MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 2 heterogeneous

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The convoy departs in the middle of the night. The ground was wet, the wheels had left long marks, and half of the car was covered in mud spots.

The woman who tested his blood was named Wang Yu, about 40 years old, and everyone here called her Dr. Wang.

She took Shi Yuan into her car.

The car is full of medical staff and is located in the safest position in the center of the convoy. There are three people in the back seat plus Shi Yuan, and there are a lot of equipment piled up, it is crowded to death. He and Wang Yu were next to each other, his whole body was stiff, and when he looked back, the convoy was huge and full of people.

Only then did he realize what a huge team it was. The light shines all night, and even the sky is bright.

…too many humans, and they're too close together!

Shi Yuan overestimated his courage.

He felt that he probably had a severe anthropophobia.

It's like throwing a timid person into a haunted house. He suddenly entered the crowd, his heart was pounding with fright, and he was restless.

This place is much scarier than the forest.

The car was too crowded, and he had no place to put his tail, so he could only hug it tightly, barely getting a little comfort.

Wang Yu closed her eyes to rest, and took a sip of warm water by chance. Seeing Shi Yuan's disturbed appearance, she rarely felt comforted: "It's okay, we are about to leave the queen bee's activity area. Now is the breeding season, and its activity radius is generally not More than 120 kilometers, we have driven almost 100 kilometers."

"Sister Wang!" Lu Bafang, the assistant sitting on her left, immediately shouted, "You didn't say that to me before, you told me that if I ran slowly, I would turn into royal jelly! The queen bee hit me like a bee small bread!"

Wang Yu glared at him, "Don't yell, you'll scare people."

Lu Bafang covered his face: "It's so unfair, so unfair."

Wang Yu ignored him, turned to look at Shi Yuan: "Little friend, what's your name?"

"My name is Shi Yuan, the time of time, the abyss of the abyss." Shi Yuan corrected in a low voice, "I'm not a child."

He doesn't know how old he is, but if measured by human age, calling him a child is like a fraud.

"Oh—" the woman stretched her voice, buried her head and took a sip of hot water, "For me, everyone under 30 is a child. Shi Yuan, why are you here alone?"

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "I was not alone before, but the person with me was bitten by a bug."

Wang Yu shook the cup lightly: "Is he still alive?"

Shi Yuan shook his head, recalling Xie Qianming's eyes when he was dying.

Wang Yu: "My condolences." She didn't comfort her too much, she often had farewells, and she even bored herself by talking too much.

"Fortunately, you met us." Lu Bafang interjected, "The forest is too dangerous, and you don't have a weapon. Such a large group of purple light insects is so dangerous. Even though they are larvae, being bitten is not a joke."

They all thought that Shi Yuan met the purple light worm just after placing an order, and ran into the convoy with luck comparable to winning the lottery, and if he was half a second late, he would be stabbed right through by the queen bee. Little did he know that Shi Yuan had traveled for a long time, coming from the wilderness, and was more afraid of them than monsters.

Shi Yuan asked, "Will it hurt?"

Xie Qianming never told him about the pain.

"That's not true." Lu Bafang said, "A comrade-in-arms of mine was bitten twice on the arm. It was really two bites. There were small blisters on his hands. They had to be popped one by one, and he couldn't be anesthetized. How painful? I just Let me tell you this, after nightfall, the corridor lights in the inpatient department are voice-activated, and that idiot is insensitive. Everyone claps and shouts to turn on when they go to the toilet at night. It looks like a mental hospital. But he Picking up water that day, I yelled 'Aw—', and the whole building was brightly lit, and I yelled again after a while, come on, it was on again, and it didn't go out all night. You said you would never stop it, thanks to that kid who had turned it on before. Tell me that I am not afraid of pain."

He told it vividly and with a relaxed tone. It was obviously a tragic story, but it made people laugh for no reason.

Shi Yuan relaxed a little, and replied, "So that's how it is."

"So, you are really lucky." Lu Bafang concluded, "Buy a lottery ticket when you return to the city."

Lu Bafang was very talkative, and told Shi Yuan a few stories about the hospital.

There are many unfamiliar concepts in the story.

Shi Yuan understands human language and knows most of the words, but sometimes he can't get the numbers right.

For example, "music" is a kind of human artistic creation and a form of entertainment, but he didn't know what music is like until he got into Xie Qianming's car and heard the old songs he played.

Another example is "television". He also knows that it is for entertainment. After hearing Lu Bafang's story, he knows that TV can show many programs, and there are basically one or two in the ward.

His learning ability is actually very strong, and he can quickly understand everything about human beings.

Listening to the story, he felt flawless and had perfectly integrated into human beings.

When Lu Bafang was sleepy, he yawned and said vaguely, "I'll talk to you next time when I have a chance..."

Wang Yu rummaged through the bag and found something and put it in Shi Yuan's hand.

It was a pure black cuboid metal block, thin and compact, with two small bumps on the side, and a lot of scratches and dents on the surface, which looked devastated.

"Just make do with it," Wang Yu said, "you can ask me if you don't understand anything, and I'll sleep for a while."

"Okay." Shi Yuan held his tail in one hand and studied it with the metal block in the other, and he really asked, "What is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, the car was quiet for a few seconds.

The air froze, and everyone's expressions were subtle.

Wang Yu: "...can you take a look again?"

Shi Yuan realized that he might have asked a stupid question, but he really couldn't tell what this piece of metal was.

Everyone in the car was looking at him, staring at him, waiting for his answer in a dead silence. The car was too crowded, he couldn't avoid it, and his anthropophobia was happening again. He felt that he would be torn apart by humans in the next second, and the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't hold back a word.

Time Yuan: qaq

He really wants to go back to the forest!

Wang Yu looked at him, hesitated to speak, and said after a long time, "Shi Yuan, this is a mobile phone."

Shi Yuan: "..."

Shi Yuan: "..." He suddenly realized that this is the legendary mobile phone!

Lu Bafang turned his head stiffly, looked at his expression, recalled his calmness and calmness in front of the queen bee, and suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait, wait, Shi Yuan, you don't know... don't know what is Infect creatures!"

Shi Yuan's common sense about three-legged cats simply couldn't stand up to everyone's continuous inquiries.

Everyone soon discovered that he couldn't read a compass, read a map, or any electronic equipment; he couldn't boil water, eat self-heating food, and he didn't know anything about infected people... He looked like a flower in a greenhouse, still the most silly and sweet It is completely impossible to imagine how he has survived to this day.

The convoy drove out of the forest, out of the queen bee's range of activities, and came to the endless wasteland. It was the darkest time before dawn, and they stopped to rest for two hours before setting off.

Lu Bafang and Wang Yu got out of the car to transfer the overloaded medical equipment in another car. After moving the boxes, both of them were sweating profusely. Lu Bafang pulled Wang Yu aside and said, "Sister Wang, what do you think about Shi Yuan? He looks like someone from centuries ago. I just showed him how to use the phone, and he said 'Wow! You are amazing!' and he adored me."

Wang Yu looked up at the sky: "I don't know either..."

The two looked at the inside of the car at the same time. Shi Yuan was holding a compass in both hands, facing the radiator, and didn't know what he was studying.

Lu Bafang: "There are weirdos every year, especially this year."

Wang Yu was silent for a while, and said: "I have encountered this situation twice. The first time was when I went to the defense station on the northern line, and we met a mother and son. Mother felt that the world was too cruel, and she couldn't help it. I would like to let the child face it and create a living environment similar to an ivory tower for him. The child is in his teens or twenties. He has never watched TV or listened to the radio, and has never seen the outside world. In his eyes, the years are quiet , the world is peaceful, and monsters are just things in fairy tale books."

"This doting is too sick!" Lu Bafang was dumbfounded, "Shouldn't loving a child teach him how to survive!"

"Yes. She has mental problems. Since her husband passed away when she was pregnant, she hasn't been feeling well." Wang Yu said, "The other time I went to Huaixi, a small town there was killed by a private team. The armed forces are in control. We negotiated peacefully with them, but there was a little friction..."

She paused for half a second and skipped this part: "In short, the armed forces have disappeared. Their leader has some eccentricities, and they have raised many little girls and boys, all of whom are 'missing' children of the locals."

When she closed her eyes, she could still recall the unknowing eyes of the children.

They have never been taught any common sense and survival skills. They only want to please others, and they only know how to lie on the bed and groan like a nightingale.

"Animal." Lu Bafang frowned.

"That beast died miserably. It was blown to pieces by c4, and it was stuck on the wall and couldn't be picked off. The children were also sent to the orphanage to receive education." Wang Yu glanced at the time when she was staring at the compass. Yuan, "I just want to say that any strange things are possible."

"...That's right." Lu Bafang said, "That's right."

"Maybe one day we will know the answer." Wang Yu looked at Shi Yuan again, and said in confusion, "But why does he keep holding the compass in front of the heater? He's heating it?"

Shi Yuan has kept this movement for at least ten minutes, cautiously, not daring to move at all, even his tail froze in the air, as if under a holding spell.

"Oh," Lu Bafang was a little embarrassed, "I'm not teaching him how to read the compass. Before I got out of the car, I said that the compass was an egg I laid and it was about to hatch. Let him guard it and keep it warm. Otherwise my egg will die."

He has always talked too much without seriousness, making jokes casually.

In the end, Shi Yuan was so frightened by him that he held up the compass to point at the heater, and dared not move.

Wang Yu: "..."

Wang Yu raised her forehead: "I misunderstood you, Lu Bafang, you actually had the heart to lie to him..."

"I didn't expect him to take it seriously. How can normal people believe this!" Lu Bafang cried, "How should I explain to him, this thing really can't hatch little Lu Bafang!"

"Don't explain." Wang Yu patted him on the shoulder, "Let's just pretend you laid an egg."

When they returned to the car, Shi Yuan carefully returned the "egg" to Lu Bafang, saying, "It hasn't hatched yet."

Wang Yu said, "Don't worry, this is a fool. That's what a fool is like, and it's definitely not your problem."

Lu Bafang: "..."

Shi Yuan:?

Wang Yu felt emotional, looked at him, and said, "You look so devil-like, but it turns out to be silly and sweet, and your potential to be a villain was wasted."

Shi Yuan didn't quite understand.

There are still too many things he doesn't understand.

Wang Yu and Lu Bafang were busy with other things, and he was alone in the car, watching humans secretly by the window.

Guns and ammunition, supplies, gasoline and diesel... The convoy is ready to go, and people are in a hurry.

Shi Yuan's eyes stopped on a figure from behind.

The man had bright feathers on the back of his hands and neck, resembling a bird, working on a black machine.

He is also a monster? Also mixed in with humans?

Shi Yuan's tail bent into a question mark, and he was delighted to see the same kind again.

The machine was set up with the loudspeaker facing southeast. The man pressed the button, and it emitted a high-frequency sound wave inaudible to human ears. In the far distance, the flock of infected birds that had been following the convoy were startled and dispersed in the noise.

In the next second, the man turned his head and happened to meet Shi Yuan's eyes.

His eyes are firm and rational, and perhaps he also has a hatred of birds.

He is by no means a monster.

Shi Yuan retracted his head.

—Here is indeed the only one who is different.

He felt that he might, might, probably be the villain.

A little monster who got into the crowd and was about to go to the city.

But so what?

Monsters are very persistent, giant birds like shiny stones, pile up their nests, mushrooms sing songs all night, just to trap a curious prey to knock bones and **** marrow, infect wolves to fight for their territory, bloodshed will not stop Down. Shi Yuan is not interested in these things, he just wants to find his human being.

You can learn if you don’t know how to use a mobile phone, and you can practice if you don’t know how to read a map. As long as you observe human beings over and over again, you can always learn their words, deeds, and everything about them.

People were still busy, Shi Yuan took out his mobile phone and operated it slowly according to the way Lu Bafang taught him.

After a while, he still didn't understand much, and fell asleep with his tail in his arms.

The convoy restarted and headed for the wilderness.

Soon after, it was dawn.

The sky in the wilderness is always beautiful. With indigo as the curtain, the rich blue and purple are intertwined, twisted, and spread vigorously, reminiscent of the colorful oil on the water. The dark ground is lifeless, the trees are dead, and the weeds are messy. The only warm tone is where the strong wind and the rising sun rise, and a touch of bright red dyes the earth into a sea of ​​blood.

Lu Bafang changed shifts with the driver and continued driving, while Wang Yu ate dry bread.

Shi Yuan also woke up, looking into the distance with sleepiness.

He was wearing a warrior's clothes, loose and loose, and he wore a mace pendant. From his neck to his shoulders, there were graceful lines in the morning light, like a work of art.

- Shi Yuan looks very good-looking.

As if favored by the heavens, his skin is impeccable, his eyes are bright, his brows are black, and the mud and broken grass cannot cover the ivory-like luster of his skin. In this rough wasteland and in this difficult era, others are also The kind of beauty that will be remembered.

Shi Yuan didn't realize that even though he had a different appearance from ordinary people, he still attracted a lot of attention. Roses have thorns, and there are always people who want to touch them.

...and that's the problem.

Wang Yu sighed lightly.

This beauty would be arson on anyone without knowing it. It is better than thousands of pomegranate skirts and suit pants. If it is paired with Linglong's mind, it will be as sharp as a blade, enough to kill people invisible.

But on the silly Shi Yuan, it was too soft, and even that prickly **** was a bluff.

Ignorant and soft pretty is a disaster, without exception.

"Shi Yuan." Wang Yu called out.

Shi Yuan looked back at her.

Wang Yu said: "This world is very dangerous, and you still have a lot to learn."

"Oh..." Of course Shi Yuan knew this, and struggled, "I'm trying to learn."

"Let me teach you something." Wang Yu said, and she took a deep breath, "There are so many things to say, I don't know where to start... But let's start with the most basic, what do you know Is it 'Abyss'?"

Shi Yuan: "..."

Shi Yuan:? !

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