one more can't be too much, right? The general is not one to break his word."

Some curious people also asked the members of the Wild Rose Troupe what Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan were like.

At this time, Cheng Youwen had a very small stage in a corner of the city, which was used as the starting point of a new theater, waiting to grow in the future.

Leaning on crutches, he muttered and flipped through the script. His newborn grandson crawled around on the ground, clapping his hands and laughing, babbling.

—Scientists combined inhibitors and fusion agents to invent new drugs, and the effect was significantly enhanced. One of the benefits is that mutants and mole people finally don't need to suffer from illness, and can live in peace and stability, like ordinary people.

"Where did you come from—" he said with a drawn out voice, "every day people come to inquire about stories, are you in a hurry? Go, go, go!"

The visitor resentfully wanted to go back, but Qin Luoluo appeared with tea.

She laughed and said, "Don't bother with him, he's just such a bad temperer. If you want to know anything, just ask me, but I won't tell you the details, it's private."

She is very old, and she is still as sly as a fox when she blinks, and her bright beauty can be seen faintly.

The visitor this time is an intern reporter who wants to write a report about those two people.

He followed Qin Luoluo and asked many questions.

Qin Luoluo answered one by one, and when she passed by the corridor, she suddenly pointed at her: "Here, look."

It was a wall covered with gilt plaques bearing the names of members of the troupe.

The reporter saw Cheng Youwen, Qin Luoluo, Wolfgang, Tracy, and Isabella... and in the middle, Shi Yuan's name was engraved on a beautifully carved nameplate.

Qin Luoluo said: "This is carved by Lao Cheng himself. Don't look at him like that, he misses Shi Yuan, and always says that Shi Yuan is the best protagonist." She paused and smiled, "You know "Martyr," it's by far our best-known stage play, but we haven't done it again."

"Why?" The reporter was taken aback.

"Because no one can replace Shi Yuan." Qin Luoluo said, "He will always be one of us. "Martyr" has already had the most perfect performance, let it stop at the best time."

Moving forward, the reporter asked a lot of questions.

Finally, he asked, what was it like when Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan were together.

"How's it going?" Qin Luoluo sat in front of the tea table, propped his head on one hand, "I've always seen them together before,'s nothing unusual."

The reporter was clearly not too happy with this answer. He added: "But, they are all very special people." He tried to describe, "That kind of great hero."

"It's very special." Qin Luoluo laughed, "But what are you expecting? You can put all the things that people in love will do on them. Putting aside the saviors and martyrs, they It’s no different from ordinary lovers, love can be both ordinary and great.”

So, the reporter stopped asking questions.

He left with a full note and thanked the troupe

. Qin Luoluo held Cheng Youwen's arm, stood in front of the theater and waved goodbye to him with a smile.

Decades whizzed by.

Fighting against monsters will never stop, with knives, guns, blood and sacrifices. Then one city after another was rebuilt, people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and flowers bloomed all over the mountains and plains.

They always bring up the past.

They always bring up that rugged and brilliant story.

While looking back at the way they came, they moved forward firmly.

And the time went back 75 years ago, in December of the 251st year of the Alliance.

At that time, everyone had just settled in Dunton. In the city, a very old man sat on the sofa, facing the stove, slowly flipping through a yellowed document.

Alliance Chairman Chai Yongning.

He moved slowly, knowing that the time limit had come, and he had already explained the funeral. Now is his peaceful old age.


The old man touched the paper with his fingers, and the document turned page after page.

This is the psychological evaluation report of the abyss watcher, and the name column says "Lu Tinghan".

As a monitor, Lu Tinghan made an exception to participate in the command, and his evaluation was extremely harsh. These reports have spanned more than ten years, and each side is incomparably conclusive [no abnormality].

Chai Yongning turned forward slowly.

The report stopped when Lu Tinghan was 18 years old, the few months when he first went to the Watchtower.

Two yellowed, crumpled reports fell. They have a tear mark in the upper left corner, as if someone had ripped them from a stack of papers.

They read [Anomaly detected].

This was a report that Lu Tinghan had never seen before, and he never knew about it.

Chai Yongning watched silently.

When a person gets old, his thinking slows down. It took him a lot of time to let his memory go back to a long, long time ago.

When he saw this abnormal report, he immediately informed Su Enqi.

According to the regulations, any monitor who has an abnormality must be highly vigilant - speaking from experience, as long as there is an abnormality as the beginning, their situation will only worsen.

What's more, this is Lu Tinghan.

He absolutely, absolutely can't be Commander anymore.

Su Enqi smoked cigarettes all day, and said hoarsely to Chai Yongning: " about taking the test again."

Chai Yongning approved.

The second time is still an abnormal report. It seemed that Lu Tinghan would never be able to be a commander.

If Lu Tinghan was told this news at that time, he might not be too disappointed. After all, he was ready when he decided to be a watcher.

But Su Enqi was unwilling.

He didn't know that Lu Tinghan went to Shi Yuan's side because of his promise, and stayed with him for ten years.

He never knew these secrets, and when he opened and closed his eyes, he only thought of the child who was following him. When he watched him command, his eyes seemed to have a small fire burning.

And Chai Yongning also knew.

Lu Tinghan said that he will always stand on the side of human beings.

He wants to protect the city, live for it, fight for it, die for it.

The two old guys smoked for another night over the appraisal report.

Finally Chai Yongning made up his mind and said, "Then give him another chance."

So there was a third psychological evaluation.

Lu Tinghan passed the assessment without any abnormality. The next dozen or so high-intensity assessments all ended with [no abnormality]—no problem occurred until more than ten years later.

Things are only going to get worse for the other watchers.

His kind is unprecedented, comparable to a miracle.

Chai Yongning and Su Enqi discussed for a long time whether he could continue to direct. So many concerns, so many questions.

Finally Chai Yongning said: "He has always been special."

"Yes." Su Enqi sighed, "This child..."

"We can't infer him with common sense," Chai Yongning pointed to the report, "For other people, this must be a precursor to infection. But for him? You can't say for sure." He paused, "Maybe that's the case." It's 'resonance'."


"It's like he knows what the monster is thinking, and it can be called 'resonance'.

"Chai Yongning said, "It's just that what he resonates with this time is the No. 0 abyss. "

Su Enqi rubbed his eyebrows: "Then tell me, has he been changed by the abyss?"

"He's back to normal, isn't he?" Chai Yongning asked, "Maybe, maybe he just responded to the call of Abyss No. 0."

"What does it do in response?"

"Who knows." Chai Yongning shrugged and smiled, "Maybe the two of them are destined?" He patted Su Enqi on the shoulder, "Maybe we should believe in his determination and believe that his willpower is enough to keep him moving forward .You've got to—you've got to always believe in the faith of man, and maybe one day, the unique one will be our hero."

Su Enqi was persuaded.

That day, two old guys sneakily tore off two evaluation reports, folded them, and hid a secret that they had never revealed.

In the blink of an eye so many years have passed.

A word becomes a proverb.

The fire in the furnace danced.

Chai Yongning reached out and threw the yellowed old report into the fire—

Orange red hugs up. It licks the scorched black at the corner of the paper, and then nibbles away bit by bit, like eating a rusty heart.

Since then, the secret has never been known.

Chai Yongning thought, maybe there is not only the way of "infection" in this world, it is really resonance, Lu Tinghan heard a lonely soul.

Just as he changed Shi Yuan, Shi Yuan also changed him.

He can hear the call.

He will eventually come from the end of time and return to his lover.

Read The Duke's Passion