MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 45 sudoku game

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Shi Yuan finally donated the money to the Children's Welfare Institute.

Cheng Youwen left the money to him. And he thought, Isabella loves kids so much, and Tracy, this is probably the best place to put the money.

Back on the tram, Shi Yuan sent a message asking Lu Tinghan if he could see Xia Fang.

Lu Tinghan replied to him that visits are not allowed in the prison recently, so he can only leave a message.

So Shi Yuan dialed the phone number of the prison and left a message to Xia Fang: [I went to No. 149 Maple Leaf Street, Ms. Isabella used to live there, and she has been dead for eight years. I just want to tell you that the money from the troupe is not reserved for her, but for Tracy to have surgery next year. 】

He hesitated for a long time, and added another sentence: [We didn't have time, Tracy died of a serious illness 3 months ago, she missed you very much]

After the news is sent out, it will be passed on to Xia Fang after being reviewed by the prison.

Shi Yuan didn't know how Xia Fang would react, but he felt that Xia Fang wanted to know this.

The tram moved forward silently, and soon arrived in front of a blue building.

All kinds of people come and go, here is the work distribution center.

When Shi Yuan walked in, a bunch of people lined up in front of the counter, waiting for their number to be called. He took the number plate and waited for more than half an hour, and finally it was his turn.

The expressionless female staff took away his ID card, tapped on the keyboard, and asked, "Have you worked in a food distribution place before?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan said.

The female staff checked Shi Yuan's information.

【Name: Shi Yuan

Sex: Male

Address: None

Occupation: None

Educational Level: Doubtful (literacy)

Previous residence: no

ID number: s600245]

She frowned slightly: "Unfortunately, the assignment office here is not short of people. Your personal information seems... not very good, you can't be qualified for high-level jobs, and you don't seem to be good at manual work. In your past work, you have Any highlights, can you introduce yourself?"

Shi Yuan thought about it for a while: "I cook a lot." He added, "Other people always shake their rice spoons a few times, shaking down a lot of vegetables, but I can't, my hands are very steady."

Female staff: "..."

Female employee: "Um, well, let's not talk about cooking, do you have any other specialties?"

Shi Yuan thought about it again, and summed up his own advantages: "I feel that I am more... optimistic? I am very happy every day."

The female staff looked him up and down: "Well, I absolutely believe this." She still frowned and thought for a long time, "If not, you go to the 8th floor of Tower 4 to report."

Tower No. 4 is far away, and Shi Yuan took a long tram ride to get there.

From a distance, a tall tower-like black building stands in the center of the city, surrounded by other low and small energy towers, like a forest of steel surrounded by stars. Shi Yuan went in and took the elevator. The elevator was old and creaked when the door was closed, and he moved slowly all the way to the 8th floor.

A line of large characters hangs in the middle of the corridor: [Psychological Assistance]

Shi Yuan didn't understand what that meant, so he walked to the front desk and explained his purpose.

The person at the front desk yawned and said, "Turn left, go straight, and find Mr. Lin Yeran."

Shi Yuan found the office along the way, knocked on the door, and a man in his thirties was sitting behind the desk, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, quite elegant, with "Lin Yeran" written on his name tag.

Lin Yeran looked at Shi Yuan's personal information, frowned imperceptibly, and asked, "Have you done psychological assistance before?"

"No." Shi Yuan said, "I only worked in theaters and food distribution places."

Lin Yeran: "Then why did they send you here?"

Shi Yuan said, "Because I told them, I am happy every day."

Lin Yeran glanced at Shiyuan: "Indeed." He pondered for a few seconds, "If not, you can try here for a few days, and stay if you feel comfortable."

"Okay." Shi Yuan replied, "What should I do?"

"Follow me." Lin Yeran stood up.

Shi Yuan followed him into another office.

That office is much bigger, with fifty or sixty workstations, but only a quarter of them are scattered. There is a telephone at each station, and when it rings, it is answered by an operator.

Shi Yuan heard the operators talking.

"Sir, please cheer up. Temporary failures are always inevitable. The most important thing is to look forward and live in the present. If necessary, I can contact you with regular consultants and therapists."

"Regular work, rest and diet are very important. If you feel that you can't keep going, you can talk to your relatives and friends, and the psychological assistance center will always accompany you."

"...Well, yes, my family had a cat before, and its name was Maoyan. Would you like to tell me more stories about your furry child?"

"Good lady, I hope you are all well, goodbye."

Lin Yeli took him to an empty station.

He said: "To put it simply, this job is to answer the phone, listen to people's complaints, and then comfort them. If you encounter a particularly emotional or negative person, report it to me, and I will arrange follow-up."

Shi Yuan said truthfully, "I'm not very good at comforting people."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't expect you to be professional." Lin Yeran said, "In the past, our requirements were very high, and we had to have professional operators. Now there is not enough manpower. Since the peak period, there have been so many calls every day. How can we take care of it? Got so much? Now people from Gleaming City are here, one or two are in a bad mood, we can’t keep busy at all. It’s enough for you to listen quietly and patiently.” He pointed to the person next to him, “Dai West will tell you what to do."

The lazy blond woman next to her raised her head and greeted him: "Hi—"

Her phone rang, and she picked it up right away.

Lin Yeran winked at Shi Yuan, motioning for Shi Yuan to sit over.

Shi Yuan moved the chair to Daisy's side.

Lin Yeran patted him on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Work hard, come on." Then he left in a hurry. And Daisy glanced at him, turned on the speakerphone, and a middle-aged man's voice came out.

He said in a tearful voice that he had just escaped from Gleaner City and had no home, so he didn't know what to do in the future.

Daisy said softly, sir, if you don't mind, tell me about your troubles, and I will listen.

So, the man talked a lot intermittently. He said that he didn’t bring all his belongings, he was a pauper, and he ate extremely unpalatable compressed food and canned food every day; he said that he had no family members, and his wife was a mutant who died early because of the sequelae of infection; He said that he is now in charge of overhauling the windmill, and he climbs up and down at a height of 100 meters every day. If he is not careful, he may fall and be smashed to pieces.

He talked and wept, and Daisy listened patiently.

After 20 minutes, the man finished his story, sniffled and said, "I don't know what to do, can you, can you give me some advice?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Daisy replied, "According to the regulations, I can't give you direction guidance and life advice. If necessary, I can contact you with a professional consultant in the hospital. I'm really sorry."

"No, no, no, no," the man said, "I—I'm much better, and I feel better after I tell you." He smiled forcefully and dryly, "Thank you for listening to me so much. I When I called at first, I was afraid that you would think that these are trivial matters..."

Daisy said: "No. Everyone's world is different, and there are no absolute big or small things. We are willing to listen to all your troubles. If necessary, you are welcome to call the psychological counseling hotline again at any time."

The man thanked him again and again and hung up the phone.

Daisy looked back at Shi Yuan: "Have you learned it? It's almost the same process."

Shi Yuan: "Oh..."

Daisy said again: "Actually, there are only a few sentences to say. It doesn't matter if you don't understand, just memorize them. But—we have two principles."

She raised her first finger: "First, never give life advice and direction. This kind of thing should be left to professionals. We are just listeners."

She put up another finger: "Second, don't be too involved, and don't be too sincere. We listen to too many negative stories every day, all of which are full of negative energy. If you are too involved, you will only keep internal friction. In the end I can’t bear it. In the past six months, 60 of my colleagues have resigned, mostly because of too much psychological pressure. People are easy to empathize, and they don’t see too much suffering.”

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "I will remember."

Daisy looked at him and sighed: "You are so young, I don't understand why they let you come here. If you feel that you can't keep going, you must find a supervisor."

Shi Yuan: "Supervisor?"

Daisy flipped the blond hair: "Yes, they are responsible for guiding, and... enlightening us, letting us get out of negative emotions." She smiled, "It's weird, isn't it, we enlighten others, and we ourselves Need enlightenment, like a strange circle."

She gave Shi Yuan a pamphlet with the schedule and work rules written on it.

On February 4th, he needs to work the night shift, from 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, when he will have a permit to travel during the curfew. On the second day after the night shift, work starts in the afternoon and continues until the evening. 6 days a week.

Shi Yuan wrote down the timetable, read the guidelines carefully, and memorized some words in it, such as "If necessary, we can contact the professionals in the hospital for you", such as "I'm sorry, according to the regulations, I can't give you life advice" , such as "If it really doesn't work, go out for a walk, you want to see the sun".

After he had almost finished reading the manual, it was time to get off work.

The phone rang non-stop and Daisy answered the phone all day, never more than 2 minutes apart, running to get the water connection.

She was quite tired, and while packing up her things, she said to Shi Yuan, "Look carefully, you will be able to officially work here after passing the assessment in a few days." She suddenly narrowed her eyes and looked at Shi Yuan carefully, "Am I ...Meet you? Why do I think you look familiar, have you acted in something?"

"I was in the Wild Rose Troupe before." Shi Yuan said, "I played "Martyr"."

"Ah, yes—I remembered." Daisy suddenly realized, "I saw your stills in a magazine. It's a pity, from the spotlight to here, the gap is so big that no one can see you anymore. You should be fine." lost?"

Shi Yuan: "It's okay, I think they're all the same."

Daisy shrugged, didn't know whether to believe it or not, and left with her bag.

Shi Yuan took the green tram home.

Gleaner City, which is a granary, has fallen, and everyone can only eat emergency food. He ate the nutritional supplements and compressed biscuits with water, and continued to explore the things in Lu Tinghan's room.

He found several insect specimens, a few embalmed leaf bookmarks, pens, empty ink bottles, and a pair of old children's boots, among other odds and ends.

Shi Yuan had never seen most of the things, and carefully fiddled with them for a long time. He guessed that Lu Tinghan should be the same as him when he was a child, and would study these things with great interest.

Shi Yuan also found a Sudoku game.

Lu Tinghan finished writing the first page, and the rest was blank.

Shi Yuan thought, maybe Lu Tinghan thought it was too difficult and time-consuming, so he didn't write it down.

He decided to continue the unfinished work of his little friend Lu Tinghan, and took out a pencil to write the second page. After only 5 minutes of writing, his tail was almost tangled.

This night, Lu Tinghan came back very early.

As soon as he entered, Shi Yuan threw his tail into his arms, purring in satisfaction.

He said: "Lu Tinghan, I've found a job! I'm working as an operator in the psychological counseling center of No. 4 tower!"

Lu Tinghan raised his eyebrows: "Why did you go there?"

Shi Yuan replied: "Because I tell others, I am so happy every day."

That's a good reason.

Lu Tinghan patted Shi Yuan's head: "Come on, work hard."

Shi Yuan took out Sudoku again: "Let me tell you, I have been doing this for a long time."

His eyes were full of praise.

Lu Tinghan took it over and took a look. It was a Sudoku game he had done when he was 9 years old—Shi Yuan continued to write, crooked pencil writing, three out of five lines were wrong. He obviously failed to solve the Sudoku on the second page, skipped to the third page, and made six wrong lines out of ten.

Lu Tinghan looked at Shi Yuan's expectant eyes and said, "Well, the level is relatively stable."

He turned to page four, and five out of ten lines were wrong.

Lu Tinghan said: "That's right, steady progress."

He turned to page five and found six out of ten lines wrong.

Lu Tinghan said: "Yes, don't forget your original intention."

Shi Yuan was very happy, and asked again: "By the way, why did you only do the first page? Do you think it's too difficult?"

This question made Lu Tinghan silent for a while.

—Even in the most anxious moment of the battle, he never hesitated or hesitated so much, and even had a bit of a battle between heaven and man.

In the end, honesty prevailed, and he said, "...No, Shi Yuan, it's because it's too simple."

Shi Yuan: "..."

Time Yuan: qaq

9-year-old Lu Tinghan is smarter than him, 15-year-old Lu Tinghan is taller than him, people are more angry than people, monsters are more angry than people... so angry that their tails burst!

Afterwards, Lu Tinghan sat on the sofa reading a book, and Shi Yuan, who was not reconciled, nestled next to him and continued to play Sudoku.

Shi Yuan also told Lu Tinghan that he studied his insect specimen today, and he especially liked the praying mantis specimen.

Lu Tinghan turned a page of the book: "Why are you so interested in my things?"

"Because I want to know more about you." Shi Yuan said, "You rarely tell me about yourself."

Lu Tinghan paused for a moment, then looked at Shi Yuan: "If there is a chance, I will."

Shi Yuan's tail swayed: "When will it be!"

Lu Tinghan said, "Wait until you get the first Sudoku right."

This is a difficult request.

Shi Yuan thought hard.

Mathematics is too abstract for him, and various numbers and laws give him a headache. For the next half month, he studied Sudoku every day, on the tram, during work breaks, and before going to bed.

The Sudoku game that Lu Tinghan bought was very complicated, with a lot of vacancies, interlocking, and extremely difficult.

Until Shi Yuan won the "Monthly Excellent Employee Award", he didn't make any Sudoku.

The psychological assistance center was brightly lit. Lin Yeran held a paper certificate and said, "I decided to give this month's outstanding employee award to a newcomer. He has only been employed for a month, and it is not easy to achieve such an achievement." He is very efficient, very patient, and maintains a positive attitude even under high-intensity work, which is a rare trait——Shi Yuan, please come up and accept the award.”

There was a burst of sparse applause from the audience, and everyone was listless.

Lin Yeran also said: "To express my gratitude, the prize for the best employee of the month is a voucher of 5 yuan off for buying a house of 30,000 yuan in Fengyang City!"

There was booing from the audience.

Someone yelled: "Great, I just need 5 yuan! I can't live without this voucher!"

Shi Yuan came to the stage and got a certificate and a voucher.

He didn't know why he won the award, after all, he was just listening to other people's stories.

All he knew was that he would never be able to use this voucher in his entire life.

He continued to work in the afternoon, and the phone rang endlessly: the woman sobbed, the child at home really had no one to take care of it, always eating compressed food was not good for development, and she had to go out to work again; the young man whispered that he really missed The streets and wheat fields of Gleaner City, I don’t know when I can go back; a low-pitched male voice said that he can’t see the way tomorrow.

Different reasons, same suffering.

They are responsible for speaking, and he is responsible for listening.

The surrounding voices are noisy, and the operators are all talking. Daisy said to him: "Shiyuan, I really envy you. You don't take these things to heart."

"No." Shi Yuan put down the phone and said seriously, "I will remember them all. I will never forget these stories."

He immersed himself in Sudoku.

Half a minute later, another call came.

After work this day, Shi Yuan never forgot to fill in Sudoku in the elevator.

There is still a small area left, and victory is at hand. He was so serious that he forgot to go out when he got to the first floor. He took the elevator to the 21st floor and found out that something was wrong when he went out.

After working here for a month, Shi Yuan has never been to other floors, and he doesn't know what other people in the tower are doing.

The 21st floor is very quiet, so quiet that there is no one there.

He was watching Sudoku while waiting for the elevator, when a voice came from behind him: "Do you like to play Sudoku?"

Shi Yuan turned his head and saw a white-haired old man. His back is so bent, as if a mountain is pressing down on his spine, his face is wrinkled, and his small eyes are shining with interest.

He has scales on his neck and is a mutant.

"It's not like I like it. I promised others to finish it." Shi Yuan said, "What about you? Do you like Sudoku?"

"It's okay." The old man smiled, "I prefer the universe—do you know what the universe is, there are many stars and planets there."

Shi Yuan shook his head: "I don't really understand."

The old man was still smiling: "If you are interested, you can find me, I have been..."

"How did you get here!" A loud shout interrupted their conversation. The staff in white hurried over and stopped the old man: "Why are you running around again, didn't you tell me not to approach the elevator and stairs!"

The old man poked his neck and stared: "I just came here for a stroll!"

"Come back with me." The employee grabbed him, turned his head to look at Shi Yuan, and whispered to Shi Yuan, "You go away, don't come here again, this person—this person's brain is not normal, he is crazy .”

The employee dragged the old man with a blushing face and thick neck away.

Shi Yuan took the tram home, filled out the last line of Sudoku on the tram, and handed it to Lu Tinghan when he returned home.

Lu Tinghan checked it again: "Well, it's all right this time."

Shi Yuan smiled: "Then tell me a little more about you!"

Lu Tinghan agreed.

Three nights later, he took Shi Yuan to the city wall of Fengyang City.

The defense of Fengyang City is much more complete than that of Gleaming City. The city wall alone is thicker and more than twice as tall. In addition, the city is located on a high ground, and the moon and stars are scarce tonight. The vision on the city wall is so good that even dead trees tens of kilometers away can be seen clearly.

The soldiers were stationed at their posts, their uniforms rattling by the wind.

Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan stood side by side on the city wall, and saw a large number of jellyfish floating in the sky far away.

Translucent, shiny, with a little light blue jellyfish, gently swaying in the wind, like a strange ocean.

Lu Tinghan said: "That direction is the iron city ruins."

Shi Yuan asked, "What is Iron City?"

Lu Tinghan replied: "The alliance's military industrial base, in the past, most of the guns and ammunition, aircraft, helicopters, and large robots were manufactured there. We lost it 16 years ago. Under the attack of the plankton infection group, The defenders were wiped out, including my father Lu Zhun." He paused, "They tried their best and fought to the last moment."

Shi Yuan slightly opened his eyes.

He suddenly realized something intuitively: "Could it be that these jellyfish are..."

"Yes." Lu Tinghan said, "They were infected, and they are still floating in that land, and you can see them every time the weather is good."

A group of soldiers passed by Shi Yuan, and hung a dozen lantern-like lights on the outer wall of the city wall.

"Infected jellyfish like this kind of light." Lu Tinghan said, "Most of the time, they will float towards the light. Only this group is different. The attraction of light to them is very limited. The reason is not clear yet. We lost Iron City It's been 16 years, and these lights have been hanging for 16 years."

The jellyfish in the distance are floating, a large group of dreamy and blurred, on this clear night, the sky is their ocean.

The warriors in the city stood silently, looking towards the wasteland. Lamps hang outside the wall, haloing out **** of fluffy light in the night. The night is long, and the hero has not yet returned home.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes